S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 1 Monday February 6, 2006.
ATM Lesson #001 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Tilting to side, standing and sitting
CD#1/T01 [45m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
Sitting on chair, sensing contact of sit bones [ischial tuberosities] and feet. Tilt head to R/center, note pressure on sit bone. Repeat on L. Tilt R/L. Note shoulders, spine, ribs, shoulder blades [scapulae]. Stand, note gap between arms and torso. Tilt head to R, add sliding R hand down outside of R leg, allow L heel to lift. Walk, look for differences. Stand, lift R shoulder towards R ear. Note shoulder blades sliding, collar bone [clavicle]. Take R ear towards R shoulder. Take ear/shoulder together. Slide hand down leg again to note. Hold ear/shoulder together and slide hand down leg. Return to just sliding hand down. Sit rest. Stand, slide hand down again, slowly, return to upright quickly (think of L heel returning to floor with snapping back to upright). Return to slowly tilting and righting. Walk rest. Repeat on L side from beginning. Sit on chair, return to simple tilting of head, note differences from beginning. Return to standing, arms straight out to sides, palms down, R ear to R shoulder, keeping arms straight out to sides, pause. Arms out to sides, take R arm up to ceiling, tilt head and R arm (connected) to the R, keeping L arm out to side. Return to sliding hand down leg. Walk then sit. Repeat previous combinations of arms out to side, tilting with head while sitting on chair. Stand, walk, repeat from standing combinations of arms out, tilting with head, arm connected to head, etc. Stand, start to tilt but inhibit. Arms out to sides, arm one arm near head, other still out to side, tilt away from arm that's to ceiling. Repeat OS. Stand, tilt/slide hand down leg, one side, then other. Sit imagine tilting head to side, notice if different from beginning. Stand, slide hand down slow, return quick, alternate sides. Sit, note sit bones, tilt head to R few times then L few times then alternate, note differences between sides.
Discussion #001 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
About tilting to side lesson
CD#1/T02 [25m] » play audio
Beth, collar bone. Ashley. Tanya about lifting heel and connecting through whole. Marge, felt would fall over when arm was overhead. Dennis: knowing our limits. Kim's awareness. Dennis on preparatory acts. Maintaining attention. Quality of attention and amount of distinctions being made. Robert P.: imagination getting goofy. Dennis: story of Amherst [Hampshire College] one-sided lesson and the effect. Interpreting the words, lessons give us remake connections through the movement. Example: tilt head to side involves pelvis. “Insanity has certain limits”; people don't try to walk up walls. When we have an injury, like to the hand, all activities related to use of hand are also impaired and we don't get the feedback. Example of moving just ring finger, differentiating. Basic set of who you are is how you are organized. Two frames of reference, room and self. Same patterns of organization regardless of orientation in room. Marge on Robert's experience imagining. Teacher gives instruction then student gives themselves instruction (interpretation).
FI Exploration #001 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
5 lines on skeleton
CD#1/T03 [16m] DVD#1 Scene 1 [10m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #002 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Tilting to side continued with five lines, stand, sit, kneel
CD#1/T04 [30m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
Sitting. Think of distance from tailbone [coccyx] to top of head. Distance between two points and a length, however you think of it, as a line, skeleton, beam. Then the arms starting at 7th cervical vertebra (C7) [vertebra prominens] to shoulder joint to middle finger or end of hand. Line can have bends. Joints can be points on the line. Then leg, from spine. Demo with skeleton started late. Sitting, sense length of each arm one at a time, comparing length. Think of the line or the skeleton. Think central line to R hip joint down to knee, heel, R big/little toe. Same with L leg, then compare. Tilt head, note central line. Stand, arms out to side, tilt head L/R. Arms out to sides, take pelvis only side/side. Arms out, head L/pelvis R. Slide hand down outside of leg, R/L alternately. Walk, arm out, take head/pelvis both to R then L. Arms down, explore shifting weight on one leg—pelvis going to same side or opposite side. Walk. Stand, arms out to sides, pelvis to R, head to L, note legs. Slide hand down leg on each side, play with variations of where weight goes on legs. Walk. Stand, arms out to sides, tilt head to R, turn palm up as you tilt. Repeat to L. Alternate R/L. Walk. Kneel on floor, toenails to floor, arms out to sides, take pelvis side/side, head goes opposite pelvis. Repeat with head and pelvis going to same side, palm up on side tilting towards. Sit cross-legged, repeat same. Stand, arms out, tilt to side, palm up, look at hand turning up. Repeat kneeling, then cross-legged. Stand, slide hand down leg, side/side.
Discussion #002 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Q & A – Lesson sources
CD#1/T05 [7m] » play audio
Tanya question about source of lesson. Alexander Yanai, Amherst, San Francisco, London, Esalen, Gaby Yaron & Mia Segal and few more.
ATM Lesson #003 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Folding forward #1, lifting head, knees/elbows towards each other, on back
CD#1/T06 [41m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
On back, scan with lines. Hands interlaced behind head, elbows forward, lift/lower head. Lift/lower head without hands. Bend knees, stand feet, repeat lifting head with hands, note lower ribs going more towards floor. Change to lifting lower back with lifting head and compare. Return to lowering lower back to floor when lifting head. Legs long, change interlacing of fingers, lift head with hands, compare. Repeat, elbows staying wide then return to elbows forward. Pause. Bend knees, hands behind head, lift feet from floor, leave lifted and lift/lower head. Knees bent, lift R foot, hold below knee with L hand, thumb with fingers, lift head, elbow knee towards each other, feel sides of back, exhale, eyes. Pause, switch hands so R hand below R knee, L hand behind head, elbow/knee towards each other. Feet standing, hands behind head, imagine lifting head/feet. Lift head, leave it up, straighten legs, then lower head. Repeat, bring legs up again, lift head, lengthen legs. Legs long, imagine lifting. Feet standing, hands behind head, imagine knees/elbows together.
ATM Lesson #004 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Arm reaching forward, rolling to side
CD#1/T07 [51m] (San Francisco Training, June 16, 1975) » play audio
On back, palms together straight out in front. L arm straight forward, hand towards ceiling, turn arm around axis, leave in middle of range and reach hand/arm towards ceiling, elbow unbending, return. Pause, repeat, attention to shoulder blade sliding. Pause, repeat thinking of fingertips reaching forward towards ceiling, then add whole arm, note breath, head. Take arm towards ceiling and release so shoulder taps the floor, quicker, quicker, note breath. Reach arm towards ceiling again, continue so that it would roll you onto your R side without lifting head or pushing, thinking of skeleton, as if someone was pulling on your arm. Reach arm forward, allow head to roll to R, when shoulder returns to floor head returns to middle. Reach arm again, this time rolling head to L, returning to middle when shoulder returns. Then alternate, head once to R, once to L, note chest, breath. Reach, roll head, allow more of you to roll so the L hip comes away from floor. Try R hip lifting a few times then return to L. Lie on R side, knees bent, L on R, L arm out to side, hand to ceiling, start taking L shoulder/hip towards floor then return, as shoulder goes towards floor with pelvis, legs start lengthening. Roll from side, to back, return to side, legs straight when on back, bent when on side, arm remains high towards ceiling. On back, palms together, compare. Think through other side a little then do a little, gradually transfer to other side. Attention to timing. Monitor breath, take hands towards ceiling, parallel, up/down with both arms. Note how many times arm move in relation to breathing. Pause then do twice as many movements of the arms relative to the breathing. Pause then do 3x as many moves of arms relative to breath. Stand/walk moment. “Don't try to organize the lesson, let the lesson organize you.” On back, arms to ceiling, raise/lower R arm only, slow/quick, note connection into shoulder, collar bone, spine, breath. Repeat with L arm, compare. Return to both, slow, quicker. Return to slow lengthening both arms to ceiling, when shoulders return to floor, lift head, alternate head/arms lifting. Both arms forward, alternate arms lengthening. Both arms forward, lengthen one to roll to side, return then the other arm rolls you to the other side, continue to alternate. Eyes closed, come to stand, without clothes or hair adjustments.
Discussion #003 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-06: Day 1, S01 day 1
Q & A
CD#1/T08 [34m] DVD#1 Scene 2 [24m] » play audio
Charlene's question about thinking of skeleton and what about lesson plans, where to start. Dennis about setting rules/limitations. Orientation temporally and sensorily as a scientific experiment. Patterns trump muscles. Robert, why these lessons today? Demo with Robert. Orientation, manipulation and timing. Left/right, inside/outside abstract relationships. “I don't teach and you learn” is what's consistent in all lessons. In FI: “I want for that person to form a clear intention.”
Editor's notes: Dennis: “Whenever you make a rule, somebody else comes along and does something different,” using example of poet David Antin's “separation meditations,” which use no conjunctions. Moshé on the first day of Dennis' training in 1975: “I am going to be your last teacher. Not because I'll be the greatest teacher you may ever encounter, but because from me you will learn how to learn. When you learn how to learn, you will realize that there are no teachers, that there are only people learning and people learning how to facilitate learning.”
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 2 Tuesday February 7, 2006.
ATM Lesson #005 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Folding forward #2, on back
CD#1/T09 [39m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
On back, hands behind head, lift head. Feet standing, lift head with hands, lift feet. Bring elbows to knees, bring diagonal elbow/knee together, alternate diagonals. Lift just head with feet standing, note tailbone. Lower back into floor, lift head, leave head up, lengthen legs keeping lower back into floor. R hand behind head, L behind R knee, R knee towards R shoulder, lifting head. Hold in front of R knee, R hand behind head bring, bring knee/head towards each other. Switch hands, hand behind the knee, then same with hand in front of the knee. Return to beginning configuration, take head/knee towards each other, thinking of different parts of face/head. Return to both feet lifted, holding head, take knees/head towards each other. Repeat all on other side. Hold behind both knees, crossing arms in middle, fold. Hands behind head, lift bent knees, direct elbows between knees (can hold elbows with knees), roll side/side little. Repeat but with elbows and knees open.
Discussion #004 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Q & A – pain, cross motivation
CD#1/T10 [14m] » play audio
Kristen question about doing lesson in imagination or other side if there is discomfort. PhD in pain. Moshé Feldenkrais: ally with the pain because it's telling you something. The symptom is smarter than the person. If it could talk, what would it be saying? Question of not working when there is discomfort. Cross motivation.
Editor's notes: Dennis: Have you ever said to yourself, “I knew I shouldn't have done that,” but then you did it anyway? The Greeks had a word for it: akrasia.
FI Exploration #002 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Feeling along the spine
CD#1/T11 [6m] » play audio
Have person lie on their front, partner feel along sides of spine. Listen them into listening as you touch them.
ATM Lesson #006 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Five lines with tapping, on back
CD#1/T12 [53m] (Esalen #1) » play audio
Little talk about letting lesson organize you. Story of Moshé in San Francisco. Self-image. Lessons are self-correcting. Think 5 lines. Lines are not against the floor but few inches inside of you. Imagine someone uses index finger at front and back at 5th lumbar vertebra transverse process and gradually walkway up on R, then down on L. Do few rounds on your own, can change directions. Add your eyes looking to where you are sensing each vertebra. Sense line starting at C7, go out to R shoulder joint, allow eyes to track the line, down to elbow, wrist, hand. Repeat on L. Go to central line, out to R hip joint, down to knee, ankle, big/little toe. Same with L. Get overall sense of all 5 lines at once. Locate point little below navel and inside, place little sphere there, note the breath. Thinking of the central line and breath, lift head, bending the line, keeping the length. Lift R shoulder from floor few times, then quickly, keeping the lines. Note when you do it quickly if you lose the lines or hold your breath. Return to lifting/bringing head forward and feel if there is a bias from the shoulder lifting. Tap back of head on floor, note if you can keep the lines and not hold breath. Bring L shoulder forward, sensing lines, slow/fast, noting breath, lines. Do both shoulders at same time. Alternate lifting head/shoulders forward. Alternate lifting shoulders. Lift R hip. Lift by using R heel pressing floor; by squeezing buttock; then lift without either one of those. Pause, bend knees, remove feet from floor, take R hip from floor (rolling). Return to legs long and find way to lift R side of pelvis. Pause, bring L shoulder forward to note change. Repeat with L hip then alternate L/R. Draw lines between corner of eye to ear, corner of mouth to ear, then corner of eye/mouth. Repeat on other side.
ATM Lesson #007 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Lying to side sitting with sweeping arm in arc
CD#1/T13 [47m] (Dennis) » play audio
On back, sweep L arm along floor overhead in arc, add bending the R knee out to R, allow L knee to come to sole of the R foot. Continue and have the R lower leg parallel with the R wall and the L knee comes to sole of the R foot. Make it reversible. Continue and find a way to bring yourself up to side sitting, leaning on R elbow, head stays close to the ground. Start with both arms overhead, continue with L arm sweeping across and use the L hand to help yourself up to sitting. Stay in sitting, palms on floor in front of lower R leg, slide hands on floor away from you, head/face near floor and from there go to lying on back. Pause on back, imagine repeating on other side. Eventually start swinging up to L side but not all the way at first. Note use of arms, head, pelvis. Swing around from side to side. Come up on R, lean on R hand, start lifting the R knee from floor to stand the R foot. Continue and lift the L knee so both feet come to standing and come into squatting without using the L hand. Repeat but use the L arm swinging out in front to help come onto feet. Start swinging up to sit on R, continue to squat, flip knees to L and go down on L to lying on back, circling around in one direction continuously. Then go part way in one direction then switch to go other direction, randomly changing directions. Swing up on either side and when you come to squat, continue up to standing.
FI Exploration #003 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Hand on top of head
CD#1/T14 [11m] » play audio
Partners, one person on R knee and L foot, practitioner stands behind them and place one hand on top of their head, and feel through their skeleton to the floor. Find just enough pressure without squishing them or so light as to irritate. Practitioners go to another. Then switch roles so people on floor become practitioners.
Discussion #005 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-07: Day 2, S01 day 2
Q & A – orientation; capacity and awareness; common language
CD#1/T15 [38m] » play audio
Students sharing. Dennis: rolling head is really orienting the person. Standing is a lot of random little movements. Awareness may or may not develop with capacity. Mathematics, language... Story of Moshé in Boulder. Moshé's article On Health (1979): recovery from shock and living your dreams.
Editor's notes: Dennis: The organization of the nervous system is finely tuned for orientation to the environment. When we roll someone's head, we are in fact re-orienting the head. Systems involved in triangulation and orientation of the head include the ears, the nervous system, vestibular system, the vestibular ocular reflex, the eyes, the cerebellum, and the innervation and musculature of the neck. Moshé at the Boulder home of Newcomb Greenleaf, who taught math at Naropa University: question from woman reporter from Longmont, what does “living your avowed dream” mean?
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 3 Wednesday February 8, 2006.
ATM Lesson #008 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Rolling a ball along line #1 from right foot to left hand, on front
CD#1/T16 [60m] (Alexander Yanai #303) » play audio
On back, scan. On front, legs spread, arms up by head, extended comfortably, turn head to each side to find comfortable side. Imagine a metal ball on R foot rolling to knee along a line of pressure. On back, sense two legs after short exploration on front. On front, continue from knee to pelvis along line of pressure along back of R thigh. Pretending to feel the pressure of the ball along the back of the leg from heel to pelvis. Roll ball from back of L hand to elbow, eventually to shoulder. Imagine the pressure of ball on back of hand and how there would be a complimentary sensation of the front of hand and forearm against the floor. Roll to back to note changes from the ball rolling. Talk of self-image during rests. Roll ball from L hand to R foot. Scan on back. Roll ball from L hand to R foot few times. On back, arms long/spread overhead, legs spread, sense diagonal, L hand to R foot. Return to front side, roll ball from L hand via lifting L hand then elbow to roll it back to hand. Organize lifting L hand/arm in order to roll ball along diagonal. Return ball from R foot to L hand by organizing/lifting foot/leg. On back, arms/legs spread in “X”, sense line along same diagonal. On front, R leg/L arm away from floor, lower arm/raise leg alternately, rocking across front, imagine rolling ball along diagonal. On back, “X” position, sense along diagonal. Note other diagonal. Stand, arms overhead, sense diagonals, walk (Notes from NC).
FI Exploration #004 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Bringing leg forward, lifting from foot, finding neutral, on back
CD#1/T17 [20m] » play audio
Pairs, have person on back, sit at their feet, look at orientation of their feet/legs, looking for a line up to their head from each foot/leg. Hold behind one ankle and lift their leg a little from the floor, find area of neutral where leg goes easy. Then take leg little side/side. Then find the middle range and make a small circle. Students sense hip joint.
Discussion #006 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Q & A – leg lifting, feedback language, defining Feldenkrais, visual field, neutral
CD#1/T18 [36m] » play audio
Students sharing about leg lifting. Robert P.—rotating vs. straight forward, Tres—observation vs. evaluation, Michael—one or two hands for lifting. Dennis—language and socializing. You don't know if someone is resisting, they may be protecting. Stay with the sensori-motoric part, higher/lower, lighter/darker, more basic impressions. You don't go to right/wrong, good/bad. Just what shows up operationally. Give feedback in a way they can make a change. Give them something they can act on rather than making it personal so you don't stop the conversation. Language in a way they can hear. Even if you aren't saying something about it, if you are thinking it you will end up in a war of wills. You can't win the war so drop into what you are actually sensing. The less judgmental we can be the more effective we can be. What to and not pay attention to. Visual field can dampen or override the auditory. Kim about neutral. Esther Thelen working with development, baby's stepping reflex goes away when baby goes through weight gain. Hungarian Emmi Pikler's work with kids, not interfering with their development; RIE is the organization [founded by her student Magda Gerber]. Michael—looking for the way, methodology in ATM. Dennis—we come to it with our own organization, first impressions. Working with tissue of large man.
ATM Lesson #009 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Body Measuring
CD#1/T19 [20m] (Esalen #30) » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #005 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Body Measuring in trios
CD#1/T20 [2m] » play audio
Discussion #007 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-08: Day 3, S01 day 3
Gracovetsky DVD and ATM categories, intention, function
CD#1/T21 [65m] DVD#1 Scene 3 [5m] » play audio
Work of Serge Gracovetsky; his book The Spinal Engine (1988). Gracovetsky video of [Peter] Hull. Patterns. Means whereby you translate intention into action, the function is invisible. Intention, Physics, martial arts. Heinrich Jacoby: German educator, teacher of piano. Jacoby thought you need conscious control for a certain kind of learning and then you just have to rely on what you've learned without the conscious effort. Moshé's book The Potent Self (1985, 2002) has interesting exercises but not polished as ATM lessons. Making kinesthetic distinctions as well as cognitive ones. Don't need to know the cognitive because it's folded into the work but it can be interesting. Heinz von Foerster, cybernetics. Dennis' article on von Foerster: Heinz. Story of Heinz, chicken feces, and sword makers.
Editor's notes: Dennis' Mental Furniture article series: elaborating conceptual distinctions from fields in Moshé's background resonant with the Method. Primary image, primitives, schematics and stick figures; classifying lessons for computer indexing: Lisp, OBJECTLogo, Michael Granville, Olena Nitefor, Norman Badler (U. Pennsylvania): “Dennis, what are your primitives?” Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation. Larry Goldfarb and Poser. “Body” vs. “self.” Kanō Jigorō asking Moshé to explain judo in terms of modern physics; Moshé didn't need to invoke ki (Japanese, Chinese (chi or qi), 氣) or similar: a way of thinking accessible to the Western mind which did not do violence or damage to what Kano felt.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 4 Thursday February 9, 2006.
ATM Lesson #010 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Standing to lying, flopping knees to side, on back, sitting & standing
CD#1/T22 [38m] (Chloe Scott in Vienna) » play audio
On back, feet standing wide, tilt knees L/middle, then R/middle then alternate. Sit, feet standing wide, lean on hands, tilt knees to each side. Stand, lower head towards floor, knees bend a little so head goes lower than pelvis as bend in hip joints, then into squat so pelvis goes down, head goes up. To return, lift pelvis, head hangs, then come up. Walking rest. Stand, feet spread, squat, flop knees to side, hand to floor for support, swing head/torso around to lie on back. From back, swing L arm overhead, roll to R swing up to side sit, pause, lift knees so feet come to stand, come to squatting, imagine someone takes your L arm/hand to help bring you onto your feet. Repeat to other side. From back, swing up to side sit, keeping head low and come directly into squatting. Swing up on other side from back to squatting, reverse to lying then go to other side. Come from back to squat to stand, reverse, come up on other side.
Discussion #008 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Eshkol notation & breathing
CD#1/T23 [10m] » play audio
Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation. Looks like musical score. People who study the notation are able to see movement. Great mimics. Noa Eshkol was close friends with Feldenkrais. Robert S.—What is inhibiting and what is not? We'll do lesson of stopping the breath as a way to become aware of how we do it, on inhale or exhale. Use of attention to breath during movement.
ATM Lesson #011 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Seesaw breathing #1, coughing, barking & mooing, varied positions
CD#1/T24 [69m] (Esalen #14) » play audio
On back, knees bent, feet on floor, pull in/push out belly. Inhale, hold breath, repeat belly in/out. Hold belly in and breathe in/out. Coordinate inhale with pulling in belly, exhale as push belly out. Note shape of chest in coordination of this breathing. Stand, pull in belly with inhale. Sit, repeat inhale while pulling belly in. Add chest expanding as belly is pulled in. Stand, feet apart, hands on thighs near bent knees, breathe in/pull belly in. Same on hands, knees and top of head. On back, pull belly in/breathe out. Bend knees, hands on belly, cough, feeling belly. Same with laughter. Belly in/air out. Sit, belly in/air out. Laugh with hands on belly. Bark. Stand, bend forward, arms hanging, belly in/air out. Laugh while hanging, bark. Stand up, lean back to look up to ceiling, laugh/bark. On hands and knees, belly in/air out. On hands, knees, top of head, 10 times breathe out while drawing belly in. Knees bent, hands interlaced behind head, lift head, elbows forward, belly in/air out. Hands behind head, feet standing, roll up spine to lift pelvis in air. Start with head in air, lift pelvis, leave both in air, belly in/air out. Stay in rounded position as before, lift pelvis little higher so hands/head return to floor, do breathing. Lie on R side, repeat breathing. Count on exhale. Cough, all air out then count. Breathe in and count. Explore breath on belly. Same on hands/knees. Repeat on back with knees bent. Bark, moo. On side, explore moo, switch sides, repeat. Sit, soles of feet together, lean back on hands, belly out/air out, moo. Repeat with back arched, head back. Sit, lean on R hand, L palm to ceiling, push belly out as push palm to ceiling. Repeat with belly in. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, belly/air out. On back, bend knees, hands on thighs near knees, push air/belly out. Same position take top of head towards floor as push hands on legs. On knees, air/belly out. Top of head on floor, continue. On back, breathe in once while belly is out, once while it's in. (Notes taken from North Carolina segment 1, same lesson.)
Discussion #009 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Breathing lesson
CD#1/T25 [18m] » play audio
Districts in Paris metaphor. Tanya: breathing through mouth or nose? Stories of Moshé giving lessons to force the breath into certain areas. Making breathing (autonomic) conscious can cause panic. Marge's experience of the breath lesson. Michael: breathing shapes itself. Charlene: craniosacral therapy. Kristin Linklater system, her book Freeing the Natural Voice (1976), tongue fixed behind lower teeth and talking. Moshé about that and creating a learning experience.
Editor's notes: Dennis' metaphor of the Method as the districts of Paris [arrondissements]: “My job is to be a little tour guide and show you all the districts and you can decide where you want to live, and where you want to visit.”
ATM Lesson #012 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Rolling a ball along line #2 – from right foot to left hand, on front
CD#1/T26 [72m] (Alexander Yanai #305) » play audio
Imagine someone presses on R heel, along lower leg to knee, switch to iron ball, clear/continuous. Stand the toes, continue up to buttock, feel how clear line gets fuzzy at buttock. Ball on back of L hand (arm extended overhead), face to R, to elbow, to shoulder. Can imagine person pressing. Continue to shoulder blade, note lack of clarity of where to go. Return to leg, lift lower leg little to help ball roll, continue to buttock, note how R shoulder blade engages. Continue, ball to shoulder blade, knee bent, note shape of self to create ball rolling to shoulder. Where do you cross the pelvis? When ball gets to shoulder, lift shoulder to roll back to spine and then to R hip again, continue to heel. Ball on hand, lift hand to roll to wrist, elbow, shoulder blade, reverse. Think of the hand/arm lengthening as it helps ball rolling. Start at hand again, keep on going down, cross spine etc. down to foot. Turn head to R, lengthen L arm at elbow, roll ball, lifting arm a bit to help, feel all along the way, knowing where ball is at all times. Lift arm/leg, start ball at waist, middle of back, keeping bow, lift/lower, arm/leg. Stand, walk, L arm/R leg, all places ball rolled? On front, face to L, repeat ball rolling starting at L heel, to knee, pelvis, spine, R shoulder blade, elbow, forearm, hand. Reverse, lifting fingers to start the ball rolling, wrist, elbow, shoulder, back, pelvis, thigh, knee, lower leg, foot. Lift leg, roll from heel to hand, lift arm, roll from hand to heel. Lift arm/leg a little and roll ball foot/hand. Back/forth, rolling along arc formed by arm/leg lifting, groove, trough for ball. Place ball in middle of arc between hand/foot, start rocking little, lifting/lowering hand/foot, gradually rolling ball littler farther each time. Stand, walk. On front, arms extended a bit, legs spread, chin on floor. Ball on neck, lift head little to roll the ball down between shoulder blades, back to neck. Note what's necessary for chest, head. Continue, rolling down spine to pelvis, sternum lifts. Return ball to neck by moving pelvis, belly forward, tail lifts. Back and forth neck/pelvis. Lift the legs a little to roll the ball. Return to previous of lifting pelvis. Ball at lower back, lift L arm/R leg, roll ball from middle point gradually working up to hand/foot. Repeat with R arm/L leg. Keep the line clear/continuous. Return ball to lower back, chin on floor, roll ball up/down middle, head/pelvis.
Discussion #010 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-09: Day 4, S01 day 4
Q & A – study between segments
CD#1/T27 [38m] » play audio
Tanya—what should we do between classes. Michael—what about overlapping FM with other modalities. Brian—finding something you like and not wanting to let go. Marge—will we hear what you're thinking while doing FI? Dennis: stories about graphic artist and poetry. If you have a question about FI lesson you observe, wait until tomorrow to ask so you have time to really think about it. Michael—is there a method we will learn to do lessons?
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 5 Friday February 10, 2006.
ATM Lesson #013 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Tilting bent knees, to side sit, squat, stand, from front
CD#1/T28 [48m] (San Francisco Training?) » play audio
On front, hands/arms in push-up near shoulders, head turned to one side, bend knees, tilt lower legs side/side. Repeat but with legs “tied” together, allowing knee to lift that you tilt away from. Repeat with head to other side. Knees bent, take one knee away from floor so foot goes towards ceiling, repeat with other knee, head turned to side where knee is lifting. Legs long, roll pelvis side/side. Forehead on back of hands, knees bent, lift one knee then other, foot goes towards ceiling. Repeat, take lifted leg across middle when it lifts. Hands in push-up, look over shoulder, let legs tilt away from face, eyes looking for foot as it tilts away from you. Face to L, hands push-up, tilt knees R, lift L knee, take L foot back to R, come to side sit. Repeat, leading with eyes/head looking over shoulder. Stay in side sitting and flop the knees to other side, go down on other side, reverse, returning to front side. Go side to side, coming to side sit, rolling across belly. Go up to side sit then into squat to stand, reverse. Repeat on other side and then alternate side/side. Little quicker side to side, going across belly and coming to stand each time.
ATM Lesson #014 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Rolling a ball along line #3 – along arms, chest & back, on front & back
CD#1/T29 [40m] (Alexander Yanai #306) » play audio
On back, arms out to sides, palms up, think ball in R palm, roll from hand along inside of lower arm to elbow. Continue rolling ball towards R shoulder/chest. Move chest in way to roll ball back to hand then move hand to roll back along arm to chest. Stand, walk, sense. On back, repeat on L side. Roll ball into indentation on chest near shoulder on one side then roll it side to side, moving in way to help—note: sternum, chin. Then from hand-to-hand via arms/chest. Stand, walk, sense. On belly, arms out, palms down, face R, ball on back of R hand, roll along arm, increasing until on back of shoulder, then across to L shoulder, down L arm/hand. Use lifting hand/arm to help roll L/R. Roll ball L/R, add turning head towards lifting hand. Stand, walk. On back, arms out, join ankles/knees, imagine ball at ankles in groove between legs, roll ball to knees, reverse. Continue rolling up leg to pelvis, moving feet, knees, pelvis to help the rolling. Stand, sense, walk.
Discussion #011 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Q & A – rolling ball
CD#1/T30 [13m] » play audio
Tres—where is the middle of my arm for rolling the ball? Dennis—these lessons came before the 5 lines. Doing one-sided lessons and having an intention of transferring to other side. A person's internal image being different than what you see from the outside. If we did manipulate anything it would be the self-image. Doing FI, how do you intervene with something if someone has a complaint, information to help them effect themselves in area of what bothers them. Construct a clear movement so they feel a unitary movement, simply, not connected with complaint.
FI Exploration #006 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Observe person sliding leg to stand, knee out to side
CD#1/T31 [34m] » play audio
Groups of four, two people watch two people slide each leg up to stand and notice how they do it differently with each leg at their pelvis, ribs, head. Looking for smooth or easy. Sometimes they make a more extreme movement on one side and they feel it's more difficult. So have them make the two sides more symmetrical in amount. Noticing differences. Working with the easy side and making it better. Or teach the “good” side the limitations of the other side. The difficulty is in the self-image and that's what we are doing when working with skeleton, etc., to affect the image, clarifying it. Impose limitation on the good side. Just explore what they are doing and improve what they are doing. Effect how they are hindering themselves as well. The “good” side is only good at the expense of the “bad” side. Charlene—this is awareness through movement and not movement through awareness. Brian—definition of what good is differs. Dennis—qualifying what we are looking at. Some people think you have to have a clear intention of how to work with someone and it can override being with the person. Sometimes listening to the person or looking at them you don't have a sense and then when you touch them you have an idea of what to do with them. FI doesn't have a clear structure like ATM. To learn FI you give one-on-one ATM and intersect with the person's movement. Pam (identified as Tom) asks question about acute pain. Dennis—ways of coping with pain. Shira—unexpected things happen. Dennis—story of Feldenkrais smoking cigarette while other practitioners are working with woman with discomfort. Once you've done too much, any more is just more too much. You finish an FI with a person with learning curve on the rise, the person leaves and goes and figures it out on their own.
FI Exploration #007 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Holding elbow & shoulder, on side
CD#1/T32 [25m] » play audio
Have student on side, sit at their head, student stands “top” hand on floor in front of their chest. Have one hand on their shoulder, other on their elbow, sense the two hands through their upper arm bone [humerus], move upper arm through space forward/back. Feel into their hand to the floor. Feel 3 people then switch roles. Repeat earlier practice of student kneeling on one knee and foot, practitioner stand behind and place hand on head to feel down through to knee on floor.
ATM Lesson #015 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-10: Day 5, S01 day 5
Folding #3, on back
CD#1/T33 [49m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
On back, lift each long leg. Bend knees, stand feet, lift head, note effect on breathing. Feet standing, hands holding back of lower ribs, take them towards the floor, lift head. Feet standing, interlace hands behind head, imagine someone holding back of lower ribs, back broadens as you lift your head. Try lifting head with elbows open to compare to bringing elbows forward. Hands behind head, lift/leave head up, feel breath. Knees bent, hold below R knee with L hand, R hand behind head, direct R elbow to L knee. Leave elbow/knee towards each other then quickly do little moves of bringing them little closer together. Repeat with attention to back on R side. Switch hands and repeat. Lift long leg, compare to beginning. Repeat variations holding L knee. Lift both knees and hold knees from behind, lift head, bring knees towards shoulder, head between knees. Sit, stand feet, knees wide, bring head between knees, and note how far head comes forward. Return and repeat on back. Hands behind head, lift head/knees, leave lifted, bring R knee towards R elbow then toward L elbow, alternately. Repeat quickly. Repeat with L knee. Hands behind head, feet standing, lift/leave head up, alternate lengthening one leg then the other, noting lower back, lower ribs to floor. Lift knee, hold behind each, bring knees towards shoulders. Hold legs again, bring knees towards shoulder, lift head, take mouth towards knees alternately. Repeat, add knees coming towards mouth when mouth goes towards knee. Then take forehead towards knees alternately, pause, add knees also come towards forehead as forehead goes towards the knee. Bring knees/elbows towards each other, squeeze knees with elbows then elbows with knee, hold, roll side/side. Legs long, think of lifting each long leg, taking lower back/ribs towards floor. Then actually do it. Legs long, lift/leave head up, note breath. Reflect on the week. Stand walk, take time before leaving.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 6 Monday February 13, 2006.
ATM Lesson #016 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-13: Day 6, S01 day 6
Folding #4, rolling to sit holding behind knee, from back & sitting
CD#2/T01 [49m] (San Francisco Training?) » play audio
On back, bend knees, interlace hands behind head, lift head/knees towards each other. Feet standing, seesaw breathing. Repeat seesaw breathing while holding exhale out. Seesaw breathing while holding head/knees up. Knees/elbows together, roll side/side little. Sit, feet standing, cross arms, hands behind opposite knee, round back backward slowly towards rolling onto back. ROB. Sit, repeat rolling back as before, explore taking head back as you begin to roll back. Also explore having arms long or bent while rolling back. ROB. Sit, same position, as you roll back, lengthen the legs towards front of room, bend them again as you come up towards sitting. ROB. Repeat and rock a little forward/back at the point that you start to fall rather than roll smoothly. Switch which hand is on top and repeat. Reduce momentum, make it gradual in both directions as much as possible. ROB. Sit again, interlace hands behind R leg, L foot stays standing, roll back while holding leg, return. Use chin tucking to chest to help. Explore coming up a little to one side or other, same going back. ROB, repeat with L leg. Explore difference between arms being long or bent. Explore use of head. ROB. Sit, cross arms again, holding behind knees, roll back towards back, return to sitting. ROB. Sit, R hand behind R knee, L behind L, (from outside of leg) start rolling towards back. ROB. Sit, feet standing, have hands right behind knees but don't actually touch the legs, just keep the arms as if holding and the start going back towards back. ROB. Sit, have palms facing thighs just above knee with little cushion of air between hands/legs, roll back towards back and return. ROB. Sit, arms straight out in front, fingers pointing towards front wall, roll backward then return rolling up/forward. Stay sitting, leave legs long, arms forward then as you roll onto your back bend the knees and straighten them as you return to sitting. On back, cross arms and hold behind knees, start pushing feet down towards front wall to bring you up to sitting. Allow knees to bend as you reverse to lie on your back. ROB. Sit, hold R ankle with R hand, L with L, from between knees, roll back, separating feet wide to bring feet overhead behind you then bend the knees to bring you back up to sitting. Can use momentum and then play with not using momentum. ROB. Stand feet, hands interlaced behind head, lift head/legs, knees/elbows together, alternate diagonal elbow/knee towards each other while head/knees are lifted. Slowly come up, eyes closed. Walk with eyes open.
Discussion #012 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-13: Day 6, S01 day 6
Q & A – materials, orientation, variable speeds
CD#2/T02 [26m] » play audio
CDs and transcripts. Brian—in lessons, self-referencing vs. to the room. Robert P.—lesson was difficult and couldn't find what he was doing to make it difficult. Martial artist can go really fast and really slow, variable speeds. Moving without preparatory movements. In lessons, we do a little prep to move rather than have that direct connection of nervous system to skeleton. Marge—about references again, looking to others. Dennis—fine, but not as imitating. Mirror neurons for learning and empathy. We don't use external models in ATM. After lessons, feel the strangeness for a while to explore outside of our habits.
Editor's notes: Dennis: story of Austrian students at Gaby Yaron's training in Alpbach, Austria collaborating to create notes at day's end; the value of this approach and the value of our materials and the accessibility they provide.
FI Exploration #008 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-13: Day 6, S01 day 6
Amplifying what you do
CD#2/T03 [18m] » play audio
Lie on back, imagine ink on back of you and if you got up, what kind of image would you imprint on floor. Sense contact of two sides of pelvis. Increase more pressure on side that already has more. Amplify or exaggerate inherent tendency. Note what happens to lower back on opposite side and add a little more of that. As you do that, notice what you do with your rib cage. Think how you would say out loud what you are doing. Amplify what you are doing with the rib cage that goes along with what you did with pelvis and lower back. Amplify what you do with your chest. Feel what you do with the knees and do a little more of it intentionally. Do the same with the feet. Imagine someone does something from your feet to go along with taking one side of the pelvis more into the floor. Notice shoulders and amplify there a little to help turn the pelvis in the way you found it goes. Same with the head, face, eyes. Come to stand. Get into groups of 4. Two people watch two people do what they just did on the floor and describe what they see happening. Second part is one person on the floor describes what they are doing and the person lying next to them does what they hear the person describing.
ATM Lesson #017 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-13: Day 6, S01 day 6
Circling bottom arm, on side
CD#2/T04 [65m] (Alexander Yanai #495) » play audio
Scan on back. On R side, upper leg straight down from pelvis, knees bent so lower legs are behind, R arm straight out in front, palm up, L hand standing on floor in front of chest. Move R arm little up/down, back of hand slides on floor. Note shoulder. Repeat with R palm down. Arm straight out in front, palm up, slide arm straight forward and back a little. Repeat with palm down. Return to palm up and taking arm up/down. ROB. On R side, R arm straight out in front, palm up, slide elbow towards waist so elbow can go under side. Stand L hand on floor again, slide straight R arm up/down. On L side, repeat series. On R side again, R arm straight out in front, take arm up towards head. Leave arm up and think you're standing on your L knee and you want to reach overhead with R arm. The lengthening R arm connects in to the L knee. Come onto both knees, reach R arm overhead to ceiling, feeling arm lengthening connects to L knee. Then R arm lengthens to connect to R knee. Go back and forth few times. On L side, flex/extend feet behind you, leave flexed, circle L arm under head, palm turns down, head returns to floor, reverse arm. Continue and think of standing on the R knee. Feet stay on the floor, flexed. Repeat on other side. Come to stand on knees, flex/extend ankles/toes. Return to R side, same position, think of standing on both knees while circling arm up around and behind until palm may turn up again, reverse. Repeat on L side. On R side, start with arm straight out in front, bring R elbow under waist, arm goes behind, continue, palm turns a different times, continue until make complete circle, allow head to turn to look behind when arm is behind, thinking about standing on one knee, the other or both. Eyes follow hand. Reverse direction of circle. Repeat on other side. On back, arms crossed on chest, fingertips of each hand towards floor, reach alternately, rolling chest, fingertips touch floor but you think of the fingernails. Change arms over, continue. On R side, circle R arm as before in each direction, thinking of fingernails. Repeat on OS.
ATM Lesson #018 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-13: Day 6, S01 day 6
Breathing #2, holding exhale, lower belly expanded, on back, belly, side
CD#2/T05 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #17) » play audio
On back. Attention to breath. Knees bent, feet standing, one hand on chest, other on belly, note movement of breath. Three segments to notice, lower abdomen, middle and upper chest. Hands on lower belly down where legs meet torso, note movement of breath there. Switch attention to only exhalation. Expand lower torso on exhale, ballooning out in all directions. Break exhale into three parts. Hold between 1st and 2nd exhale for 10 seconds and then between 2nd and 3rd, hold 3 seconds, exhale all the way out, wait until the inhale comes. Rest with legs long. Feet standing, hands on lower belly again. Repeat 3 part exhale, ending with a cough on third part of exhalation. Exhale completely through mouth wide open quietly, expanding lower belly, close mouth and hold belly/air out, collect saliva, swallow when you feel the need to inhale, sending saliva down to lower belly, inhale through nostrils, repeat cycle 30 times. Rest with legs long. Repeat but reverse—Inhale through open mouth, exhale through nose, expanding belly. Repeat, closing off left nostril, exhaling only through R, hold exhale out, swallow then allow air to come in. Repeat 5 times then switch to left nostril for 5 times. Legs long, exhaling, distribute attention, note when feel impulse to inhale and move attention out to whole of self, note what's happening. Feet standing, hands on lower belly. Inhale through open mouth, alternate exhaling through mouth and nose on one breath out, hold exhale out. Repeat noting difference when exhaling through mouth and nose. Roll to front side, hands overlapping, forehead on back of hands, repeat last cycle of breathing. Attention to lower torso expanding on exhale. Do 5 cycles then lie on right side, repeat, same on left side then rest on back. On back, knees bent, exhale slowly through nostrils 10 times. One hand on chest, other on lower belly, feel movement of breath. Stand with eyes closed, note breath.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 7 Tuesday February 14, 2006.
ATM Lesson #019 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Tilting arms, head and pelvis, arms out to sides, standing, sitting, kneeling
CD#2/T06 [56m] (San Francisco Training) » play audio
Stand, slide hand down outside of leg, one side then other. Arms straight out at shoulder level, palms down, take one arm up, one down. Add taking head towards arm that is coming up. Walk. Repeat tilting arm while out to sides, let head to side of lowering arm, let pelvis move opposite. Tilt arms/head opposite, note which way pelvis shifts. Tilt R arm to floor, L to ceiling, pelvis L, head R. Then switch to pelvis/head going same direction, arms go opposite. Walk, repeat, arms out, take pelvis L, head L. Arms out, pelvis to L, tilt arms/torso so R arm goes lower, L arm up, take head towards arm. Arms down, take head/pelvis both to L then both to R. Repeat with arms out to side, tilt arms so head/pelvis go towards arm that's up. Arms out, take head to R, tilt R arm down, pelvis to L. Continue, only take head opposite of what you were doing. Walk, ROB. Stand, arms hanging down, caress down R leg with R hand, let head be carried with shoulders, L heel lifts. Continue but let head tilt also so cervical spine bends. Note difference of weight being on front or back of foot. Repeat on other side, L hand down L leg. Tilt side/side, walk, ROB. Stand on L foot/R knee, arms straight out to sides, palms down, keep arms parallel with floor, take pelvis L/R, arms/head stay stationary. Repeat but head/pelvis move opposite directions (torso like stick). Repeat but with pelvis/head going to same side. Repeat but head/pelvis go opposite directions and tilt arm, arm higher on side pelvis goes towards. Note hip joints. ROB. Come to kneel with legs switched, repeat the different variations as you remember them. Sit, legs crossed, tilt head side/side, ear to shoulder. Repeat with leg crossing switched. Lean on hands behind, repeat head side/side. Continue, emphasize C7/T1, base of neck, goes opposite side that top of head tilts, then same side. ROB. Sit, legs crossed, lean on hands behind, tilt head side/side again, lift hip on side head tilts towards. Repeat with leg crossing switched. Stand, arms straight out to sides, look up/down, arms rotate around axis, palms up/back when head looks up/back, palms moving forward then back when head goes down, add tailbone going back with head then forward with head. Walk. Repeat but take head opposite arms/torso. Repeat original move, face down/forward with arms rolling forward, add taking eyes opposite. Return to original then take head opposite and then the eyes opposite the head. Walk. Caress hand down one side then other, lifting opposite heel. Arms out to sides, tilt arms relative to torso. Repeat, tilt head twice for each time one cycle of arms tilting side/side. Repeat with 3 times. For each one tilt of head, move arms twice. Slide hand down outside of leg, return heel to floor with a snap.
Discussion #013 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Q & A – strategies, right way to breathe
CD#2/T07 [12m] » play audio
Brian about previous strategies. Right way of breathing? Lessons have value for everyone but people find some lessons more valuable to them. Used to be trainings didn't teach FI in first two years. Shira about holding breath being a bad thing. Good for being under water. Swallowing extends ability to stay under water. So holding can be useful depending on situation. We're interested in organization rather than flexibility.
ATM Lesson #020 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Breathing #3, exhale with abdomen pulled in, varied positions
CD#2/T08 [59m] (Alexander Yanai #21) » play audio
On back (story about eye doctor [Denis Pelli] and vague letters), watch breath. As you quiet down, you can observe more. Bend knees. Note when exhale begins and how you exhale. As you exhale, draw belly in (throughout lesson). Note symmetry of belly shape when drawn in. Inhale however. Pause with knees bent. Torso as 6 sided box, top/bottom, sides, front/back. Note breath. Repeat drawing belly in with exhale, allow chest to expand/lift (throughout lesson). One hand on belly, one on chest. On front, forehead on back of hands, repeat breath cycle and awareness. Bend L knee little and draw L hip back, repeat breathing/awareness. Repeat on OS. On back, feet standing, hands interlaced behind head, elbows forward, stay with head lifted, repeat breathing cycle, note head lowers a little when inhale. On knees/head/hands, repeat breathing cycle. On back, feet standing, breath cycle. Arms long overhead on floor, note arms could extend little during exhale. Pause then roll up spine, pelvis lifting, note shoulders/arms changing as pelvis goes higher. Stay with pelvis high, repeat breath cycle. Stand one foot, other leg long, lift hip on standing foot side, arms overhead, repeat breath cycle. On hands/knees, head hanging so back of neck is long, repeat breath. On hands/knees, bring R foot to standing, lower R elbow to floor, head hangs, repeat breath cycle. Pause, switch sides. On back, breath cycle. On hands/knees/head, repeat breath cycle, note head rolls towards back of head. Repeat, add toes tucked for running then add knees lifting from floor. Stay with knees lifted a little and repeat breath cycle, allow head to roll towards back of head during exhale. ROB. Stand, spread feet, bend knees, lean hands on knees, arms straight, pelvis lower a bit like sitting back, draw abdomen in on exhale, exhale little more, hold out until have to inhale. Repeat 10 cycles of this breathing. Stand, note breath. Walk a little.
Editor's notes: the RM1 synopsis incorrectly identifies this lesson as AY #20. It is actually AY #21, Contracting the abdomen while exhaling
Discussion #014 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Q & A – math teacher, taking care of yourself, reorganized in sleep
CD#2/T09 [27m] » play audio
Stories—surgeon suggested training syllabus to Dennis during his Boston training. It's really about trusting you to take care of yourself. Robert S.—organization in sleep. Dennis—bed. Pam—not hearing/understanding. Dennis—being a little out of sort from new organization without integration. Charlene—doing funny moves, WWII general's quote: “we're surrounded by the enemy, we've got 'em right where we want 'em.” Dennis—fruitless to try to stop the judgment. Bring yourself into the activity. Hold the whole of yourself in your field of attention and let the lesson organize you. Student fills in the content of the ATM instruction. Reorganize an activity, not the “problem” area. Dennis gave whole lesson just making woman more comfortable while lying on front side.
Editor's notes: Math teacher whose work Dennis describes: Umesh Vazirani, University of California, Berkeley. Story of engineer who did many ATM lessons without time to integrate them, then one day suddenly (if briefly), saw his son as a stranger sitting next to him in the car.
FI Exploration #009 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Bring hand to head
CD#2/T10 [46m] DVD#1 Scene 4 [38m] » play audio
Student on back, head support little so plane of face is like when standing. Sit at their head, observe them. Dennis skeleton demo, handhold and trajectory of hand to head. Demo with Barbara. Students practice then Demo with skeleton and Tanya. Riff about bringing shoulders to connect with Tanya's middle; advanced level.
ATM Lesson #021 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-14: Day 7, S01 day 7
Flex/extend foot, lines from heel to toes, on front
CD#2/T11 [42m] (Alexander Yanai #304) » play audio
Stand, feel contact of each foot. On back, sense length of spine, legs from spine tail to head, to hip joints and down. Arms from spine at C7, shoulders, down. On belly, arms near head, bend R knee, foot to ceiling, flex/extend ankle. Repeat with head turned away from bent R leg. Repeat with head turned R, note. Bring foot parallel, look over shoulder to see if it is. Foot parallel, imagine board on foot, slide front of foot on imaginary board so ball of foot moves L/R. Look over R shoulder to see if foot stays parallel. On back, stand feet, slide ball of foot L/R, pivoting around heel. Stop with foot in middle, lift/lower inner/outer boarder. Return to sliding ball L/R. On front, bend R knee, foot parallel to ceiling, watch foot, move front of foot L/R. Bend R leg, foot parallel, take heel L/R, note breath, jaw, neck, chest. Repeat while watching foot. Return to flex/extend ankle. Repeat, think of imaginary line of pressure from heel to big toe. Repeat, line from heel to little toe. Repeat thinking of both lines, heel to big/little toe. Imagine the two lines, take ball of foot L/R, keeping sole parallel to floor/ceiling. Repeat, watching foot. Leg bent, sense point on back of heel, imagine clock, circle heel around clock. Go: counter clockwise; lower half of clock/circle. Extend foot so heel is nearer floor to identify bottom mid-point of circle, look at foot, move heel along lower half of circle. Start with heel closest to floor, create quarter of circle towards inside (midline) think of big toe. Make other lower quarter circle to outside, think of little toe. Repeat quarter circles, evolving them into half circles. Make lower half of circle, thinking of toes next to big/little toes then the middle toe. lines from heel to big/little toes. Making half circle, go from toe to toe, tracking each in space with movement of heel. Repeat, looking at foot. Simply flex/extend ankle, then keeping sole parallel, toes/heel L/R. Stand.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 8 Wednesday February 15, 2006.
ATM Lesson #022 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-15: Day 8, S01 day 8
Hand behind back, rolling/tilting, on back
CD#2/T12 [51m] (Tucson, 1981) » play audio
On back, bend R knee, foot on floor, lift R hip, slide R hand, palm down, under low back. Take R knee/head little to R, return, keeping knee/nose oriented in same direction throughout movement. Whole torso moves a little, R side moving towards L. Rest in this position, hand behind. Lengthen R leg gently, press along back towards the floor starting with heels then knees, pelvis, lower back, middle back, shoulders, head then reverse, creating the changing pressure along back side against the floor from head to heels. Take R shoulder little up towards R ear then down towards hip. Then take shoulder forward/back. Continue, add taking face little to R when shoulder blade goes back into floor, return shoulder/head back to neutral/starting place. Bring L shoulder forward/back, add previous shoulder/head movement. So when L shoulder comes forward, R goes back. Pause, lift R hip, slide arm through little farther if comfortable then take R knee L/R, move head opposite the knee. Roll pelvis little L/R. Bring L arm forward, towards the ceiling, reaching, taking knee to R with reach, head rolls along with arm reach, return all to center, repeat. Lengthen R leg, bring L foot to stand, L knee forward, alternately lift shoulders, rolling pelvis L/R with shoulders. Pause, legs long. Stand R foot again, take head/knee R, bring L shoulder forward, so torso rolls little to R. Stand L leg, lift L side of pelvis to slide L hand under back also then with both legs lengthened, roll pelvis L/R. Bend L leg, foot standing, lift L hip a little to bring L arm through a little farther, lengthen legs, roll pelvis L/R, note how using feet/pelvis. Bend knees, lift feet from floor, knees over chest, roll pelvis L/R. Return feet to floor, take tailbone away from floor little few times. Lengthen legs, press heels then backs of knees, and so on up to head and return wave of pressure back down to heels again. Bend L leg, (this one not for everyone) hold R wrist with L hand, lift L hip, as you roll towards R side, pull R arm so you end up lying on R side/R elbow. Go very easily/gently then return to back. Return to back, bend both legs, lift pelvis, very slowly bring arms our from behind to along side you, return pelvis, lengthen legs, feel R arm. Bring R arm towards ceiling, think of drawing a spiral with fingertips, starting with small circle, gradually getting larger until arm is circling horizontally then reverse it to bring the arm perpendicular to the floor again. Bend L knee, roll little to R, L arm behind back, return hip to floor, turn head/knee to R/center. Repeat a few variations on this side. Another variation when bringing shoulder up/down, add sliding/tilting head side/side. End with both feet standing, lift pelvis, leave lifted, slide both arms under, one pulling the other, holding at elbows if possible, sliding arms through side/side. Add sliding head/shoulders side/side, pelvis going opposite direction, back of head stays on floor, face to ceiling.
FI Exploration #010 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-15: Day 8, S01 day 8
Review leg lift, upper arm move, hand to face
CD#2/T13 [8m] DVD#1 Scene 5 [4m] » play audio
Review lifting leg while on back. Review holding upper arm between two hands at elbow/shoulder while on side. Review taking hand to head/face while on back.
Discussion #015 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-15: Day 8, S01 day 8
Q & A – use of self in FI, rap on traumatic experiences
CD#2/T14 [56m] » play audio
Story of Dennis' photos of Moshé working and his organization. Brian: difficult lifting leg so switched to doing something different. Dennis: just know what you are doing and as much as possible stay with what the project is. Making small variations. Ability to sense bladder filling. Brian: do I stick with my own organization as far as how much I can do with a person? Dennis: ATM/FI cross-pollinate. Athletes can do more than the coach and coach can still be useful in what they can see. Everyone has gaps in their attention. Kristen: movement of arm. Michael: referring to Dennis' demo with Tanya. Dennis describing his process. Color blind helps him see shapes more, plus he was a graphic artist. A job as a dynamiter as a kid. Story of being on a job blowing up granite and watching patterns form in the dust. Similar in observing someone's “pattern” or habit. Fundamental process of the nervous system. Example of shoulder near the ear and taking the shoulder nearer the ear and hold, change happens globally throughout the nervous system. Michael: what are we looking for as to when to rest? Monitor yourself in terms of attention, stop when it wanes and come back to it. You are feeling for novelty and nuance. Ashley: FI/ATM can access traumatic experiences. Presuppositions, “stored in the body.” Situations elicit those experiences. Alva Noë, Evan Thompson, and Kevin O'Regan, work with perception. We have sets and we refresh when it's novel. Rather than the nervous system storing, our world is our repository, our storage place. The experience is true but then you ask, how does that come about. Something can elicit that situation, in our thought environment or external environment. Rather than fixate just allow the movement. Sometimes you have content-free emotions. Milton Erickson, hypno-therapist/psychiatrist. He used naturalistic trance. We all do it always. Find a way to wake someone up in the middle of a trance. Story of recovered memory movement, and of woman who grew up wealthy and was never parented; Erickson created an internal parent, The February Man, for the woman. Stephen Gilligan, Ericksonian therapist. Each person has their own resources they need to reconfigure a situation so they become healthy or move beyond. There isn't a science for behavioral change because everyone has their own strategy. You deconstruct the light and form of the image, like changing image from the past into a cartoon. Erickson was a master of observation. David Grove: regress to a moment in time prior to the traumatic situation. ATM/FI elicits conditions that sustain our organization. Metaphor of parent/child separation at a county fair and they see each other and orient towards coming back together. Resilience and flexibility to have options. So many inter-related components and ways to work with them. When you do work using your attention all kinds of experiences can emerge that we either did or didn't know were there. Cultural box for it is to do psychological work. True for some people. Gilligan: getting a person to think life has a purpose and whatever happens to them is oriented to that purpose. Looking at habits, bundle of habits, “letting loose the bundle.” Tibetan Buddhism: habits as machine sucking our vitality after the original usefulness, the mechanism of paying attention takes effort. When you cultivate that mechanism, you can ask who is recognizing when you are not paying attention? Certain point it becomes easier to pay attention than not. It can be a shock when you don't have preparation for the impersonal. Definition of the unconscious. Nervous system is a repository for all of our experiences. In trainings it's to be expected that things come up because of the intensity. Doesn't happen as often in just 1 hour a week ATM class. If things come up, talking to someone can help.
Editor's notes: [See also Discussions #119 and #147 with Dennis Leri for more on traumatic experience. The book The February Man (1989, 2009) by Erickson and Ernest Rossi documents the story referenced here.]
ATM Lesson #023 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-15: Day 8, S01 day 8
Rolling a ball along line #4 – along arms, chest & back, on front & back
CD#2/T15 [51m] (Alexander Yanai #307) » play audio
On back, legs long/together, roll imaginary ball from above knees to pelvis, back to knees. Ball below knees, roll towards feet, back to knees, moving feet/knees/legs in way to help. Repeat, using knees pressing to floor. Continue rolling to pubic bone and back to feet, create kind of undulation from pelvis to feet to create the rolling. Arms straight out to sides, imagine ball at throat, roll to public bone and return, lifting head, tilting pelvis, moving as needed. Repeat with one hand on throat, one on belly. Bend knees, stand feet, hands interlaced behind head, ball on navel, lift pelvis, roll ball to throat, lift head, roll to pelvis. Bend knees, lift feet, knees towards chest, lift head to roll ball to belly, lift knees more towards chest to roll ball back to throat. Repeat with arms straight out to sides. Legs long, arms straight out to sides, roll ball from ankles all the way to throat and back again. Arms out to sides, palms up, roll ball from R hand up arm to “little recess” of deltoid on chest and reverse. Arms/legs spread in “X”, imagine the line of pressure from R hand to L foot then roll ball from R shoulder to L hip and return, use lifting of head/hip. Start ball at R shoulder, cross to L hip, down L ankle, return. Add rolling from shoulder up to R hand, back down to L foot, leg moves to help ball rolling. Lift R arm/L leg a little, lift/lower arm/leg in that shape to rock on the diagonal to roll the ball. Think through other diagonal, then do. Arms out to sides, legs together, roll ball from ankles to throat. Rest with arms down, sense 5 lines, stand.
ATM Lesson #024 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-15: Day 8, S01 day 8
Lengthen through heel, on back
CD#2/T16 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #268) » play audio
On back, stand R foot, lift R hip, lengthen L leg through heel then shorten. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, lift R hip, arms overhead/spread, lengthen/shorten diagonal line from L heel to R arm, do quickly. Repeat OS. Bend both knees, lift pelvis, arms behind back, lower pelvis and L leg, R knee bent, lift R hip, L leg rolled out, lengthen through L heel/leg. Repeat OS. Stand R leg, hip lifted, L leg rolled out, lift/lower L leg. Pause with hip on floor. Lift L leg, leave it up, lift/lower R hip while L leg is in the air. Quick/easy. Repeat OS. Repeat last sequence with arms behind lower back. Stand R leg again, arms overhead on floor, lift/leave L leg up, move L leg R/L. Quickly, pause same position. Lift/lower L leg now to sense ease. Repeat OS. More variations: Same position, circle straight lifted leg. Arms overhead or behind back. Feet standing, lift pelvis, arms behind back or arms overhead. Return to circling straight leg while pelvis is lifted from floor. Arms overhead on floor, feet standing, circle pelvis around clock each direction, note circling of head.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 9 Thursday February 16, 2006.
ATM Lesson #025 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Sliding one leg in/out of standing hands, sitting
CD#2/T17 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #377) » play audio
Sit, R leg bent back, L leg straight forward, two hands on floor to each side of L leg. Keep hands on floor, bend L knee and slide the L leg to the R of the R hand/arm. Repeat OS. R leg back, L leg straight forward, hands to each side of L leg, slide L leg in and outside of the L arm/hand. ROB. Repeat OS. Sit, R leg bent back, L leg between hands on floor, L leg to the R of R hand, leave it there a moment then go from there to take the L leg outside the L leg, alternating side/side. ROB, repeat OS. On front, hand in pushup, look to R, slide R knee up, several times, sliding head/knee towards each other. Repeat, as knee bends, L knee bends and trails behind. Repeat, bring both legs up towards chest on R side. Repeat but have L knee slide under the R so it comes closer to the chest. Repeat, and bring both legs through and up to sit with leg straight out in front, feet pointed in direction where head was, legs between the two arms. Repeat series on OS. Sliding legs up on R, bring L leg through the two hands. Repeat OS. Alternate side/side. Sit, return to original move.
Discussion #016 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Q & A – leg lesson, stretching, no failure in lessons
CD#2/T18 [28m] » play audio
Kim—how reversible does the movement in the lesson need to be? Adapt so the position makes it a little more possible. Charlene—reaching forward in long sitting was easier, hamstrings got stretched. Dennis—Moshé thought stretching was stupid because it was tearing the muscle rather than reorganizing yourself. Our movement is limited because of our organization, not because of short hamstrings. Story of woman in Israel about stretching. Shira—limitations, hard to figure out how to organize. Dennis—not difficult. Moshé's knee injury and way of recovering and developing awareness of what helped the knee. If you walk well or poorly, if you don't know what you are doing, it's a habit and you don't have options. Moshé realized who he was as a person was tied together with all his habits. Not identifying problem as external to “self” or “me.” Changing the frame gives you more access. Marge—feeling something impossible, adjusted by changing position then going in reverse. Don't want to work against yourself, although you may start out like that initially. Shira—when movement is mechanical. Dennis—become aware. Story of woman sat out of lesson because thought she'd already done the lesson. Shira—what about misinterpretation? Lesson organizes you as you go with your best hunches about the lesson. No reason to change our behavior until it doesn't work anymore. You can't fail in the lesson. More self-determined.
FI Exploration #011 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Sensing along spine, ribcage, lifting shoulders and rolling pelvis demo
CD#2/T19 [17m] DVD#1 Scene 6 [13m] » play audio
Pairs—one person lying on side, sit behind and feel along spine, contour of ribs, repeat on other side then on back lift shoulders alternately. Switch roles and then get together with another pair to compare notes. Demo with skeleton of rolling pelvis while on back.
Discussion #017 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Q & A – avowed dreams, Coué, jujutsu
CD#2/T20 [11m] » play audio
Tres—unavowed dreams? Moshé studied the work of Émile Coué: therapeutic hypnosis. Form a clear intention. Working against something rather than moving towards what they want. Moshé, combat and jujutsu (jujitsu). Adapting to person's innate reaction. Involved in the Haganah, secret organization of defense in Israel. People try to create static posture for computer work and it's not the approach. When your life doesn't have any particular meaning, little things become big things.
Editor's notes: Dennis on Moshé's article On Health (1979) and clear intention.
ATM Lesson #026 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Lengthen through heel on back #2, on back
CD#2/T21 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #269) » play audio
Bend R leg, stand foot, lift L leg (turned out a little), circle L straight leg, thinking of heel making circle. Reverse direction. Same position but with arms long overhead, leave R hip away from floor, hold L leg up in one place and lift/lower R hip. Repeat, quick/ease. Repeat OS. Soles together, pull belly in, lower back to floor, reverse, push belly forward, lower back lifts, note knees open/close a little, feel through spine to head/chin. Same position plus arms overhead on floor, circle pelvis around clock. Explore how close heels are to pelvis. Same position, lift R bent leg, R knee towards R shoulder. Repeat, leave knee up towards shoulder then tilt to R to bring R knee towards floor and back again, L side of pelvis lifts, rolling R. Same position, leave R knee up in space and towards R shoulder, stand L foot and lift/lower L side of pelvis, rolling pelvis R while R legs stays same distance from floor. Same position, make circle with R knee. Repeat OS. Stand feet wide, tilt knees inward, alternate taking one knee in closer to floor. Leave both tilting inward, lift R foot little. Repeat but slide inside of R foot on floor. Repeat OS. Same position, knees tilted inward, lengthen R knee away from your head. Repeat OS. Then alternate lengthening knees away from head then both at same time. Arms overhead, soles together, roll pelvis up/down, note knees open/close. Leave knees open, take one knee closer to floor and away from head, then do other side, then alternate side/side. Return to R foot standing, L straight leg lifted/turned out, lift/lower R hip keeping L leg up. Repeat OS.
ATM Lesson #027 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-16: Day 9, S01 day 9
Movement of opposition, lifting head, arm and leg, on back, sitting & standing
CD#2/T22 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #333) » play audio
On back, legs spread, arms at sides, lift head, chin towards throat. Note: Pressure against floor. Front/back of chest. Explore lifting head by taking chin away from throat. Note: If what presses this way is different. Lift head with chin going backwards. Note: What presses? Extend R arm overhead, lift little. Note: Shape of chest/torso, pressure to floor of spine, shoulder blade, ribs. What moves in opposite direction as arm lifts, opposition move. Lift R leg with same idea, feeling for opposition movement. Note: Pelvis, chest, spine, lower back/ribs, pressing and to L. Lift R arm, leg and head. Note: Easier when lifting all three than each one. Sit, take face forward, think of chin sliding forward. Note: Back moves backwards. Stomach muscles tighten. Sitting, take top of head back, then think it only. Note: Torso shape change, chest, spine, belly, tailbone. Stand, legs spread a bit, hang arms forward, like monkey, take face forward. Note: stomach muscles, back moving back. Repeat, imagine someone pulls crown of head towards ceiling. Note: Changing shape of spine, direction of pelvis moving. On back, imagine 5 lines, ball for head. Lift head. Strings pulling ball/lines. R arm overhead, lift. Lift R leg. Lift head, R arm/leg. Use idea of strings shrinking to represent muscles shortening. Stand, extend R arm overhead, take R arm/leg forward (like on floor), feel back goes back. Try not letting it go back. Note head. Head comes forward with arm/leg. Try stopping it. Stand, take face/chin forward a small amount. Note: Whole back goes back. Pelvis? Pubic bone? Front shortens. Hands on belly, repeat. Possible to not move belly? Lie on back, compare R/L sides. Stand, R arm overhead, R arm/leg forward, foot comes to floor in front. Do few times without walking. Both arms up, take back backwards as arm/leg come forward, place foot. Soften knee so more like walking. Walk without arm overhead, feel for the spine going back as before but without straight arm/leg. Use the back going back to initiate the stepping. Go slow, gradually increase speed allowing the idea to become softer yet present.
S01 – Dennis Leri. Day 10 Friday February 17, 2006.
FI Exploration #012 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Rolling pelvis, on back
CD#2/T23 [21m] DVD#1 Scene 7 [17m] » play audio
Pairs—one person lying on back, other sit or kneel to side, place hands/palms on iliac crest to roll the pelvis headward, lower back moves towards floor. Then slide flats of fists down near hip joints to roll pelvis footward, lower back lifts. Note movement through torso to head. Demo with Kristen.
Discussion #018 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Q & A – rolling pelvis, normal, average, weight lifting, unknowingness
CD#2/T24 [65m] » play audio
Brian—FI exploration. High-level biomechanical instruction is not FI. It's not technique. Robert P.—what is FI if not biomechanical. Mark Reese's biography of Moshé, first part for practitioners. Robert P.—how do I know if I'm disintegrating? It's going to be hit and miss, especially in beginning. Example giving lesson to someone who stands on left leg. You are organizing towards simple functions of life. Story of working with group of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Topic of control, giving them total control of lesson. Marge—biomechanics vs. FI, what we are doing in hands-on where studying variations on normal. Dennis—Average, not normal. Normal is a super person, moving equally in all 6 directions. Average college students as a gauge. Marge—working with lower end. Dennis—from FM perspective everyone is ideally organized. Presupposition that people choose what they perceive as their best choice, given their choices. FM expands the domain of choice. Dennis—we all come with pathology, learning how to learn, matters of degree, not kind. Marge—biomechanics? Dennis—take a different direction. Story about practitioner who would destroy physical therapy (PT) beliefs. Larry Goldfarb's style, language of science. First order cybernetics: experiment and observe effects on a system. Second-order cybernetics includes observer in system. The coupling of the observer factors into the experiment. There's not a distinction between observer and observed. Human interaction is about understanding. When we look for someone's neutral, it's how they live in the world. We need to develop our own sensitivity. I'm the one that is feeling the differences when I'm touching someone else. Dennis' article on Heinz von Foerster: Heinz. Criteria of a good carpenter? Someone can follow the whole list and not be a good carpenter. In FI you are reflecting to the person what they are doing, how they are organized and live. Charlene—getting a sense of how someone's pelvis move, without judgment. Are you happy with whatever organization they have? Dennis—first I just understand and clarify what I feel. Charlene. Never an end point in terms of possible self-development. There are other end points—learning curve, comfort, the 45-minute session. Example of people who like to lift weights and they injure themselves then come for FI. Story of Jeff Smith who uses gym with Feldenkrais. Good athletes don't dissociate during sport. Michael about Dennis' article, Know Thyself: The Risk of Serious Inquiry. Dennis—inhabiting unknowingness is a concrete experience that is a state of alertness and vitality. Gives opportunity to do something different. Story of martial artist criticizing FM because it doesn't have a “form” like tai chi chuan.
ATM Lesson #028 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Lengthen through heel on back #3, on back & side
CD#2/T25 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #270) » play audio
On back, knees bent, feet stand, push through to head, rocking pelvis. Do with one leg long then other. Stand R foot, turn L leg out, lift/lower R side of pelvis. Repeat OS. On R side, knees bent, lift top/L leg, note hip joint. Repeat OS. On back, stand R foot, R hand over top of head hand holding L temple, L leg long, L arm long overhead, slide head/shoulders to R and lift R hip, push belly out. Pause, repeat, stay in the side bent position and lift/lower R hip, then quicker. Repeat series OS. L foot standing, slide shoulders/head down to L, hold L ankle or higher with L hand, lift/lower L hip. Repeat OS. On front, bend knees, slide head/shoulders to R, stay, reach to hold R ankle with R hand, L arm overhead, lift/lower L arm/head. Pause, lift R knee from floor then add L arm/head with knee lifting. ROB. On back, R foot stand, hold R lower leg with R hand, lift R hip, roll head to R with hip lift. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, hold ankle, L arm overhead, lift hip and turn head to R this time. Repeat OS. Same position with R foot standing, start with hip lifting and end with looking up at L hand reaching. OS. On back, tilt/roll pelvis up/down, feel spine to head, chin. Soles together, roll pelvis up/down, quicker.
ATM Lesson #029 – Diana Razumny 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Movement of opposition #2, lifting head, arms, legs, on front & knees/forearms
CD#2/T26 [41m] (Alexander Yanai #334) » play audio
On back, arms overhead on floor, lift both arms, again with head. Lift both legs then legs, arms, head same time. On front, arms overhead on floor, lift arms, head, head and arms. Throughout lesson, attend to changing shape of torso. Lift legs, lift arms, head and legs. On knees and forearms, lift R arm, then L leg then R arm and L leg. Stay with arm/leg lifted, rock forward/back. Repeat on other side. On front, arms by sides, palms up, press backs of hands, lift legs. Arms overhead, lift arms, head, legs, all three. Stand, lift arms in front, feel shape of spine/torso.
Discussion #019 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Q & A – lesson of back going backwards
CD#2/T27 [14m] » play audio
Marge—memory of being stuck upside down in kayak. Dennis—about lesson of back moving backwards. Brian—about thumb together with fingers. More primitive not to use “opposing” thumb. Reading Moshé's books? Body and Mature Behavior (1949, 2005) was the only one written as a book. Moshé wasn't very happy about the book The Potent Self (1985, 2002). Kim: the new edition of The Potent Self with forward by Mark Reese is really good. Plus the avowed dreams idea is clear. Also, cross-motivation is covered well.
ATM Lesson #030 – Dennis Leri 2006-02-17: Day 10, S01 day 10
Breathing #4, on back
CD#2/T28 [33m] (Alexander Yanai #435) » play audio
On back, exhale powerfully as you draw belly in. Then do 15 slowly. Don't need to think about the inhalation, it just comes. Bend knees, hands on lower belly, push belly/lower back out in all directions on exhale, 15 times powerfully through nose quickly. Powerfully exhale 15 times pushing out and 15 pulling in alternately, allowing inhale to come in as it will. Do 30 again but slowly, alternating between pushing out in all directions with the exhale and then pulling belly in towards the spine on the exhale, allowing inhale to come in spontaneously. On R side, knees bent, hands on ribs to feel shape of breath while on the side and then return to the powerful exhaling, quick, through nose.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 11 Monday May 8, 2006.
ATM Lesson #031 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Turning head, changing arms #1, on front
CD#3/T01 [43m] (Amherst, June 19, 1980) » play audio
Scan on back. On front, scan, turn head side/side. Face L, upper arms straight out from shoulders, elbows bent at 90, L arm up directed overhead, R arm down. Change head/arms. Stay looking L, L arm up, R down, slide arms in direction fingers are pointing. Stay facing L, arms at 90, lift one elbow, the other then both. Return to sliding arms, one up/one down. Return to start position, leave elbows on floor, straighten arms and switch which arm is up/down and same time change head to other side. Note timing, speed up little. ROB. On front, forehead on R palm, L hand on back of head, lift L elbow little, roll head with L hand. Pause, add taking eyes opposite head rolling. Forehead on floor or backs of hands, nose towards floor, eyes facing floor, imagine looking deep into the floor at horizon far away, eyes closed, look up/down. Repeat, eyes moving more quickly, attending to breath remaining slow/easy. L hand on back of head, forehead in R palm, roll head side/side, move eyes up/down. Try different variations. Return to original movement of switching head side/side while changing direction of arm, straightening arms to change which is up/down, keeping elbows on floor.
Discussion #020 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Q & A and sharing from last segment
CD#3/T02 [24m] » play audio
Groups of 4 share what's happening with you about training or otherwise. Brian: Moshé trying to get a clear intent for the person. Katrin: the movements don't matter, it's how you do them, bringing curious to the lesson. Noticing what you are doing, finding the parasitic moves that aren't congruent with the intention. Ashley: skiing was different, interested in eyes. Kristen: eyes and not doing too much. Anne: doing movement at home and getting dizzy and new experience of really being with self. Katrin: movement suggestions. Having a conversation with yourself. Tres: including eyes in ATM and is visualizing right way. Katrin: questions are more interesting than answers. Finding what's “right” for you.
ATM Lesson #032 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Turning head, changing arms #2, on front
CD#3/T03 [35m] (Amherst, June 19, 1980) » play audio
On front, face R, R arm up, L down, bend knees, feet up towards ceiling, sense where/how your feet are then look and check if matches your feeling. Same position, lower legs stay perpendicular to floor, move feet in variety of ways. Continue a movement of the feet, without changing movement of feet, turn head and change arms to other side. Pause, return to same combination of movements but change what you do with feet, add legs straightening and staying long. Knees bent, face R, R arm up/L down, tilt lower legs L. Legs slowly to L, return quickly to middle. Leave legs tilted L, move pelvis back to floor, create wave movement. Straighten legs and do the wave.
FI Exploration #013 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Describing movement without judgment
CD#3/T04 [32m] » play audio
Groups of 4 observe people lying on front and turning head along with arms moving. Use descriptive language without judgments. Gathered in large group to discuss qualities of movement vs. value judgments. We can have optimal in the background but everyone is different. Compliments are just as harmful as criticisms.
Discussion #021 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Define scanning
CD#3/T05 [26m] » play audio
Small groups then large group. Create list: where you start & what you emphasize, based on ATM and where they feel the difference; compare differences: weight, length, pressure, space, distance, color, volume, density, side to side, L/R, front/back, vivid, comfort, discomfort, feeling parts connected to other parts or to whole; breath, language (careful with images); orientation to environment in relation to internal/external; snapshot before/after; feeling differences; 5 lines; timing of scan quick/slow; in different positions; lying still or moving; measuring; standing & noticing how things are stacked; things haven't liked or felt jarred by in scan; floor coming up to meet you; noticing things moving vs. not moving. Scan: in beginning, during rest & at end.
ATM Lesson #033 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Gluing the lung #1, on back, sitting, standing
CD#3/T06 [36m] (Alexander Yanai #201) » play audio
No notes. [Read from AY transcript.]
Discussion #022 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-08: Day 11, S02 day 1
Experience of lung lesson
CD#3/T07 [8m] » play audio
Context of Alexander Yanai (AY) lessons being taught in Israel in the 1950s.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 12 Tuesday May 9, 2006.
ATM Lesson #034 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-09: Day 12, S02 day 2
Turning head, changing arms #3, eye circles/weight, on front & sitting
CD#3/T08 [46m] (Amherst, June 19 & 20, 1980) Eyes organize the body » play audio
Scan on back, attention to eyes. Sit cross legged, close eyes, take eyes to R so L eye is to the inside corner, the L to the outside corner, start making a little arc up/down, eventually create half circle around the R side. Gradually increase past top/bottom of circle, crossing over middle to other side by small increments. Lean back on hands, continue circling one direction then the other. Keep eyes closed, come onto back and then onto front, bring arms into position of elbows bent, one arm up, one down, looking towards arm that is up, switch arms/head to other side. Attend to your eyes as you change head/arms. Continue arm/head changing but think of the eyes looking down through floor, head moving around eyes. Move eyes up/down while changing head/arms. Sit cross legged (legs non-habitual crossing), eyes closed all along, lean on hands, take eyes L/R. Then leave head turned to R and take eyes L/R, then L, then center again. ROB. Legs long or bent, take eyes L/R, add head moving with eyes. Without interfering with head rolling and breath, speed up movement of eyes so they move more times L/R than the head. Head resting, take eyes together/apart in imagination then actually do it. Continue with eyes, and bring legs to standing, roll to L side/middle few times, then to R side then side/side. Continue and initiate from different parts of yourself. Just roll side/side in any way you like, keeping eyes closed. Keep eyes closed, come to standing, stay standing and slowly open eyes with intention of allowing the world to come into your eyes rather than reaching out to see.
ATM Teaching #001 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-09: Day 12, S02 day 2
Five minute scan
CD#3/T09 [37m] » play audio
Groups of 3: 2 students, 1 teacher. Teacher gives a 5-minute scan.
Michael: movement or not? Position change or reference movement. Why do scan? Create baseline, feel self, settle, have something to compare. Was 5 minutes long/short? Yes. As student or teacher. Brian: level of specificity. Systematically moving from bottom up or general to specific. Scan as a whole lesson. Hypnotic induction. Quality of voice for different. Marge: paying attention to the people to help develop the scan. Having injury as a practitioner can be very interesting. You become interested in the process.
ATM Lesson #035 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-09: Day 12, S02 day 2
Moving eyes, head, legs, tall and small, on front
CD#3/T10 [39m] (Amherst, June 23, 1980) » play audio
Personal scan on back. On front, arms by head, knees bent, feet in the air, sense feet then look to compare. Flex/extend ankles. Move feet together/apart. Have base of big toes touch without heels touching. Then heels touching and not the front of the foot. Keep R leg stationary, take L foot to R leg and note where you touch. Repeat OS. Legs long, roll legs so heels come together/apart, add eyes looking up/down, add lifting/lowering R knee, continue all and slowly turn head to other side then other. ROB. Continuously imagine making self small/tall, roll onto front side, flex/extend feet, then bring feet together/apart, all along thinking small/tall. Continuing small/tall, come to standing.
FI Exploration #014 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-09: Day 12, S02 day 2
Touching spine while turning head, on front
CD#3/T11 [30m] » play audio
Groups of 3: 2 observe 1 person lying on front and turning head side/side while changing arm positions up/down. Then observers place hands someplace along spine while they turn head side/side. Discussion in large group at end. James about some things being consistent. Michael about heat playing a part in being prone. Brian about things changing even without having intention to change something. Sensori-motor feedback loop. Gaining trust. No agenda or expectations.
ATM Lesson #036 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-09: Day 12, S02 day 2
Baby rolls from eyes
CD#3/T12 [31m] (Amherst inspired) » play audio
On back, folded, roll side/side, lead with eyes/head. On front, legs bent, head up, look L/roll R, continue rolling front/back.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 13 Wednesday May 10, 2006.
ATM Lesson #037 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
Separating feet with lower legs bent, on front
CD#3/T13 [69m] (Alexander Yanai #361) » play audio
On back, scan sensing legs, moving up to head. On front, bend legs, knees/feet together, hands by head, extend R arm on floor overhead, L hand standing, face L, take R foot to R. Note hip joints. Repeat OS. Stop, observe 4 people, describe one thing without judgment. Return to lesson. On front, arms straight out at shoulder height, palms down, face to L, knees/feet together, open/close feet/lower legs. Continue the legs moving, turn head side/side. R arm extended overhead, face L, L hand standing, L leg long, R leg bent, take R leg R towards floor. Go as far as is easy, stay and then find how to move rest of you to bring R foot closer to the floor to the R. Repeat OS. Return to both legs bent, face R, L arm long overhead, R for push-up, keep legs together and tilt both to L, stay there and separate R foot from L. Repeat OS. Return to arms out to sides, knees bent/together, feet apart, keep configuration of legs and tilt legs to side/side. Repeat with head turned to OS. Face R, L hand for push-up, R arm extended overhead, knees bent, push L arm, tilt legs R, keep face to R. Stay with R foot near floor on R and take L foot away/towards R foot. Repeat OS. Both hands for push-up, knees together/bent, feet apart, look over one shoulder, legs tilt to opposite side keeping the “V” shape. Repeat but without allowing pelvis to roll. Arms straight out, open close feet as before, compare to before. Repeat with head to other side. Face R, R arm extended, L for push-up, knees bent/together, separate feet, keep configuration, tilt legs side/side. Switch head/arms, repeat. Arms for push-up, knee bent/together, open feet, look over shoulders alternately.
Movie 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
African Walkers
Not recorded.
Editor's notes: Viewing from DVD of the Visjon Norge (Norway Vision) television program, When The Moment Sings: The Muse Within, with Africa as a Mirror (1995), by O. B. Frøshaug and A. Aahus, featuring Jon-Roar Bjørkvold.
Discussion #023 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
About movie and map of the training
CD#3/T14 [48m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #038 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
Closed eye while swinging, standing
CD#3/T15 [33m] (unattributed) » play audio
Stand, turn to look around self, close one eye, continue turning, shift weight to one leg, the other, then turn opposite leg shifting towards. Stand 10 feet from someplace to focus on a point, swing everything L/R and then keep the one eye on the point. Shift weight to one foot and swing, then other foot, then shift to foot opposite direction you're swinging. The shift weight to same side as swinging towards. Stroll with same eye open. Keep head/eye focus forward on point and swing everything else under changing your focus between open/close. Repeat the previous variations of weight shifting while keeping eye closed and going back and forth between open/closed focus. Walk a little then continue walking with both eyes open. Return to wall/point, close other eye and do all variations at wall with this eye open. At wall, both eyes open, focus on spot, keep head/eyes stationary, focus on spot eliminating rest of visual field. Let everything swing, head/eyes included, feel/compare the turning.
Discussion #024 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
About eye lesson and teleceptors
CD#3/T16 [29m] » play audio
Students sharing experiences. Katrin about opening focus while practice hands-on. Narrowing focus of one sense, the rest seem to follow by also narrowing. Developmentally, babies can see but don't yet organize what they see. Story of someone starting blind and gaining sight through surgery. Couldn't interpret what he saw until he touched it. What we see is only 20% of our experience of seeing, the rest goes on in your brain. Head carries teleceptors with two of everything so we move our head/neck in order to locate smell, sound, sight. Ability of head to turn has great importance. Exploration in sitting: turn head to look L/R keeping eyes and head together while turning head. Note quality. Then lead with eyes to turn head and note difference. Eyes organizing movement. Michael about emotional responses. Every movement has emotional and mental connection to it. Compulsive responses can be interrupted. Michael, what's too much. Training setting is a lot of new and unusual, non-habitual behavior so a lot is being asked of student.
FI Exploration #015 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-10: Day 13, S02 day 3
On front, lift leg
CD#3/T17 [31m] DVD#2 Scene 1 [16m] » play audio
Demo with Tres and skeleton.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 14 Thursday May 11, 2006.
Discussion #025 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
Breathing and Stough video on breathing
CD#3/T18 [42m] » play audio
Introduction to video by Carl Stough on breathing. He was a voice instructor. Counting to 10 exercise on the exhale without any force, slurring the sound of the numbers then allow the inhale to just happen. Excursion of the diaphragm and the air being “pulled” into the lungs through the muscular movement. Getting the air out is the important part because the inhale just happens on it's own from the biological impulse to survive. Video with commentary from Katrin and Stough. Beliefs, ideas, concepts can get in the way of allowing the breath. Breath and posture is taken care by the nervous system and we interfere with it. Many ways to breathe, depending on activity, position, individual. FM provides explorations of a variety of use of breath so that there are more possibilities so we can do what we want.
ATM Lesson #039 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
Seesaw breathing, attention to lower belly, on back, front, all 4s
CD#3/T19 [42m] (The Potent Self inspired) » play audio
On back, feet standing: inhale, expand belly; expand chest on exhale; collapse chest on inhale; collapse belly on exhale. Inhale, hold breath then do movement of expanding belly/chest alternately. Fingers at pubic bone, just above, expand belly on exhale, fingers sensing movement at lower belly, thumbs are near belly button. Cough to help locate lower belly coming forward then push that area forward without the cough, on the exhale, and the thumbs dropping back towards the floor. Roll pelvis little with imaginary ball rolling up towards head from lower pelvic floor. Keep pelvis rolled a little and repeat the movement of lower belly expanding. Hands at sides on lower ribs, expanding/narrowing with breath. On front, arms/head comfortable, feel movement of breath. Seesaw movement. Hold breath with seesaw, feel back/sides of lower belly. On back, one hands on side of lower ribs, other fingertips on lower belly at pubic bone, expanding lower belly on exhale, chest on inhale. On hands/knees, note breathing, imagine cylinder. Round back backwards and do the seesaw breathing. Arch, look up, spine sink forward, repeat seesaw. Hold exhale, seesaw movement. On back again.
Discussion #026 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
ATM elements/strategies
CD#3/T20 [46m] » play audio
Small groups: brainstorm parts/strategies found in all ATMs. Example of something found in some ATM would be one-sided lessons. Large group list: attend to orientation, exploration; take care of self; if it's not forbidden it's allowed; attend to differences/changes; emphasis on awareness; lack of competition/achieving; find own way of moving; attend to process not goal; no demo; differentiation are in some; end of lesson has attention.
ATM Lesson #040 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
Spinal Chain, on back, front, all 4s
CD#3/T21 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #177) » play audio
Start with partner, observing each other round back backwards while sitting on floor. On back, feet standing, lift pelvis, each vertical. Interlace hands behind head, lift head, each vertical Stay with head lifted, lift pelvis, alternate lifting head/pelvis while back stays in arc. On hands/knees, head hanging, draw in belly, back arches backwards towards ceiling. Let belly hang towards floor so spine sinks towards floor. Alternate spine sinking/arching, note which vertical move. Repeat spinal move, when arching backwards let head hang, when spine sinks to floor lift head. Rest on back. On front, extend arms overhead on floor, arms/legs spread. Lift head to look up, push out belly. Note vertical. Repeat, when lowering head, look down/under. Lift shoulders to look under towards belly, pull belly in. Note vertical. Lift head, look up, push belly out, note vertical. Lower head, look under pull belly in. Note if can slide forehead along floor while looking under. If not, come on elbows a bit so forehead can slide along floor. On back, stick belly out, lower back lifts, back of head slides down along floor. Continue so top of head comes to lean on floor and tailbone gets planted to floor as belly protrudes, shoulders lift, whole back gets lifted from floor. On knees, interlace fingers, place hands on floor and head on floor so hands cup head, forehead against floor, roll body forward so back of head comes more into hands. Note vertical. Chin comes towards throat as roll towards top of head, pull belly in and exhale. Rest on back. On knees, elbows and forearms, palms to floor, pull belly in, look down under with head looking between legs. Reverse, lift head, push belly out/down, eyes look up. Note vertical. Rest on back. On back, stand feet, lift pelvis like beginning, note vertical. Interlace hands behind head, lift head. Keep the pelvis lifted until the lifting of head takes pelvis to floor. Alternate head/pelvis lifting. Arms/legs long, note spine.
Discussion #027 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
Relation between ATM & FI
CD#3/T22 [7m] » play audio
What ATM & FI have in common: Sensing self, Going slow, Doing small, Distributing effort, Moving attention, Imagination, Rest, Make distinctions, Compare/Differences, Track/reference. Move, Non-habitual moves, Novel moves, Note breath, Non-goal orientation, Nonjudgmental, Non-competitive, Curiosity/Exploration, Comfort with not knowing, Honoring self, Stay within comfort/ease, Quality vs. quantity.
FI Exploration #016 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-11: Day 14, S02 day 4
Lifting head from elbows on back, touching spine on all 4s guided
CD#3/T23 [58m] DVD#2 Scene 2 [8m] » play audio
Demo with Teri. Pairs: Student on back with feet standing, practitioner sitting at head, student interlace hands behind head, elbows forward, practitioner observe them lifting head with hands. Practitioner place hands at elbows and ride along while they lift head, gradually take over the work. Stay where head lifts easily, student lifts pelvis, practitioner feels when starts to push into their hands at the elbows and start lowering head. Alternate. Student—all 4s, round back backwards, practitioner note high point, place fingers to sides of spine there, follow them as they let spine sink/move forward, give resistance for them to round back in that place. Repeat at “low” point when spine sinks towards floor (forward). Reference movement of watching them round their back while sitting.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 15 Friday May 12, 2006.
ATM Lesson #041 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-12: Day 15, S02 day 5
Arms sliding under front #1, on front
CD#3/T24 [71m] (Amherst, July 15, 1980) » play audio
No notes.
ATM Teaching #002 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-12: Day 15, S02 day 5
Mime Time movement description
CD#3/T25 [17m] » play audio
ATM Teaching Game—Groups of 4—1 teacher, 1 mime, 1 student, 1 silent observer. Mime chooses daily activity to mime—starting and going slow, come into position, wait till teacher describes, when student gets it, move on to the next position/movement, slowly add to the complexity—set up conditions if chair or mat is needed. Teacher describes without demonstration and without metaphor or analogies using body parts, relationship of body parts, directions/orientation. Student just does what he or she understands the directions to be without looking behind him or herself. Silent Observer stands behind and to side of mime to see the whole scene; if you see the teacher start to demonstrate raise your arm, wave if necessary. Short discussion in large group at the end.
ATM Lesson #042 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-12: Day 15, S02 day 5
Gluing lungs #2, varied positions
CD#3/T26 [48m] (Alexander Yanai #202) » play audio
No notes. [Read from AY transcript.]
ATM Lesson #043 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-12: Day 15, S02 day 5
Tilting crossed legs & triangle arms, on back
CD#3/T27 [48m] [Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #5] » play audio
On back, feet standing, R leg crossed over L, tilt legs R, explore inhale/exhale. Feet standing, palms together, arms straight in front, tilt triangle of arms to L. Return to cross leg tilt, note differences. Repeat OS. R leg over L, leave tilted to R, hands interlaced behind head, elbows together, lift/lower head, note movement of legs. Repeat OS. Feet standing, lift/lower head with interlaced hands, inhale as you lower, lift on exhale, note area of back pressing into the floor so head becomes lighter. Continue with breath independent of movement. R arm across chest to reach under L armpit towards shoulder blade, L arm reaches across to hold R shoulder, R hand lifts R shoulder to roll L then L hand lifts L shoulder to roll R, roll side/side, legs long then stand feet and continue. Continue, keeping head/eyes fixed forward looking at a spot in front of you. Allow head/eyes to roll with shoulders, then have head/eyes to roll opposite the shoulders. Return to cross-leg tilts to compare to beginning.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #5: Coordination of the Flexor Muscles and of the Extensors.
FI Exploration #017 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-12: Day 15, S02 day 5
CD#3/T28 [60m] DVD#2 Scene 3 [60m] » play audio
In groups of 3 explore the difference between a differentiated movement and an undifferentiated movement.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 16 Monday May 15, 2006.
ATM Lesson #044 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Frog legs #1, noting lower back, on back
CD#4/T01 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #117) » play audio
On back, note the curves of spine. Bend/straighten legs. Leave L leg standing, slide R leg long then bend and bring to stand, knee bends out to side. Leave R leg standing, slide L leg a little long and then bend without bringing to standing so the lengthening and bending is in a middle range. Pay attention to the lower back and how little involvement there can be exploring each leg one at a time and then both at the same time. Stand feet, hands interlaced behind head, lift head with hands, note change of spinal curves when lifting head. Leave head lifted and begin sliding R leg long and then bend, bend/straighten in mid range, knee to outside, noting breath or unnecessary activity with L standing leg. Repeat with other leg then do both legs at same time. Hold R knee with R hand, L hand behind head, bring head/elbow R knee towards each other. Repeat with arms switched. Both hands behind head, R knee/elbows together/apart. Both hands around R knee, head/knee together/apart. Return to just sliding R leg up/down, note difference. Repeat OS. Knees bent softly out to sides, slide one leg up/down, then other, then both. Stand feet, slide one leg up/down, then other, note changes from beginning.
Discussion #028 – Staff 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Judgmental language
CD#4/T02 [49m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #045 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Frog legs #2, rolling head between hands, on back
CD#4/T03 [37m] (Amherst, June 18, 1980) » play audio
On back, roll head with R hand on forehead, explore 3 variations of how hand contacts forehead. Repeat with L hand. R hand behind head, leave elbow out to side, slide hand on floor so when hand goes L your head rolls to face R. Repeat with L hand behind head. R hand on forehead, L behind, move both hands to roll head, elbows move towards/away from each other. Sit, roll head with all the above variations. Sit cross-legged, R leg in front of L, roll head between hands continuously and switch legs so the L is in front. Explore speed of head rolling in relation to legs. Switch hands and repeat. On back, L hand on forehead, R behind, roll head, note breath, change rhythm so there are several breaths with one roll of head, the reverse relationship. Switch hands, repeat. Return to original moves of hands rolling head.
FI Exploration #018 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Observing ways of head rolling
CD#4/T04 [30m] DVD#2 Scene 4 [17m] » play audio
Demo with Kim. In trios, observe each other doing the different movements of rolling the head that was done in the ATM. Larger group meets at end for discussion.
ATM Lesson #046 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Frog legs #3, rolling head between hands, on back
CD#4/T05 [17m] (Amherst, June 18, 1980 continued) » play audio
On back, roll head with each hand on forehead, then with back of hand on forehead, then hand behind head. Add rolling R leg in/out, with head then opposite. Do frog leg movement with R leg, rolling head with L hand then R hand. Change speed of head/leg so they don't match, one moves faster than other. Do just frog leg quickly, add L hand on forehead, rolling head slowly. Roll head with L hand slowly, bend/straighten R leg in sync with head rolling.
FI Exploration #019 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-15: Day 16, S02 day 6
Lifting shoulder, on back
CD#4/T06 [16m] DVD#2 Scene 5 [12m] » play audio
Slide hand, palm down, under/behind shoulder near joint, pivot over finger tips to lift, look for easy pathway. Lift other shoulder then start with easy lifting shoulder, hold it there and then add lifting other shoulder noting the point where the two shoulders creates a mid point in the chest somewhere. Hold until the person says to stop. Demo with Michael and skeleton.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 17 Tuesday May 16, 2006.
Discussion #029 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Learning, choices and sensory overload
CD#4/T07 [14m] » play audio
In his book The Master Moves (1984), Moshé talks about learning by doing 3 different ways and having choices. Photo of Anne Sullivan Macy, Alexander Graham Bell, and Helen Keller communicating using three separate modes, sign-language, lip-reading, and verbally. Rational Psychology Association [Gesellschaft für Rationelle Psychologie, GRP] in Germany, research of stimuli and sensitivity and its decrease. Average German formerly distinguished 300,000 sounds, now 180,000. Higher threshold for senses to gain satisfaction.
ATM Lesson #047 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Rolling up over elbow to sit, on back
CD#4/T08 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #3) » play audio
On back, imagine rolling up to sit. Hands interlaced behind head, translate head side/side. Leave elbows open, slide head/arms to R so R elbow moves in arc down and towards your side. Alternate R/L. Have L arm at 45 degree angle from side, on floor, roll head to look, slide R arm behind head to hold head near L ear, start rolling towards L so head/arm lift a little so weight starts going towards L elbow. Feel for when the quality shifts. Look for reversibility. Repeat OS. L arm at 45, lengthen R arm forward towards ceiling, allow head to roll L, weight coming onto L elbow, legs fall into “Z” sit position, shoulders lift from floor, elbow stays down and then reverse it. Both arms towards ceiling, lengthen R arm, roll up onto L elbow, reverse, come up on other side, alternate. Start with legs softly bent up in front over chest, arms extending forward, rolling side/side, coming up to sitting on each side, rolling across back with arms/legs in the air as roll to other side. Continue so that you come up onto your knees. Continue but keep head/shoulders lifted as roll across back but it's more across pelvis, speed it up. Roll to R, come up onto knees, switch legs in kneeling, go back down on L side.
FI Exploration #020 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Feedback process with head rolling
CD#4/T09 [56m] DVD#3 Scene 1 [13m] » play audio
Guided somatic identification of thoughts/feelings. Demo of head rolling with Michael. For propping, example in sitting, hang head back and turn head, hang head forward and turn head, head on top of spine and turn. Flat hand rolling, less about you, more about them feeling their movement. Explanation of feedback during FI practice. Artificial structure of communication as exploration to set up for open lines of communication in future FI practices in partners. Categories of feedback: pressure, pace, degree, direction. Practitioner asks, “How was that pressure?” Student replies, “I would be curious to feel more/less pressure.” Or “I could easily attend to my sensation of the movement.” Practitioner repeats if wants firmer/lighter and then asks, “Would you like it even lighter?” etc. Do that in each category. Students, actually access feeling of curiosity before you say you are curious. Practitioners access curiosity when listening to what they say. This structure is to help with building blocks towards useful feedback in future practices.
ATM Lesson #048 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Arms sliding under front #2, on front
CD#4/T10 [36m] (Amherst, July 15, 1980) » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #021 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Lifting shoulder #2, on back
CD#4/T11 [20m] DVD#3 Scene 2 [14m] » play audio
Demo with Ashley and skeleton. On back, review of anchoring fingers tips and lifting shoulder by using back of hand and then showing back of hand on table, finger tips at spine of the shoulder blade to hook fingers and lift, using knuckles anchoring/pressing against table to lift fingers.
ATM Lesson #049 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-16: Day 17, S02 day 7
Gluing lungs #3, on back & front
CD#4/T12 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #203) » play audio
No notes.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 18 Wednesday May 17, 2006.
ATM Lesson #050 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-17: Day 18, S02 day 8
Tilting crossed legs with continuous eyes, on back
CD#4/T13 [40m] (Alexander Yanai #266) » play audio
On back, scan for side/side. Cross R leg over L, tilt legs R. Awareness of chain reaction of skeletal, sliding of torso relative to shoulder girdle. As the knees tilt let head follow to R, both return to center each time. Allow eyes to see horizon in continuous way. Repeat with L eye closed. Then with R eye closed. Note difference in turning with each eye. Return to both eyes open, repeat. Leave legs tilted R, L arm across chest, R hand on elbow or shoulder, pull R allow head/eyes to follow. Same position, but bring head/knees to middle, then return head to L, knees to R again. Eyes following continuously. Repeat with R eye closed. Then L eye closed. Repeat with both eyes open. Tilt legs R, turn head L, pull L arm across chest with R hand, both eyes open following with head. Stand, walk, turn, compare sides, repeat few moves on other side. Stand feet, lift pelvis high, slide arms under chest, lower pelvis, cross legs? Tilt legs R, head/eyes to R, return all to middle, both eyes continuous quality. When knees are R, note a tug on L elbow then return to center. Take arms out, rest with arms/legs long. Repeat but take head L when knees go R. Repeat with crossing of legs and arm switched. Stand feet, hug chest, hands to shoulder blades, cross R leg over L, tilt knees to R, leave there, take shoulder girdle R as head/eyes go L. Repeat with arm and leg crossing switch to other side.
FI Exploration #022 – Diana Razumny 2006-05-17: Day 18, S02 day 8
Rolling head with shoulder lift, on back
CD#4/T14 [91m] DVD#3 Scene 3 [13m] » play audio
Demo with Kim. Guided exploration—Person on back, feet standing, lift one shoulder at a time, note differences. Roll head each way changing your hands, compare sides. Notice eyes under eyelids. Student open eyes, focus on point in front while head is being rolled. Pause. Tilt legs L and leave to L with support (opposite one-sided lesson) Return to rolling head, compare sides again. Bring R hand to L shoulder, lift R shoulder few times holding R hand in place. Keep R shoulder lifted, roll head to R towards/away from lifted shoulder. Pause, lift R shoulder again, roll head towards R shoulder, leave head/shoulder together (undifferentiated), lift/lower shoulder keeping head same distance from shoulder. Bring head to middle, lower shoulder, arm by side, return to simply rolling head. Bring knees back up to standing over feet, roll head, lift shoulders alternately, compare to beginning.
ATM Lesson #051 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-17: Day 18, S02 day 8
Pelvic clock, soles together, on back & sitting
CD#4/T15 [26m] (Alexander Yanai #416) » play audio
On back, stand feet, roll pelvis up/down. Sit, soles together, leaning on hands behind, roll pelvis forward/back, imagine clock under pelvis, 12 in front, 6 behind. Push belly forward towards R knee around 2 o'clock, roll around to 6, return to 2. Go towards 10, alternate between & 2. Go between 12/6. Lean back on elbows/forearms, roll between 12/6, pushing belly forward towards 12. Note knees open/close with rolling of pelvis. Alternate between 10/2 again. On back, soles together, roll pelvis between 12/6, pushing belly out/down towards 12 when roll there. Feel the ball of the pelvis and head. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, pelvis towards 12 then around the clock to 1 etc. all the way around to 12 again. Note parts of clock. Lean on elbows/forearms, circle clock clockwise then counterclockwise. Repeat on back with soles together. Stand feet, roll pelvis up/down, compare to beginning. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, roll pelvis forward/back. Stand, walk.
Discussion #030 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-17: Day 18, S02 day 8
CD#4/T16 [72m] DVD#3 Scene 4 [22m] » play audio
Examples of “good posture” by variety of experts. Words to describe good posture from students. Video: Medicine Man television episode with Dr. Stephen Langer (1981). Biological necessity, able to move without preparation for survival. Reproduction, self-preservation, self-maintenance. Able to use cardinal direction—right, left, up, down, forward, back. Think of jumping a little and your adjustments will bring you into a better posture. Just knowing you can do something even though you may not need to makes a difference in how you feel about yourself, your self-image. Older people's world tends to shrink. Reading from Moshé's books Body and Mature Behavior (1949, 2005) and The Potent Self (1985, 2002). Movement exploration—stand with legs wide apart and feel what movement/direction is available without preparation. Bring legs together where you feel support of your legs, imagine moving forward without reorganizing yourself then start to move forward and feel if you had to do something first. Go ahead and move forward in space. Stand, think of behind you and moving straight backwards without prior preparation. Stand, find a place where you could move either forward or back. Stand, think of moving to right, forward, back. Same to the left. Then up/down. Jump.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 19 Thursday May 18, 2006.
ATM Lesson #052 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Gluing lungs #4, on back & front
CD#4/T17 [36m] (Alexander Yanai #204) » play audio
No notes.
Discussion #031 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Breathing lesson
CD#4/T18 [11m] » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #023 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Tilting leg and pelvis, on front
CD#4/T19 [28m] DVD#3 Scene 5 [19m] » play audio
Demo with Barbara. On front, work with leg on the side they are facing, if that's comfortable for them. Roll straight leg in/out. Lift the leg slowly and notice the easy pathway, tilt leg towards middle, note when pelvis gets involved then tilt to the outside. Sit on the back side of their head side, reach around to hold pelvis starting with your forearm on pelvis to start the rolling then bring hand under to lift/roll pelvis towards you, noting leg and torso response. Add holding bent leg on that side and tilt lower leg inward with the rolling of the pelvis as an undifferentiated movement. Add holding pelvis in the lifted position and taking leg back towards their outside to differentiate at the hip joint. Return to just tilting bent leg and note involvement of pelvis etc. Return to just lifting leg and rolling it while it's long.
ATM Lesson #053 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Holding chin from behind head, sitting & lying
CD#4/T20 [43m] (unattributed) » play audio
Sit, explore L side of face with R hand, reaching arm around/behind head. Bring hand somewhere near chin, bring L hand forward on the floor, sliding it forward. Then side sit, “Z sit”, use your L hand for support and reach forward then up with the R elbow. Reverse legs and continue. ROB. On back, stand feet, hold head in same way, take head/arm to R/return, keep face towards ceiling. Straighten legs, bend both knees to R, feet to L then straighten, combine that with taking head/arm to R, add sweeping L arm in arc overhead and to the R side so you could eventually come to sitting with R leg in front, L back, keeping L hand on floor whole time. Go up/down. Sit with R leg in front, L back, R arm on chin again, hang head/arm towards floor then lift lower elbow a little feeling the connection down into the pelvis then take elbow R/L, start going down towards going onto back. Play with orientation, head at one end when lying on back, facing foot end when sitting. ROB. Start again from the back, keeping elbow on the floor as much of the time as possible from back to sitting. Sit with legs switched but still holding head with R hand/arm. Direct R elbow towards floor in front of L knee, eventually go all the way onto back then reverse. From back, come up on one side, return to back and come up on other side, holding head with R arm whole time. Continue but when sitting, flip knees to other side and go down on other side so it's a complete circle. On back, imagine rolling up to sit on each side without holding head. Do a few moves and feel how it is.
FI Exploration #024 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Turning head side/side, on front
CD#4/T21 [17m] DVD#3 Scene 6 [13m] » play audio
Demo with Robert S. Bring one hand to forehead, other slides on floor up to back of head near ear, have person lift head to slip hand under so thumb and index form a “V” shape, finger tips are near jaw. Place hand that was on the forehead on the other side of the head in same way, have person turn their head and follow along. Eventually have them give you a little of their weight at different points in the turn so you can take over the turning for them.
ATM Lesson #054 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-18: Day 19, S02 day 9
Henpecking, on back, front & sitting
CD#4/T22 [45m] (Alexander Yanai #129) » play audio
On back, bring head forward. On front, propped on elbows, looking to horizon take head/face forward, note head getting taller/shorter. On back, knees bent, roll pelvis, take head forward when lower back is on floor. Hands on lower ribs, take head forward, ribs go down/back, hold ribs down as head lowers back to floor. Sit, soles together, hands behind head, take head forward, back rounding backwards, pelvis rolls back, chin comes forward/down. On front, on elbows, forearms parallel, rubber band from chin to floor pulling forward/down, bring shoulder blades together/apart. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, look up, take shoulder blades together/apart, take chin forward/back. On front, on elbows, one arm extended forward on the floor so all the weight is on other elbow, do same move. Repeat OS, then peck on back, on elbows. “X” on back, large stone to belly, arms/legs/chin lift, head falls back. More on front/back. Lift chin to come to sit.
S02 – Katrin Smithback. Day 20 Friday May 19, 2006.
ATM Lesson #055 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Tilting legs in/out, on back & sitting
CD#4/T23 [41m] (Mia Segal & Gaby Yaron, San Francisco 1978) » play audio
On back, scan, hip joints. Roll each leg in/out, one at a time. Bend knees, stand feet, tilt R leg out to R/return. Note pelvis response to leg. Tilt R knee R, at same time, slide R foot to L. Tilt R knee in/L, slide R foot out/R. Alternate tilting knee in/out, sliding foot opposite. R foot standing, tilt knee in/out like beginning, note differences, compare to L knee tilting in/out. Repeat with L knee. Tilt both knees in/out then side/side. Keep knees towards ceiling, roll pelvis L/R. Lower legs to side, leave there, hands behind head, lift/lower head. Add knees lifting when lifting head, lower knees to side when head lowers. Repeat OS. Soles of feet together, knees open to sides, non-habitual interlacing of hands behind head, lift head, note knees. Lift/lower head/knees same time. Sit, soles together, hands behind head, roll pelvis back, back round backwards, head lowering towards space between knees, add looking up with head, rolling pelvis forward. Lean on hands behind, feet standing, tilt knees R, look up to R, as knees return to middle, look down, go to other side, alternate side/side. Continue with legs keeping head/eyes on horizon. Note if moving forward. Continue without moving forward and then bring hands from floor and continue. Then allow the walking forward, then walk backwards. On back, legs long, scan, roll legs, locate hip joints. Stand, locate hip joints, bend knee, lifting leg to feel hip joint. Walk.
Discussion #032 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Hip joints and lesson
CD#4/T24 [7m] » play audio
Importance of clarifying hip joints. Barbara about psoas. Michael overusing low back and upper back not as involved. All parts equally unimportant when moving.
FI Exploration #025 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Lifting shoulder & turning head, on front
CD#4/T25 [25m] DVD#3 Scene 7 [18m] » play audio
Person lying on front, lift from front of shoulder on face side. Add other hand on back of neck to rotate head/neck a little towards the shoulder that's lifting. Lift shoulder on back side of head. Turn head to other side, repeat.
Discussion #033 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Lifting shoulder FI
CD#4/T26 [9m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #056 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Sitting rotation (dead bird)
CD#4/T27 [30m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #10) » play audio
Sit, R leg bent in front, L leg back, L arm up in front of face, lean on R hand, look at L hand as you turn around to the R. Stay turned, eyes look R/back to hand. Repeat with one eye closed then other then both open. Turn R, stay, take eyes L/return to hand. Do original move, turning around to R, note change. Turn around to R, put both hands on floor to R, turn head/shoulders L/R. Continue, turn head/shoulders opposite directions. Return to original turning to R. ROB. Sit, hands on floor to R, focus on something in front of you, turn head/shoulders R/L keeping eyes fixed on point. Play with variations of head/shoulders/eyes moving same/opposite directions. R hand on floor, L on top of head, tilt head/neck L/R, note pelvis, ribs. Return to reference turning.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #10: The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body.
FI Exploration #026 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Reviewing all things done on front
CD#4/T28 [11m] » play audio
Approaches to explore/review all we did with person lying on the front: Observing sensing with touch; following person while they move (going for a ride); moving the person; waiting/holding; attention to the breath via observing, sensing, following; undifferentiated/differentiated moves; reference beginning and end. Stop, look and listen. Pairs—each take 20 minutes to explore.
Discussion #034 – Staff 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Homeplay & Closure
CD#4/T29 [20m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #057 – Katrin Smithback 2006-05-19: Day 20, S02 day 10
Come to side sit from front
CD#4/T30 [30m] (The Master Moves) » play audio
On front, explore direction head is turned, arm up on side of face, other arm down along side. Face to R, R arm up, L arm down, bend knees, feet in the air, tilt legs L, keep legs together. Have both arms up by head, tilt attached legs again and look to see the feet in the air. Add taking feet to L as before but only as far as you can still see the feet. You can stand your R hand to help and look over your R shoulder. Continue towards coming to sit. Repeat OS. Return to looking R, tilting legs L, start sending R leg back farther behind you so legs separate by sliding R leg along L, coming into “Z” position. Repeat OS. Alternate side/side, coordinate with the whole group.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 21 Monday August 14, 2006.
ATM Lesson #058 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-14: Day 21, S03 day 1
Rolling pelvis #1, soles together, sitting
CD#5/T01 [58m] (Amherst, à la Dennis) » play audio
On back, long scan. Sit, lean on hands behind, soles of feet together, roll pelvis forward/back. Repeat without leaning on hands. Explore leaning on hands when far back then close to pelvis, then comfortable place. Note direction of fingers, try with fingers pointed backwards then forwards to note difference. Tilt top of pelvis forward, stick belly out, chin moves away from throat, then reverse. ROB. Sit, lean on hands, soles together, stay looking down so chin is to chest, roll pelvis forward/back keeping chin/head down. Return to allowing head to move with pelvis. ROB. Sit, lean, soles together, slide feet side/side. Stay with feet to R, roll pelvis forward/back again, note asymmetry then make rolling over sit bones symmetrical. ROB, scan. Sit, repeat on other side. On back, knees wide, soles together, roll pelvis forward/back. Note chin does opposite to what happened in sitting. Stop head from moving while rolling pelvis then allow to move again. Knees open, L ankle on R, roll pelvis, note knees. Reverse ankle crossing, repeat. Return to soles together. Sit, lean, soles together, roll pelvis forward/back, note head. Bring R knee towards floor, lift R hand, leaning on L, head stays forward. Return to both hands on floor. Repeat but lift L hand while R knee goes to floor. On back, think through on other side, then sit and do. On back, soles together, tilt legs side/side so knees/thighs go towards floor alternately. Repeat in sitting. Repeat original simple move of rolling pelvis forward/back, head/spine moving with pelvis.
Discussion #035 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-14: Day 21, S03 day 1
Books, stories, here & there, now & then, orientation
CD#5/T02 [46m] [DVD#1 0-47] » play audio
Michael: reading book Body and Mature Behavior (1949, 2005). Tres: Reading book The Potent Self (1985, 2002). Dennis: Cross motivation and Émile Coué. Story about Moshé working with man who taught him how to build a computer. Moshé on FI: “I'm looking for them to be able to form a clear intention.” On ATM: “I don't teach and you learn.” In morning lesson learning very basics of balancing. Child goes between being stable and mobile then organized. In lesson, using the torso and the arms. Finding our way back to how we learn and develop. Having conscious control is a beginning but then have to let it go. We're here in the training to develop our craft. Scans, sensing between two heels, the sensing or relationship is weightless, it's not the sensation itself. Self-image in terms of “heres and theres.” “Now and then” like beginning and end of lesson. Abi: comparing left and right. Orientation in space and time. In relation to the room, Moshé: “Without kinesthetic orientation there's no possibility of awareness.” Going from intentionally scanning and then it's ongoing without conscious effort. Metaphor of reading: letters; words, sentences, paragraphs. Flexion and extension in the morning ATM. Coming to stand, coming up. Bob about precise language. Societally imposed brain damage. Story about teaching in hospital for veterans, Arlyn Zones and jumping jacks.
FI Exploration #027 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-14: Day 21, S03 day 1
Rolling pelvis, stopping movement where they stop
CD#5/T03 [30m] [DVD#2 0-18] » play audio
Observe Kristen, Brian and Barbara doing movement of sitting with soles together. Demo with Barbara in side sitting and bending forward. Clarifying the intention is one way—looking for what the person is doing and then seeing what they need. Another way is to go opposite, in this case flexion instead of extension. Barbara with soles together, leaning back on hands, holding her head stable while she rolls her pelvis and then let it go so there is more movement. If you see a place that isn't moving, there is activity in the brain stopping the movement. By holding the head we're doing what the system is doing. Demo with Kristen and Brian as well, showing what they aren't doing/moving. Practice seeing what you feel and feel what you see. Groups of three.
Discussion: Need to listen to the person first. Brian: wherever you touch something where they aren't moving they start moving. Loop of where we are in space and what we are doing. James: coming to stand and position of tailbone. Dennis demo of asymmetrical and dynamic rather than artificial straight movements for coming to stand. Back to practice in same groups.
ATM Lesson #059 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-14: Day 21, S03 day 1
Leg swing & footprint #1: flex/extend toes, ankle, knee & hip, on front & back
CD#5/T04 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #378, Bending the toes) » play audio
On back, bend knees, stand feet, lift R leg/foot in air, bend toes up/down. Note: breath, jaw, neck, chest. Repeat with L leg/foot. R leg in air, bend ankle without bending toes. Repeat with L leg/foot. R leg in air, bend ankle and bend toes up. Bend toes down, straighten ankle. Attention: breath, jaw, mouth, neck, chest. Repeat with L leg. On belly, legs spread, bend knees, inside edge of feet touching, bend toes up/down. Face L, stand hands, bend toes up/down. Attention: hands, neck, chest, face, breathing. Same position, bend ankles without bending toes. Attention: same parts. Add bending toes. Quicker. Repeat 4 & 5 with face to R. Attention: face, neck, jaw, hands, shoulder blades. Rest on back. On back, R leg in air, bend/straighten R knee without ankle/toe bending. Attention: breath, chest, face, jaw, neck making no changes there. Repeat with L leg in air. R leg in air, bend knee, ankle and toes up and then straighten, bend toes down. Attention: breath, face, eyes, mouth, neck, chest, hands. L leg. On belly, face L, spread/bend knees, touch inside edges of feet, straighten/bend legs. Stay with feet near floor, bend/straighten ankles without toes. Same position, stand hands, bend/straighten ankles, add toes bending up/down. Attention: breath, face, jaw, mouth, neck, chest. On belly, face R, knees bent, inside edge feet touch, bend/straighten knees, stay straightened, bend ankles, add bending toes up, add bending knees, so everything bends/straightens. Attention: breath, neck, arms. Same position, stand hands, bend/straighten everything. On belly, face R, legs long and joined, roll pelvis R/middle. Attention: breath, neck, hands. Extend R arm, continue. Quickly. Repeat with L hand standing, then pelvis swings R/L. Face L, extend L arm long, stand R hand, roll pelvis L. Stand both hands, face L, roll pelvis. Face R, roll pelvis. Quickly without disturbance to breath. Stand, walk.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 22 Tuesday August 15, 2006.
ATM Lesson #060 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-15: Day 22, S03 day 2
Rolling pelvis #2, soles together, on back
CD#5/T05 [36m] (Amherst, via Dennis) » play audio
On back, soles together, explore comfortable distance between knees, take knees side/side, note 3 variations of head with knee tilts. Keep head in middle then let it go with, then opposite the leg tilting. Move head opposite legs, note movement of eyes then take eyes opposite head rolling. Then allow head to go with knees, eyes opposite the head again. Allow head to move the way that's easiest for you with tilting the knees, note belly. Soles together, R hand/forearm under lower back, tilt pelvis/legs side/side again. Change arms, repeat. Both arms under lower back, repeat. Arms overlapped under/behind back, soles together, roll pelvis up/down. Arms by sides, soles together, roll pelvis up/down, note knees together/apart. Roll pelvis down so lower back is off floor, roll head up/down then allow head to roll with pelvis rolling up/down. Legs long, hand on chest, one on belly, seesaw movement between belly/chest. Soles together, roll pelvis down, repeat seesaw movement. Quickly. Soles together, lower back flattened to floor, roll head up/down then add pelvis rolling again. Roll pelvis so lower back is against floor, chin away from chest, seesaw. Stand feet, lift pelvis, arms under, lower pelvis, soles together, knees open, roll pelvis up/down, allow head to move. Soles together, tilt legs side/side. Legs long, thorough scan from heels up to head.
Discussion #036 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-15: Day 22, S03 day 2
Imitating exploration, demo with Cheryl, self-image
CD#5/T06 [73m] [DVD#2 18-end; DVD#3 0-19] » play audio
Kim: found it complex. Marge: didn't use language. Cheryl: seemed impossible with such different people imitating each other. Dennis: language practice for ATM teaching; orientation to self/room alternately; Kim: scrunching shoulders and using orientation instead. Dennis: not matter what you say someone can take it negatively. Demo with Cheryl, lifting head, lifting shoulders, finding point of crossing trajectory. “We don't do anything that contradicts easy.” Long discussion—Marge, Michael, Shira, Robert P., James... Towards end, story about Mark Reese and levitation.
FI Exploration #028 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-15: Day 22, S03 day 2
Observing, language and imitating
CD#5/T07 [5m] » play audio
Groups of 4. Two people observing—two on floor, on back, stand feet, right leg crossed over left, tilt legs right. Switch which leg is crossed over. Pick one person and which way they go easily, determine the shape of the movement, instruct the other person to do what you see the person doing, using mainly words. Then “clone” walks behind the “model” to check out their walk. Switch roles between clone and model then switch which two are observing and instructing.
ATM Lesson #061 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-15: Day 22, S03 day 2
Leg swing & footprint #2, flex/extend ankle/toes, on side
CD#5/T08 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #380, Pillows and swings) » play audio
On L side: (ref: swing R leg forward/back); think of R little toe then big toe; then other toes (more difficult). Touch little toe pad; then big toe. Touch each toe/s. Think pad of R heel circle. Trace circle of bottom of heel. Think of heel and toes. Think along outside edge of foot. Sense line, start with heel circle, come around bottom of heel pad, up outside edge up to toes, across top of toes, circle around big toe to trace back along bottom of pads to little toe. Stand, compare R/L legs, circle over R/L hip, sense R finger/toes, walk. On L side, think of the print of heel, edge and toes of R foot. Lift R leg and think of print of sole. Flex/extend ankle/toes sensing “print.” Quickly. Split attention between print/moving. Lift/straighten R (down), think sole: Flexed/hold ankle; Add toes flex/ext; quick/slow; Extended/hold ankle, flex/extend toes; Flex/extend ankle. Stand. Walk. On L side, lift/straighten R leg (in front), think sole: ankle flexed, think “footprint”, flex/extend toes; Note breath, effort in neck, face. Repeat, toes quickly, slow, pause. Lift leg in front, note ease/range. ROB. Hold ankle extended, flex/extend toes, quick/slow. Flex/extend ankle/toes. On L side, stand R hand, R leg straight (in front), think sole: flex/extend ankles/toes; add swinging leg backward/forward, knee soft; leg swing with ankle flexed only then extended only. Stand, walk. Stand on R leg, swing L leg forward/back; repeat with R leg, compare.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 23 Wednesday August 16, 2006.
ATM Lesson #062 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-16: Day 23, S03 day 3
Leg swing & footprint #3, flex/extend ankle/toes, on side
CD#5/T09 [61m] (Alexander Yanai #381, Pillows right and left) » play audio
On back, join legs/feet, interlace hands on low belly: Attend to: breathing; little toe pads, all toes, footprint; each toe; breath. Legs joined, trace L sole few times: heel pad, along outer edge to little toe, along top of toes to big toe, around to bottom of pads back to little toe, return to heel pad. Repeat with R foot. Repeat with both. Pause, note breath. Trace line along root of toes between little/big toe, sense length of line. Repeat with other foot. Join feet, sense distance between little toes. Note breath. Join legs/knees, sense soles, note breathing: Flex ankles many times, Sense length of line from one little toe to other. Flex/extend ankles, quickly, feel through spine to head. Feet/knees/big toes stay joined whole time. Without digging heels into floor. Keep ankles flexed, flex/extend toes only, note back of neck. On R side, L leg straighten down lifted a little, straight line from shoulder to foot. Trace sole as above. Pause. Flex ankle/toes, swing straight leg a little forward/back. Pause, Extend ankle/toes, swing leg. Swing different flex/ext? Again with foot flexed, do quickly. Same on L side. Rest on back. On R side, straight L leg, bring straight leg forward, stay, attention sole: Foot flexed, flex/extend toes. Quickly. Pause, note breathing. Repeat with ankle extended. Flex/extend ankle/toes. Quickly. Pause, think it fast. Repeat all on L side, start with trace sole, toe pads, distance between little/big toes. Pause. Repeat flex/extend ankle, reverse coordination of toes flex/extend. Curl toes under when flexing ankle. Repeat on R side. Pause, swing whole leg forward/back. Faster/smaller. On L side, same with R leg. On R side, bend L knee, take leg behind, think sole, stay: Flex/extend ankle. Quickly. Pause, note breathing. Flex/extend toes. Note—breathing, back of neck, belly. Pause, Ankle flexed—flex/extend toes. Ankle extended—flex/extend toes flex/extend ankle while flex/extend toes opposite, quickly. Swing leg forward/back. Rest on back. Repeat on L side. On back, interlace hands on belly, feel breath under hands. Join legs/feet. Flex/extend ankles/toes together, without interrupting the breath. Note differences from beginning of lesson.
FI Exploration #029 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-16: Day 23, S03 day 3
Observing, language and imitating on hands and knees
CD#5/T10 [5m] » play audio
Groups of 4, 2 on floor on hands and knees, moving through flexion and extension of the torso. Instruct one person to do what the other person is doing in relation to areas moving or not moving, degree of movement and timing. “Clone” then watches the “model” person. Switch students roles then pair switch roles.
Discussion #037 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-16: Day 23, S03 day 3
FI exploration and ATM
CD#5/T11 [32m] » play audio
Michael: changing through the process of imitating and moving so much. Tres: ATM with footprint. Bob: difficultly holding leg up. Brian: hating lessons but getting results and wanting to sleep during ATM and running into issues of not wanting to change. Dennis: 7 digits memory. Paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two (1956) (Wikipedia article) by George A. Miller. Creating one chunk out of 5-9. Metaphor of learning to drive. How that applies to ATM and sensing a number of things that eventually weld together as one thing. In response to Michael and people looking more alike at the end. More flexibility and options. We go towards the more bio-mechanically easy. Lessons and training have a developmental aspect. Shira: Model started looking more like the clone. James: stability/mobility and looking for a new stability. Dennis: there is the physics of standing upright and then there is the nervous system. At level of brain and neurology people aren't that different but in movement like martial arts there are clear differences. Hierarchy of belt system in martial arts designed for experience of succeeding. Loss of balance—the recovery is quicker. James: stabilize first in Pilates compared to FM, we do mobility to create stability. Story of Moshé working with a kid with Cerebral palsy (CP), challenging balance on all fours. Marge: watching the clones and models, choosing less extreme movements. Dennis: you are looking for shaping/rhythm, not range. Kung fu form, looking for “flavor” of movement.
ATM Lesson #063 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-16: Day 23, S03 day 3
Rolling pelvis #3, soles together, on back, elbow propped
CD#5/T12 [23m] (Amherst, via Dennis) » play audio
On back, soles of feet together, roll pelvis up/down. On elbows/forearms, soles together, roll pelvis, allow whole spine and head to participate. Repeat, but keep head/eyes forward. ROB. Lean on R elbow and L hand, repeat pelvis rolling. ROB. Repeat on OS. On both elbows, repeat pelvis rolling, allow sternum to lift when rolling forward/down, head back, reverse, note shoulder blades. Lean on hands/arms, fingers pointing forwards, roll pelvis. On back, soles together, roll pelvis, note when chin comes to chest and then sit up and keep the same relationship of head to pelvis while rolling in sitting then return to allowing head to go up/back when pelvis rolls forward/down. ROB. On forearms/elbows, soles together, tilt legs, one knee comes to floor, allow head to move. Lean on elbows, soles together, take one knee to floor, circle to other side so other knee goes to floor, continue circling around, note head response. Repeat, reverse circle direction. ROB. Repeat circling but 5 quick in one direction then 5 the other.
ATM Lesson #064 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-16: Day 23, S03 day 3
Twisting, reaching arm, sitting with legs spread
CD#5/T13 [52m] (Alexander Yanai #358) » play audio
Sit, legs straight and spread, reach L arm across towards right foot, leaning on straight right arm. Repeat on OS. Sit, legs spread, hand on hips, thumbs backwards, roll pelvis back, elbows coming forward. Pause, take pelvis forward, elbows go backwards, let head look up. Same position, alternate rolling forward/back, head looking up/down, belly out/in. Return to reaching arm across, allow head to turn to look behind in direction turning, pause, look opposite. Repeat OS. Return to turning head in direction torso is turning with the reaching. Sit, hands on hips, thumbs backwards, elbows back, pelvis forward and bring chin down. Pause, reverse, elbows come forward, pelvis rolls back, back rounds backwards, head looks up. Alternate between last two. Return to easy way, alternating. Reach L arm to R foot, turn head L/R 5 times for each reach. Reach L arm again, head turns to look behind, allow L knee to bend and turn in, R knee bends and turns out. Repeat last two instructions on OS. Sit, lean back on arms, turn, allow knees to fold as pelvis dictates.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 24 Thursday August 17, 2006.
ATM Lesson #065 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-17: Day 24, S03 day 4
Rolling pelvis #4, around clock, on back
CD#5/T14 [58m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #6, à la Dennis) » play audio
On back, stand feet, roll pelvis up/down, note lift/lowering of lower back. Note breathing. Expand belly when pelvis rolls forward/down. Imaginary clock, 6 at tailbone, 12 at top of pelvis/sacrum, roll between 12/6, note head moves up/down on it's own clock. Note line between 12/6 on back of head/pelvis. Lift sides of pelvis alternately to roll between 3/9, 3 at R, 9 at L. Have head rolling side/side like pelvis. Imagine connection between head/pelvis so rolling pelvis up/down rolls head up/down. (use of image of rods coming out of nose and navel). Use same image rolling side/side between 3/9 so head/pelvis both move. Take pelvis from 12, 1, 2, 3, return. Continue on to 4, 5, 6, return to create 1/2 circle of clock. Head is following along the whole time. Repeat on other side of clock. Circle completely around clock with pelvis, head follows. Eyes float along in sockets. Reverse circling. Stand one foot, other leg long, circle clock. Same with other leg then with one leg crossed over other. Stand feet as beginning, circle around clock each direction. Take head around clock opposite to pelvis going around, switch directions of each.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #6: Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock.
Discussion #038 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-17: Day 24, S03 day 4
Pelvic clock as example of lessons
CD#5/T15 [68m] [DVD#3 19-25] » play audio
Barbara: how often to do lesson? Brian: doing more FM being able to be more coordinated, is it because can hold more data like in George Miller's paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two (1956) (Wikipedia article)? Dennis: pet lessons and classics, pelvic clock is included. What are the elements that make it classic? Example of saying FM is “gentle” or “aware movement.” There are exceptions. So what's in a lesson? If “pelvic clock” is a representative lesson, what's in it? What other lessons? Roll to sit; dead bird; spiral to standing; seesaw breathing; coordination of flexors/extensors; roll side/side. What is the FM? What is it like? It's like a pineapple—ugly on the outside, sweet on the inside and once you eat it you don't know if you're digesting it or it's digesting you. Metaphor: FM is to movement as Häagen-Dazs is to ice cream. Process of learning. Some people ask for the research or evidence. Francisco Varela said some people in the somatic realm make the mistake of trying to use scientific language; it's obvious they aren't in the club. He suggested instead simply giving the lesson and asking scientists, “What do you think?” Story of Moshé talking to cardiologist. Reading from book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990). Demo with skeleton about pelvis and head and importance of ability to move each, the turning of head to hear, changing tonus on side. Breathing lessons can reach into muscular habits. Counting number of movements helps not daydream while moving. Reading from book again. Example of reading, letters, words, meaning. Different languages have different amounts of sounds. Used language metaphor, applied to ATM lessons. Abstract image of clock helps give an address to movement of pelvis. The in/out awareness of clock pressing numbers into wax or rubber stamp. Making distinctions like this helps change the sense of contact in other contexts. Five lines we abstract out of our own organization. Saying hand implies the line of arm because it's at the end of the arm. Say “leg” and the foot is there. The movement of pelvis includes lower back. James: counting sheep for sleeping vs. counting to stay aware? Dennis: draw attention to action that creates sensation to give it an address. Awareness isn't possible without orientation. The clock gives orientation, i.e. when you are at 6 it implies you can go to the other places. From Awareness Through Movement: differentiation between right and left and inside/outside awareness developed in man at some point. Using the clock helps person doing the lesson locate themselves and as a practitioner it help you see different dimensions as well. Locate ourselves in space, move in space and have it reversible (change directions in the middle of an action). In mechanics, or physics: speed, velocity, acceleration. Velocity is speed with direction; a change of either speed or direction is an acceleration. Awake, or conscious, versus awareness. Brought that back to movement of pelvis, locating the numbers. Marge: moving pelvis effects torso; foot flex/extend difference of anchoring heel or not.
Editor's notes: Dennis gave lessons to Jonas Salk and Francisco Varela who both appreciated the Method. Story of Moshé giving a lesson to the patient of a cardiologist and referring the questioning doctor to his friend Dr. Michael DeBakey who liked his work; we have to think of other things. Phonemic distinctions in language, and Moshé's sense of learning to make distinctions and coordinate them. Reference to Bulgarian with its large number of phonemes and the Lozanov method of language learning.
ATM Lesson #066 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-17: Day 24, S03 day 4
Leg swing & footprint #4, bent leg swing, head/shoulder, on side
CD#5/T16 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #382, continuation) » play audio
On R side, stand L hand in front of chest on floor, lift L leg, move forward/back, knee bends when leg goes back, note torso response. Repeat on OS. ROB. On R side, lift L leg: Attention to toe pads of L foot, the heel pad, the outer edge of foot Trace footprint. Repeat with L knee bent, foot behind. Swing leg back, L hand on floor in front of chest, Allow head and L shoulder to go forward. Attend to sole of foot. Quicker. Switch sides, repeat above on OS. On R side, L hand on floor in front, lift L leg, attention to sole of foot: Swinging leg back, take head and L shoulder back. Quicker, Attention to even distribution along back side. ROB. Repeat OS. Return to R side, swing leg forward, head/shoulder goes backward. Quicker, lighter, ROB, OS (bottom arm under head bent?) Return to R side, swing leg forward, head/shoulder forward. Quicker, lighter, OS, ROB. On R side, stay with L leg back bent backwards, attention sole: Ankle flexed, curl toes down several times. Quickly. Ankle extended and lift toes. Quickly. Flex/extend toes/ankle in opposite directions. Slowly increase speed. Make circles with heel. Change direction. If not clear, lie on back to circle heel on floor. ROB. Repeat OS. On R side, swing leg forward/back, attention to sole: head goes towards leg in front the head goes back when leg swings back. Repeat OS. On back, bend both knees, stand feet, lift front of foot and curl toes under, make circles with both heels, legs moving in opposite directions. Change direction. Repeat with toes bent up.
Discussion #039 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-17: Day 24, S03 day 4
Review earlier talk or week, groups of four
CD#5/T17 [36m] » play audio
Small group discussion. Returning to large group to report. Dennis: Self-image is a small part of us in terms of inhabiting to whole of our self. Charles Sanders Peirce; influenced John Dewey. From Peirce's article The Fixation of Belief (1877), arriving at belief through various methods:
- The method of tenacity. Holding onto a point of view, which leads to becoming a hermit.
- The method of authority. Orthodoxy or the state decides or defines what to believe; it's the main way.
- The a priori method. Method of fashion. Example was electromagnetic, then quantum view.
- The method of science. Can develop, way of inquiry.
In FM, pedagogically there isn't a “right.” Wide range of ways to participate in a lesson and you come up with something for yourself. Observations made by any group of people would come upon it separate from what Moshé believed. We can test it and it's open to debate. A consensus is arrived at. Example of Roger Russell exploring coming up to standing and Moshé used it for everyone to explore because it was new to him but fit all the criterion of the Method. Moshé knee story and needing to rework who he was, realizing he was a violent person. Judo and science came together. Use the ideal to observe how people move and something to take them towards but not lay it on them. Story of client working with computer.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 25 Friday August 18, 2006.
ATM Lesson #067 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
Tilting pelvis forward and back, on front, knees & forearms and sitting
CD#5/T18 [55m] (Alexander Yanai?) » play audio
On back, note breath. On front, palms down near head, bring knees wider than feet. Bring R knee a little more out to R and switch direction facing. Repeat OS. ROB. On front, knees wider than feet, tilt top of pelvis back so pubic bone goes into the floor then opposite, rock forward/back. Same position, knees wide, top of pelvis tilted forward, tail lifted, feel movement of breath. Repeat but with pelvis tilted so pubic bone is towards the floor. Return to rocking top of pelvis forward/back; explore variations of using gluteus the note using gluteus. Repeat, attention to the sit bones moving and sliding up/down of spine tail to head, effect on the sternum. ROB. On front, continue widening of knees to sides then circling under hip to come onto knees and forearms, end up with forehead on floor. From there, take head to look up/down. On elbows/knees, lift R knee/foot. Repeat OS. Alternate lifting legs then quickly. On elbows/knees, look up/down, belly sinking towards floor, alternate with back arching back towards ceiling. Repeat movement of torso but have head go incongruent direction, i.e. when belly is dropped forward look down with head, as back arches back towards ceiling look up with head. On elbows/knees, take sit bones towards heels then return. On knees/head, hands on lower ribs (thumbs forward, fingers to back), take pelvis towards heels again. Sit cross-legged, hands on lower ribs again, flex/extend torso rock on sit bones, look up/down with head, note movement of lower/floating ribs. Stand, hands on lower ribs, sense breath, tuck tail under and hold to note breath; then reverse direction of tail so it's pointing back and sense breath; then letting pelvis just find “middle” and sense breath without hands on ribs.
Discussion #040 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
ATM lesson, Charles Peirce, Tesla
CD#5/T19 [25m] [DVD#3 25-30] » play audio
Michael: props for sitting? Dennis: floating ribs? Demo with Robert S. on elbows/knees, looking up down; then take pelvis towards heels noting lower ribs. Then on side, doing movements on side from the leg swing lessons. Robert S. about gluing lungs series. Michael: yesterday's talk on Charles Sanders Peirce and beliefs. Dennis: story of the man and materials not that accessible. Some articles. Had movement explorations. Story of Nikola Tesla inventing in laboratory of his mind. Ruth: size of clock and length of lines? Dennis: reduce size of circle. Lines, thinking of the lines. Drawings that you can see vase or two profiles of faces. Artist can see both at same time. Figure/Ground. Seeing, feeling, sensing in 2 dimensions.
ATM Lesson #068 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
Leg swing & footprint #5, straight leg swing, hold top bent leg, on side
CD#5/T20 [58m] (Alexander Yanai #383) » play audio
On back, legs joined, hands on belly, note breathing: Contract legs, note: breath, chin to/away from throat; Flex/extend toes/ankle, neck/breath ease; Continue, tighten legs, note neck/breath ease; Soften easier so won't disturb breath; Flex/extend toes/ankle in opposition, Quickly; Only R foot, only L, both, quick/sloppy. On R side, L hand in front on floor, extend L leg long, swing back/forth: Head/shoulders towards leg, so torso flex/extend bends; Change direction of head to move opposite leg; Add ankle/toes flexed; Ankle flexed, toes curled under; Ankle/toes extended. Leave ankle extended, bend toes up; Continue, change head/shoulders towards leg again; Swing light/easy, ankle/toes free. ROB. Repeat OS On R side, L hand on floor, bend L knee, swing leg keeping it bent: Head/shoulders same direction as leg Repeat on other side. Breath: inhale—leg back/exhale—leg forward. Quicker. On R side, lift/bend L leg: Foot behind, heel towards butt; Straighten/bend knee, heel to/away from butt, Faster; Flex/extend ankle/toes with foot behind. Faster; Heel close to butt, circle with heel; On back, circle heel, return to side, note leg bones; Straighten/bend knee, add ankle flexed, careful knee; Continue, ankle extended, Quickly. ROB. Repeat OS. On R side, take leg back, bend/straighten knee: Ankle flexed. Faster. Careful with knee; Add toes curled down; Ankle extended/toes curled down; Ankle extended/toes lifted up, Faster. ROB. On R side, legs bent, R arm extended above head, L hand holds L ankle, lift/lower leg/head. Knee/foot stay at same height when lifting. L elbow must bend. Faster. ROB. Repeat OS side. Swing leg freely forward/back.
Discussion #041 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
Evolution of trainings
CD#5/T21 [20m] » play audio
Moshé taught two and a half trainings. Different formats, from emphasis on FI to ATM. Developmental model, learning ATM and FI at same time. Feedback of distinctions you feel a person is doing with you. In own interest to bring everybody along. FI is coupling two nervous system together, not merging.
FI Exploration #030 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
Rolling pelvis, on back
CD#5/T22 [15m] [DVD#3 30-45] » play audio
Demo with skeleton, Robert P. & Ashley. Groups of 4 explore. Find person's middle relative to rolling pelvis side to side. From that middle roll headward and footward. First direction is dependent on what they do easily. Palms on iliac crest to roll headward, flat of knuckles in front of hip joint to take footward (45 degree angle approximately).
ATM Lesson #069 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-18: Day 25, S03 day 5
Rolling pelvis #5, around clock, on back, elbow propped
CD#9/T23 [40m] (à la Dennis) » play audio
On back, soles together, prop up on elbows, roll pelvis up/down (12/6 o'clock), attention to whole spine curving forward/backward. Same position, roll pelvis towards 3/9, taking knees towards floor alternately. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, pelvis 12/6. Explore fingers back or forward, leave forward. Same position, roll pelvis 3/9. Think of numbers as raised, start going around clock from 12 to 3. Continue on to 4, 5, 6, continue back and forth with 1/2 circle around R side of clock. Repeat gradually around L 1/2 of clock. Same position, start at 6 going side/side, gradually adding numbers until you reach 12 approaching from R/L sides alternately. Same position, circle around clockwise then counter clockwise. Do quickly.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 26 Monday August 21, 2006.
FI Exploration #031 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-21: Day 26, S03 day 6
Observe rolling pelvis and feeling spaces, on back
CD#6/T01 [1m] » play audio
Groups of 4: 2 observing other 2 lying on back, feet standing, rolling pelvis up/down. With their legs straight, feel behind knees, lower back, neck for distances. Return to observing them roll pelvis up/down. Discussion in groups of 8.
Discussion #042 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-21: Day 26, S03 day 6
ATM/FI, FI in Israel, pressure of “rightness”, ancient practices
CD#6/T02 [73m] » play audio
Power packed talk. Computer crashed, lost notes. Guess ya had to be there or enjoy listening to the CD recording.
Editor's notes: Dennis: Moshé was in one way promoting FI as the way to understand ATM; he said that the jewel of the Method is ATM, not FI. Stories of Dennis working in Tel Aviv: Gideon, the first person Dennis worked with in Israel, famous pilot who would “shut down” whenever there was any surge in vitality; his wife would resurrect him. Dennis: Moshé was paying me, he was happy with what I was doing, but I still didn't understand FI. Dennis, Mark Reese, and David Bersin would phone each other up, “Have you seen it yet? Have you seen function?” Dennis began giving Mia Segal lessons, for him, FI became clear in working with her; for others, it was working with others of the Israelis. Mia's style: if you could touch a person in just one place, for just three minutes, where would you touch? To be really parsimonious was her style. In Israel, lessons were scheduled on the half-hour, each was 22–23 minutes. Learning to work by working with what doesn't contradict easy; once you have a sense of working with someone, it's O.K. to challenge it. The outcome of a lesson doesn't have to be that someone feels good; ATM lessons often do not. Rather, that there was a situation and there's been a change. In the last year and a half of Mark Reese's life, Dennis gave him lessons. Mark was writing his biography of Moshé and wrote two hours a day, and it didn't feel comfortable; but he walked, wrote, and spent time with his wife every day. He had only so much vitality and was really parsimonious with all these things.
Dennis and Mark spoke about Dennis' da Vinci series—is there a lineage in Western civilization that we can give a nod to? Yes. Pythagoreans: self-remembering. Dennis: Moshé had me doing a Gurdjieff-ian practice, reviewing the day, in order, on going to bed, while sub-vocalizing 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, ..., that is, without narrative or elaboration. The Stoics and Seneca, and the “practice of death.” If you were to be taken by the gods in the next moment, would you be you doing what would be most fulfilling? If no, don't do it. Mark had no specific practice like that, but his life was like that. Subjective quality of ATM and FI lessons, others don't have our experience. We in America have an incredible pressure to perform; the urge to correct oneself or others is powerful, but there is no right way to do a lesson beyond what the person is doing. Through the process of training, we really want to weed out this idea of fixing or correcting movement. Moshé's ability to argue was incredible. Moshé on genius: “You have to sense what your real weakness is in life and surrender to it. Because that's your pathway to genius. Most people spend their life using their strengths to overcome their weaknesses... they're a house divided. You have to be able to use all of yourself.” Oftentimes a person working like this is not a pretty sight, with rough edges, but they're so vital they'll dislodge a whole set of world views and lead their generation. What is your own weakness? For Moshé, it was that he was an extremely violent person; rather than fighting against it, how could he bring it in? Your weakness is what you give in to immediately; your default sense of yourself.
Dennis: story of working intensively with Tibetan lama: magnify what you give into, then, change it; but in a safe, controlled environment. That's who you are, but you can change your subjective experience of it. While working here, we don't have to have any particular experience; but it can happen. Don't push it away, but continue to act with that in your field of experience, learn that those things don't inhibit your action; you can still act. We have to learn our craft: skeletal transmission of force, to see shapes and functions, to work with different people. But also, there's the way in which you work with someone; once you've done too much, everything more you do is more too much. Story of giving David Moses a lesson, “You didn't give me a lesson,” his past experience was with someone who worked to elicit psychological reactions, essentially, tears. Sometimes we have expectations when giving or receiving lessons, it's not right or wrong, but a useful line of inquiry for later work with people; the lesson is whatever it is. You can't predict what someone will do with it—people are not machines and come to become less so. Reference to Dennis' article Heinz; a compilation of second-order cybernetics useful in terms of what we can expect from a lesson.
Brian: Levels of awareness? Dennis: “There's only one level of awareness. There's only awareness. Consciousness can have all kinds of distinctions, but awareness doesn't.” Brian: how much do we attempt to convey the workings of the Method to clients? Dennis: importance of concrete versus hypothetical questions. We don't treat conditions, we work with individuals; there's no such thing as “a body,” it's an abstraction. We work with people. Group and individual dynamics. Observed systems: relationship between scientific experiment, with limited variables, and real life. When working with people, who are themselves observing systems, you can't set up controls, but people have a way through lessons to access capacities, capabilities, and processes within themselves. But we don't know how they will use these. Heinz would say: systemics, not mechanics. There is our field, their field, and the field the two of us create together. Your success as a practitioner is in how people return to their lives and take up what they've learned. Determinate but non-predictable systems. People do things differently; some things make a difference for me and not you and vice versa. But lessons, both ATM and FI, are rigorous in a profound way.
ATM Lesson #070 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-21: Day 26, S03 day 6
Rolling pelvis #6, leaning on elbows, on back
CD#6/T03 [61m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
On back, scan for 5 lines. Soles together, leaning on elbows/forearms, rolling between 12/3. Continue on to 6 to create a 1/2 circle. ROB. Come back to circling but around other side of clock. On back, soles together, circle around top 1/2 of clock, starting gradually. Repeat around bottom of clock. Circle completely, note circle of head. Make circles with pelvis one direction, head other. Break down head/pelvis going opposite by going just side/side in a line between 3/9 and 12/6. Roll pelvis down to 12, tail down with chin to chest and start taking head/pelvis in opposite directions gradually, hour by hour. Stand R foot, L leg long, circle pelvis around clock. Sit, lean on hands, soles together, roll 12/6.
ATM Lesson #071 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-21: Day 26, S03 day 6
Leg swing & footprint #6, hold top bent leg, lift/lower head/leg, on side
CD#6/T04 [65m] (Alexander Yanai #392) » play audio
On R side, think foot prints, lift L leg, swing leg: Swing straight and bent leg; Swing straight L leg, head/shoulders towards leg; Repeat with bent leg; Repeat leg swings with head/shoulders going opposite leg. Repeat all on OS. On R side, extend R arm long overhead, L hand holds front of middle of lower L leg, lower leg stays parallel to floor: Lower L leg towards floor and lift head, reverse; When head lifts, L leg touches R, teeter; Push leg into hand to help lift head as leg lowers as if to sit. Repeat on OS. On R side, hold lower L leg with L hand, swing leg forward/back: Add head moving forward/back, bending torso forward/back; Repeat with head/shoulders moving opposite leg; Think of pivoting around the R hip joint on floor; Repeat, OS. On R side, R arm long overhead, hold lower L leg near knee: Swing L leg forward/back; Allow rolling to belly when leg swings back; Straighten R leg and protrude belly, head moves back; Think of heel going towards back of head; Repeat OS. On R side, hold lower L leg under kneecap, straighten R leg forward, prop head up on R hand, lean on elbow: swing L leg; lower knee to floor to come to sit; Legs spread more as come to sit, L heel to butt; Repeat OS. On R side, L hand on floor, swing straight leg forward/back: Head forward/back towards swinging leg; Head/shoulders away from leg; Repeat variations with knee bending and straightening. Repeat OS. At end, use to swing up to sitting.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 27 Tuesday August 22, 2006.
ATM Lesson #072 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-22: Day 27, S03 day 7
Leg swing & footprint #7, roll to front, hold legs behind, on side, elbows & knees
CD#6/T05 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #393, continuation) » play audio
On R side, L hand on floor in front, note sole tracing of L foot, swing leg forward/back freely. Variations: leg with head together/opposite, straight legged, ankle flex or extended, toes curled/uncurled. Repeat on L side. ROB. On R side, L hand on midcalf, bring knee towards face then away. R leg straight down under pelvis. Take leg back, behind, push belly out, roll to belly. Pause, return to belly, holding leg, stand R hand, lift head/leg, pushing belly forward. Repeat OS. Hold below knee, R leg straight down under: swing forward/back—belly out in extension, roll to belly. On belly, holding leg, stand R hand, lift/lower head/leg. On front, hold both legs from behind, lift head/legs from floor, look up with head/eyes, back of head falls back. Rest on front. Pull belly in, lifting from floor, many times then quickly. Pause, turn head to side, repeat pulling in belly, turn head to other side, repeat with belly. On front, hold R leg with R hand, L hand in pushup position, lift/lower head/leg, roll to L side, return to belly. (repeating from above on OS). On front, elbow propped, open knees to sides, slide knees up towards elbows, come onto knees/elbows. On knees/elbows, lift R leg up behind, knee bent, leave knee at same height, bend/straight. Add ankle/toes bending/straightening. Elbow propped, knees open to sides, inner side of knees/feet touch floor, push belly out into floor, pubic bone lifts, tailbone up towards ceiling, slide knees up to sides, come onto elbows/knees. Repeat above, on hands/knees instead of elbows. Lift leg high in air behind, leave knee lifted, bend/straighten knee/ankle/toes. Add head dropping forward with straightened leg, lifted looking to ceiling with bent leg. ROB. Repeat OS. On back, stand feet, push belly out, push into elbows, lift shoulders, slide onto top of head.
Discussion #043 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-22: Day 27, S03 day 7
Work vs. Effort, a vs. the, definition of terms, self-image and parasitic movements
CD#6/T06 [38m] [DVD#4 0-6] » play audio
Abi: Range of comfort? Dennis: Effort vs. work. Finding a way to make it easier than the beginning. Story: moving to NM in 1975 after first year of his training, teaching tai chi chuan and series of lessons. Michael: Awareness clarification? Layering? Dennis: Awareness doesn't have regressions. Observing, you either are or not. Speed, velocity and acceleration, jerks or sudden changes. Sense of presence with location, mobility with gradation. Story of German camera crew, man asking about altered state of consciousness. Moshé asked, “What do you mean by consciousness?” Abi: if “there is no body,” then what are we working with? Dennis: individuating individuals. Body is generic and there is no person who is that. Can say “a” skeleton, not “the” skeleton. Same with saying the or a person. When we use anatomical terms in FM we mean something different than what an anatomist means. We say “a nervous system” we're talking about learning. Or “consciousness” used in Ericksonian terms. Each discipline has it's own meaning/definitions of terms. Knowing anatomy doesn't make you a better practitioner. One of the best practitioners, Shlomo Efrat—knows nothing of anatomy but you come “home” when he touches you. Another way to approach the skeleton could be giving meaning through gesture. Abi: Self-image and experience of self is new comparing to other modalities. Dennis: Self-image is critical and essential to FM. You feel how plastic it is when you get up from a lesson. When Moshé was writing his book Body and Mature Behavior (1949, 2005), Paul Schilder, psychological and physiological zone of the self-image. Moshé was interested in the somatic aspect of it. Parasitic action—can't stand and jump at the same time. Clarifying a function can weed out the parasitic actions. Parasitic example reach forward while pulling shoulder back. Marge, off mic—parasitic movements get in the way of the function. “My arm is long, your life is short.” Michael: being on the front feels like chest is heavy and immobile. Dennis: example of bringing knees under from being on belly, it's the image that ties it all together. Dennis at skeleton showing different movements of spine and pelvis. Robert P.: using imagination. Tres: Functional Integration. Dennis: Mark Reese's idea of maturity was more of a ripening rather than a set of things you aren't supposed to do.
FI Exploration #032 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-22: Day 27, S03 day 7
Observe rolling pelvis and feeling spaces, on back
CD#6/T07 [20m] [DVD#4 6-25] » play audio
Demo with Leanore and Brian. On back, knees bent, tilt knee in/out, feel for “neutral.” Feel shape of lower back, relation to the floor. Go with direction they go, be it lifting or lowering lower back towards floor. One hand on knee, other under pelvis/low back to take knee over foot more and lift lower back. Pushing into knee taking lower back towards floor. Choose the easy direction for them as the first exploration. Push through knee, thinking of connecting up to their head, explore from the “neutral” position of hip and then with knee tilted a little inward then outward. Find where connection to head is clearest. Watch ribs and wrinkles in clothing.
Discussion #044 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-22: Day 27, S03 day 7
FI exploration
CD#6/T08 [24m] » play audio
Robert P.: Finding neutral in the hip joint is just not contradicting easy like when we lifted the leg. Making distinctions between neutral in the hip and when the pelvis gets involved. Robert P.: large range in hip joints. Free hip joints may not be functional. Brian: dialogue between practitioner and student to compare notes. Don't have to agree. Pam: first time felt clearest then found another was. Kept finding teachers were doing too much. In beginning we do too much, too fast, too often. Working with vs. working “on.” You are influencing their sense of self, perceptions, cognition, when you are working with someone. Kristen: working with James and noted head moving side/side. Changing the height of head can change that. Just notice what you notice, do some other things and come back to it and notice if there is a difference. Michael: working on the floor was uncomfortable. Working on the floor and finding comfort there is another way of integrating the lessons we're doing. Ashley: dialogue with person helped clarify. Dennis: so much in this little exploration. People want to know “what's this for?”, “how can I use this?”, “when would I use it?”. Example of grasping glass and flicking it, the sound is a thud. Giving it a base by class sitting on palm, flicking and getting a ringing sound as metaphor of clarify connecting with skeleton.
ATM Lesson #073 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-22: Day 27, S03 day 7
Rolling pelvis #7, on back, sitting and leaning on elbows, standing, on knees
CD#6/T09 [44m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
On back, stand feet, circle pelvis around clock. Soles of feet together, roll around pelvic clock each way, head going opposite. Start pelvis at 9, head at 3 and go 1/4 arc with each towards 12. Repeat with arc towards 6 with each. Gradually work through all the 1/4s. Come onto elbows, circle. Repeat while sitting, leaning on hands. Stand, think of tailbone, tilt so tailbone goes forward/back the shift side/side, circle tailbone to outline a clock on the floor. Stand on knees, repeat, note what chin does. Kneeling on knees, circle top of head, drawing a circle on ceiling. Kneeling, draw circle with tailbone and top of head. On back, feet standing, roll pelvis 12/6. On back, soles together, circle around clock.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 28 Wednesday August 23, 2006.
ATM Lesson #074 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-23: Day 28, S03 day 8
Lengthening straight leg with arms overhead #1, on back
CD#6/T10 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #268) » play audio
On back, arms extended overhead on floor, stand R leg, L leg long and out to L little, L leg roll out to L little, lengthen L leg/heel a little. Repeat small/quick. Repeat on OS. Stand feet, lift pelvis, slide forearms under lower back, lower pelvis, stand R leg, lengthen out R leg. Repeat OS. Arms overhead on floor, stand R leg, L leg out to L, lengthen and lift L straight leg. Repeat OS. Arms overhead, stand R leg, L leg out to left, lift/leave lifted L leg, lift/lower R hip, L legs stays same distance from floor. Repeat OS. Arms behind back, R leg standing, lift/leave L leg in air, lengthen out L heel. Repeat OS. Arms overhead, stand R leg, lift/leave L leg up, take L leg side/side while lifted. Pause, repeat quickly. Pause, lift/lower straight L leg. Repeat OS. Same position, lift/circle L straight leg in air. Pause, lift/lengthen L leg in air. Repeat OS. Stand both feet, arms overhead, roll pelvis exactly up/down (12/6 o'clock). Repeat with R leg standing and L lifted in air. Repeat OS. Stand both feet, circle pelvis around clock, note knees moving towards/away from you. Pause, take pelvis R/L between 3/9. Pause, circle pelvis again, let head go around clock as well, do smaller/quicker.
Discussion #045 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-23: Day 28, S03 day 8
Faux Integration, unlearning & nervous system's language of patterns
CD#6/T011 [34m] [DVD#4 25-32] » play audio
Dennis: the lesson? Robert P.: intrigued. Bob B.: lengthening the leg. Kim: leg lengthened more. Dennis: arms behind back. Tres: use of arms behind back. Shira: comfort of arm overhead. Dennis: some people will be happy with the pain being gone, others want to know how that happen and what else can I do. Dennis: what about yesterday's FI. Abi: working with person whose back wasn't flat on floor. Dennis: we're doing faux integration at this point in the training, doing little pieces. Abi: working with self and transferring to working with another. Hard to tell if it's me or them. Dennis: it's both. Abi: difference in L/R. Dennis: standing leg has more tone. Skill of feeling differentiation in the hip joint can be generalized to working in many ways. Marge: instruction in ATM of doing smooth and easy. G. Spencer-Brown, his book Laws of Form (1969, 1972). Lou Kauffman presented Brown's ideas at Naropa University. Form of map that is unlearning the names of numbers. Same with ATM, we have to rename sensations. Matza ball soup metaphor. Unlearn your history to be able to see you. A drawing can be more real than a photo. The machine language of the nervous system is not English. Nervous system doesn't think in muscles, it thinks in patterns. You're only as good as the neutral you find now. The Goldilocks school of FI. Thinking through the nervous system. When person lying down and you are pushing their foot: this is standing to the nervous system.
FI Exploration #033 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-23: Day 28, S03 day 8
Push from foot, through straight leg to head, on back
CD#6/T12 [27m] [DVD#4 32-56] » play audio
Sit at feet of person lying on their back. Lift and find neutral for leg/hip joint. Push from bottom of the foot, sensing and feeling connection through to head.
ATM Lesson #075 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-23: Day 28, S03 day 8
Sitting on chair with one sit bone off chair #1
CD#6/T13 [45m] (Alexander Yanai #508) » play audio
Sit R sit bone on L edge of chair, feet spread equally on floor, facing forward with L sit bone off chair, R hand on chair. Tilting head/body to R, note torso/spine bending, L sit bone drops down, L side gets long. As head comes up, L sit bone comes back up. Stand, walk, what's different? Compare sides. Sit, same position, extend L arm straight forward. Take L arm/head forward. Add taking L hip joint/knee back when arm/head goes forward. Continue, change so head goes back with hip, with chin going forward away from throat few times then back towards throat. Repeat but change so shoulder comes back with hip and head goes forward. Sit, same position, take just arm/shoulder forward/back. Now take shoulder back and hip forward. Stop, tilt head to R, L hip drops, compare to before. Stand, walk. Attention to pelvis, shoulders, weight on each leg. Sit as before, lift L arm to ceiling, R hand on chair, turn head and arm to look to R, arm starts to lengthen to ceiling with turning. Switch to looking L. Note L sit bone. Alternate turning L/R. Arm to ceiling is like axis to turn around. Pause, tilt head to R, note difference. Continue tilting head R, lower L shoulder, return both to middle, start bringing L shoulder up to L ear when return to sitting up, arm stays hanging. Stand, walk. Sit same way, extend L arm to ceiling, leave it long and turn head to look under arm to L, note L sit bone. Then turn to look R, alternate. Change head to look over L arm instead of under armpit. Note R sit bone. Stand, walk. Sit on R sit bone again, hold chair with R hand, L arm up, lower head forward, then lift head to look up/back, arm goes with head a little. Attention to L sit bone. Repeat but take head/arm opposite directions. Walk, turn R/L, note differences. Sit on R sit bone, R hand holds chair, head tilted to R shoulder, L arm extended up, palm faces in, turn nose to L to ceiling, rotating around R arm with head resting on shoulder. Leave L arm back as when turned L and take head to look R/down. Alternate looking L/R with arm going opposite head. Head stays resting on shoulder. Stand, walk. Sit on R sit bone, R hand on chair, do first move of bending to R. Note L sit bone going up/down compared to beginning. Add lifting L shoulder towards head as bend to R. Quickly. Repeat last move except take L shoulder forward/back instead of up/down. Stand, walk.
Discussion #046 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-23: Day 28, S03 day 8
About ATM lesson
CD#6/T014 [6m] » play audio
No notes.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 29 Thursday August 24, 2006.
FI Exploration #034 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-24: Day 29, S03 day 9
Finding trochanter, rolling whole leg
CD#6/T15 [14m] [DVD#5 0-13] » play audio
Start at foot, rotate leg thinking of hip joint, compare legs, which feels “less connected or whole.” Go to side and locate the [greater] trochanter. Rotate and the spine will get involved. Get hands underneath, bring towards you and up. Work distally from heel, or proximally from trochanter. From heel, the knee is in the way of feeling the whole leg. Clarify from both.
Demo with Brian. Hands underneath and roll. Working from heel, imagining that hands are still at trochanter performing the rolling. Demo with Ashley. With some athletes, muscle tone is so high it's hard to discern between muscle and bone. Works from trochanter, works from heel. Thinking about whole leg.
ATM Lesson #076 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-24: Day 29, S03 day 9
Lengthening straight leg with arms overhead #2, on back
CD#6/T16 [62m] (Alexander Yanai #269) » play audio
On back, arms overhead on floor, stand R foot, L leg long a little to side, lift L leg, circle leg each direction. L leg lifted again, lift/lower R hip, repeat quickly. Repeat OS. Soles together, arms overhead, circle pelvis. Soles together, arms overhead, lift R leg a little from floor, take R knee in arc towards R shoulder. Same position of R leg, lift/lower leg. Same position of R leg lifted, lift/lower L hip. Repeat position, circle knee each direction. Repeat all variations on other side. Return to soles together, circling pelvis. Stand feet, knees touching, feet apart, slide knees against each other, tilting legs side/side. Leave R knee inside, extend knee away, stay, lift/lower R foot. Same position, R knee tilted inward, slide heel towards butt keeping knee bent. Knees together, feet wide, slide R down/away, L knee helps in whatever way. Repeat, leave R knee lengthened in middle, move L knee, R passive. Repeat OS. Alternate extending knees in middle and down. Soles together, R knee to floor, repeat with L knee then alternate R/L. Return standing one foot, lengthen/lift other straight leg. Repeat OS.
Discussion #047 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-24: Day 29, S03 day 9
Built-in breakdowns, breakdown responses, change and attentional effort
CD#6/T17 [64m] » play audio
Robert P.: finding the trochanter. Brian: allowing leg to sink into hands. Dennis: when you really have the, the person feels the connection. Brian: connecting to the whole person as a way to discover the trochanter and leg. Marge: coordination of the two hands helped. Michael: image of the bones in mind helped movement be easier. Tres: can you get a connection straight to the head without a nervous system? Dennis: yes, feeling your contact vs. weight. Michael: his amount of force with hands on. Dennis: if there isn't movement there isn't any force technically, it turns into pressure. Proximal/distal reversal. Differentiate/de-differentiate. ATM, you start out “a” then turn into a “not a” and then more of you. Marge: size of the pelvic clock. Dennis: if I only feel myself in large and harsh movements in the extremes I don't feel much... then lowering the threshold I feel more. For the clock you can go in smaller degrees to feel more distinctions and the range will increase. The organization will improve and more functional. It's not about limitation of movement but on behavior. Michael: “a” and “non a”—it's a learning process on a continuum that's evolving. Dennis: some want to go from “A” to “B” without deconstructing “A.” Example of someone going to Pilates to have a certain type of body. What's realistic? Learning changes the self-image. After ATM in morning, there's a nice feeling but it's trivial compared to learning how to learn, tweaking your own process to produce your own results. Abi: matza ball references—organism and environment are constantly interacting, have some kind of relationship. Providing input into system to organize new patterns, there is that in the container of the training but then what about the rest of the person's life. Dennis: assumption that trainees are here to change. No matter how much someone wants to change, there will be some inertia because the self is going to come up against something that isn't you. The disruption in my life, is it working towards growth or someone trying to lay a trip on me. Moshé says many times, the physical effort you make you want to reduce but the intent to pay attention takes a lot of mental effort for a sense of awareness. A big movement is easier but making a small movement and staying with it with your attention is more difficult. Have to have a strong motivation for that kind of intention. Some people have lots of vision with no motivation to follow through. Buddhist teachers just come out and say, “You're going to die.” Metaphor—want to make omelet and there is no eggs—first reaction is blame. Could say, what are my commitments. Then there is a network of help. When there is a breakdown it heightens your commitment. FM is designed to produce little breakdowns and then you resolve it. You are re-imagining, and the self that re-imagines... sometimes during an ATM you don't feel any effort but there is a change at the end and have to deal with the change at the end. The problem is the way I treat myself or others. Kim: some people feel there is no disruption. Dennis: organism produces it's own individuation and organization. The shape is determined by the history/culture. For Moshé it was being able to defend self and survive and pass on your genes. ATMs project problems to solve, which could end up affecting their back pain. Example proximal/distal.
FI Exploration #034 continued – Dennis Leri 2006-08-24: Day 29, S03 day 9
Finding trochanter, rolling whole leg
Not recorded.
Instructions at end of discussion; repeat earlier exploration with a new person.
ATM Lesson #077 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-24: Day 29, S03 day 9
Leg swing & footprint #8, swing leg on side and standing at chair
CD#6/T18 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #394) » play audio
On R side, lean on L hand, extend L leg down, attention to sole of foot, swing leg forward/back. Variations: as leg goes forward head/shoulder goes back; as leg goes forward head/shoulder goes forward. Continue leg swing: flex/extend toes; flex/extend ankle; combine toes with ankle in same direction and then opposite. Repeat above on OS. On R side, L hand on lower L leg, bring knee/head forward towards each other and then away and backwards. Belly comes forward when you bend backwards. Repeat with hand closer to knee. ROB. Repeat on OS. On front, hands on floor near shoulders, lift R leg backward, when it's back, bend knee so heel comes towards pelvis, ankle flexed, lean on hands, elbows in air. Repeat without flexing ankle, foot loose. Do with knee and ankle both loose without emphatic movements but smooth and soft. Repeat with other leg. ROB. On front, stand hands, bend knees and ankles, lift upper body, straightening elbows, head falls back. Bring head forward then repeat, loosely, softly, front lengthening. ROB. Stand at R side of chair, L hand on the backrest, lift R leg backwards, bend it and bring foot towards back. (leg comes a little out to side rather than straight back) Hold R lower leg with R hand, take leg back, and allow head/shoulders to come forward/down towards floor. Rest standing. Lift R arm and head, allow both to go backwards loosely, legs both straight. Add taking the R leg back with head/R arm. Think of heel coming towards head in back. Loosely, easily. Switch to having L hand on seat of chair so bent forward lower. Return to hand on backrest, R hand on R knee, direct leg backwards. Add head going back loosely with leg. Stop, walk, note differences in sides. Stand on other side of chair and repeat the sequence on OS. Stand with L side to back of chair, L hand on backrest, swing leg forward/back, take head towards knee in front, let head hang back when leg goes back. Add R arm swinging also, bringing hand towards foot in front and back. Think it free and easy, breathing. Rest. Repeat but take R arm down to floor in front when R leg is up behind and reverse so body moves more as one piece, the arm is a continuation of the body, like a stick from the hand down to the knee, the knee can be soft and bend at end of movement. Rest. Turn to L, repeat on OS.
S03 – Dennis Leri. Day 30 Friday August 25, 2006.
ATM Lesson #078 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-25: Day 30, S03 day 10
Sitting on chair with one sit bone off chair #2
CD#6/T19 [61m] (Alexander Yanai #509) » play audio
Sit on chair, just on R sit bone, legs spread, feet/knees symmetrical & forward, take L knee forward/back. Pause. R hand on chair, take head L/center. Add lifting L shoulder to L ear, L hip lifts, shortening L side. Pause. Put L hand over head to R temple, continue shortening L side. Stand, walk. Switch to sitting on L sit bone, L hand on chair, bend head to R, R ear to shoulder/shoulder to ear, face stays forward. Pause, R hand to L temple, shorten side again. Stand, walk. R sit bone on chair, bend head to R, L side lengthens. Add R hand on chair, L shoulder lifting, bend R elbows. Stand, walk. L sit bone on chair, repeat OS. Stand, walk. R sit bone on chair, R hand on chair, take L foot back and stand on toes, bend R/L, L arm hangs, lowers when head goes L. Return to sitting with legs spread, feet flat, repeat bending R/L. Add L arm lifting while bending. Continue but with L leg back resting on toes. Note L arm goes lower to floor. Stand, walk. Sit on L sit bone, repeat OS. Stand, walk. Sit on R sit bone, R hand on chair, take L foot back, reach L hand to hold middle of lower leg, take head R/L again. Note when you lift leg. Lift L arm/leg, keeping arm straight as head bends to L. Stay with head in middle, take arm/leg forward/back. Return to head tilting L while lifting L arm/leg. Stand, walk. Repeat OS. On R sit bone, R hand on chair, L leg back, leaning on toes, extend L arm to side, turn back, head and arm to R. Continue but with both feet standing. Repeat with L leg bent back on toes. Stand, walk. Sit on L sit bone, repeat OS. Sit on R sit bone, R hand on chair, L arm up, turn everything R while taking head/eyes L. Repeat with L leg back on toes. Return to feet equally on floor. Stand, walk. Sit on R sit bone, R hand on chair, hold L lower leg with L hand, lift leg. Pause, without R hand on chair, bend R/L, head/leg, all go together. Continue but take head to opposite side. Repeat OS. Return to same thing, let head go with everything else R/L, bending side/side. Then switch so head goes opposite again. Stand, walk.
ATM Lesson #079 – Diana Razumny 2006-08-25: Day 30, S03 day 10
Leg swing & footprint #9, swing leg on side and standing at chair
CD#6/T20 [62m] (Alexander Yanai #395) » play audio
On R side, swing leg forward/back in all preceding ways, combine head going towards or away from leg, the foot, the toes. Then, while swinging, allow knee to be loose and heel to go higher when leg goes back, and leg freely straightens when forward. Switch to OS. Face back of chair, L hand on backrest (to the right), lift R arm and head up and back with R leg swinging backwards with soft knee, light and easy. Add bringing everything forward, head/arm down in front, leg/knee up in front. Go back/forth. Rest standing. Hold chair with R hand and swing R leg, have L arm up in air, go forward and back as before but with L arm and R leg, folding forward then swinging leg back, arm/head go up/back. Softly, from your middle: belly pulls in when forward, pushes out when backward. Return to holding chair with L hand, swing R arm/leg as before and compare. ROB. R hand on chair, swing L arm/leg—Think center goes forward/back opposite the arm/leg. Think all limbs while moving. Think sole of L foot. Pause. Same position/move, think of L sole, start to take L hand back a little, lift L foot a little, thinking sole in detail. Think back of leg from heel to knee, from knee to hip, from hip to neck/head. Allow head to fall back. Think fingers, hand, arm. Think of R leg up through front. Then do whole swinging move again, note difference. Pause, just think it 5 times, whole body in mind, with sense of continuity/ease. Do few moves. Rest standing. Change other side of chair, swing R arm/L leg. Get feeling of swing. Pause, swing and stop during some point of the movement and hold that position while thinking of full swing. Do a few moves, pause, think it, do it again. Other side of chair, swing L arm/leg again. ROB. Stand, lean on R side of chair seat with L hand, swing R arm/leg, L knee bent a bit. Hold a moment while head, arm, leg are up/back like a statue and think of bending backwards more. Swing again with a rocking forward/back. Stand, lift R arm up, R knee behind, head behind, keep this shape, bring L hand down to seat of chair to rock the shape up/down, all movement around L hip joint. Gradually take L hand to floor, keeping shape. Other side of chair, hold shape with L arm, head, R leg and pivot over L hip joint again. R hand on chair and eventually to floor. Return to back of chair, L hand on backrest, R arm/leg swing back/forward, bending in middle like before. ROB. Stand, repeat on other side.
FI Exploration #035– Dennis Leri 2006-08-25: Day 30, S03 day 10
Review all from this segment
CD#6/T21 [2m] » play audio
Discussion #048 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-25: Day 30, S03 day 10
About learning the Method
CD#6/T22 [36m] » play audio
Pam: Why the different ways of teaching ATM: one-sided; alternating side to side; do all one side then all other side. Students shared different ideas. Dennis: different pedagogy/strategies in lessons. Relationship to gravitational field, relating to different developmental lessons, different organizations and patterns. Certain questions/movements will create different shapes, shaping. Some lessons, go back and forth with small amounts because it's leading towards something demanding. Gaby Yaron, coming to Moshé's classes, he had her take people from his classes and break down his lessons into 3 or 4 lessons to help them along, keeping the arc of the lesson with a beginning, middle, end. She did very symmetrical lessons. We'll deconstruct the lessons as we go along. Some lessons start with something and don't come back to it until the end, which has the element of surprise/wonder. It's not just physical patterning. There's the content of the lesson and then there is the presentation. Good to wonder about all these things. Filmmaking and telling a story, making it abstract or mess with time and space. There's no final understanding of a lesson.
Editor's notes: Jean Piaget's notion of maturity; children learning to see the similarity in volumes of liquid of different shapes and learning a sense of the reversibility of time. [See also Dennis' article Mental Furniture #4: Piaget and the Notion of Reversibility.]
ATM Lesson #080 – Dennis Leri 2006-08-25: Day 30, S03 day 10
Lengthening straight leg with arms overhead #3, on back
CD#6/T23 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #270) » play audio
On back, feet stand, roll pelvis up/down, thinking lower back lift/lower. Repeat with soles of feet together. Quick. Stand R foot, arms overhead, lift R side pelvis. Do other side. On side, hip/knees at right angle, lift/lower top leg feeling hip joint, quicker. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, R hand on L temple, L arm long overhead, slide head/shoulder R, lift R hip. Repeat, stay bent to R side, lift/lower R hip, quickly. Repeat OS. Stand one foot, repeat the side bend from before, take hand that was overhead down to hold in front of knee/shin of standing leg, stay there, lift/lower hip on that side. On front side, bend knees, bend down to R side to hold in front of R knee, L arm extended overhead on floor, lift/lower L arm. Leave arm down and lift R knee, then lift arm, head and knee together. On back, stand R foot, hold in front of R knee, L arm overhead on floor, lift hip, look up at L hand. Repeat OS. Repeat, add arm that's overhead on floor slides more overhead towards overhead. Quickly. Repeat OS. Stand both feet, roll pelvis up/down. Soles of feet together, roll pelvis up/down, quickly.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 31 Monday November 6, 2006.
ATM Lesson #081 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Hooking the big toe #1
CD#07/T01 [50m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Walking and on back scan, feel length of legs, roll each leg in/out. Sit, soles together, lean on L hand, hook R big toe with R index finger/thumb; lift lower foot, straightening knee, foot towards ceiling. Roll to lie on back, continue lifting foot towards ceiling while lying on back. Note difference of L leg being long or bent. Add L hand under head, lifting head at same time lift foot. Lift foot towards ceiling, straightening leg, wave leg side/side. Continue as if to roll all the way to R side, bend knee to return to back. Hold head with L hand again; while straightening R leg, lift and take head L. Hold head with L hand, hook R toe with R index; lift head as roll R, extending leg, bending leg to roll to back and lower head. Stay rolled to R, leave R leg on floor, holding toe; take head/torso back towards lying on back. On back, hook R big toe, L hand behind head, lengthen R leg towards L, rolling L. Leave R foot to floor to L, do small movement of taking torso back. Same holds, roll side/side, leg bent while on back, straighten leg when to each side. On back, lift/lower foot/head to ceiling, note change from beginning. Sit, lift/lower R foot, leaning on L hand behind. Stand, walk, note hip joints, walk quicker, listen to rhythm. On back or sitting, imagine what you can remember from lesson on other side. Stand, walk.
Discussion #049 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Share what you remember
CD#07/T02 [1m] » play audio
Groups of four, share what you've done with Feldenkrais between segments and discuss FI from last segments.
Discussion #050 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Welcome and Introduction
CD#07/T03 [12m] » play audio
Meeting Yvan. Welcome. We do this together. Colleagues become friends, friends become colleagues. Differentiation and integration applies to our relationships as well. Moshé got his ideas about differentiation and integration from calculus. Preserve diversity, variations. Individuality—where we will meet. We are all the same species. If you want to know humanity, meet one person and know them deeply—starting with yourself. From this we learn what is to be human. Working in Japan, no idea what they are experiencing on the basis of their culture, but I am meeting them on the level of being human—part of Moshé's genius. Moshé was a prolific inventor/teacher, took ideas from a variety of places and created several thousand lessons. Not that there is not technique, but there's something more our Method has to contribute on becoming more human, changing the world, more at peace with ourselves. No way to teach this work and be uninvolved, unaffected. It's who you are, what you have experienced that you bring to another person.
FI Exploration #036 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Review with Yvan demonstrating
CD#07/T04 [51m] [DVD#6 Scene 1] » play audio
Demo with Barbara B. What do you remember? Michael: Hands under shoulder joint to find neutral. Yvan: height of the head, as if standing. We make a fuss about neutral—so they're at middle of their range. Hand under shoulder, palms down or up. Compare sides. A “nice to meet you” attitude, not “you're very unusual.” Most interested in comparing herself to herself. Tres: lifting shoulders and meeting at the sternum. Yvan: Handle on suitcase, in where whole person moves. Abi: Lifted each leg by the ankle and worked with finding neutrality in hip joint. Finding acetabulum, trochanter. Identify standing leg. Yvan: “Table Manners” use of self. People don't just feel themselves, they feel what we do with ourselves. Circles leg, greater trochanter. What we need for anatomy in Feldenkrais, everything you need will be presented. You can do further study if you want. Work with one hand distally and one proximally. What is differentiation? Difference between differentiation and isolation? Isolation: in dance, arm moves only in shoulder joint, chest held. Differentiation—creating difference. You study differentiation and Integration. Discussion of side lying. What did you do on side: Robert: felt vertebrae to map. One way: double key hold—each side of the vertebral processes. Or from underneath. Number of fingers depends on clarity of intent. Give hint and wait, having a conversation, starts to grow and becomes lesson. Robert: someone with more weight, confused about where landmarks are. Yvan: touching I hallucinate, talking to her shirt. They need to change their muscle tone and invite you in. Question from Michael. Yvan: practice. Brian: on side, stand hand, put one hand on elbow, one behind shoulder Finishes LOB, knees up, roll head with hand. Reference movement of lifting shoulders.
ATM Lesson #082 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Head circles #1, sitting
CD#07/T05 [67m] (Alexander Yanai #50) » play audio
Sit, cross legs, lift/lower head, note top of head, note breath, belly, lower back. ROB. Sit, lean on hands behind, lift/lower head, feel through whole self, note if straight in middle, comfortable range. Switch crossing of legs, lean on hands, play with direction fingers are pointing, note movement of head in conjunction with rotating arms/hands. Reverse connection between head/arm position. Turn fingers forward and lift head, lower head when turning fingers backwards (differentiation). ROB. Sit without arm support, lift/lower head like beginning. On belly, prop on elbows, sphinx position; lift/lower head. Pause, get taller/shorter from head in sphinx. Pause, lean on extended arms, lift/lower head, return to elbows, lift/lower head. On back, prop on elbows, lift/lower head. Repeat with eyes differentiated, looking opposite head movement. On hands/knees, lift/lower head, feel through to tail. Continue head, lower back going opposite direction (differentiate). Lifting head, round back backwards, head down, lower back/belly forward. Return to coordinated move with head/pelvis/low back. ROB. Return to hands/knees, coordinate eyes with movement then reverse eye movements. On elbows/forearms and knees, lift/lower head, coordinate movement of licking with tongue. On knees, hands on hips, lower/lift head. Note direction of elbows: forward when head is down, back when head is up. Then reverse elbows. Pause sitting, return to elbows coordinated with head lift/lower. Note when you would sit back with pelvis. Overlap hands on lower back, continue lift/lower head, note elbows. Sit cross legs, hands on hips, lift/lower head, note clarity, compare to beginning. Hands on thighs, repeat. Stand, lift/lower head.
Discussion #051 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
What makes it a Feldenkrais lesson?
CD#7/T06 [43m] » play audio
Lying on floor, working with awareness, noticing patterns, breath, eyes. Questions/statements about paying attention. Some of the characteristics are shared with other somatic methods. Injunction to find ease/comfort. Reversible. How do we know? Reversible is able to create variations after you start in a direction. Quality, fluidity, breath, (Yvan demonstrates labored breathing) slowly, elegant, smooth. (Yvan demonstrates head moving slow but attending outside). Slowing down and paying attention. Breathing is great an indicator of how the person is doing. Breath—continuous, free, no restriction, not mechanical. Unpredictability. Repetition removes attention, puts you to sleep (example of rocking baby to sleep). Faking awareness you become predictable. If you are really aware you become unpredictable, even to yourself. Yvan promises to harass them about being concrete. A few things he will tell rather than ask. Interesting characteristic of the head circle lesson—one movement throughout whole lesson, lift/lower head. What made it a lesson?—variation in position. Position is configuration of the skeleton and orientation in space. This lesson had configuration/orientation different as well as different positions. Lesson had differentiations within the one same movement. It was also a movement in one plane, forward/back with head. Also a movement of reference. Feel like you are in a machine of logic that carries you all the way through the lesson. FI is more improv. Michael: how do you know if people are progressing in ATM? Learning how to learn ball park. Create conditions so it becomes impossible to not become aware. You have to become aware and create new pattern.
FI Exploration #037 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-06: Day 31, S04 day 1
Review with Yvan demonstrating
CD#07/T07 [22m] [DVD#6 Scene 2] » play audio
Demo with Paula: roller under knees and feet. Lifting feet, they roll out. Put roller under ankles. Bring hand to mouth, head. Turn head with hand, holding elbow. Then both hands on forehead—roll head. Client's hand on opposite shoulder, hand under shoulder, roll head, press elbow into chest, lift shoulder, roll head. Arms crossed, press elbows, lift head. On belly: have them turn head to other side, follow along.
Lift shoulder. One hand under shoulder, other under head—diff and undifferentiated movements of head and shoulder. On belly, from feet, lift leg from ankle, find movement in hip joint. Lower leg vertical, press through heel into knee. Put hand under hip (both sides) while moving foot. Feel spine while they turn head.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 32 Tuesday November 7, 2006.
ATM Lesson #083 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-07: Day 32, S04 day 2
Hooking the big toe #2
CD#07/T08 [49m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
On back, roll legs, hip joints. Sit, lean on L hand, hook R big toe with R index; lift lower R leg/foot. Note elbow/knee relationship, take in/out. Continue, take inside of R leg to floor, turn to look R. Note torso flex/ext, tall/short, look around to R. ROB. On back, hook R toe, lift/lower leg, L hand behind head, elbow/knee in/out. Sit, lean on L hand, hook toe, take to L of L leg, note where can see around to L. Stay with foot to L, look R/forward with head/eyes. Combine head/legs opposite direction, looking over shoulders alternately. Return to looking around to L, compare. Sitting, return to knee/elbow in/out. Take R leg to R, farther, inside of R leg on floor, continue move, take head/leg opp; stay to R head/eyes opposite dir. Return to all to R. ROB. Same position, take R leg to L, looking around to L, stay to L, take head/eyes in opposite dir. Return to turning all to L, note differences. Same position: lift/lower foot; knee/elbow in/out; continue so R leg comes to floor to R, then around to L; stay to R, lift/lower L knee. Think L knee to ceiling. On back, hook R toe, knee/elbow in/out. Switch arms/legs, imagine same movements. R hand behind head, hook L big toe with L index, lift/lower foot; take knee/elbow in/out. Sit, compare L/R sides of lift/lower foot and elbow/knee in/out. Spiral to standing, taking R leg over to L of L leg.
Discussion #052 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-07: Day 32, S04 day 2
Mirror neurons, resonance and empathy
CD#07/T09 [49m] » play audio
Mirror neurons (resonance systems), if you see someone doing an action you already know, you will experience it. Ballet video shown to dancers caused reactions. Doesn't work as well if aikido practitioner watches ballet. No movement in the joints, but in the nervous system. Evoking a movement (sound of paper tearing) also affects nervous system. As does talking. Words on page. Moshé said you cannot separate the movement from the thought from the speaking of it. Could reframe a Feldenkrais training as mirror neuron training. António Damásio, his book Descartes' Error (1994, 2005). Children, language learning, sense of self. Can't remove thinking from feelings and movements. Damásio: injury that affects emotions but not rational thinking. Yet, decision-making is flawed. Francisco Varela debunked theory that brain is a symbol-manipulating computer. Contemporary science is catching up with us. We don't have the ideas, we have the methodology for exploring this. You can keep on learning. Creating meaning from each other's behavior and the environment. Affects morality—sympathy and empathy. Sympathy: having experience evoked by someone else's feelings; activated by mirror neurons. Empathy: Have experience of sympathy, but know it is not yours, it is evoked by someone else. Mirror neurons, FI, empathy, and sense of self. The witness; children, “connecting two nervous systems.” Sense of self, where it is, where it ends. Autism; November issue of magazine Scientific American.
Editor's notes: Articles referenced from the November 2006 issue of Scientific American magazine: Mirrors in the Mind by Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi, and Vittorio Gallese; and Broken Mirrors: A Theory of Autism by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Lindsay M. Oberman. Also referenced: books by António Damásio: Descartes' Error (1994, 2005), The Feeling of What Happens (1999), and Looking for Spinoza (2003).
ATM Lesson #084 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-07: Day 32, S04 day 2
Drawing knees up, frog-like, on back
CD#07/T10 [27m] (Yvan's ATM for FI) » play audio
On back, note orientation of kneecaps/toes, bend knee of foot rolled out, sliding foot along floor to pelvis. Continue until knee bent completely, roll foot to standing, knee over foot. Leave there, repeat with other leg. Continue with one leg sliding up and let foot come away from floor when bent as far as possible so hip keeps bending, bringing knee over chest, reverse, taking knee out to side until leg comes straight again. Imagine someone's hands on you, doing this for you. Do each leg individually then both at same time. Slide legs up to standing, take knees in/out, look for place of balance. Leave in middle, lift/lower R foot, dropping it, vary dropping R/L, looking for comfortable middle. Repeat with L leg. Stop, feet standing, knees in/out, find neutral, open knees, slide outer edges of feet down/away from pelvis.
FI Exploration #038 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-07: Day 32, S04 day 2
Bring leg up to stand, on back
CD#07/T11 [64m] [DVD#6 Scene 3; DVD#7 Scene 1] » play audio
Demo with skeleton; use morning ATM as theme. Roll foot out, push foot up and knee to standing. With foot standing, move knee left and right. Other leg. Discussion of shape of femur head. Demo with Abi. Start with leg that is easier. Follow trajectory; watch, then lift. Lift foot by pressing on front of knee. Look for different places for foot and knee. Solidity, alignment, flexibility, mobility. Leave foot standing, bring other foot and knee up. Then both thighs towards chest. Lifted her head and had her press into his hands. Technique: when someone does something unconsciously, ask them to do it intentionally. Finish with rolling head. Have her lift her feet. Checked preferences for standing leg. Squat. Practice, groups of three. Keep same person on ground and alternate practitioners. Follow up to FI exploration: about head lifting and rolling.. Abi: Trajectory—causes popping... FI takes over motor, client feels. Working with middle range. Use of self notes; more about mobility. Paula question about foot on floor; mechanics of the movement. Removing parasitic movements. Types of “pops”; giving feedback. Demo with Paula. Demo with Leanore.
ATM Lesson #085 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-07: Day 32, S04 day 2
Head circles #2, sitting
CD#07/T12 [16m] (Alexander Yanai #86) » play audio
Sit, legs crossed, lift/lower head, track nose, thinking midline. Repeat, track chin; move from nose, lips, chin, R ear. Tongue out, to upper lip with lift, to lower lip with lowering head. Reverse relation. Imagine chain hanging down front/back.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 33 Wednesday November 8, 2006.
ATM Lesson #086 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-08: Day 33, S04 day 3
Hooking the big toe #3
CD#07/T13 [55m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Hook L big toe: lift/lower; knee in/out; inside of L leg to floor; head/eyes look around to L with leg; take head/leg opposite; stay with leg to L, take head/eyes opp; return to taking leg to L, turning everything around; leg stays to L, lift/lower R knee, think up then middle. Repeat on R. Hook L big toe: Take L foot to R of R leg; Stay to R, take head/eyes opp; Take leg/head opposite direction; Take L leg all way around L/R; Repeat on R. Lean on hands, feet standing wide: Tilt knees side/side; Tilt one knee in/forward; Repeat with other knee; Alternate knees, down slow, quick up; Knees to middle, keeping both towards middle. On back, hand behind head, hook toe, lift/lower foot/head: Take elbow in/out knee; Switch hand hold to inside of arch; Then outside edge. Repeat OS. Sit, lean on hand: 3 variations—index hook, inner arch, outside edge; repeat OS. Lean on hands, take knees to floor middle/front.
FI Exploration #039 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-08: Day 33, S04 day 3
Bring leg up to stand, on back, continued
CD#07/T14 [35m] [DVD#7 Scene 2 & Scene 3] » play audio
Playing with Flora. Demo with Marge. Bend knee/hip, has her resist. Different than proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching, FM asks person, not muscles, to resist. Interested in her learning. Relaxation is side effect. Giving her a sense of what happens in her hip joint. Hands solid on bones. Have person intentionally do what they do—to help you. Not just a hip joint, it's what happens in the muscle tone of the low back, side, etc. Question: compressive force into hip joint: Gravity may be causing some, but not adding to it. Finish with movement from the head. Analog of this in the shoulder. Works reversibly. Finishes in sitting/standing.
ATM Lesson #087 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-08: Day 33, S04 day 3
Folding forward, elbows to knees, use frog legs, on back
CD#07/T15 [22m] (Yvan's ATM for FI) » play audio
On back, stand feet, knees in/out, feel for balance point. Bring hands to forehead, noting trajectory. Bring one hand to forehead in most direct route. Alternate arms, note path of elbow. Bring one hand to head, leave it there and bring the other. Stay hands on forehead, slide hands towards top then back of head, sliding fingers into being interlaced, ending with elbows out to sides; bring elbows together. In front, lift head with help of hands. Arms alongside, slide both feet, bending knees out to sides, circle knees over chest; note similarity to bringing elbows together/lifting head. Legs long, return to hands coming to head, behind head as slide legs up, knees opening to sides then bring elbows over knees and elbows forward, lifting head so elbows/knees come together in folding forward. Pause, repeat, stay folding; roll side/side; stay to side; come to stand. Stand, hands interlaced behind head: bend forward, folding, everything bending, again; think knees wide so elbows/head come between legs. Repeat taking knees inside elbows.
FI Exploration #040 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-08: Day 33, S04 day 3
Lifting head using elbows, hand behind head, on back
CD#07/T16 [27m] [DVD#7 Scene 4] » play audio
Demo with Ashley: Lifting head as if to look down, talk of “correcting” people and thinking of making them symmetrical. At legs, bring foot to standing, looking for balance. Brought other leg up also, return to head, lift—lifts higher more easily. Bring hands towards head at same time. Interlace hands, have her lift head and put hands behind head, let elbows open a little, bring elbows together and push elbows forward and lift head. Return to lifting without hands to compare.
ATM Lesson #088 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-08: Day 33, S04 day 3
Head circles #3, tilting head to side, sitting
CD#07/T17 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #85) » play audio
Sit, cross legs, tilt head, ear towards shoulder: think top of head; frame head with arms; hands lightly at back of head; with fingers in ears; noting eyeballs; index finger on chin; finger on tip of nose; stand.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 34 Monday November 13, 2006.
ATM Lesson #089 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-13: Day 34, S04 day 4
Head circles #4, varied sitting, kneeling
CD#07/T18 [60m] (Alexander Yanai #46) » play audio
(Meta theme of ATM teaching woven throughout.)
Sit cross-legged, hands on knees, nod head up/down; ROB. Change leg crossing, repeat head up/down, noting relationship/distances between: ear hole, eye, elbow, big toe, cheekbone to knee on one side. Lean on hands behind, lower head in front, swing head side/side. ROB. Sitting, lean on hands, fingers pointing backwards, head hanging, swing head side/side, start taking head to hang back and go from middle back to middle front on one side several times. ROB. Sit, hands on knees, lift/lower head like beginning, note change. Lean on hands, swing head from R shoulder to hanging back, bring in arc to R then front using shoulder to carry head while on side, chin lowers to sternum. ROB. Sit, hands on knees, lift/lower head, note differences. Stand on R foot/L knee, L hand on hip, R hand on R knee, lower head forward, circle head. Pause sitting, hands on knees, lift/lower head. Repeat OS, kneeling on R knee/L foot. Emphasize eyes organize move. Return to reference. Lean on L hand, side sit, knees to L, R arm straight up to ceiling, circle head. Return to reference. Repeat OS, L hand to ceiling. Reference movement; ROB. Sit, reference movement, note top of head in relation to: sacrum, pubic bone, breath. Stand, look around.
Editor's notes: References to Benoît Mandelbrot and to Edmund Jacobson's book You Must Relax (1934, 1980).
Discussion #053 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-13: Day 34, S04 day 4
Respecting people and their patterns
CD#07/T19 [24m] » play audio
Working with outsiders different from working with people in class. Working with people, not on people. What are they learning at the occasion of your lesson? Pay 60% attention to you, 40% to them, you'll do fine. Doing FI having conversation with someone's self-image—with how they feel about themselves. Robert: placing feet about new neutral. Home in middle of range. Revert to old habits. Pam: question on stroke. Give lesson on “better” side. Milton Erickson. Jay Haley's book, Uncommon Therapy (1973, 1993). Hypnosis. Dennis introduced Erickson to Moshé. Erickson declined being touched. Wasn't willing to put his system out of balance. “Feldenkrais: It's not for you, maybe” bumper sticker. Often it takes either so much pain that they need help, or a lot of courage. FM is a way of learning how to live. Life is a big learning project. “Having choices can kill you.” Difference between therapy and learning. Healing from therapeutic model, or educational process.
FI Exploration #041 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-13: Day 34, S04 day 4
Review via hands and words
CD#07/T20 [17m] [DVD#7 Scene 5] » play audio
Demo with Robert. One student, two practitioners. One speaks, one touches. Keep verbal instructions succinct. Then “handler” non-verbally recreates the movement hands-on. Groups of 3 review what you remember.
ATM Lesson #090 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-13: Day 34, S04 day 4
Hooking the big toe #4, sitting on heels, hands & knees
CD#07/T21 [60m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Hands and knees, knees wide, one foot on other, sit back towards heels. Note belly in/out? Change feet crossing. Rest. Repeat but on elbows, forearms and knees, knees close together, head hanging down, one foot on other, sit back towards heels. Stay with pelvis over knees, take pelvis side/side. Slide both knees to one side so sitting on outside of thigh/pelvis. Hands and knees, feet crossed, R on L, slide R foot outside, pivoting on knee, take R heel towards floor while to side. Hands and knees, R foot on L, shift pelvis side/side. Head? Pause, take R foot out to R, stay, take pelvis back towards floor. Same with L leg. Sit, feet standing wide, lean on hands behind, lift pelvis, take pelvis side/side then towards feet/hands, rocking forward/back, start taking R knee to floor in mid. Pause, switch legs. Alternate knees going to mid. Repeat alternating knees to mid, stay with L knee in, circle L foot to front/back. Pause with L knee in, L foot back, R foot standing, take pelvis L/R. Same on other side. Let standing knee come towards center so both knees are in mid. Leave one knee in mid, other standing, go back on elbows, gradually lie on back, unbend knee, foot in arc on floor. When foot is near buttock, flap knee to floor. On back, circle lower L leg on floor so L foot comes towards butt. Roll to R side, L knee on floor, bent behind, keep it there and start rolling onto back. Repeat everything on other side. On back, alternately circling leg out and around to side so foot comes towards pelvis on that side. Allow same-side arm cross body to floor on other side to stand palm down.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 35 Tuesday November 14, 2006.
ATM Teaching #003 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-14: Day 35, S04 day 5
Movement puzzle: hooking toes, flipping knees
CD#07/T22 [27m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Movement Puzzle in large group: Starting position, sitting, hooking big toes with index fingers, knees wide open. Ending position, legs both bent to one side, hooking toes. Invent 3 variations to get from knees open to knees folded to one side without letting go of the toes (socks or pant legs). In groups of 3: 1 instructor, 1 student, 1 mover. Mover does one version, instructor verbally leads student through demonstrated movement. Rotate roles. Students shared variations with whole group at end.
ATM Lesson #091 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-14: Day 35, S04 day 5
Hips and shoulders, forward/back, on side
CD#07/T23 [35m] (Yvan's ATM for FI) » play audio
On back, bring shoulders forward one at time, compare, same with sides of pelvis. Lie on side, knees/hips at 90. Take “top” of pelvis forward/back, note knee movement. Imagine someone sits behind pelvis and places hands on pelvis to roll you. Note breath. Switch person to sit in front of knee and create same movement distally. Hands how? Imagine person, one hand on pelvis, one on knee and do same move, connecting hands through thigh bone [femur]. Have arms bent, one on the other, attention on shoulder, move forward/back, imagine how a person sitting behind would take over movement for you. Then person sitting in front, moving from elbow. Play with variations of “top” arm/hand with same move in mind. Imagine person's hand at elbow/shoulder. Imagine person sits behind, one hand on pelvis, one on shoulder. Then have them at knee/elbow, first roll both forward/back, then opposite. On back, note which side you feel like rolling towards.
FI Exploration #042 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-14: Day 35, S04 day 5
Rolling from shoulder & pelvis, on side
CD#07/T24 [31m] [DVD#8 Scene 1] » play audio
Demo with skeleton. Trios. One person moves proximal, one distal. First describe verbally then do hands on. All that was done during ATM exploration of rolling pelvis/shoulder forward/back together/individually.
Discussion #054 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-14: Day 35, S04 day 5
Body image, somatic education
CD#07/T25 [74m] » play audio
FM of somatic education. Body as object/Life as experience. Alone no matter who we're with. Awareness of self in religion/philosophy, not science. Science: objective, treats people as object. State-dependent research. Have to do ATM to work with people in FM. Develop own sense of self, join with another for chance to experience theirs. Paul Schilder was a contemporary of Moshé, his body image study. Freud: experience of self through experience of “body.” Emotional, physical, spiritual. Moshé: helping people complete their body image; one of the first systemic thinkers. Psyche is not separated; historical error. Posture/feeling connected. Pictures: da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, Picasso's painting The Acrobat, sensorial homunculus image, skeletal image. Bones accumulate memory more than muscles, formed by function. Soma (Greek, σωμα). Mind/body “connection” implies separate units. Thomas Hanna invited Moshé to San Francisco for the first FM training. Hanna brought back the use of soma to describe the body as experienced from within. Consciousness; somatics; identity and sense of self. Somatic education: emerging field, variety of methods share: learning & awareness of soma moving in space. Experiment of two heads. Being in the present. Learning vs. Therapy: therapy deals with pathology, something needs “correcting”; not so with somatic education. Somatic education can have healing effects. Educate person to learn what they don't know so they can change what they are doing. Ability to expand competence and self-knowledge. Self-regulation. Correcting/external authority. Abraham Maslow, self-actualization. Therapeutic models want to change something, hypnotized by the pathology. Positive psychology: become an expert of solutions, not problems. Diagnosis. In the Method, we don't work with the problem or diagnosis.
Editor's notes: Yvan is involved with the Regroupement pour l'éducation somatique (RES) of Québec which promotes somatic education. William James and the relationship of physiological change to emotion. Wilder Penfield and the cortical homunculus. Carl Rogers: sympathy, versus empathy: having a sense of another person's experience through your own experience and knowing that it is their experience. Hesiod was the creator of the original idea of soma. Today, António Damásio, Francisco Varela, others, recognize the “incorporation” of the person. Thomas Hanna was interested in these matters as a philosopher; he was also involved in humanistic psychology along with others such as Fritz Perls and Alexander Lowen. It was Hanna who coined the term somatics. Somatic education is an emerging disciplinary field with a variety of methods; other methods of somatic education include: Alexander technique, Gerda Alexander's Eutony, Body-Mind Centering (BMC), and many others. What's consistent in somatic education is a learning, rather than a therapeutic, model; an interest in awareness and how a person is situated in their environment, rather than the body as an object. Carl Rogers was an early hero of Yvan's; reference to Rogers' Personal Thoughts on Teaching and Learning from his book On Becoming a Person (1961). A therapeutic model entails correction and an abdication of one's personal authority or autonomy to external authority, that of the therapist. Rogers' self-actualization calls for the ability to actualize one's potential as well as a capacity for inner direction. This is similar to Moshé's view of health as the actualization of one's unavowed dreams; we have however in the Method a more elaborate, and more concrete, methodology.
ATM Lesson #092 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-14: Day 35, S04 day 5
Head circles #5, sitting
CD#07/T26 [37m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
On back, roll head. Sit, lean on hands, swing head side/side, move shoulders forward to meet head. Carry head on shoulder 1/2 circle on one side. Full circle, each direction, using shoulders. On back, roll head.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 36 Wednesday November 15, 2006.
Discussion #055 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-15: Day 36, S04 day 6
Toe hooking ATMs
CD#08/T01 [7m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #093 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-15: Day 36, S04 day 6
Hooking the big toe #5, sitting, on back & side
CD#08/T02 [69m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Scan on back, standing, walking. On back, hook big toes with index fingers: Take one knee in/out of arm; repeat with other leg; take both knees in/out at same time. Sit, hook big toes with index fingers: repeat variations done on back. Lie on R side: hold L toe with L index, take knee in/out elbow; repeat OS. Sitting: hook R big toe with index, straighten/bend knee in/out elbow; add taking R foot L/R in conjunction with knee in/out; when foot goes R/behind, inside edge of foot is on floor; leave foot to side/behind, play with each toe, flex/extend. Stand, note differences in feet/legs. ROB; repeat OS. ROB. Hook R toe with L index, take knee in/out elbow: Sitting then on L side. Repeat with L toe/R index. Sit, hold over top outer edge of R foot with L hand, finger/thumb together; flip knee in/out of elbow; foot to floor in middle then inside of foot to floor when to R; hold with both hands, repeat. Repeat OS. ROB. (Hook toes, roll to side, imagine lotion between elbow/knee, slide in/out) Sit, stand feet, hold outside edges of both feet: take both knees to one side under both arms; explore same time or one at a time. Repeat OS; do in such a way knees stay more up rather than flop to side. On back, hook toes with indexes, straighten/bend, knees in/out elbows.
FI Exploration #043 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-15: Day 36, S04 day 6
Rolling from shoulder & pelvis, attention to breath, on side
CD#08/T03 [39m] [DVD#8 Scene 2] » play audio
Trios: Student lying on side; one person sitting behind, one in front. Person in back does the proximal moves; person in front does the distal. Use same movements of taking hip/shoulder forward/back—one, the other, both same direction then opposite direction. Do a movement, pause and wait for the breath. Demo with Karen—emphasis on focus open/close and watching the breath.
ATM Lesson #094 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-15: Day 36, S04 day 6
Head circles #6, sitting
CD#08/T04 [62m] (Alexander Yanai #6) » play audio
Sit in chair or on floor. Imagine pen out top of head, draw very small circle on imaginary surface above head. Place index finger on top/middle of head, move head forward/back, leave finger stable, drawing line on top of head. Switch hands, draw line side/side. Draw cross, circle. R index finger at L side of head, circle head round finger. Both directions/fingers. On back, circle head. Elbow prop, repeat. Finger to side of head, circling while on elbows. On belly, elbow prop, circle head with fixed finger. On side, repeat. End in sitting, note difference.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 37 Thursday November 16, 2006.
ATM Lesson #095 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Hooking the big toes #6, hands & knees, on back & sitting
CD#08/T05 [55m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
All 4s: slide/straighten leg back, arc around to side, return; repeat, leave leg out to side, slide out/away, reverse; repeat, leave leg out to side, bend knee, take to floor; repeat, knee to floor when foot away then closer; combine/alternate. Repeat OS. Sit, lean on hands: 1 foot stands, other leg straight in front, slide to side, roll leg in; add bending knee so foot slides back, reverse. Repeat in one sweeping action from straight to bent back; leave foot back, lift pelvis, bring forward, place, reverse. Sit, stand feet, legs together, lean on hands: tilt legs side/side, looking to feet bottoms; repeat, leaning on elbows instead of hands. Sit, knees tilted to one side, hook both hands around front of shin (top): slide off bottom leg to floor, reverse. Repeat OS. Hook R toe with L index, bring R foot to floor L of L thigh: wiggle toes, big with R hand, 2nd toe with L, move in opposition; continue, working down to little/4th toe, return to big/2nd. Hook R toe with L hand again, bring leg around to R, knee inside to floor. Sit, hold over top outer edge of R foot with L hand: flip knee in/out of elbow; foot to floor in middle then inside of foot to floor when to R; hold with both hands, repeat. Repeat OS. Sit, stand feet, hold outside edges of both feet, knees inside arms: start sliding heels on floor away/return; repeat, when straight knees, slip to one side of arms; add sliding heels back, alternate side/side; take both knees to one side under both arms. On back, hold arches of feet from inside knees: flip both knees side/side. Sit, lean on hands, feet standing: have legs together, tilt knees to floor side/side; quickly and look to soles, come off hands, touch feet; feet apart, straighten 1 leg/circle lower leg back, reverse. Repeat OS. Alternate; feet standing wide, one knee to floor in middle, alternately side/side; add pelvis lifted, feet sliding farther apart. Take both knees to middle same time; add pelvis lifts and sits with knees coming to/away from floor.
Discussion #056 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Use of language in ATM
CD#08/T06 [34m] » play audio
Elements of ATMs: Positions = configuration and orientation; movement proposals; noticing questions vs. statements; process (how to) questions; meta comments; stories; jokes. Differentiated teaching based on different learning/cognitive styles. ATM as compared to FI. Evolution of the Method through different teaching styles.
ATM Lesson #096 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Hips and shoulders, up/down, forward/back, on side
CD#08/T07 [23m] (Yvan's ATM for FI) » play audio
Lie on preferred side, hips/knees at 90, “top” arm at 90 to torso, lower arm vertical; shoulder up/down. Same position with hand on floor, fingers parallel to spine; move shoulder up but little forward/back, to back of head or cheek; then move shoulder down towards pelvis and little forward then middle then back. ROB. On same side, move pelvis up/down. Hold over top of head w/ “top” arm, lift/lower head; add lifting top foot, knee stays down. Note hip/shoulder together/apart. Pause, lift head by itself. ROB, note sides, stand.
FI Exploration #044 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Side bending demo with skeleton, in side lying
CD#08/T08 [20m] [DVD#8 Scene 3] » play audio
FI Exploration #045 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Side bending guided, in side lying
CD#08/T09 [35m] [DVD#8 Scene 4] » play audio
Guided FI: reference in standing of sliding hand down thigh. Lie on side, lift head. Go to pelvis, roll up/down; at head, shoulder up/down; at pelvis, lift foot, roll pelvis; at back shorten/lengthen side; at head, hand over top of head, lift head/arm, help ribs/shoulder. Lift just head. Stand, slide hand down leg.
Discussion #057 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
About FI Exploration
CD#08/T10 [23m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #097 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Head circles #7, sitting and lying
CD#08/T11 [11m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Sit, lean on hands behind, soles together, knees bent to sides, slide feet away/towards. Stay knees bent, hang head forward, move shoulders forward/back alternately. Roll head around on shoulder, making half circle on each side. On back, soles together, knees open, take one knee to floor on one side, note resonance to head. Sit, hang head, bring shoulder to meet head as it circles to side, continue doing full circle. Note knees. Moshé video.
Moshé Video – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Amherst lecture on asymmetry with head circles ATM
CD#08/T12 [37m] (Amherst, July 17, 1980 Tape #46) » play audio
Video starts with Moshé teaching head circle ATM as was Yvan. Then goes into talk about asymmetry and has a few students demo the head circles. Returns to head circles ATM.
ATM Lesson #097 continued – Yvan Joly 2006-11-16: Day 37, S04 day 7
Head circles #7 continued, sitting and on belly
CD#08/T13 [14m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Yvan picks up the ATM again, sitting with head circles, then on belly, propped on elbows, continue but with one arm extended straight forward, the other elbow still standing. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, circle head.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 38 Friday November 17, 2006.
FI Exploration #046 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-17: Day 38, S04 day 8
Side bending guided, in side lying
CD#08/T14 [66m] [DVD#9 Scene 1] » play audio
Guided FI: Start by looking at asymmetry of person lying on back. Have them roll to side. Are they really on side? Lie on side, lift head. Bring shoulder up/down. Add waiting, noting breath, explore with eyes closed. Return to lifting head to note differences. Go to pelvis, roll up/down (video demo with Pam & Michael); lift foot with one hand, other on trochanter to roll pelvis then on iliac crest again; return to head, add one hand on ribs indicating folding with head lift; their hand over top of head, lift head/arm, help ribs/shoulder. Have then lift head. On back again, observe like beginning. Stand, slide hand down leg.
ATM Lesson #098 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-17: Day 38, S04 day 8
Hooking the big toe #7, on back, sitting
CD#08/T15 [49m] (Amherst, 1980 inspired) » play audio
Sit, stand feet, legs together, hug legs with both arms, lift/lower fronts of feet, pivoting on heels. Lift fronts of feet, bring hands to hold outer edges, start sliding heels away so legs straighten, then slide them towards you again. Continue, gradually straightening legs. Leave legs straight as comfortable, start rolling legs both R/both L. As legs/feet roll to R, lift L side of pelvis, tilting towards R. Alternate, add looking over arm on side pelvis is lifting, like want to see the pelvis lift. Pause. Repeat, when feet/legs are rolled to one side, start bending knees to that side, sliding heels towards you so knees go to outside of both arms, drawing the heels to the pelvis. Slide feet out/away again, switch, bending knees to other side, sliding feet. On back, hold arches, arms inside knees, bend/straighten knees, taking both knees to side of both arms, alternate side/side. Sit, lean on hands, stand feet, legs together, tilt knees side to side, feet stay same place, sole of top leg lift from floor when knees tilted to side, head and eyes looking towards soles of feet. Quickly, add hands coming to feet each time. Repeat, when knees are tilted to one side, hold front of “top” shin with both hands and slide whole leg to side/back onto floor, turning around in direction foot is going. Stay to one side, slide other foot to standing, knee to ceiling, lift/lower knee from floor, push belly out/in, let head hang back, long in front when knee comes to the floor. Lower self to elbows, repeat knee flapping. Lean on hands again, wave standing knee side/side. Bring back to side sit position, slide back leg on top of other so knees/feet are together, lean on hands, tilt side/side, looking to soles of feet. ROB. Stand feet wide, reach L hand to L ankle, slide foot up so knee can go down to floor, bend all toes up/down, note effect on knee, when does it lift/lower. Belly in/out, taking knee to/away from floor. Very slowly, slide foot to standing then lengthen both legs. Repeat OS. Sit, lean on hands, stand feet wide, take one knee to floor in middle, leave it there, start directing other knee to middle, imagine someone pulling knee/sliding pelvis towards knees as knee goes to/away from floor. Repeat OS. On hands/knees, knees wide, slide R foot to L knee, look at foot, then slide out to R, bring inside edge of foot to floor and look with head/eyes at foot to R. Alternate sliding foot R/L, looking. Add taking pelvis back/down towards floor without sitting, each time foot is in middle or to outside, take pelvis back/down then return pelvis and slide foot to other side. Repeat with other leg. Alternate, one foot in/one out, take pelvis back/down each time feet come to position. Pelvis comes forward then change feet, repeat. With both knees wide, take pelvis back/down between feet, just little. Leave feet wide, bring knees together/touching, take pelvis back to floor to sit.
Discussion #058 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-17: Day 38, S04 day 8
General question & answer
CD#08/T16 [76m] » play audio
No notes.
Editor's notes: Reference to Yvan's paper from The Feldenkrais Journal No. 4, 1988, From Body-Oriented Psychotherapies to Feldenkrais: A Psychologist's Loop.
ATM Lesson #099 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-17: Day 38, S04 day 8
Head circles #8, sitting and lying
CD#08/T17 [59m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Sit, lean on hands behind, soles together, look up/down. Repeat propped on elbows, pause looking forward, circle head. Repeat leaning on hands, clear that shoulders are supporting head circling. On hands/knees, cross R knee to the L of L knee from behind. Knees crossed/weighted, circle pelvis. Repeat with knee crossing reversed. Sit, lean on hands behind, soles together, circle head using chest, shoulders, pelvis. On back, one hand on belly, one on sternum, expand belly with inhale. Repeat with chest then hold breath, sending volume up/down.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 39 Monday November 20, 2006.
ATM Lesson #100 – Diana Razumny 2006-11-20: Day 39, S04 day 9
Hooking the big toe #8, on back, sitting
CD#08/T18 [52m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
On back, hook big toes with index fingers, lengthen one leg, roll side/side. Take knees in/out of arms; both knees out, both in, one in/one out, both knees to side of both arms. Knees inside, Hold arches, feet overhead to floor, swing up to sit. Hold L big toe with R index, lengthen leg to roll L/R. L ankle on R thigh, thumb between big toe, hold over top of 4 toes with R hand, lift/lower foot. Hold with both hands, leave foot in air, tilt R knee L/R, add foot side/side. Return to position, R hand holding L foot, L hand behind head, lift head/leg: look to sex then look to outside L hip; L elbow into space of L leg/R arm. Aim elbow towards R knee. Repeat, elbow into space. Think of space coming towards head. Stay with elbow in space, remove L hand from head, take L hand/arm through gap, to tail. Continue, think L shoulder under L leg, roll a bit to help. Stand to feel differences between sides. Imagine other side. Hold big toes with indexes, take knees to one side of both arms. Swing up to sitting and do same thing. Sit, lean on hands, stand feet, tilt one knee to midline/forward, take forward, pelvis slides forward, knee touches floor then flap knee. Repeat OS. Alternately take knees to floor, then same time. W sitting. Squat, hands to floor in front, bring knees to floor, sit back between feet, rock forward, hands forward, rock back to a squat. Hold big toes, roll side to side, coming up to sitting. Roll straight forward and up to squatting. Holding big toes, take knees in/out in various configurations, then roll straight forward up to sitting.
ATM Lesson #101 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-20: Day 39, S04 day 9
Oscillation from ankles, on back
CD#08/T19 [29m] (Yvan's ATM for FI) » play audio
On back, flex/extend ankles, not sliding heels. Turn legs so knees are forward, bending ankles so top of feet go towards head. Quickly, feeling through to head. Repeat with bending ankles down, top of foot away from head. Then alternate bending ankles up/down, then quickly noting movement in head. Circle feet at ankles, note transfer through to head. Stand one foot, repeat above with the one straight leg.
FI Exploration #047 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-20: Day 39, S04 day 9
Oscillation from ankles, on back
CD#08/T20 [67m] [DVD#9 Scene 2 & Scene 3] » play audio
Demo with Danielle. At feet, lift/lower leg, looking for neutral. Bending at ankle, using ATM oscillation. Trios explore as demo. Demo with skeleton and Eric.
ATM Lesson #102 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-20: Day 39, S04 day 9
Head circles #9, sitting, kneeling and lying
CD#08/T21 [43m] (Amherst, 1980) » play audio
Sit, lean on hands, soles touching, knees open, lift/lower head. Keep face/eyes on horizon, roll pelvis forward/back, note taller/shorter. On back, soles together, roll pelvis up/down, note head rolling, add using hands to keep head lifted a little to feel the lengthening spine through top of head. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, roll pelvis, note getting taller. Return to head lift/lower, noting chest/pelvis. Leave head hanging forward, move shoulders, one forward, one back, alternate while chin is on chest. Let head roll up onto shoulder that comes forward, note sit bones. On back, soles together, open knees, tilt pelvis side/side, one knee at a time going to floor, note head. Quicker. Sit, repeat similar tilting of legs/pelvis, let head hang forward noting response. Sit, circle head/pelvis, shoulder supporting head as it comes forward. On knees, hands on hips, thumb back, lower head forward/down, raise up/back. Start circling head, note pelvis response. Kneel on R knee, L leg, L hand on L knee, R hand on R hip, lift/lower head, feel connection to L knee. Continue, circling head, noting pelvis/knee. Sit, soles together, lean on hands, circle head. Kneel on R foot, L knee, R hand on knee, L hand on hip, lift/lower head, note knee move. Leave head hanging back, start circling head from there. Sit, lean on hands, soles together, circle head, include shoulders, chest, pelvis, legs, reverse circle, then do only back half of circle.
S04 – Yvan Joly. Day 40 Tuesday November 21, 2006.
ATM Lesson #103 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Head circles #10, sitting, lying front & back
CD#08/T22 [33m] (Amherst, 1981) » play audio
Scan on back. Sit, lean on hands, soles together, head up/down. Repeat holding ankles. Lean on hands, circle head, use shoulders/pelvis, reverse direction. On front, elbow prop, lift/lower head, stay facing horizon, lift/lower spine between shoulder blades. On front, extend arms straight out to sides, face to one side, bring face-side straight arm “into” you, keeping arm straight (sliding shoulder blade towards spine), switch to back-of-head arm. Chin on floor, bring both arms towards/away from spine. On back, arms straight out to sides, slide one straight arm away/towards spine, note C7/neck. Repeat other arm. Alternate R/L arm. Slide both in/out. Arms forward, lengthen, note neck. Arms straight out again, take blades to/away from spine, note shape of neck.
FI Exploration #048 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Fingers on spine between shoulder blades, front & all 4's
CD#08/T23 [25m] [DVD#9 Scene 4] » play audio
Demos: Kristen, Leanore, Kim & Linda. On belly, elbow propped, practitioner has fingers on spine between shoulder blades while person brings shoulder blades together/apart. Head hanging the face forward. Repeat on hands/knees.
ATM Lesson #103 continued – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Head circles #10, sitting, lying front & back
CD#08/T24 [22m] (Amherst, 1981) » play audio
On back, arms straight out to sides, lengthening out one straight arm, alternate L/R. Both arms in same direction so one comes towards spine, one away. Hands/knees, face horizon, lengthen spine, bringing head higher in space, then reverse direction. ROB. Waiting until ready to come up, sit, lean on hands, soles together, lift/lower head, notice how, circle.
ATM Teaching #004 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Groups of 5, one teaches 3, 1 models
CD#08/T25 [6m] [DVD#9 Scene 5] » play audio
Groups of 5, 1 teacher, 3 students, 1 person models a movement from ATM.
Moshé Video – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Tonus of the neck
CD#08/T26 [34m] » play audio
Moshé tells story about football player being tackled and how the tonus of the neck reflects tonus of whole body. One side he bends, other side he turns. Accidents usually come from person's habitual ways. Effort transformed into movement or it's not efficient. Relation/movement in space, timing is related to external, to our senses which there are two, eyes, nose, ears. Head carries senses that relate to space and distance, away from self. Animals and humans: survival, predators, sex, olfactory. Head vertical, rotating around it's axis, seen in babies lying on belly. Fundamental movement. [German] physiologist Magnus von Utrecht [Rudolf Magnus] found structure in brain that connects eyes and tonus of neck. Just turning of eyes/head, whole side becomes ready to move to fight or withdraw while still looking. Head/eyes need to be differentiated for more options. Manifestations like calluses are dependent on the tonus of the neck, use of head/eyes. Blind person's head organization is ready to move in all directions.
Discussion #059 – Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Video and sensory integration
CD#08/T27 [43m] » play audio
Yvan: importance of moving head in any direction and how it relates to the segment lessons of circling head. Marge about a blind client. Oliver Sacks article on stereo vision, Stereo Sue, from June 19th 2006 issue of magazine The New Yorker. Rudolf Magnus and Roger Sperry were scientists who influenced Moshé. Teleceptors and our relationship to our environment, world. Jean Ayer's work with sensory integration. Alain Berthoz's book The Brain's Sense of Movement (2000).
Editor's notes: Moshé's contribution, which he was very proud of, was to “concretize” abstract or theoretical knowledge and do something with it. The main thing is to take inspiration from one's personal interests, e.g. scientific theory, but to feel that in yourself.
ATM Lesson #104– Yvan Joly 2006-11-21: Day 40, S04 day 10
Head circles #11, sitting & on back
CD#08/T28 [38m] (Amherst, 1981) » play audio
Sit, feet standing, lean on hands behind, lift/lower head, circle head including shoulders. Continue with circle and allow legs/knees to tilt side/side while head circling. Continue, leaving R knee up, take L knee down to middle and back up to ceiling, coordinated with the head circling. Switch to taking R leg to middle, L leg staying vertical. On back, stand feet wide, tilt one knee at a time to floor in middle, keeping other vertical, note head move or head turning and chin towards throat. Take both knees to middle, feet spread so legs can go towards floor in middle. Sit, lean on hands behind, feet wide, knees up, hang head forward, circle head, allow one knee at a time to go to middle. On back, hold below knees from outside to front, take knees together, feet apart, pull up towards sitting, head hangs back, back rounds back. Sit, feet standing, feet apart, knees together, hold knees, roll back along spine. Reverse from lying on back. Sit, knees together, feet spread, lean on hands, lift/lower head, feel when to lift pelvis so knees go together and forward when head hangs back. On back, stand R leg, take R knee to floor in middle, slide R foot up towards pelvis, add bringing up “frog” style and lengthen by taking knee inside. Note circling of the knee while heel slide in straight line up/down. Reverse direction of knee circling. Legs straight, bend both knees, directing to L, lengthen, repeat OS. Bend both knees up to L, got down on R, reverse.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 41 Monday February 12, 2007.
ATM Lesson #105 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-12: Day 41, S05 day 1
Primary Image #1: Five Lines
CD#09/T01 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #338) » play audio
On back, 5 lines. Come to sit in sweeping motion through side keeping sense of lines. Sit with legs and arms straight out in front, sensing lines. Sweeping move back down to lying, recreate the position of arms/legs straight out in front, sense the lines. Line from C7 to shoulder joints, make a point at shoulder joints. Same with hip joints. Connect R hip/shoulder points, same with L points. Create rectangle with 4 points. Think of rectangle as a plane. Bring arms/legs forward as before, think of plane, tip plane to L, R side of plane lifts. Repeat with eyes open. Sense length of lines from C7 to shoulder joints. Length of line from top of head to C7. Sense 5 lines, imagine looking down at lines from above then from below. Same from feet or head. Sense while seeing the lines. Arms/legs forward, tip plane of torso R/center. Sitting with arms/legs forward, take plane forward via hip joints closing, arms stay in same relationship so hands end up coming towards floor when tilting forward. Sense 5 lines, have point on R knee, imagine string pulling knee directly forward so line bends at knee, foot slides along floor. Point at R elbow, lift from elbow first to ceiling. Lift R elbow/knee point at same time, eventually straight arm/leg towards ceiling, take into tipping the torso plane. Repeat on L side, remember other lines. Bring both elbow/knee points forward, straighten R arm/leg to roll L, bend line to come to center, straighten L arm/leg, tip plane R. Sit, arms/legs straight out in front, tip plane, coming onto one hip then other. Stand, think of torso plane, lift both arms, feel plane move backwards; feel if don't let plane move. Fold forward, feeling back side going back.
Discussion #060 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-12: Day 41, S05 day 1
ATM deconstructing, 5 lines, self-image
CD#09/T02 [65m] » play audio
Questions? Brian—waiting for breath in ATM/FI. Laura—attention shifts when breathing changes. Marge—clarification on pelvis in 5 lines. Abi—how to deconstruct ATMs. Dennis—own experience relative to threads through lesson, content/intent/structure, pedagogy, types of lessons, orientation, notation vs. watching movement, functional themes in lessons (phylogenetic or ontogenetic, from movement forms, etc.). Abi—the 5 lines lesson, the plane. Dennis—specificity of intention, clarifying sense of self via location/“address.” 5 lines is schematic, related to movement, not necessarily body/pain/sensation/effort; can be relieving for people in pain. Laura—personal observations. Marge—perception of bent lines vs. straight. Tres—notation. Dennis—self-image, affecting it, Feldenkrais not about pathological sensitivity or correcting—rather about observing situations, changing something, observing again. Sense of constancy with 5 lines. Becoming yourself to become a practitioner. Experience vs. what's actually happening. Let the lessons teach themselves.
FI Exploration #049 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-12: Day 41, S05 day 1
Pushing through foot to head, on back
CD#09/T03 [14m] [DVD#1 0-13] » play audio
Student standing, practitioner shifts weight side to side. LOB, observe trajectories of legs, guess which will be clearer when push through. Hold foot/ankle with both hands in position as if standing (if working with R leg: L hand under heel, R hand around foot to bring to standing), and push through leg aiming towards head. Push through at different angles. Stand and feel weight shifting to compare.
ATM Lesson #106 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-12: Day 41, S05 day 1
Primary Image #2: facial dimensions, lift head, on back
CD#09/T04 [58m] (Alexander Yanai #339) » play audio
On back, sensing face: lines of two eyes to nose; nose to shoulders; eyes to ears; mouth relative to nose, ears, eyes; chin to jaw joints; width of head. Bring head forward, think of line of spine bending. Lines from tailbone to cervical vertebrae to shoulders. Lines hip joints to central line to C7. Sit, legs straight out in front, arms straight out in front, head forward, line of spine bends. Take arms straight forward, chin away from chest, chin to chest and without head following. Take head back, chest forward/up. Sit, arms rest, legs straight out in front, lift one straight leg thinking of the line of the leg lifting. Lift leg line, take leg L/R, then in circle. Define leg and arm lines while on back. Bend knees, arms straight forward, define lines, lift R bent leg line while keeping other lines. Repeat with L leg. On R side, head straightforward and then chin to chest note back. Roll head/L shoulder back. Move head/shoulder opposite directions. Repeat on L side. On back, feet standing, lift one leg/line, unbend knee, foot to ceiling, keeping sense of all lines. Repeat with other leg. Sit, arms/legs straight out in front, arms lengthen forward, chin to chest. Then keep arms/head in same relationship to torso and bow from the hips. Arms/legs straight out in front, lift one leg.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 42 Tuesday February 13, 2007.
Discussion #061 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-13: Day 42, S05 day 2
What is Awareness Through Movement?
CD#09/T05 [48m] » play audio
Groups of 3, discuss: What is an ATM lesson? What is a lesson like? How does a lesson lesson (unfold, develop, process)? There are tangible elements to how poem/music/ATM unfold. What's unique to a person; what's general to humans. Moshé's process developing & teaching ATMs. Defining can be difficult—must set up conditions. Philosophy; knowing & not-knowing, experiencing. Feldenkrais: orientation, manipulation, timing; movement has temporal order to spatial configurations; Feldenkrais experiments with temporal orders. Marge: question about “temporal.”
ATM Lesson #107 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-13: Day 42, S05 day 2
Primary Image #3: bending leg lines
CD#09/T06 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #340) » play audio
LOB, arms directly out to sides throughout lesson. Lines from C7; leg lines. Feet to standing, lift front of foot so heel stays on floor, lift leg keeping ankle shape, bend and unbend leg line. Repeat OS. Lift front of R foot, bend hip joint more, reverse order to come down. OS. Bend R ankle, slide heel on floor to lengthen leg line. OS. Bend R ankle, place on L knee, lift R hip, notice all lines, relationship L hip joint and R knee. Slide R heel to compare. OS. Return to bending/unbending R leg line in air, keeping ankle shape. In air, rotate R leg. R leg long, flex ankle, roll leg in/out. Repeat OS.
Discussion #062 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-13: Day 42, S05 day 2
Temporality, 5 lines, primitives
CD#09/T07 [45m] » play audio
About 5 lines lessons. Taking structure through movement = function. Shira: lines/time question. Primitives relative to orientation and timing: flexion, extension, lateral folding. Marge: question about direction. Constancy of length of leg line. Felt sense of 5 lines (different from sensation). Rolling ball lessons are precursor to 5 lines lessons. Moving parts relative to other parts, coordinates, orientation. Thought experiments. Learning affects 5 lines; using the learning; using 5 lines to move, don't have to think about which muscles, the pattern controls the muscles. Abi: experience of lines as flat. Dennis—as work with this, lines will configure, lines can eventually lead the movement; could divide lines into linked segments. Michael: 5 lines as a constant? Marge: lines and movement. Sound and image, we link those to explanation (example of hearing car); sensations from experience, link them in our thinking, bringing into relationship.
ATM Lesson #108 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-13: Day 42, S05 day 2
Primary Image #4, tubes with water
CD#09/T08 [35m] (Alexander Yanai #341) » play audio
On front, arms straight out to sides, chin on floor, imagine central line as tube, water running through from bottom to top, switch to forehead on floor, repeat image. Valves at C7 so water can run out arm tubes, same at hips for leg tubes. Lengthen out one arm at a time, affecting rest of tubes. On back, arms straight out to sides, same image/sense of tubes, lengthening out limbs. Take quality of clearest line and transfer to other lines. On front, look to L and sense tubes; look to R. Look to L, lengthen L arm out, constant with flow of liquid through tube. OS. Look R, bend R leg out to side, straighten/bend knee, same image of tubes with water. OS. On back, arms to side, lengthen R arm in direction of flow; L arm. R leg bent open to side, same idea, bend/straighten; L leg, think, then do. On front, think arms flying up/back, think legs, then all four, with no effort, just force of water running through tubes. Same on back. Stand with arms out to sides, as above.
ATM Lesson #109 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-13: Day 42, S05 day 2
Sliding arms #1 (sawing arms): sliding crossed arms in front, on back and sitting
CD#09/T09 [40m] (San Francisco Training, years 3 & 4) » play audio
LOB, arms bent in front, forearms crossed at wrists, R inside L, hold L still and slide R arm from wrist to elbow, keeping contact with same point on L arm. Sitting, same position/movement with arms. Sitting, slide midpoint of R arm from L wrist to L elbow and back. Same LOB. LOB, same position of arms, slide from L wrist to L elbow on one point of still R arm. Slide one point of L arm from R wrist to R elbow. Switch arms, repeat variations LOB and sitting. L inside R, slide both towards elbows, hands aiming towards ears. L inside R, slide L arm so hand goes towards ear; same other arm. Both arms again. Switch arms, repeat variations towards ears. R inside L, saw arms so fingers reach and explore back of neck. Switch arms, same.
Short discussion about lesson, sitting vs. lying (affects of gravity on agonists/antagonists).
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 43 Wednesday February 14, 2007.
ATM Lesson #110 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-14: Day 43, S05 day 3
Sliding arms #2 (sawing arms): sliding crossed arms in front, on back and sitting
CD#09/T10 [49m] (San Francisco Training, years 3 & 4) » play audio
Review what you remember from sawing arms yesterday. Sit, both elbows bent, have the crooks of the elbows together, slide right elbow to come towards left and then through. Think of the right hand moving towards the left ear. Repeat but move the left arm so that the right elbow starts to come past the left. Repeat idea but both arms are moving, right elbow goes past left, hands go towards ears. Repeat on back, right arm bent inside left bent arm, as when sitting, slide right arm inside of left so right elbow goes passing left elbow. Continue so you do the four variations done in sitting. On back, knees bent, left arm inside right, bring elbows near each other, slide the left towards and going past the right. Repeat variations of each arm moving then both, as above. Sitting cross-legged, right arm inside of left, slide the arms so elbows cross and hands come towards shoulder blades, behind the neck, fingers towards each other. Switch crossing of legs and arms and repeat. Repeat on back, right arm inside left, reach hands behind neck, over back of head, shoulders. Sit, right arm straight out in front, thumb down, cross left straight arm over left, thumb down, interlace fingers, bring hands to chest, slide right elbow through. Repeat with arms switched. On back, repeat arms crossed with interlaced fingers, sliding hands up, elbow coming through and past other. Do both variations of which arm is on top. Repeat, note the gap between the forearms, slip overhead so head comes through gap. Go back to just sliding elbows across each other, bringing hands towards back of neck.
Discussion #063 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-14: Day 43, S05 day 3
Intent, motivation, organic learning, reverie, NLP
CD#09/T11 [71m] » play audio
Brian: Intention during ATM? Dennis: Intention/motivation. Function is the means whereby you translate intention into action. Karl Pribram, “image of achievement” gets in the way of learning. Moshé, learning how to learn, organic learning. Learning in the same domain like babies. Horizon of success is in the process. People come and want to change and have an idea what it would look like. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), the meaning of my communication is what you understand, not my intent. Understanding is what we want in communication in conversation and in FM. Example of aikido roll, the intention of coming to stand at end of roll compared to someone comes to stand at end of ATM and gets light headed. Practitioner who is afraid of someone having emotional reaction. Organism is self-correcting so we provide environments for self-correcting. Story of practitioner who read paper while teach ATM. Russell Delman's style of teaching. Erickson story of guy who thought he was Jesus. Jeff Zeig story, couple, husband retired, vacuuming. Who is Milton Erickson? Being with him. Trance versus hypnotic state. Heinz von Foerster, founder of cybernetics. Kinds of math. Lumpers and stringers, lumpers see whole thing at once, big picture. Stringers are procedural. Different presentations for those different styles. What is an ATM lesson? Why do lessons start on right side? Right-handedness, left side of brain active then transferring to right side can happen faster. Researcher says men more back brain, women front brain. Different kinds of challenges in lessons. Describing FI lesson for self. Practitioner can fill it in for someone who doesn't have an image of what has been done on the table. If person does recognize, don't have to call it. Series of lessons are more powerful than once a week. FI for writer's block.
Discussion #064 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-14: Day 43, S05 day 3
Deconstructing Pelvic Clock ATM
CD#09/T12 [48m] » play audio
Reading from book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), lesson #6: Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock. Specifying “address” of movement, breath and movement, counting, pelvis & head clocks, comfort & learning, foreground/background & perception, relationship to external—not just internal. Marge: intention, subjective, objective, reality. Undifferentiated movement relative to objective/subjective. Seeing what we know, birds have apparatus to see color temporalizing; Diana: seeing live creatures when driving; seeing & mental processing. Robert S: clock lessons that utilize clock diagonals? Prototypical Feldenkrais lesson? Types & families of lessons. Abi & Dennis: series. How does a lesson lesson?
ATM Lesson #111 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-14: Day 43, S05 day 3
Sliding sternum and softening ribs #1: head and shoulders twisted to back from side
CD#09/T13 [57m] (Alexander Yanai #217) » play audio
On R side, knees bent, R arm straight forward, L hand standing near chest, lift head, turn head/eyes to look to R shoulder. Repeat, Other Side. On R side, L knee on floor in front/above R, L hand on floor near chest, turn to look along floor to R. Repeat, OS. On R side, knees bent one on other, take L arm to L, eyes/head look L, without lifting knee. Stay looking L, R hand wrapped over top of head to L temple, take R ear towards R shoulder. R hand helps head lift and look L. On R side, turn shoulders L, stay, fingers on sternum, push sternum L. Trace sternum, feel pairs of ribs connecting to sternum, fingertips press each set of ribs to slide sternum L. Repeat, OS. On R side, L hand on floor, look along floor to R and behind, note change. Roll shoulders L, return to looking around to R. Stay looking to floor, L palm holding forehead, roll head with L hand to look more to R. Repeat, OS. On R side, turn shoulders L, fingers on sets of ribs at sternum, press down, flattening chest from all 9 sets of ribs, exhaling, softening chest. Change legs to other side, continue. Then while lying on back. On R side, L hand on floor, R arm straight out in front, look along floor to R/behind. Put L palm on forehead when looking down to floor, take head to look more to R and lift head, belly out. Repeat, OS.
Discussion #065 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-14: Day 43, S05 day 3
Reconstructing “sliding sternum” lesson
CD#09/T14 [3m] » play audio
Small groups reconstruct sequence of the “sliding sternum” lesson.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 44 Thursday February 15, 2007.
ATM Lesson #112 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-15: Day 44, S05 day 4
Sliding arms #3 (sawing arms): attention to C7, head, breathing, in sitting & on back
CD#09/T15 [48m] (San Francisco Training, years 3 & 4) » play audio
Review what you remember of “sawing arms” lesson on back and sitting. Sit, slide one arm along inside of other, directing elbow through/past other elbow, tilt head one side/other. Repeat keeping head in middle. Sit, slide arm/elbow, allow C7 to come forward/rotate, note clavicles. Right hand on forehead, keep head still and pretend sliding left arm through imaginary right arm, sense C7 moves forward/rotates. Bring right arm in place to slide L arm/elbow again. Repeat other side. On back, arms crossed in front, slide inside arm/elbow along other, direct hand to opposite ear. Repeat other side. Take both hands towards opposite ear, hands behind neck, fingers touching neck, towards interlacing. Use easy crossing to bring fingers towards interlacing behind neck, take elbows side/side then forward, head staying behind on floor, attention to C7. Repeat with other crossing. Repeat, noting belly/lower back. Repeat with seesaw breathing. Return to taking elbows forward, feeling connection to C7. Sit, repeat original move, direct hand towards ear, behind neck.
ATM Lesson #112 continued – Dennis Leri 2007-02-15: Day 44, S05 day 4
Sliding arms #3 (sawing arms): attention to C7, head, breathing, in sitting & on back continued
CD#09/T16 [33m] (San Francisco Training, years 3 & 4) » play audio
On back, slide crossed arms, elbow through, feel connect to C7, note head tilt, take ear to shoulder. Repeat with arm cross switched. Slide elbows through so fingers come behind neck, seesaw breath, C7 forward/back. Sit, arms straight out in front, crossed, interlace fingers, bring hands to belly continue, bringing up in front of chest/throat/face, straighten arms, leave hands out in front, move arms/elbows up/down, side/side, forward/back. Play with different directions of taking interlaced hands through/forward. Sit, repeat, with interlacing of fingers changed. Repeat, other arm crossed on top. Repeat and explore taking the interlaced hands to each side of the head and feel if it's easier to go to one side of the head, circle head with hands. R hand crossed to L, fingers wrapped to back of neck, L hand on R elbow to direct arm/hand. Bridge hands next to head, bring one hand on other elbow, bring elbow towards middle, lift head, rest head on forearm. Repeat other side. Hands bridged, nearer to center behind head, lift head and take towards each arm alternately. Imagine taking C7 forward.
Discussion #066 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-15: Day 44, S05 day 4
C7, how a lesson lessons, orientational systems
CD#09/T17 [46m] [DVD#1 13-52] » play audio
Paula: C7 anatomy? Walking related to C7; organization of knee. Michael: vertebra moving forward in ATM. Experimenting with lessons; cheating; recreating steps of ATM; sequence and consequence. Robert P.: experimenting and “not a lesson.” What's a lesson, what's an experience; genius vs. talent. Combining elements of lessons; logic of a lesson, making up a lesson. C7 moving forward in morning's ATM, relevance within logic of lesson. Isolating, locating, moving with participation of other parts, vitality and function. “Functionality.” Unifying thread through lessons. Michael: functionality and how a lesson lessons. Notational systems allow elegance, reference, and manipulation. Orientational systems; being awake, conscious, aware; system of reference in background. Mechanics, movement, orientation; mathematics; sense of self in world. Michael: quote about affecting change.
ATM Lesson #113 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-15: Day 44, S05 day 4
Sliding sternum and softening ribs #2: tilted crossed legs; sliding head shoulders to side with arm holding over top of head, on back
CD#09/T18 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #218) » play audio
On back, stand legs, cross R over L, tilt R, stay. Hold head with L hand over top, slide head/shoulders L. Pause, repeat sliding head L with legs long and spread. Stay with head to L, slide R hand along front of body towards R knee. Feel what happens with the collar bones, sternum. Stand feet, cross R leg over L, tilt legs R, stay, L hand holding head, take head/arm L, stay. Hands on sternum, elbows lifted, push L. Note ribs that are sticking up/interfering. Note, L side of ribs in back are lifted. Push to change the shape of chest, taking ribs to floor. ROB, note ribs against floor. Cross L leg over R, tilt legs L, L hand holds/slides head L, stay, return to hands taking sternum L, bending chest L and down. When at bottom of sternum, push ribs down to L and lift head/shoulders. Return head/shoulders to floor, leaving chest to floor. Repeat, press ribs lifting head, leave ribs down, return head/shoulders to floor. Hold head with L hand, slide L, note differences. Then with legs straighten. Cross R leg over L, tilt R, hold head from top with L hand/arm, slide L, extend R arm overhead, lengthen up/L as head/shoulder slide L. Stay to L, R hand on forehead, roll head L/R. Return to sliding head/shoulders L, stay, roll head R/L with L hand. Stand, walk. Imagine weights in hands, bend L/R, note how to each side. Reverse everything to other side. Stand on knees, R hand on L temple from over top of head, bend directly to R. Add L hand sliding along R forearm towards elbow. Have L foot standing, continue. Repeat, OS. Add at end to straighten the R leg straight out to side, thinking of taking L elbow towards floor on L. On back, lift head, hands press chest down, return head to floor leaving chest in full contact with floor. Stand, imagine holding weights in hands, bend to sides.
Discussion #067 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-15: Day 44, S05 day 4
Lesson themes in ATM and FI; organization
CD#09/T19 [50m] » play audio
Laura: analyzing. Reconstructing lessons; focal point; a lesson is “about” different things for different people. Lesson themes relating to functionality. Brian: doing one lesson repeatedly. Doing little amounts of lessons. If improvise, does it measure up? Might be useful, but is it a lesson? Laura: is this similar to sticking to a particular dance technique in creating movement? James: if someone is not well organized, part or whole? Looking at just “organization,” what one has and what one can do with it. Erickson and time distortion; somatic encoding. Robert P.: creating a lesson in FI. Controls on practitioner's mode of working in FI: calming the limbic system, judo principles, organizing oneself. Functional themes, specificity, evoking responses, exaggerating what's already clear, structural vs. functional shortening. Mia Segal, precision; clarifying a direction by its opposite. What's essential? Using thinking/imagination in FI.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 45 Friday February 16, 2007.
ATM Lesson #114 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-16: Day 45, S05 day 5
Sliding arms #4 (sawing arms): crossed arms with interlaced fingers; arm behind head holds chin, on back and sitting
CD#09/T20 [42m] (San Francisco Training, years 3 & 4) » play audio
Sit, saw R arm inside L, explore neck/fingers; change arms, same. Arms straight out in front, right over left, interlace fingers, bring hands to belly continue, bringing up in front of chest/throat/face, slide the right elbow through and past the left. Repeat arm position, start with the right elbow through a little then slide the left elbow around the right elbow. Then move both elbows to create the slipping of the elbows past each other. Repeat starting the finger interlacing by crossing the left arm over right. On back, repeat variations. Repeat and explore taking the interlaced hands to each side of the head and feel if it's easier to go to one side of the head; explore taking head through gap. Repeat w/ arms changed. L hand behind head to hold chin, use R hand to help. Hands together behind head, lift head, move arms L/R; turn head to meet hands. R hand behind head to hold chin. Do easiest side, roll to side and sit, go back down; roll to the OS to sit. Change arms, repeat. Easiest side, hand in bridge position, use other hand to help slide hand farther along floor toward spine; continue movement so head lifts and elbow goes under head towards center; lift pelvis and head and circle upper back side. Hands behind waist, lift pelvis, slide head side-to-side on floor. Bring elbow behind head again, lift pelvis, move pelvis side to side.
FI Exploration #050 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-16: Day 45, S05 day 5
Elbows moving forward
CD#09/T21 [8m] [DVD#2 0-8] » play audio
Groups of 3. 1st person LOB, bend knees, interlace fingers if can behind head; bring elbows forward while 2nd person rides along C7. 3rd person rides along ribs/spine/abdomen as student brings elbows forward. Demo with skeleton and Leanore.
FI Exploration #050 continued – Dennis Leri 2007-02-16: Day 45, S05 day 5
Elbows moving forward
CD#09/T22 [1m] » play audio
New trios, same explorations as before, in sitting.
Discussion #068 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-16: Day 45, S05 day 5
About FI practice, Peirce, unfolding of FI lessons
CD#09/T23 [40m] » play audio
About the FI practice. C. S. Peirce, “the play of musement,” types of inferences:
- Rule: all the beans from this bag are white
- Case: these beans are from this bag
- Result: these beans are white
- Case: these beans are from this bag
- Result: these beans are white
- Rule: all the beans from this bag are white
- Rule: all the beans from this bag are white
- Result: these beans are white
- Case: these beans are from this bag
Guessing, waiting, feeling in FI. Creative process, discovery, mistakes; demonstrating. Moshé's process with a young girl with cerebral palsy. Unfolding of FI lessons; engaging limbic system, “life-threatening” to the pattern; supporting present shaping. Robert P.: applying this; purpose of morning's ATM lesson. Completing the image. Kim: flexion for protection. Tres: Feldenkrais with eating disorders. Controls in ATM; skill and technique in our craft, person's experience, expectations. Self-direction in ATM.
Editor's notes: Reference to article compiling quotes from Peirce and Moshé, The Primitives and the Primary Image; to Dennis' Mental Furniture #1: Sherlock Holmes; and to paper Therapeutic Effects of the Feldenkrais Method (Awareness Through Movement) in Eating Disorders, Uwe Laumer, et al. (German: 1997, English: 2004)
ATM Lesson #115 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-16: Day 45, S05 day 5
Sliding foot through gap #1 (pretzel legs): fingers and toes relating, on back
CD#09/T24 [45m] (San Francisco Training, June 21, 1976) » play audio
Stand, scan 5 lines. On back, scan 5 lines. Stand feet, open L knee to side, slide L foot and lower L leg through gap between R foot and pelvis. Slide in/out. Stay with foot through gap, imagine connection between R fingers and L toes. Move large L toe, thinking of R thumb. Continue on to each toe/finger. Slide L foot through gap to R, reach with R hand towards L foot, and reach L arm overhead. Slide L foot through gap, stay, R hand touching L foot, palm to sole. Slide L leg in/out of gap, note belly coming forward and L. Note different use of head/pelvis. Slide L foot through gap, stay, explore top of foot/toes with R hand. Slide foot through, stay, R palm facing L sole, not touching, think relationship of toes/fingers, bend big toe up while thinking thumb. Continue on with each toe and finger. Slide L foot in/out of gap. Alternate sliding through gap and bringing outside of L ankle to front of R thigh. Leave L ankle on R thigh, bring R palm towards L sole, not touching, play between fingers and toes. Same position, bring sole/palm to touching, bring leg/foot/hand away from R thigh towards ceiling, R side shortens a little. Slide L foot through gap again. Stand, walk, sense L foot and R hand. Return to back, R foot standing, L knee out to side, slide through gap and then bring out to touch top of R thigh, keeping L knee out to L. Leave L ankle on R thigh, push L knee away/down bringing L sole to orients towards face. Ankle stays on thigh, R palm to L sole, fingers/toes relating, pushing each other back and forth individually. Slide L foot through gap, hold from top of foot with R hand, bring sole of L foot to R buttock. Holding foot, lengthen L arm, roll onto front, bring sole of L foot to R buttock. On back, 5 lines, compare sides.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 46 Monday February 19, 2007.
ATM Lesson #116 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-19: Day 46, S05 day 6
Sliding arms #5 (sawing arms): arms behind head, on front and back, holding chin
CD#10/T01 [44m] (San Francisco, June 30, 1975) » play audio
LOF, forehead on back of hands. Roll R heel out, allow movement in pelvis, ribs, spine. Roll head side to side. Roll R heel. Head on back of R hand, L hand push-up position, roll R heel out towards floor, let torso follow. Forehead on L hand, R hand explore back of neck/head; explore with R ear on floor; L ear. Behind head, hold R index finger with L hand; explore sliding arms side-to-side with forehead and each ear down. Hold R wrist with L hand, slide arms in the 3 head positions. LOB, hold R finger/wrist with L hand, explore behind head, changing position of head. LOF, L hand holding and guiding R wrist, slide arms. Forehead on back of hands, roll R heel out. Stand, turn, walk. Sit, hands behind head as above, explore. Slide arms so that when R hand goes behind head, look to R elbow; look to L elbow; alternate. As take arms to L, turn head to L towards holding chin w/ R hand. On R side, hold R wrist/arm with L hand behind head, lift R elbow off floor. Sit, hands behind head, slide and turn head to hold chin w/ R hand; L hand on floor, slide it side to side. LOF, forehead on hands, roll R heel. Roll head. Roll head with leg; roll opposite. LOB, recollect the lesson.
Discussion #069 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-19: Day 46, S05 day 6
Principles/strategies of the ATM lesson; Peirce on organizing thoughts
CD#10/T02 [56m] [DVD#2 8-end] » play audio
Small groups, discuss structure, principles, strategies of lesson. Kristen: differences between strategies and principles. Tres and Cheryl: multiple spatial orientations. Linda: attending to the unexpected. Jonathan: exploring back of head. Paula: pain, posture; constrained positions. Barb B.: not doing what's painful; goal orienting. Brian: test movement, applying constraints, differentiation & undifferentiation. Robert P.: distal/proximal. Demo: Robert S, proximal/distal from ATM. Employing principles to give rise to different impressions. Robert P.: clarify proximal/distal. Michael: other principles? Tres & Dennis: thinking about lessons; 5 lines; references. Reading from Peirce: relationship between images and thoughts. Relationship among sensations, impressions, ideas, comparisons, literal/abstract. Relationship of observer to impressions. Setting up novelty. Michael: nodes/ideas. Abi: ideas of I, foot, sensations, shifting. Materiality, art, scientific thought experiments, sensory continuums.
FI Exploration #051 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-19: Day 46, S05 day 6
C7, lying on side
CD#10/T03 [14m] [DVD#3 0-12] » play audio
Groups of 3, #1 LOS, #2 push through C7, #3 listen and feedback from sit bone. Hands at C7: one hand on C7 spinous process, other soft fist on transverse process so pressure goes through arm and first finger near knuckles. Demos with Michael, skeleton, Kim.
ATM Lesson #117 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-19: Day 46, S05 day 6
Sliding foot through gap #2 (pretzel legs): fingers and toes relating, on back
CD#10/T04 [46m] (San Francisco Training, June 22, 1976) » play audio
On back, stand R foot, slide left foot through gap between R heel and R buttock, keeping outside of L thigh stays on floor, knee out to L. Repeat, imagine L heel touching R buttock. Repeat, turning foot so little toe comes towards buttock. Think sole of foot coming towards buttock. Add taking R hand towards L foot as it slides through. Hold top of foot from outside, turn top of foot towards floor and sole of foot towards R buttock. Alternate taking L foot through gap then L ankle on R thigh. Leave on R thigh, R palm near L sole, imagine fingers/toes connecting. Hold L foot while on thigh with R hand, turn foot bringing sole more towards head/face, note L knee moves away. Return to sliding L foot through gap, thinking of little toe coming towards buttock. L ankle on R thigh, R palm to L sole, direct L foot towards ceiling. L ankle on R thigh, take L knee down/away, note sole comes more towards head. R palm on L sole again, straighten L knee, foot/hand towards ceiling. Slide L foot through gap. L ankle on R thigh, match fingertips to toes, push little toe with little finger, little toe pushes back. Repeat with thumb and big toe; ring finger and 4th toe; index and 2nd; middle finger and toe; then all 5 toes/fingers at same time. Return to sliding L foot through gap. Sit, R leg long, L bent out to side, L ankle on R thigh, lean on R hand behind, hook L big toe with L index finger, swing L leg so foot goes towards R cheek of face then swing/straighten L foot out to L. On back, slide L foot through gap then out and slide ankle onto front of R thigh, keeping L knee out to L the whole time. Sit, L ankle on R thigh near hip, L index between big/2nd toe, turn foot, sole towards face. Swing L leg out to L, straightening knee then bending, bringing foot towards face again. Ankle still on R thigh, bend R knee, sliding R sole on floor, L foot comes towards face as R knee bends up. On back, slide L foot to R buttock, R hand holds L foot, bring L hand to L foot also from behind pelvis, bring foot towards/away from pelvis, lifting and lowering pelvis. On front, bend knees, hold L foot with both hands, slide L foot across buttock to R. On back, scan 5 lines. Stand, walk, turn, walk backwards.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 47 Tuesday February 20, 2007.
ATM Lesson #118 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-20: Day 47, S05 day 7
Sliding arms #6 (sawing arms): holding chin, lying to sitting
CD#10/T05 [40m] (Amherst, June 27, 1981) » play audio
Sit, rotate head side to side. Slide R hand behind head. Guide R wrist with L hand. L hand on R elbow, guide R hand to hold chin from behind head, explore. R hand holding chin, take L hand forward on floor, bringing R elbow toward floor. Side sit, R leg back, R hand holding chin, L hand on floor in front, slide it away and bring L elbow to floor, hanging forward, flex/extend spine. Switch legs, same hand to chin, repeat. Side-sitting, L leg back, R hand holding chin, slide L hand on floor away and towards; same legs crossed. On back, R hand behind head, hold wrist with L hand, hold chin, explore range of movement. Bend knees/stand feet, hold chin, tilt knees to L; tilt knees to R. Hold R wrist with L hand, slide arms so L elbow goes towards ceiling, head may lift. Holding chin, roll to R side to sit with L hand sliding on floor. LOB, roll to R side, come up with R elbow on floor. Holding chin, move between sitting and lying. Holding chin, come to sit; stand, turn head.
ATM Lesson #118 continued – Dennis Leri 2007-02-20: Day 47, S05 day 7
Sliding arms #6 (sawing arms): holding chin, lying to sitting continued
CD#10/T06 [15m] (Amherst, June 27, 1981) » play audio
Sit, turn head. Side sit, L leg back, slide R hand behind head to hold chin, slide L hand on floor; direct R elbow to L knee; lift L knee towards R elbow. LOB, R hand holding chin, roll to L side to sit, return to back. Holding chin, roll to sit, alternating sides. Roll lying to sitting, only to R side; R leg parallel to R-side wall. Without holding chin, roll to sit, alternating sides. Same, holding chin. LOB, roll head. Sit, legs crossed, turn head. Spiral to stand, walk.
FI Exploration #052 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-20: Day 47, S05 day 7
C7, lying on back
CD#10/T07 [19m] [DVD#3 12-31] » play audio
Fist, slide down neck to neck/shoulders angle to locate. Move it side to side. Explanation of touching: skin, muscle, bone. FI: looking for transmission of force. Demos with skeleton, Kim. Demo with Brian: LOB, C7 from arm.
Discussion #070 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-20: Day 47, S05 day 7
Limits, acupuncture, transmission of force
CD#09/T08 [40m] » play audio
Robert P.: relationship of FI practice to ATM. Doing ATM, limits, FI. Center of gravity of training, students' processes. Sense of skeletal connections are essential to understanding FI. Michael: exhaustion/energy, C7/L4 as centers of nervous system info. Moshé and acupuncture, posture and movement, realizing self. Marge: about FI practice. Concept of transmission of force. Esther Thelen and developmental work. Kristen: principles relating to dreams.
ATM Lesson #119 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-20: Day 47, S05 day 7
Sliding foot through gap #3 (pretzel legs): holding head and foot rolling left, on back
CD#10/T09 [57m] (San Francisco Training, July 6, 1976) » play audio
On back, stand R foot, bend L knee out to side, slide L foot through gap. Slide in/out. Repeat with R hand on top of head, sliding head/shoulders R. Repeat with L hand on L temple, pushing head to R with shoulders sliding down to R while sliding L leg through. Return to sliding of L leg to feel difference, then add sliding head/shoulders down to R, reach R hand to L foot. Stay down to R, relating R fingers to L toes without touching. LOB, feel connection between same toes/fingers. Return to previous position, touch big toe and thumb, alternately press each toe to finger & v.v. R foot standing, L ankle on R thigh, reach R hand to foot, repeat pressing each toe/finger individually. Return to sliding L foot through gap, pushing with R foot, R hip lifts to help. Swing L bent leg under gap and then up to bring ankle to front of R thigh. Return to L ankle on R thigh, hand around top of foot, turn foot so L knee goes away from head. Return to sliding L foot on floor then bringing ankle to thigh. L ankle on R thigh, R fingers matching up with L toes, tilt legs L so knee goes to floor, allow head to lift. Repeat without hand to foot. Slide foot through gap. L ankle on R thigh, tilt legs L leaving head on floor, think of knee moving away/down, add lifting R heel to help, then alternate lifting R toes/heel. L hand behind head, L ankle on R thigh, hold L foot from outside edge, lift head and L foot towards ceiling. Change to lifting head and R foot from floor. Same position, lift head and legs and roll to L side. Sit, hold L foot with R hand, L hand behind head, bring face and foot towards each other, think of sliding face along lower L leg. Lie on L side with legs bent one on top of other, lift R foot away from L, pivoting over L knee, add lifting head with R arm wrapped over top of head. On back, stand R leg, L ankle on R thigh, hold L foot with right hand, L hand behind head, bring head/legs together and roll L. Slide L leg in/out of gap.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 48 Wednesday February 21, 2007.
ATM Lesson #120 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-21: Day 48, S05 day 8
Sliding foot through gap #4 (pretzel legs): fingers and toes relating, on back
CD#10/T10 [55m] (San Francisco Training, July 6, 1976) » play audio
On back, stand L foot, open R bent knee to R on floor, slide R foot through gap. Leave it through, slide L standing foot on floor along lower R leg towards R knee. Repeat, leave L foot standing to R of R knee, lift/lower R knee caressing lower L leg. Repeat all on other side. L knee bent out to L on floor, slide R foot to standing to L of L thigh, take R knee towards L foot, R foot comes off floor, R ankle stays in contact with L thigh. OS. On hands and knees, bring R knee to floor behind L knee. OS. Stay with R knee behind L on floor, open/close feet. Leave feet separated and take pelvis back towards floor between feet, then towards one heel and the other. Repeat, take pelvis to floor between legs, keep hands on floor; same, hands come off floor. Sit back, bring hands behind, slowly go down onto one elbow, the other and on down to back and reverse. Switch legs, repeat. On back, bend L knee out to side on floor, stand R foot to L of L knee, take R knee towards L foot; lift head when L knee goes towards R foot. L hand over top of head, face R, lift head, L ear goes towards R knee, bring R hand towards L foot; switch arms. L knee bent on floor, stand R foot to L of L knee, reach hands to hold feet. On hands and knees, R knee to floor behind L, make quick. Leave knee behind, separate feet, pelvis to floor to sit between feet. Reverse legs, repeat. Alternate putting knees behind to feel for differences on sides.
FI Exploration #053– Diana Razumny 2007-02-21: Day 48, S05 day 8
Quality of touch
CD#10/T11 [53m] » play audio
Each person roll air-filled Ziploc bag between hands, fingers pointing opposite: light, heavy, just right. Roll grapefruit same way: feel texture, weight; press harder, feel into neck/shoulders. Roll own head between hands, compare; roll hands by turning head. At chairs: grapefruits between hands, all fingers pointing forward, roll. Partners, stander at sitter's side, hands to head, roll head. Person sitting, think about lunch plans, practitioner roll head. Waiting game: hands on head, sitter continue thinking for a few moments then arrive sensing self/pelvis on chair. Stander begins rolling when sense sitter is present. Reverse roles: sitters turn head to move person's hands, feel through to their shoulders. Repeat, change speed to fast; change speed to slowest. Standers re-roll with new awareness, feeling through spine to pelvis/sit bones. Discussion. Brian: guiding the movement. Marge: about thinking then arriving. Michael: hair sliding. Leanore: sense of trust. Pam: went in with ease. Taking this quality into FI practice. Abi: wanted more feedback dialogue; sensitivities rolling head. Pam: using self. Involvement of whole self as practitioner. Brian: connecting nervous systems but not blending. Tres: experiences when person thinking; Marge. Eyes/imagining affecting neck.
FI Exploration #054 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-21: Day 48, S05 day 8
Sliding Sternum ATM (#111)
CD#10/T12 [17m] » play audio
Trios: play with ATM #111, bring in quality of touch from previous exploration. Notes for the ATM handed out; can use them, not use them, use slide show, in order, not in order, be creative. Kristen: details while riding along. Abi: propensity to move what's not moving; learning. Kim: breaking away from the paper. Michael: purpose; Diana: using self-encyclopedia when doing FI. James: which part of foot in morning's ATM. Diana Razumny.
FI Exploration #054 continued – Diana Razumny 2007-02-21: Day 48, S05 day 8
Sliding Sternum ATM (#111)
CD#10/T13 [26m] [DVD#3 31-57] » play audio
Demo of using ATM #111 for FI (Jonathan).
ATM Lesson #121 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-21: Day 48, S05 day 8
Sliding arms #7 (sawing arms): holding chin, lying to sitting
CD#10/T14 [49m] (Amherst, June 30, 1981) » play audio
Sit, hold R wrist with L hand, slide behind head towards holding chin. Hold chin, slide L hand on floor, bring R elbow to floor. Take one foot behind, roll to R to LOB with L hand sliding on floor. LOB, hold chin, L hand overhead, come to sit to R keeping contact of L hand on floor; come up L. Sit, L arm behind head, explore neck. L arm behind head, hold elbow with R hand, move torso L/R. LOB, hold chin with L hand, R hand holding wrist/elbow, slide shoulder girdle L/R. Sit, R hand holding elbow, take side to side, tilting on sit bones. Sit, hold chin w/ L hand, R arm to side shoulder-height, turn torso/arm. Turn with eyes on horizon; eyes opposite; same again. Sit, turn head L/R; tilt head. L leg back, hold chin with R hand, hold R elbow with L hand, take elbow L/R. Same position, L arm out, turn torso/arm; move eyes with and opposite. LOB, hold chin with L hand, start to roll to R, notice pelvis. L hand holds chin, R hand holds elbow, just start a roll to each side. L hand holding chin, R arm straight overhead, roll torso side to side. Roll further towards sitting, alternating sides, reverse before head comes up; almost all the way. X-shape, bring R hand & L foot away from floor; other diagonal; alternate; both diagonals same time. Bring head forward, lead from different places. Lift, turning R ear towards floor; L ear. Lift head, bring R ear and R arm forward; L ear and L arm. Alternate rolling to sides towards sitting; come to sit and stand.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 49 Thursday February 22, 2007.
ATM Lesson #122 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-22: Day 49, S05 day 9
Sliding foot through gap #5 (pretzel legs): rolling up to sit with legs crossed, on back
CD#10/T15 [59m] (San Francisco Training, July, 1976) » play audio
On back, stand R foot, slide L foot through gap. Switch legs, slide R foot through gap of L foot and pelvis. Then leave the R leg stationary and slide the standing L foot on the floor along the lower R leg to around the R knee. Stay with the L foot on floor near R knee then take L knee down away, pivoting over L ankle so sole of foot comes away from floor, stay there and reach L hand to R foot and hold it. From that position sweep R arm overhead on floor, roll to L side and bring R hand to R foot. Repeat, sweeping R arm around overhead to R foot and then reverse and repeat. Repeat on other side. Switch legs, have arms overhead and sweep arms side to side, taking hands toward feet alternately, allowing head to roll and move along with sweeping arms. Switch legs again, sweep arms around side/side. Stand L foot to R of R knee, take L knee down/away, sweep arms along floor around to R to take L foot and hold foot as you come up to sitting. On hands and knees, cross R knee behind, separate feet and sit back with pelvis to floor between feet. Repeat on other side. Stay seated with legs crossed, rock forward/back then go down on one elbow to lie back down, come up, go down on other side. On back, slide L foot through gap of R foot and pelvis, R foot standing to L of L knee, take L knee down, reach hands to R foot by rolling to R. All fours, cross knees, sit back between feet, hold both feet in sitting, rock forward/back on sit bones, then side to side then roll down onto back with legs crossed. Sit between feet again, R ankle crossed on L thigh, lift lower R knee, pivoting ankle on L thigh, put R foot standing on floor and slide L leg along lower R leg. Repeat with legs switched. Sit with legs crossed, L on top, hold both feet, straighten/bend one knee then other. Repeat with legs switched. Hands and knees, crossed legs, sit back between feet, alternate leg crossing and sitting back.
Discussion #071 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-22: Day 49, S05 day 9
Contextualizing, experiencing, organizing
CD#09/T16 [29m] » play audio
Feldenkrais in baseball. Brian: movements from the ATM, contextualizing principles/structure of movement. Leading people in their own experience, learning through unique experience, integration, functioning intelligence inside action, realizing a piece of a lesson in a life situation. Barb: FI communicating without verbal direction. James: would a well organized person do everything better? Abstractly yes; physical demands of sports determine geometries. Organization: ability to adapt, how can I do more efficiently. Profiling body types for jobs/sports.
Moshé Audio 2007-02-22: Day 49, S05 day 9
On Awareness
CD#10/T17 [62m] » play audio
Recording of Moshé at the School of the Arts at New York University, November, 1971.
Editor's notes: The talk begins:
Sensory awareness, all sorts of awarenesses, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by awareness—are you aware now? What is awareness, what is it different from being conscious, from knowing? What do you mean exactly by awareness? I use the word awareness in a peculiar, funny way which I am going to explain to you and through that you will also get a closer understanding of the whole procedure and why it's important.
[This recording is available in DVD format, with video, from the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) Archive of the Feldenkrais Method.]
Discussion #072 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-22: Day 49, S05 day 9
Function, motoric sense
CD#09/T18 [54m] » play audio
What is a lesson, what's it like, how does it lesson? Robert S: stairs/counting. Function, functionality, generalizing. Mathematics: book Laws of Form (1969, 1972) by G. Spencer-Brown; logic. Moshé and motoric sense of counting; sets; temporalizing sensations. Robert S: In book The Master Moves (1984), counting toes. Michael: primitives, primary image, 5 lines. G. I. Gurdjieff; integrity; evolving with the work. Self-image, assemblage. Marge: being aware; about pulling up vision, motor memory. Esther Thelen: development is orderly, but by different strategies. Topology. Martial arts. Kristen: latency and generalization. Continuum, whole structure. René Thom: Semio Physics.
Editor's notes: Dennis on Nancy MacAllister working with Barry Bonds of the Major League Baseball team, the San Francisco Giants: “oftentimes, you just don't want to relate it to what they do, what they know; you just want to let them have their own experience.” Topology and seeing complex relationships: “dimensionality.” Everyone has this to some degree in some area of their life. Organization of martial artists: some things are more amazing than magic. Ability to differentiate is related to this sense of dimensionality and possibility, the source of this for Moshé is in martial arts, “The more he holds on, the better it is for me.” Whole to parts relationships, Thom and patterns and significant forms in FI. Dennis on Dennis: “In any particular art but, let's say, in this art; what I'm saying is both more abstract and general, and more concrete and finite than you have the experience of, in this context.” In your own contexts, you have the same thing. Dennis: Moshé said, “in the good sense of a teacher, that's what a teacher does: notice when somebody makes novel distinctions in a domain that are true to the domain, which represent the domain; which they haven't made before... ‘I never showed you that but that's it.’ Or, ‘I showed you that but you're doing it in your own way.’”
ATM Lesson #123 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-22: Day 49, S05 day 9
Moving C7 forward and back, on back, sitting and on knees and head
CD#10/T19 [41m] (San Francisco Training, 1976) » play audio
Sit, legs crossed, sense C7, bring it forward/back, leaving head in place. Same, hand on top of head. Same, interlaced fingers on head. Same, LOB. Sit, R leg forward, hands on head, C7 forward/back. LOB, same, one hand on neck, one on sternum. On knees and top of head, hands interlaced around head, forearms and elbows on floor, take C7 forward and back; try without moving pelvis. Same position, let pelvis move head-ward and foot-ward, allow shoulder blades to separate and come together, belly drops forward and comes back. Same, one hand on back of neck. Sit, L hand on top of head, bring C7 forward/back. On back, feet standing, tilt tail down towards floor so lower back is lifted, back and forth a few times then stay with tail down, note breathing, feel what happens with C7. On knees, top of head on floor, hands under knees, move C7 forward/back. Sit, roll head between hands. Switch hands. Hands down, move C7 forward/back. On knees, top of head on imaginary clock, hands under the knees, move head between 12 and 6, then between 3 and 9. On knees and head, hands interlaced and wrapped around head at floor, imagine clock, circle top of head around clock, note base of neck/C7 making circle. On knees and top of head, hands standing to sides of head, elbows in the air, circle top of head around the clock. Repeat but with hands behind back, one hand holding other wrist. Sit, take C7 forward/back, notice eyes. Sit, L leg behind, lean on L hand, R hand on top of head, circle top of head thinking about C7 moving opposite direction of head also making a circle. Switch legs and repeat. On knees and top of head, hands under knees, make 3 small circles around clock in each direction, attention to C7 moving in circle. Rest on back, note breath, roll head L/R.
S05 – Dennis Leri. Day 50 Friday February 23, 2007.
ATM Lesson #124 – Diana Razumny 2007-02-23: Day 50, S05 day 10
Sliding foot through gap #6 (pretzel legs): legs crossed, holding feet, roll to back, on back
CD#10/T20 [60m] (San Francisco Training, July, 1976) » play audio
On back, notice 5 lines. Stand L leg, push through foot on floor, notice effects on pelvis, R leg. Slide R leg through. OS. On hands and knees, cross one knee behind, separate feet and sit back between feet. Go back and forth, sitting, coming onto hands/knees and switch knee crossing. Notice the changing shape of torso. Sit back, hold feet, shift weight, explore tilting of head, note shape of torso with each variation. Then tilt forward/back. Then circle pelvis on floor, head circles opposite mid back. Repeat with other knee crossed behind. On back, stand R foot, slide L foot through gap on floor. Repeat, other side. R foot standing, slide L foot through, stay and slide R foot around to L of L knee, take R knee down/away, R ankle pivoting over L thigh. Repeat, other side. On hands/knees, cross R knee behind, sit back between feet, go down on one elbow and lower to lying on back, soles oriented towards face, arms overhead, sweep both arms around to one side to hold foot on that side, then sweep arms around, over head to other side to hold other foot. Repeat starting with L knee crossed behind R on hands and knees. Legs crossed, sit between feet, hold both feet, roll down across side to come to back holding feet. Repeat with other leg crossing. Stand R foot, slide L through, hold the two feet, swing legs overhead and roll up to sit, Continue and when legs are overhead, let go of hands/feet, switch leg crossing and roll up to sitting again. On hands/knees, cross R leg in front of L then L in front of R, crawling forward then reverse to crawl backwards.
FI Exploration #055 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-23: Day 50, S05 day 10
C7 and sitbones, on back
CD#10/T21 [6m] [DVD#10 Scene 8] » play audio
Demo: Robert S. Groups of 3. Student LOB, legs crossed as in ATM, practitioner find C7. Student stand feet, cross one leg over, tilt legs, practitioner ride along C7. Student feet standing or rollers under legs, practitioner push through C7 to pelvis, other person listen then push through sitbones.
Discussion #073 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-23: Day 50, S05 day 10
About FI practice
CD#09/T22 [22m] » play audio
Tres comment. Abi: balance between hands. Compression, general sense of C7 location, confidence in sensing. Shira: finding sitbones when working. Marge & Dennis: direction of force. “What is a lesson” will develop with different trainers. Clarifying C7; connections. Robert P.: clarity when working. Abi: putting together points talked about in FI. Intervening, specificity, options; readiness.
FI Exploration #055 continued – Dennis Leri 2007-02-23: Day 50, S05 day 10
C7 and sitbones continued, plus review
CD#10/T23 [2m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #125 – Dennis Leri 2007-02-23: Day 50, S05 day 10
Primary Image #5: hooking big toes, lift feet, sitting and on back
CD#10/T24 [52m] (Alexander Yanai #342) » play audio
Sit, hook big toes with finger. LOB, 5 lines.
Start sitting with hooking big toes with index fingers, lifting/separating feet. On back, create 5 lines. Sit, hook toes, lift one foot at a time off ground, rolling on pelvis. LOB, arms out to sides, create lines with length and direction. Hook toes while on back, lift feet towards ceiling, keeping lines and without lifting head. Sit, hook toes, lift both feet. Sit, hook one toe, lean on other hand, lift/lower foot. ROB, then repeat on other side. LOB, hook toes. Sit, hook big toes, lift off floor. Holding toes, shift weight to R sitbone, lift L foot. OS. One arm long overhead on floor, hook same-side big toe with index, lift/lengthen leg, note a little rolling towards long arm/leg on other side. Repeat on other side. Hook both big toes, lift feet. Sit, hook toes, lift both feet.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 51 Monday May 14, 2007.
Discussion #074 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
CD#11/T01 [10m] » play audio
Introducing Donna Blank. Segment: breathing, bridging, mini ATM practicum. Individuals & relationship, isolating & relating. Resonance.
ATM Lesson #126 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
Awareness of breathing, on back
CD#11/T02 [44m] (unattributed) » play audio
Sense LOB: contact with floor, vertebrae, ribs, limbs, differences R/L. Relationship with floor: you towards it, it towards you. Witness breath. Bend knees/stand feet with least effort possible; does this change breathing? Hands on low belly, fingers spread, feel breath. Slide hands up a little so thumbs are on lower ribs; listen to breath. Rest. Hands on chest, elbows resting on floor, thumbs near collar bones, fingers spread, sense/listen. Rest. Roll to side & to sit, listen to breath; pause & re-establish when breathing changes. Stand.
ATM Lesson #127 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
Breathing into the right lung #1, on back
CD#11/T03 [53m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #12) » play audio
When we use breathing to fullest capacity, we can take in more oxygen and expel more CO2. Attend/imagine to air on right side, top lobe expanding on inhale; 3rd lobe; middle lobe; R nostril, throat, trachea. Diaphragm. Track breath out. Rest; difference in lying on floor? Stand, feel contact feet with floor, walk, compare sides. Sit cross-legged, interlace fingers behind head, let elbows come forward/down; where can lungs expand & restrict in this position? Think about R side—nostril, lobes. Imagine air coming in & out. Left side. Where easier, where challenging? Stand, any changes?, walk. Sit with R leg back, support with L hand on floor, tip head a little to R, fill L lung in imagination. LOB, rest. Sit with legs other way, imagine air on R. ROB. Stand, walk.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #12: Thinking and Breathing.
Discussion #075 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
How big is your frame; meeting people; quality of attention in everything we do
CD#11/T04 [55m] » play audio
Michael: being a movement teacher, developing awareness. Marge: effects of breathing on arms/movement. Laura: all good. Brian: what the client can tolerate; how much we direct, how much let them discover. What Moshé was after—when you know what you're doing you can do what you want; preparing person to make some difference, issue not modality is right/wrong; independent learning as opposed to “tell me what to do”; attending to your level of ease in whatever you're doing. Cheryl: learning when to stop or continue. Pam: meeting clients where they are, adding suggestion. Bridging consciousness, people become their diagnosis. Laura: trying to fix, meeting. Moshé's intention—autonomy, developing choice out of self-awareness, “restoring human dignity and becoming your own true self”; if eye on whole self—different than eye on breathing pattern—depends on how big frame is, know your frame; Moshé used best models of science, also held that the work is more than this; bigger than movement improvement. Brian: own constraint. The “no good reason”—the idiot in us; “I'm not after flexible bodies, but flexible minds,” it just so happens the body is an excellent vehicle for learning this. Difference from meditation; “embodiment.” Kim. When in this state, new possibilities occur to us. Pam: breath work—opens awareness. What's really natural; meeting people, moving on from there. Kristen: resting. Developing ability to discern. Leanore: energized by breathing lesson. Paula: layers of habits & behaviors, awareness as a way to change. Tres: foreground/background. Michael: what happens when people fall asleep?
FI Exploration #056 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
Guided FI—Breathing
CD#11/T05 [22m] » play audio
Partners: Receiver lie in a comfortable position. Practitioner: observe/witness; place hands, observe, where is your attention-shift; 80% attention on self; 80% on partner. Talk about experience; did receiver feel difference in shift of attention. Switch roles.
Discussion #076 – Donna Blank 2007-05-14: Day 51, S06 day 1
The play of shifting attention
CD#11/T06 [46m] » play audio
Kristen: question of hands placement. We're drawn, doesn't necessarily seem logical but we find out later—different kind of knowing. Barbara D.: attention split. Tres & Kim: difficulty splitting attention. Sensing, feeling, history—it's all there. Different styles of attending. James: best to touch where there's a lot of movement or a little? Technique: could do either; different ways to touch; projecting our own stuff. Ashley: tendencies. Shira: balances of shifting attention. Not one right way; the play of shifting creates relationship-attuning. Kristen: felt more self-consciousness with more attention. Laura: could get bigger when her practitioner in herself. Shira: space & connection. Cheryl: expanding globally. James: differences in meeting the floor & vice versa. When we notice differences, may not be an explication but we learn; still may “want to know.” Michael: “the info is out there!” All of it is in the field all the time. Paula: intention is sensed. Goals in FI: attune, let nervous system quiet down to where open to new experience. Laura: letting go of judgments, sharper attention. Jackie: definition of attunement? Daniel Stern's research & writing, nonverbal reflections of mothers with babies, syncing; could be mirroring but not necessarily. Brain levels, consciousness. Survival to feel safe.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 52 Tuesday May 15, 2007.
Discussion #077 – Donna Blank 2007-05-15: Day 52, S06 day 2
Shifts in who we think we are
CD#11/T07 [29m] » play audio
Discussion: images of ourselves shifting. Coping skills: capacity to witness the experience of shifting, slowing down, taking a break, more distance. Comfort with just being. Taking care of self. James: deconstructing self. Perspective of being nobody is different than being different than thought. How do we shift in a way that works for us. Michael: witnessing? Witnessing another person, own emotions, group (different levels); ATM; as I see you, I have experiences in myself, I realize it's my response; moments of attunement. First step to attend to what we're doing. Nonjudgment.
ATM Lesson #128 – Donna Blank 2007-05-15: Day 52, S06 day 2
Lifting pelvis, shifting weight with upper back clock
CD#11/T08 [70m] (Combination of spinal chain & upper back clock) » play audio
LOB, scan: head, spine, limbs, breathing, you to floor/floor to you. Bend knees, stand feet, explore placement. Lift pelvis ½ inch, note transmission through vertebrae. Gradually higher, curling tailbone, lengthening knees. Lift higher, lowering chin towards collar bone, vice versa on descent. Notice footprint on floor. Lift pelvis, chin involved; initiate from head; both. Stand, note collar bones, where looking, walk. LOB, lift pelvis, stay up so resting on upper back; play up/down in upper part of back. As lift higher take chin up, lower take chin down; switch chin. Lift pelvis, shift onto one shoulder, back to center (keep pelvis level); OS; alternate, note head. Lift pelvis, as shift to R shoulder let head go R; OS. As shift to R shoulder, shift head to L. Lift pelvis, stay, play up/down on thoracic spine; go to middle point, stay, shift side to side. Lift pelvis, stay, circle around clock top to right; top to left; half; explore numbers towards lower on back. Lift & lower pelvis. Stand, walk.
Discussion #078 – Donna Blank 2007-05-15: Day 52, S06 day 2
Frustration, potential, attitude
CD#11/T09 [32m] » play audio
Michael: pelvis level. Laura: neutral changing. Brian: head movement. Allowing the system to make adjustments, tolerating frustration. Pam: different than usual. Cheryl: different level. Slow & deep. Lisa: more breaks when separating vertebrae. Integration on the side. James: “I'm the only one,” teaching as if perfect, the public? Suggestions about potential; with what attitude do you teach an ATM; structuring for success—not necessarily in training. Different styles. Experiment with placement of feet standing. Pleasure in play & learning. Linda: aware of awareness. Time & continuing to explore.
ATM Lesson #129 – Donna Blank 2007-05-15: Day 52, S06 day 2
Bridging #1, on back
CD#11/T10 [75m] (Esalen & Amherst) » play audio
FI Exploration #057 – Donna Blank 2007-05-15: Day 52, S06 day 2
Breathing & witnessing
CD#11/T11 [39m] » play audio
Partners. Receiver in comfortable position, practitioner witness receiver's breathing. Hands on:
- Ride breath with equal pressure
- Constrain the breathing
- Take hands off.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 53 Wednesday May 16, 2007.
ATM Lesson #130 – Donna Blank 2007-05-16: Day 53, S06 day 3
Breathing into the right lung #2, on side
CD#11/T12 [53m] (Gaby Yaron for performers) » play audio
Lie on L side. Explore placement of knees. Note ribs; shoulder to pelvis; how yield into floor. R arm along side. Track air R side: nostril, trachea, upper lobe, etc. What directions do air/ribs expand? Imagine filling & emptying of breath; does this change shaping? Rest on back. On side. Imagine filling of air is more in the backs of lobes. Roll onto back. On side (arm along side), imagine air coming more into front of lobes. Rest on back. On side, alternate air coming into front/back. Rest on back, roll to come to sit, stand. Standing, feel breath into back.
Discussion #079 – Donna Blank 2007-05-16: Day 53, S06 day 3
Awareness & Witness in different traditions
CD#11/T13 [82m] » play audio
Different traditions that use awareness. Western & Eastern. Laura: like to not use mic. Phenomenology. Edmund Husserl. Doorway is through subjectivity/immediacy of experience. Shifting out of rational thinking as primary mode. Experience itself is transformational. Epoché (Greek, ἐποχή): intentionally suspend analytical thinking. Writers: Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Focusing on object long enough, object disappears, space opens up. Object of awareness becomes its own self. Brian: self-image. How do you define your own potential? Multidimensional field. Awareness of awareness creates different tone. “Field like characteristics” from physics. Field experience is less concrete, information and guidance can come out of the field. Another stream to look at awareness is through psychoanalysis. Donald Winnicott, Masud Khan (follower of Winnicott), Jacques Lacan (language). Transition space, holding space, like parent/child. Witness creates safety, openness, exploration. Transition space between us, relational phenomenon. FI—not only connecting to skeleton. Khan—feeling, thinking, sensing—all aspects of mind. Can get over-identified (anchored) with ways of perceiving and miss a lot. Developmentally, important to be aware of objects, next step is awareness of awareness. Eastern philosophy: Dzogchen Buddhism: naked awareness—it illuminates everything—awareness of awareness itself. These qualities begin to organize you. Nothingness, spaciousness, oneness, light. Field rather than a state. Integrate experience, feeling, sensing, mind into awareness. Gestalt (therapy) is another stream that encompasses idea of field. FI has to have concrete operational as well as awareness of the field. Michael: witnessing, cultures. Pam: pain dissolving by awareness. Laura: this or that. Paula: practices of holding polarities. James: Buffalo and Polar Bear. Relative and absolute truth. Abi: infant development. Survival, comfort, bonding, curiosity. FI, creating safety.
FI Exploration #058 – Donna Blank 2007-05-16: Day 53, S06 day 3
Knee & elbow towards & away, on side, with witness
CD#11/T14 [57m] [ATM: Donna's creation] » play audio
Part 1: Sit, be, listen. Feel support, notice breathing. Expand breathing & attention through self; outward beyond self; extend attention to other people, beyond room. Open to what is.
Part 2: ATM in partners, one witnessing other person doing ATM. Mover decide where want witness to be. ATM: LOB, note ribs, spine, neck. Lie on R side, L forearm on R forearm. Bring elbows/knees towards each other, return; take a little closer & farther. Same with only top elbow/knee; note change in base of support. Same, think of hand and foot moving towards/away; hand and knee; foot and elbow; shoulder and hip; whole self. Gradually let movement grow, watch hand. Synchronize timing. Move only leg; only arm; both. Teeter-totter place? Continue to roll onto back, flipping palm over. Roll to sit. Movers share with partner from experience; witness speak if mover is comfortable.
Discussion #080 – Donna Blank 2007-05-16: Day 53, S06 day 3
CD#11/T15 [47m] » play audio
Kristen: difficulty talking from experience. Laura: courage, neutral. Brian: as witness not being able to respond made present, genuine listening. Pam: hard to not talk, thinking more. Cheryl: knowing had witness, responsibility/performance/presence. Paula: responsibility of wanting to entertain. Shira: tracking process as witness. Marge: excitement. Tres: both asleep. James: resonating with Donna? (3rd party). In Authentic Movement difference is no one directing how to move; relation to FM. Shira: why mover speaks first? Is a private matter; our connections can be to any level of experience; respect for what mover is conscious of and willing to talk about; preserve what emerges from resonance; closer listening, not overstepping boundaries. Marge: reversal of witness/listening—to self, to partner. Tres: difference between resonance & projection; words are only part of what take in. When open attention, something happens; resonance helps create natural shift. Marge: reactions. Judgment. Maturity: comfort, having freedom & ability to make choices.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 54 Thursday May 17, 2007.
ATM Lesson #131 – Donna Blank 2007-05-17: Day 54, S06 day 4
Bridging #2, on back
CD#11/T16 [83m] (Amherst, July 6, 1981) » play audio
LOF (front). Explore placement of arms, head; note pelvis, ribs, sternum. Feel ribs in relation to floor as breathe. LOB, note pelvis, heels; heels in relation to other parts. R hand into bridge position; where is elbow in relation to hand/knee in relation to foot (stand R foot); where feel most skeletal support. Move elbow with L hand to explore; take elbow more overhead; bend R knee, push with R foot a little to help lengthen R elbow overhead; bring elbow towards feet. Circle elbow. Stand R hand & foot, push with both, take back of head through gap. L hand in bridge, stand L foot, push, take head through gap; imagine the movement, do, go back & forth. “When the image and the action are one, we feel coherent.” Stand both feet, gently lift coccyx; gradually higher, note hip joints open, pressure on back. Pelvis up, both hands in bridge, bring pelvis down. Pelvis up, shift weight to begin to take head gaps. Legs long, stand both hands, press head into floor; lift shoulder girdle; lift head. Legs/arms long, lift shoulder girdle, lift head, alternate. Stand feet, lift pelvis & stay, slide R shoulder blade down toward R hip; L. Pelvis in air, lift R shoulder to walk it down, return; L; alternate to go downward/upward. Legs long, stand hands, shift weight, walk shoulders. Stand both feet & hands, walk shoulders down & up. Legs long, stand hands; press head & release, press heels; press head & heels same time; do light & quick; head & each heel. Stand all feet/hands, walk shoulders. Hold head, bring elbows/knees towards each other. Stand, walk.
FI Exploration #059 – Donna Blank 2007-05-17: Day 54, S06 day 4
FI with Kim
CD#11/T17 [7m] [DVD#12 Scene 1] » play audio
Full lesson with Kim, observed by students.
Discussion #081 – Donna Blank 2007-05-17: Day 54, S06 day 4
Kim's FI
CD#11/T18 [60m] [DVD#12 Scene 2] » play audio
Kim: many things going on but all connected; everything below had to do with everything above. Laura: hard on body? Self-organization. Cheryl: get benefit in self when working with others? Referring; transference; reactions in self. Tres: noticing changes in Donna. Ideally most movement coming from pelvis. Diana: camera work. Abi: observing FI, meeting. Structure/principles of FI: interview; exploration; functional logic; ending. Exploration: how Kim was organized, how she responded, how Donna responded to Kim; curiosity built in relation to her request; convergence of ideas that turned into a composition; noted Kim's system was filling in/organizing. Donna's thinking: homolateral & contralateral all going to same place (R shoulder); chest relative to thoracic spine. Abi: enthusiasm, unknown, not wanting to be mechanic working on car. Being present to. Is a creative process. Marge: pauses. Conversational aspect (call & response). Different hand contact—different investigation; Donna tends to get info by contouring with hands. Robert P.: shaking as contrast to being gentle. Base to learn is gentle, non-disruptive learning; also, a lesson can have other dynamic contrasts; rocking was after something had integrated—affirmation. Robert P.: ATM lessons are structured—contrast from FI entering into relationship. Moshé experimented until found something functionally sound; there are structures in FI, but way it emerges not structured—meeting the moment. Brian: reproducibility. Robert P.: what is an FI lesson and what looks like FI. Logic. Can learn FI by using ATM structures. Diana: Moshé developed ATM out of experience with FI to reproduce something similar that was more universal; ideas, vocabulary/sentences for FI. Distinction between resonance and skillful means; level of resonance affects level at which people integrate. Laura: universe—structure & resonance. Universal & unique.
FI Exploration #060 – Donna Blank 2007-05-17: Day 54, S06 day 4
Knee & elbow towards & away, on side, second round
CD#11/T19 [49m] » play audio
Same as ATM lesson with FI #58, switch partners.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 55 Friday May 18, 2007.
ATM Teaching #005 – Staff 2007-05-18: Day 55, S06 day 5
About ATM practicum
CD#11/T20 [35m] » play audio
Notes for practicum are classic lessons. Will be groups of 3, one team will teach another team next week. Variety of ways to make notes for teaching. What is the lesson about, useful for, how do you think about that? How would you rename the lesson? Instructions are just movement directions; add awareness. Learning comes about how to think about lessons in abstract way; at first begin phenomenologically with own experience.
ATM Lesson #132 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-18: Day 55, S06 day 5
Bridging #3, on back & sitting
CD#11/T21 [64m] (Amherst, July 7, 1981) » play audio
LOB, when scan use words or sensation. Legs long, arms close, palms down; bend elbows so fingers toward ceiling, then so fingers point overhead, bring elbows towards ceiling so could place palms on floor by ears. Hands by ears, imagine movements did yesterday. Press into hands a little so head rolls upward. Press with R hand, let back of head go through gap; OS. Arms long, stand feet, lift pelvis, imagine walking shoulders; walk shoulders down/up. Stand feet, lift & drop foot; stand hands too, lift pelvis, slide onto top of head. Sit with legs crossed, R arm straight forward shoulder-height, palm facing forward, lengthen palm forward; OS. Same with R, add bending elbow, add taking elbow toward ceiling; OS. Sit, both palms forward, take R hand backward & reach L forward, alternate. Styles of lessons:
- Do reference, do a bunch of other things, do reference
- Back and forth between reference & new things.
Sit, both wrists/elbows bent, take both back as if bridging; switch legs, look down when take arms back. Sit, hands up/back by ears, look up/down. Kneel, tuck toes, both palms in front, bridge one hand back, other hand; both hands. Again, head looking down while arms go back. Take all back, imagine hands going to floor behind. LOB, stand feet, arms long, lift pelvis, walk shoulders so hands towards ankles (can go on toes). Stand feet and hands, lift pelvis, slide back of head on floor to come onto top of head. Bridge hands, legs long, alternate pushing with one hand to lift shoulder and slide back of head under arm. Rest, sit, stand.
Discussion #082 – Donna Blank 2007-05-18: Day 55, S06 day 5
Handout: Seeing & being seen
CD#11/T22 [93m] » play audio
Moshé quote [otherwise unattributed]: “There is no development without witness.” Winnicott: object relations psychoanalyst & pediatrician. Being preceding doing; if other way, becomes mechanical. Printed lessons: doing; how do we create resonance/being. Transitional space; attunement. Daniel Stern, his book The Interpersonal World of the Infant (1985). Esther Thelen. Stern's book The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life (2004). Being discerning & staying in open process. Authentic Movement: Shira: don't move until ready, mover speaks first, permission to be; Lisa: ability to express nonverbal, ATM affecting mind. Teaching from witnessing place. AM started with Mary Stark Whitehouse: dancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), Jungian analysis; student Janet Adler. Being seen precedes seeing oneself. Students: in different states of being seen, history. Skill/knowledge is useful, but how to meet person so lesson emerges. Laura: don't know. Ask clients: what are you feeling/sensing. Sometimes stories/histories emerge. James: what if someone says something we can't handle. People will respond relative to what we hold; refer; recognize, compassion, go get help. Supervision; feelings in self. Trauma: Peter Levine's book Waking the Tiger (1997). Traumatic experience trumps all other. Spreading activity/awareness through self; FM doesn't bring in content, Peter Levine does. Sense trauma with client, could say “I feel something more is going on, I don't have ability to work with this, how do you feel about working with someone else?” we can set boundary. Leanore: fear. Calming down the system. Somatic Experiencing person: Alice Friedman. Abi: SE work to have skills to deal.
Editor's notes: [See also Discussions #015, #119, and #147 with Dennis Leri for discussions of traumatic experience which refute Levine's therapeutic approach and offer an alternative from an Ericksonian perspective consonant with that of the Method.]
ATM Lesson #133 – Donna Blank 2007-05-18: Day 55, S06 day 5
Welding the breath #1
CD#11/T23 [27m] (Alexander Yanai #179, part 1) » play audio
Stand feet, lift pelvis, inhale into chest. Directing breath into upper R. Legs long, continue. L foot stands, lift L hip, send weight into R shoulder, continue with breath into R shoulder/upper ribs. Legs long, repeat into L upper lung. Feel breath moving breastbone. Stand feet, lift pelvis feel inhale. Lift head with interlaced hands, stand L foot, feel pressure against floor of lower ribs, inhale/expand lower R ribs into floor. Repeat OS.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 56 Monday May 21, 2007.
ATM Lesson #134 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-21: Day 56, S06 day 6
Bridging #4, on back, rolling pelvis
CD#12/T01 [58m] (Alexander Yanai #438, part 1) » play audio
LOB. Stand L foot, think how would lead new students to do. Press L foot/direct L knee out over toes/lift L side of pelvis/roll pelvis to R. Roll pelvis, what do with knee—try over toes and to R, note head. Stand R foot, roll pelvis to L. Stand L foot, roll pelvis, quicker, note head/shoulders; explore variations of head rolling; slide head to L as roll pelvis. Stand R foot, note head; as roll pelvis slide back of head to R. Legs long, press head into floor; lift shoulders; palms on floor, press elbows to lift shoulders as if to slide up to crown of head. Stand L foot, L arm overhead, roll pelvis, note L shoulder blade; add turning head to R. OS, add looking up as roll; quicker. Legs long, press elbows to move head towards crown. Stand both feet, same, tilting tailbone into floor. Stay on crown head, lift pelvis from floor. Stand both feet, alternate pressing feet to roll pelvis, arms above head, look up to opposite hand. Same, hands alongside sliding down.
Discussion #083 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-21: Day 56, S06 day 6
Notetaking; basic Feldenkrais principles
CD#12/T02 [48m] » play audio
Diana's process: Began with transcription, highlighted important things, typed notes from what highlighted, typed bare notes. May need more in notes now, less later as teach more. Analogy: “go to the market” or “go out door one block” or “stand up, turn, go down stairs, etc.” If speak from experience, students will feel knowing; if read it, people will feel not-knowing, but it'll still work. Transcription to notes: to reduce words, not to lose quality. In ATM how would you teach sliding leg up/down, how to educate people about approach, basic principles. Barb B.: break down in small steps. Kim: not demonstrating. Barb D.: bringing awareness to each part of movement. Abi: ease. Donna: slowly, gently, listening to self so no discomfort, not needing to go to limit. Shira: reversibility. Marge: distributing attention. Noticing differences. Pam: different initiations. Options/habits. Kim: differences in Moshé's & Diana's directions, how important to give specific directions? Can be helpful to read through lesson several times. Donna: when familiar enough with lessons/teaching, will begin noticing what people are doing; automatic detour when people do things differently. Lessons can get diluted; Dennis gives closest to source as possible. Creating own handwriting & going back to source. Getting hooked. Abi: resting. Robert P.: distinction between repetition & with awareness. We repeat, but disengage nervous system so don't just repeat same way of doing. Michael: self-image. Abi: Non-goal oriented; exploration. Barb B.: changing habitual. Brian: novelty. Shira: orientation; comfort with confusion. Disorientation affecting function. James: cynicism. Different styles.
ATM Teaching #006 – Donna Blank 2007-05-21: Day 56, S06 day 6
Theme for your lesson
CD#12/T03 [7m] » play audio
Directions were in above discussion: With ATM teaching groups, focus on what do you think the lesson is about, use that as basis for adding awareness directions to bare bones notes. Have a theme? Discussion: how are your sections linked, how does lesson develop/build.
Discussion #084 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-21: Day 56, S06 day 6
CD#12/T04 [23m] » play audio
Shira: preparing lesson has difficulty doing. Students will teach you; lessons are “tried & true.” Pauses good for students and teacher. Paula: what is it we “can't” do, not about the end movement. Comfort with confusion. Brian: our own constraints, to what extent do we help? Some help a lot, some don't; lessons made for people to figure out themselves; toleration of not getting result right away. We get better & better at things we're good at, drop other, this limits us; this work about reopening possibilities. How does it feel to not “be able” to do something, parents who push kids with challenges, learning how that feels. Exploration, play, doing it right; for students and as teachers. Eliza: the work works.
FI Exploration #061 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-21: Day 56, S06 day 6
Rolling to crown of head
CD#12/T05 [19m] [DVD#13 Scene 1] » play audio
Demos: Cheryl (can do comfortably), Rosemary (visitor) (not so comfortable). Groups of 4, first watch each other do the movement; then work. What's moving less, play with accessing it; can constrain what's not moving much, help what is.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 57 Tuesday May 22, 2007.
ATM Lesson #135 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-22: Day 57, S06 day 7
Bridging #5, on back, sliding onto crown
CD#12/T06 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #438, part 2) » play audio
No notes.
Discussion #085 – Donna Blank 2007-05-22: Day 57, S06 day 7
Right/wrong, paradox
CD#12/T07 [58m] » play audio
What's going on? Stuff coming up during practicum. Seeing full potential. Timing, needs, stages of development. What's right? Cheryl: ego/witnessing. Kim: FI practice and talking “about” someone. Marge: FI practice. Donna: styles of learning, structured or non-structured. Talking about vs. talking with and talking in a way a person can hear. Timing. Winnicott and ego. Relationships: repairs, mending failures in relationship, mutuality. Touching in a way that person feels known. Touch with inquiry. Reflecting back.
ATM Teaching #007 – Donna Blank 2007-05-22: Day 57, S06 day 7
Practicing & witnessing
CD#12/T08 [30m] » play audio
In ATM teaching groups, one teaches, one moves, one witnesses. 15 minutes first person teach, up to 15 minutes talk; 2nd person, 3rd person.
Discussion: Kristen: “playground where everybody had same language.” Ashley: supportive having witness. Michael: insightful. Barb D.: watching 1 person. Private ATM. Tres: establish noticings. Marge: watching two movers. Kristen: anxiety. Diana: quality in voice. Cheryl: more visceral. Witnessing, not judging, still bringing up issues. Laura: analytical. Michael: challenges as witness. Creating value. Laura: patience. Changing self-image rather than correcting form.
ATM Lesson #136 – Donna Blank 2007-05-22: Day 57, S06 day 7
Welding the breath #2
CD#12/T09 [35m] (Alexander Yanai #179, part 2) » play audio
LOB, stand both feet, breathe into shoulder areas. Stand L foot, press & stay, expand breath into R shoulder. OS. Inhale, lift sternum. Stand feet, lift pelvis, stay, breathe into C7/T1. Stand L foot, lift head with hands behind head, inhale & press lower R ribs into floor. OS. Legs long, inhale & press spine below shoulder blades. Interlace fingers, lift head, same. Stand L foot, roll to lie on R side, head on arm, hold head with L hand, lift, inhale & press R side. Again, press lower ribs, play with placement of foot to help get to lower ribs. OS. Sidesit, note breath, OS. Stand.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 58 Wednesday May 23, 2007.
ATM Lesson #137 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-23: Day 58, S06 day 8
Bridging #6, on back, arm overhead rolling pelvis
CD#12/T10 [51m] (Alexander Yanai #439, part 1) » play audio
LOB, note spine. Stand R foot, R arm lengthened overhead on floor, lift R hip joint. Again, add head roll to left. OS. Stand R foot, L arm overhead, begin idea of sliding R hand in direction of R heel; again, include R hip joint, note timing, breathe in that position. OS. Stand R foot, R arm overhead, slide back of head under arm. OS, add turning palm on floor so fingers point towards feet. Add this on R side, looking for place elbow is over palm. Same L side, leave L hand standing, roll to back, lengthen L leg, use other hand to play with L elbow. OS. Stand both feet, L arm overhead, reach toward R foot with R hand, lifting R hip; wrap R hand around ankle thumbs with fingers, lift/lower pelvis, let head roll. OS, include comparison with R leg long. Legs long, stand both hands, press; lift head. Arms long, press elbows into floor, press head, slide onto crown. With hands in bridge, go to crown head.
ATM Teaching #008 – Donna Blank 2007-05-23: Day 58, S06 day 8
Practicum, part 1
CD#12/T11 [9m] » play audio
One group of 3 will teach another group of 3; the 2 not teaching can be witnesses. Talking about it: what did you learn, what really worked, what would you change.
Discussion #086 – Donna Blank 2007-05-23: Day 58, S06 day 8
Correcting, development
CD#12/T12 [64m] » play audio
Cheryl: learning during discussion. Brian: layers, interactions about what didn't work. Barb B.: lack of clarity about movements, how much do you correct, “right,” how not to make people feel bad. Painful when tell people they're incorrect; correcting not match the FM. Good posture for hunchback—forever incorrect? Interest is improving human function. Meet people where they are, help them be aware of what doing, help find new options; it's student's choice, not ours to correct. We don't' have to fix. We can bury image of ourselves under correctness; babies experiment with selves without correction. FM about own liberation. When improve function, people sometimes tend to look more similar. Rosemary (visitor): accepting non-perfection, learning after that. First, someone notices (we draw attention), then variations, then nervous system can discover; we as teachers are not responsible for getting people into position (may look like from outside). Babies go through developmental stages in different ways, involving variations and sorting. We are returning to capacity to learn this way. Kristen: modifying for self. Metacomments when teach—important to tell people not important that they do whole thing. Movements, noticings, underlying principles (which are not obvious to adults). Shira: attachment to “underlying theme.” Each person has different experience. Laura: a lesson about getting a lesson. Embed this info. Languaging, space, permission to do in different ways. Kim: Moshé's languaging. Power of suggestion. Allow for experimentation/variation but keep train going—it's not improvisation. Diana: invitation to teach one lesson many times based on different themes. Transitional states. Marge: differences in lessons, challenges of practicum. Cheryl: sense of meaning. Composition, making a whole. Structure without experimentation: correctness.
ATM Lesson #138 – Donna Blank 2007-05-23: Day 58, S06 day 8
Welding the breath #3
CD#12/T13 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #179, part 3) » play audio
LOB, scan. Play with some of yesterday's lesson. On front, arms overhead, direct breath into belly & press into floor. Bring R knee up, roll a little onto L, L arm long, wrap R arm over head, lift head; stay up, inhale & expand into ribs. OS. On front, extend R arm overhead, turn L toes under, push with toes, inhale/press. OS. Stand both feet, press to lift pelvis, arms overhead, breathe/press. Rest on back: distance spine to shoulder blades. Sit symmetrically, breathe into upper thorax. On back, stand feet, exhale, hollow belly, expand into all dimensions.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 59 Thursday May 24, 2007.
ATM Lesson #139 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-24: Day 59, S06 day 9
Bridging #7, on back
CD#12/T14 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #439, part 2, modified by Diana R.) » play audio
LOB, press with head, heels, tailbone, tailbone & head, elbows/forearms. Press to go up on crown head. Lift pelvis, note where is weight; stay, hands to bridging position, lower spine, note where do hands start to lift up. Lift pelvis, walk shoulders toward pelvis, hold ankles, lower/raise pelvis, bring arms to bridge, roll to crown of head. Stand R foot, lengthen L arm overhead, push to roll pelvis, look at L hand; switch arms, roll, stay rolled, R palm on floor, slide to point fingers toward feet, roll back/side; leave R hand & foot standing, push. OS. Legs long, press head, elbows, slide head onto crown. Stand both feet, lift pelvis, hands to bridge, lower spine to floor, leave pelvis down, press with hands to slide onto crown. Stand R foot, L hand to bridge, hold R ankle with R hand, imagine coming to crown, do. Legs long, bridge hands, slide to crown head, stand feet, lift pelvis to come onto head more. Interlace fingers behind head, bend knees/elbows toward each other.
ATM Teaching #009 – Donna Blank 2007-05-24: Day 59, S06 day 9
Practicum, part 2
Not recorded.
Discussion #087 – Donna Blank 2007-05-24: Day 59, S06 day 9
Feedback & writing activity
CD#12/T15 [17m] » play audio
About practicum. Abi: art of feedback, way to feel better than, authority. Choice in relating. Diana: teaching peers different from teaching public; not hearing enthusiasm; value of what we're doing gets transmitted through voice. Donna: not another movement class. Can create magic; demystify with principles, empowering for them.
On own, write: what would be your next steps in teaching ATM, next thing want to challenge self with. Then condense to summary. Some answers: practice, articulating principles, teach series include metatheme to new students, study-group style, simple languaging, connection between student & lesson, personal exploration, analyze ATM, clarify specifics, witness a practitioner teach, notetaking, communicating, building a base suitable for beginners, language for spatial orientation & movement vocabulary, teach regularly, structure/content/continuity, do more ATM, teach whole lesson to larger group, teach these lessons again. Just do it.
ATM Lesson #140 – Donna Blank 2007-05-24: Day 59, S06 day 9
Breathing rhythmically, LOB #1
CD#12/T16 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #180) » play audio
LOB, stand feet. Rhythmically flip R hand. Add inhale on one flip, exhale on other flip. Add hold breath after exhalation, continue. Add holding breath after inhalation. 4-part process: inhale, hold, exhale, hold, one task per flip.
S06 – Donna Blank. Day 60 Friday May 25, 2007.
ATM Lesson #141 – Donna Blank 2007-05-25: Day 60, S06 day 10
Breathing rhythmically, LOB #2
CD#12/T17 [60m] (Alexander Yanai #186) » play audio
LOB, stand feet, note breathing. Tap L hand by lifting/dropping at wrist. Build up to 4-part breathing: inhale, hold, exhale, hold, each one gets one tap. Decrease air volume & muscular activity as much as possible. Extend L arm & leg; inhale, sense L lung; sense diaphragm. Lobes of lung. 4-part equal breathing, keeping chest full; seesaw breathing on L. Stand, compare breathing two sides, walk. LOB, same position, resume 4-part breathing, attend to smoothness of transitions. During inhalation, push with foot to lengthen L arm; exhale, come down. Stand, walk; close/open L wrist. LOB, same position, roll onto L side, continue 4-part breathing; hold head with R arm, lift, breathe. LOB, same position, 4-part breathing minimal; roll onto L side, same. LOB, stand feet, interlace fingers behind head, lift head, exhale. Let 4-part breathing come in through day, can help change how you do what you do.
FI Exploration #062 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-25: Day 60, S06 day 10
Bridging: shoulder
CD#12/T18 [38m] [DVD#13 Scene 2] » play audio
Demos: skeleton, James.
- Lift shoulders forward (from sitting at head).
- Bring one arm at a time up near face—explore easy range of shoulder joint.
- Choose easy arm to bring towards arch and first lift ribs on that side.
- Take easy arm towards overhead palm to palm, gradually stand palm on floor near shoulder.
“Don't want to contradict easy.” The process is the FI.
FI Exploration #062 continued – Donna Blank 2007-05-25: Day 60, S06 day 10
Bridging: hip
CD#12/T19 [19m] [DVD#13 Scene 3] » play audio
Demo: Brian. Bridge one hand, have person stand same-side foot, push to roll pelvis. Practitioner stay at head/arm; move with, move and hold, let person move relative to, etc. Shown: lengthening knee & lift pelvis.
ATM Lesson #142 – Diana Razumny 2007-05-25: Day 60, S06 day 10
Bridging #8, on back & kneeling
CD#12/T20 [37m] (Alexander Yanai #439, part 3; Amherst, July 7, 1981 modified by Diana R.) » play audio
LOB, stand feet, hold ankles, lift/lower pelvis, use this movement to slide up onto head. Stand feet, both hands to bridge, press head to slide to crown. Legs long, press head & elbows to slide head to crown. Stand both feet, come to crown, lift pelvis. Stand feet, hold ankles, lift pelvis, knees moving down toward floor, use this to slide up onto crown. Kneel with toes tucked, reach R hand back to R ankle/heel, lean on it, other hand, both, looking forward; look back. LOB, hold ankles, lift pelvis. Reach with R hand toward L ankle, hold with both hands; other ankle. Kneel, tuck toes, reach for R ankle with L hand. LOB, stand feet, hold ankles, knees over feet, press back of head. Hold ankles, roll to belly and back. Hold ankles, knees over to slide to crown, rock. Stand feet & hands, lift pelvis, knees over feet, go to crown; lift head from floor if want. Stand; if up for it, find partner, go to wall, walk down wall.
Discussion #088 – Staff 2007-05-25: Day 60, S06 day 10
CD#12/T21 [11m] » play audio
No notes.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 61 Monday August 13, 2007.
ATM Lesson #143 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-13: Day 61, S07 day 1
Arriving, sensing skeleton
CD#13/T01 [41m] (unattributed) » play audio
LOB, arrive, notice thoughts, breath; full skeletal scan; attention to flesh; bell hand, come to sit. LOB, sense and feel.
Discussion #088 [2] – Diana Razumny 2007-08-13: Day 61, S07 day 1
ATM teaching experiences
CD#13/T02 [49m] » play audio
Teaching ATM over break? Kim: how much need to say, timing. Brian: less is more, guiding experience. When having difficulty, do lesson more. Cheryl: lesson takes life of its own, responding to students. Sources. Cheryl & Brian: ways of preparing. Getting started: sources, preparation, communicating, responding. Laura: integrating ATM into yoga and Pilates. Kim: paying attention as entry point.
Questions: 1. A. Why do we do this work? B. Value? To restore dignity; quit trying; improve function; interesting; learn about ourselves; “easy money;” effective; change; enrich personal and interpersonal relationships; grace and integration.
2. What are we doing with people? Learn how to learn; provide space to explore self; waking them up; empowering them to help themselves; modeling options; allowing potential to come forward; offering choices; new way of thinking (not pathology); providing learning environment; introducing people to themselves; holding “field.”
3. How do we direct people's attention to themselves? Dialogue, via: ATM: exploration of selves. Is ATM Lesson #143 an ATM? Laura: meditative. Barb B.: heightened awareness. Kristen: noticed changes. Constraint. Tres: translating description into action. Brian: intent and process of learning. Robert S: about self-image. Reading of the first two sections from the chapter The Self-Image of Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990).
Editor's notes: [Due to a numbering error, there are two discussions tagged #088; this is the second.]
ATM Teaching #010 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-13: Day 61, S07 day 1
Teaching awareness
CD#13/T03 [89m] » play audio
Instructions: Morning's lesson technically not “ATM,” but rather elongated scan. Partners: lie heads together or angled. Diana will give movement instruction; partners will alternate giving each other noticing questions.
ATM: LOB, extend lower belly forward. Extend so roll toward tailbone. Push back of head into floor; add looking overhead. Press elbows. Do all together (belly, head, elbows). Add letting knees bend, heels slide. Stand feet, walk shoulders so hands can hold ankles, lift pelvis in air, knees over toes. Keep pelvis in air, move belly in/out. Add rolling up onto head, pushing into elbows. Legs long, stand hands, push belly and head. Stand feet, same.
Discussion: Robert S: going from specific to nonspecific, noticing language. How much be directive and how much open. Laura: consciously being directive. Brian: directiveness of language. Duncan: setting up nonjudgmental instructions based on what's happening in room. Marge: awareness related to words. Distributing attention. Kristen: giving context for noticings. Realize how much of your teaching will come out of own experience. Laura: relational quality for exploring and understanding there are different ways. Sometimes feel in rut. Cheryl: creativity out of experience vs. observing. Tres: structure. Working from lessons before creating lessons; improvising off structure. Cheryl: training structures. Teaching people how to teach. Will make a difference if you start practicing now! Bigger piece of empowerment of Feldenkrais is in ATM teaching, reaching more people. Michael: not wanting to speak because experiencing. Laura: likes nuance. Jonathan: languaging relative to students' experience. Simpler words can work for more experienced students.
ATM Lesson #144 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-13: Day 61, S07 day 1
Sitting on floor spiraling to standing
CD#13/T04 [61m] (Alexander Yanai #145) » play audio
LOB, scan. Sit, arms/legs in hoop, look at hands in front, turn head/shoulders/arms around to side, eventually allow opposite knee to flop to middle, continue around, eventually bringing leg from behind to standing, can use hand on floor, continue moving pelvis in spiral up to stand on both feet, both hands/head can be hanging down to floor. Reverse each step along the way. Do both sides. Stand with feet spread, one hand to floor in front, spiral down to sit facing opposite direction, reverse to standing. Same on other side and then alternate. Return to original move of turning head/shoulder/arm hoop around to one side, eventually coming up to standing while pelvis moves continuously.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 62 Tuesday August 14, 2007.
ATM Teaching #011 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-14: Day 62, S07 day 2
Bending spine, sitting on chair
CD#13/T05 [63m] (Alexander Yanai #146) » play audio
Done with class in two groups, ½ watching while ½ moved; students contributing noticings. ATM: Sit on edge of chair: R hand on top of head, tilt/bend to R; continue bending R with hands switched L on top of head, R hangs down towards floor, return to R hand on head. Repeat OS. Bend/hang head back, look up to ceiling, belly long/forward, arching back; Repeat with both hands on forehead; Repeat with only one hand on forehead, switch hands. Palms on forehead, hang head forward. Chin in heels of hands, take head back. Hang head forward, head turned to R with L hand on R side of head; take head back; Repeat OS. Lean on L hand on seat of chair, R hand/arm in front, look at hand in front of face and turn around to L. Repeat OS. Repeat with head/eyes going opposite arm/shoulders. Play with every movement since beginning. Interlace hands behind head, elbows in front, lift/arc elbows up towards ceiling; Repeat with Return to non-habitual interlacing on back of head, hanging down, lifting/arcing elbows up towards ceiling. Repeat turning but with head hanging down, R arm down, L hand on seat of chair.
FI Exploration #063 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-14: Day 62, S07 day 2
Observe sitting and turning on floor
CD#13/T06 [6m] (Alexander Yanai #145) » play audio
Groups of 4. Two people observe while two people do movement from yesterday's lesson, sitting, flipping knees, turning arm circle. Two movers will say where the movement could be easier and where they could have help.
Discussion #089 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-14: Day 62, S07 day 2
Video—Moshé with Hazel Biddle
CD#13/T07 [37m] » play audio
Discussion after. Rapport. Kristen: orientations. Kim: how relationship with husband could take her back to habits. Tres: the reframing; frank. Brian: agreement to accountability. Kristen: reaffirming she not need passivity. Paula: interpretation of “lack” of empathy. Laura: age. Tres: balance. Abi: fear of falling. Cheryl: respectful. Giving over authority—using the very thing she was giving away to give it back to her. Marge: functional. Abi: organization around quarreling. Directing her back to herself. Brian: Moshé's consistency. Influence of Milton Erickson. A different time; Moshé's age and experience. Abi: surprising moments, closeness, planting seeds of how she was, her femininity. Cheryl: change in her body language. Laura: when she came alive. Marge: not what it seems. Startle response. Speaking while doing FI.
FI Exploration #064 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-14: Day 62, S07 day 2
Twisting foot to open hip joint
CD#13/T08 [19m] [DVD#1 0-12] » play audio
Demo: skeleton. LOB, bringing leg up, gravity to help, neurological spiraling foot into hip joint; bending knee with help of turning foot. Prep: LOB, access feeling of knowing for sure, go to mode of asking question, add expression in a gesture. Remain in quality of asking questions. Ask person to phrase in question if feel saying how should be through touch. Do frog leg movement and bring leg into air, take it down. Partners: first ride. Do; add circling hip joint. Demo: Duncan. Return to ATM movement sitting, flipping legs.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 63 Wednesday August 15, 2007.
Discussion #090 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Intro, self-image and liking self
CD#13/T09 [9m] » play audio
Liking self and awareness of parts we don't like. Students interview Alan.
ATM Lesson #145 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Preparation for shoulder stand, on back
CD#13/T10 [51m] (Alexander Yanai #9) » play audio
Stand feet, lift pelvis, fist under pelvis, throw legs overhead. Sit, arms in front at shoulder height, roll onto back, throw legs overhead, rolling on back. On back, arms down along side, throw legs overhead. Stand R foot, throw straight L leg overhead, allow R bent leg to come along. Repeat OS. Leave knees hanging near head. Hold sole of L foot with L hand, lengthen leg, use/or not the R foot to help. Repeat OS. Hold both feet and lengthen. Sit, soles together, interlace hands behind head, let head/arms hang down in front. Still sit, sand L foot/leg, R leg straight in front, R hand behind head, head turned to L, fold to bring elbow to L. Same leg configuration, switch arms, fold to R few times then switch legs. Hold both feet, lengthen overhead. Lift legs into air, feet towards ceiling, hold pelvis with hands from behind, lower one leg at a time, foot to floor overhead. On back, fists under pelvis, lift legs, begin rolling up spine, legs go overhead. Feet to ceiling again, hands supporting pelvis, one foot towards floor overhead, other towards floor below. Arms along side, swing legs overhead with head turned to one side or the other, let the knees come to one side of head then other. Stand feet, lift pelvis, compare ease.
ATM Teaching #012 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Choosing lessons to teach
CD#13/T11 [35m] » play audio
Groups of 5. Talk about what is an ATM and the structure? How to choose lessons to teach. If you only had one lesson to give or if a series, the first and last lesson in a series? Michael: movement and awareness. One off lesson: Reference point and not complicated for first time one lesson. One off could be simple and awareness to complexity. Changing special orientation. Marge: first and last could depend on the audience. One off would require more awareness, have a huge impact. The end of a series could end with a very functional idea. Having themes to bring into function. Laura: having a plan. Tres: criteria for all, who are you talking to, your relationship to the group could make a difference, choosing a principle to expand upon, context/room may dictate what lesson you teach. Kristen: not too subtly. Shira: starting with something not attainable and then they are able in the end. Alan: we are becoming experts at what? Learning, listening, awareness around what? What is most fundamental about our work? Marge: degrees of movement, gradation. Alan: some sense of success. We need to get people interested in what? Michael: change. What is success in lesson? Feeling a difference? Easier? Multiple references helps more people to feel differences. How do you choose first lesson. Leanore: comfort zone. Choosing lessons you like so you have a kinesthetic relationship with it. Last lesson to be a wow lesson so they will come back. Alan, “what I say is not the truth.” Trainers can disagree but see each other's points. If someone says not to do something, “why not?”
ATM Lesson #146 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Scissoring legs, on back #1
CD#13/T12 [38m] (Amherst—Russell Delman) » play audio
On back, note pelvis volume and tendency to roll one direction. Slide L leg out to L, little toe towards floor. Add R leg sliding to L following R leg. Continue, allow inside of R leg/knee to come towards floor, L leg sides L away from R so there's space between R/L leg. Stay with legs scissored open, reach R hand towards R foot. Cross R leg over/across L leg, slide R hand towards L foot then L hand towards R foot. Legs spread, pelvis rolled to L, arms at shoulder height, slide L arm overhead, R arm down towards R foot, stay there, roll head to look L/R. Switch arms so R is overhead, L is down, roll head to look R/L. Stay twisted with R leg in front of left, scissored apart, face to ceiling, lift head, soften ribs. Original scissor legs, R behind, L in front while pelvis is rolled L, lift head, push belly out, look down between legs. Scissor legs, L arm straight forward, extend arm/hand towards ceiling then switch arms, then alternate. Repeat, lifting both arms same time, add lifting head, leave arms lifted and lower head, then just lift head, then return to lifting arms/head together. Circle/hoop of arms L/R while legs are scissored open, take arm circle L/R. On back, legs long, take legs into scissoring movement, note ease. Stand, walk, turn circle.
FI Exploration #065 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Explore side bending, on back
CD#13/T13 [49m] [DVD#1 12-34, 34-57] » play audio
Hands—feeling differences, quality of movement, etc.; “function” is thread through lesson. Function in background; we are listening, sensing, feeling. Components of movement: flexion, extension, rotation, side bending. Coming out of flexion is going towards extension. Observe: Laura, Michael, Pam side bending (observing from front, back, and side). Where is movement, weight shifting, initiation. No such thing as ideal movement. Justifying action within context. Demo: skeleton and Ashley. How to evoke side bending LOB? Input from students. Learning to explore, experiment. Someone who helps: only say “don't help” once. Whether or not their response is visible, is still conveying side bending; this is where learning takes place. Marge: helping vs. response. Can say, “just rest into my hands”, can slow down and wait. Help people listen to how they move. Tres: how help listen. Gone too far when feel self efforting. Partners: observe standing, side bending; explore LOB, one side only.
ATM Lesson #147 – Alan Questel 2007-08-15: Day 63, S07 day 3
Headstand preparation #1 head on floor, on hands and knees
CD#13/T14 [41m] (Amherst) » play audio
LOB, scan. On hands/knees, bring top of head to floor to form triangle, roll forward/backward, side/side. Small circles. Toes for running, lift R knee off floor; L knee; alternate. LOF, head to R, arms alongside, press R hand and release; add lifting R shoulder; add lifting R leg; add lifting R pelvis. OS. Head to R, press L hand; press both hands, lift head and turn to other side. On hands/knees, top of head to floor, toes for running, alternate lifting knees. Walk knees toward head; to R, to L. Lift L knee, lift R knee, lower L, lower R. Lift both knees, walk feet L/R; walk feet towards/away from head. LOB, press R heel into floor; add pressing back of head. LOF, head to one side, arms alongside, press both hands, lift both shoulders, turn head. Forehead to floor, press to lift shoulders/head, stay lifted, take only head toward/away from floor; quicker. Hands/knees, head to floor, toes for running, imagine walking feet. Stand, walk.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 64 Thursday August 16, 2007.
ATM Lesson #148 – Alan Questel 2007-08-16: Day 64, S07 day 4
Headstand preparation #2, on front and back
CD#13/T15 [42m] (Amherst) » play audio
On back, lift part of yourself, what presses? On front: head to right, arms along side, press back of R hand and lift shoulder. Add lift R. leg. Lift bent right leg. Add lift head. Practice lifting at same time. Lift head and leg so minimally as to slide out a piece of paper. Try bigger movement/smaller. Press L hand to lift right leg. Try head to L. Repeat OS. Press both hands, lift both legs/head/shoulders. Change head. Explore pressing different parts into floor. Head in middle, Press hands/lift head. Face horizon/floor. Lift head, leave shoulders on floor. Press hands, lift legs/head, hold and do pecking with head. Press hands, lift legs/head/shoulders, rock. When are you efforting that is not as useful? Think of being one solid piece. Rock/oscillate. Head to right, press back of R hand, lift R shoulder. Improve? Lift R leg. On back, stand feet, hands behind head, bring elbows to knees. Stand.
ATM Teaching #013 – Alan Questel 2007-08-16: Day 64, S07 day 4
Recreating lesson of rolling onto elbow to sit, from back
CD#13/T16 [63m] (Alexander Yanai #3) » play audio
Alan taught half a lesson, students wrote down notes so they could teach the other side. Lesson: legs spread, interlace hands behind head, lift head with arms, direct mid, L/R. Repeat with non-habitual interlacing. Bring L elbow towards ribs as lift head to L. Repeat. OS. Alternate. Place arms at 45 down along sides, palm down, turn head L, hold L ear with R hand, lift head to L. Continue, thinking you want to roll up onto L elbow. R arm extended forward/towards ceiling, direct arm to L to come up over L elbow. Note legs could be involved. R arm comes across and down. Think of coming into side sit if easier. Think just skeleton. Constraint of not rolling to side. Come all the way up to side sit and just leaning on L palm. Continue up onto knees. Interlace hands behind head, legs spread, lift head L/R, compare.
Discussion: Abi: her teaching reflected places she was least clear. Improvement doesn't necessarily mean not efforting or engaging. Brian: when helpful and when letting them have own experience. Laura: what to do when teacher goes to fast for a student. As teacher—committed to students having own experience, not getting to the end of the lesson. Tres: not having to get it right. Structure of lessons, creating variations to adapt. Tres: noticing questions. ATM and FI difference: ATM uses words to direct attention and people move of own volition; “commands.” Cheryl: placing responsibility of pacing on students, giving back power. Balance between outer and inner authority. “See if you can stop thinking without falling asleep.” Paula: resistance to approach of having to stay with how Moshé said in ATM; components that contribute to efficacy. Adaptations based on knowing where lessons are going. AY lessons are basis historically and developmentally; need to know/teach a lot before creating own lessons. Saying “this lesson is about...” can distract from bringing in components to improve.
ATM Lesson #149 – Alan Questel 2007-08-16: Day 64, S07 day 4
Scissoring legs, on back #2, flexing/extending
CD#13/T17 [49m] (Amherst—Russell Delman) » play audio
Stand, sense weight through R foot, knee, hip; L. Partners: describe distinctions feel. LOB, flex/extend L ankle; flare/curl toes; do both; do opposite. Bend knee and flex ankle; add flattening lower back towards floor. L arm 45 degrees, palm to ceiling; flare L toes and bring fingers towards each other; fingers and toes flare together; inhale as fingers open and toes flare; add filling in L side. Lift L shoulder forward; add flattening lower back toward floor; add letting L knee bend; add flexing ankle, all moving same proportion; add closing fingers. Roll L foot a little to L, let head roll to L, roll L thumb to floor; think of hurdling from previous lesson, add rolling R hand to L. Roll foot, knee, hand, head to L and R. Gently bend L knee, low back to floor, fingers close. Stand, note L foot, R foot, walk. Check in again with partners.
ATM Lesson #150 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-16: Day 64, S07 day 4
Coming to stand on one leg #1, sitting on chair
CD#13/T18 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #147) » play audio
Sit on front of chair, R ankle on L leg, R knee out to side, L hand holds R foot. R arm in space between legs, hook elbow to lift/lower R leg. Repeat OS. Feet on floor, lower head, arms between legs, slide back of hands on floor under chair. Feet closer to chair, palms on floor between legs, lower head, lift pelvis from chair. L hand under R arch, lift R foot, R hand below R kneecap, bring heel onto chair. Repeat OS. Sit back in chair, R foot on chair, bring L foot onto chair. Sit on front of chair, legs together, arms behind knees, hold elbows w/ hands; lower head, lift pelvis chair. Sit, R ankle on L knee, L hand to R arch, slide R hand down front of L leg. Slide R hand R/L on floor. Repeat OS. Legs together, hold elbows behind knees, lower head and lift pelvis. R ankle on L knee, hold R arch with L hand, slide R arm through to elbow, lift R knee toward chest; L foot closer to chair, lift pelvis, lower head, drop pelvis to chair. Repeat OS. Sit deep in chair, lift legs, hands on front of ankles or below knees, heels on chair. Bring foot up with hands on leg. Repeat OS. Keep R foot standing on chair, hold R ankle with R hand, R knee with L hand, take knee R/L; lift/lower foot from chair. Draw small circles with heel on chair. Repeat OS. Heels on chair, hug legs, legs to floor, switch arms, repeat. Feet on floor, legs together, arms behind knees, lower head, lift pelvis, stay standing; lift/lower pelvis. R ankle on L leg, hold R foot with L hand, hook R elbow under R leg, lower head, stand. Repeat OS. Spread legs, palms on floor, lift pelvis from chair.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 65 Friday August 17, 2007.
ATM Lesson #151 – Alan Questel 2007-08-17: Day 65, S07 day 5
Headstand preparation #3, lifting and pressing, on front
CD#13/T19 [59m] (Amherst) » play audio
LOB, note pressure; same LOF. LOF, head to R, arms near head, lift both feet; lift pubic bone; lift navel; lift lower ribs; lift shoulders. ROB. LOF, face to R, press each part into floor. Pressing and lifting coexist. LOF, face to R, undulate pressing, starting at top. Same, but on R side; on L side. Press both sides up and down. Bend R knee, lift from floor; press R hand/elbow; same time; OS. Bend both knees, lift knees, press both arms. Bend both knees, lift both knees; lift both shoulders; lift shoulders and legs. Legs long, lift shoulders, lift pubic bone; lift one side pubic bone, OS; lift feet; alternate areas. Alternate pressing pubic bone and lifting feet; pubic bone and shoulders; lift pubic bone, lift shoulders, lift head. Bend both knees, press R hand and lift R knee; press L hand and lift R knee; press R hand. Legs long, both hands on floor by shoulders, elbows in air, alternate pressing hands; press both hands. Lift sequentially between feet and head; press sequentially. ROB, stand, attend to pressing and lifting coexisting. Walk: pressing precede lifting or vice versa.
ATM Teaching #014 – Alan Questel 2007-08-17: Day 65, S07 day 5
Results of movement instructions
CD#13/T20 [17m] » play audio
Understanding a lesson. Distinction between movement instruction and movement that is evoked; practitioner adds guided attention, students adapt. Instruction only deals with a few parts; resulting movement involves much of self. Groups of 3. One give a direction (from lesson notes), watch result, discuss what's being asked for, relationships, how does the lesson take hold skeletally, etc.
Discussion. Laura: discoveries. Michael: variation. Abi: dropping seeds of info, intention. Leading to discovery. Abi: functional example. By taking function out of lesson, can then apply lesson to various functions.
ATM Lesson #152 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-17: Day 65, S07 day 5
Twisting and bending, sitting on chair
CD#13/T21 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #148) » play audio
Sit on chair, R hand behind head, push back of head to L so face turns R. Increase movement, elbow going back to L. Repeat OS. Interlace hands behind head, R elbow down to R, look at L elbow. Stay twisted, take R elbow between legs. Hands behind head, face forward, side bend to R; stay, turn to bring R elbow between legs. Stay twisted, come up, take the L elbow to L. Slide L elbow L/R on back of chair. L hand on floor between legs, R hand behind head, circle elbow in space; take elbow to ceiling/floor, turning head/face. Leave elbow up towards ceiling, look at elbow, make circle with elbow. L hand on floor, R arm up to ceiling, make fist with R hand, rotate arm. Same position but R hand on top of head, elbow towards ceiling, lift/lower head in this position. L hand on floor, R arm/fist up to ceiling, make large circle in space with fist. Repeat OS.
FI Exploration #066 – Alan Questel 2007-08-17: Day 65, S07 day 5
Side bending review, going deeper
CD#13/T22 [39m] [DVD#2 1-19] » play audio
Every movement is a potential reference. Spend time with movements exploring rather than inventing. NLP practitioner Robert Dilts analyzed Moshé's strategy: he looked for what he didn't know. Quality of emergence. What looking for? How much movement, ease, disperse own attention. Demo: Brian. Review of movements from Wed (ribs/pelvis, head, head/shoulder, foot, arm). Do movement and think beyond through the person. Can have whole person in hands.
Discussion: moving less but feeling more; producing a different neurological response. Working with one side but other improves. “Can you move” different than “can I make you move.” Ways of receiving; talking can be useful or not.
ATM Lesson #153 – Alan Questel 2007-08-17: Day 65, S07 day 5
Scissoring legs, on back #3, flexing/extending continued
CD#13/T23 [36m] (Amherst—Russell Delman) » play audio
LOB, flex L ankle; add letting knee bend and lower back flatten. Flex R ankle, let knee bend; add flaring toes; toes curl as foot moves away; switch flaring/curling of toes; add flattening lower back; add lifting R shoulder. Think of each place bending same amount. Bend L ankle, knee to side; add letting R knee bend/turn to L; let legs scissor. R hand holds R foot, L arm overhead; let belly move forward. Legs long, bend and lengthen both ankles, pausing in-between; add flexing/curling toes. Continue ankles, let both knees bend. Bend R knee, let heel slide; imagine L leg turning to R; let R leg follow. Stay in hurdle, L hand hold L foot, R arm extended, move navel to ceiling. Stay, turn head side to side. Legs long, arms to sides, hurdle side to side, include head; let front leg straighten as legs scissor. Legs long, bend/pulse everything. Stand, walk.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 66 Monday August 20, 2007.
ATM Lesson #154 – Alan Questel 2007-08-20: Day 66, S07 day 6
Headstand preparation #4, on hands/knees and back, carping
CD#14/T01 [63m] (Amherst) » play audio
LOB. Move self to one side and other. Hands and knees, top head on floor, roll forward/back; left/right. Sit, imagine ceiling coming to head, move so it would be parallel to floor. Head to floor, toes to running, lift R knee off floor; lift L knee; alternate. Lift one, then other, put one down, other (circle). Walk knees forward/back. Lift knees, walk feet forward/back, side/side. LOB, take legs in air, hands can hold pelvis; alternate taking feet back towards floor. On back, feet standing, hold R pant leg at thigh, pull leg and let go; OS; both. Add when feet land, lift/pop pelvis into air. Lift both legs into air, hold pelvis with hands, leg knees bend, lower feet to floor, end up with feet on floor and pelvis lifted, letting go of pelvis as need. Legs in air, scissor legs. Without hands holding pelvis, lift feet into air and bring down to land with pelvis in air. On hands/knees, head on floor, toes for running, lengthen knees to take pelvis in air. In position, imagine walking R knee and putting it on R elbow; do it; put it on and take off. OS. Bring L knee onto different parts of L arm; OS. Put one knee on elbow, take down, put other knee on elbow, take down. One elbow on knee, other knee, quickly take down. Put one knee on elbow, stay, sense distribution weight; OS. Again, one knee up, other, one down, other. Knees onto elbows, fall out by rolling. LOB, move whole self side to side. Stand, walk.
Discussion #091 – Alan Questel 2007-08-20: Day 66, S07 day 6
Being late
CD#14/T02 [11m] » play audio
Discussion about being late or absent.
ATM Teaching #015 – Alan Questel 2007-08-20: Day 66, S07 day 6
Transposition and language exercise, sit/knee/side-lying #1
CD#14/T03 [33m] [DVD#2 19-26 & 26-39] » play audio
Seeing and learning 3-dimensionally. Demos: Jonathan sitting on table, Laura with front on table and lower legs on floor, Michael LOS. Movement direction: move R knee towards chest; lift R hand. Sometimes in different orientations, direction means different things; so how to speak so clearly and specifically. Bring lower ribs forward; look up. In groups of 6: three give directions, three in above positions; if it doesn't work for all, find a different way to say.
Discussion: Laura: multiple instructions at a time. Pay attention to the people who are there! Duncan: have table person with forehead on table? Paula: impossible for all to do same movement. Developing different ways to say things. James: change direction to what they are doing, then back to the original instruction. Shira: different ideas of where hip joint is altered movement. Abi: clarifying orientation. Generally orientation is self-referential; sometimes room. Marge: moving what when say hip. Focusing our understanding where movement happens. If direction doesn't work, stop and rest instead of compounding with words. ATM is a new language to people.
FI Exploration #067 – Alan Questel 2007-08-20: Day 66, S07 day 6
Explore side bending, lying on front
CD#14/T04 [26m] [DVD#2 39-end] » play audio
Having students “create the Method.” Demo: James. Ideas from students how to create side bending on front. Lengthen leg, pelvis/ribs, head. Even if movement seems discreet, can still be communicating side bending. De-amplification of functional movements. By working with initiation of movement, we are working in highly functional realm. Looking for: how does he move, do I have whole person, stay with self, self-use, listening beyond hands; moving person in a way that they feel themselves moving, not feel you. Partners.
ATM Lesson #155 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-20: Day 66, S07 day 6
Squatting in front of chair, from standing
CD#14/T05 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #149) » play audio
Stand in front of chair, legs spread, hands on backrest, bend knees, pelvis moves back/away, head/shoulders go down, arms/body lengthens, back becomes horizontal, long/straight from hands to tail. Rest. Repeat with hands on seat of chair, arch begins lower back, eyes look up as knees bend and pelvis goes back/down. Sit/rest. Stand in front of chair, L hand on seat, R on backrest, Repeat pelvis backward, knees bent, add turn/bring head under R arm. Sit/rest. Repeat OS. On knees, hands on seat, toes for pushing, heels together, sit back on heels. Repeat with knees spread, heels together, lift/lower knees. Lift only R knee, turn to R. Feet stay in place, pelvis to L heel when knee is up, R heel towards floor. Repeat OS. Sit on heels, alternate lifting knees, turning, sitting back, lower heel towards floor when knee is lifting. Repeat, lowering pelvis, sitting more erect. Same position, close to chair, knees spread to sides of chair, hold edge of chair, lift/lower R knee then L knee, alternate. Lift both knees, sit on heels behind, R knee down to middle, under chair. Alternate knees. Stand in front of chair, hands on seat front, legs spread, bend knees, lengthen pelvis backward as before in the beginning... far from the chair. Continue until arching the back, lift head. Repeat with hands on backrest. Head lifts then lift R arm from chair, high up, look at (loose) hand with eyes, return it to backrest. Hands on backrest again, extend pelvis backward, bend knees, arch back. Middle goes down so chest is lower than the pelvis. Pelvis moves away from chair, body hangs from pelvis, toward hands on backrest. Lift head/L hand in air, look at hand, back/chest stays hanging low. Then R hand. Alternate. Same position, hands on backrest, lengthen pelvis backward, arch back, bend knees. Like this, hang back between pelvis and arms. Reverse, round backwards. Alternate, rounding/arching. On knees/toes, hands on seat, spread knees wide, pelvis on heels, lift knees, take R knee to floor, return, L knee, return. With both, return. On knees/toes, sit on heels. R hand on chair, L hand on L knee, lift L knee to side once, switch hands/knees. Lift both knees to sides. On toes/knees, pelvis to heels, L hand holds chair, R hand on right knee, lift both knees, go down with L knee, lift, down with R knee. Alternate, then both knees up/down.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 67 Tuesday August 21, 2007.
ATM Lesson #156 – Alan Questel 2007-08-21: Day 67, S07 day 7
Lifting/lowering pelvis from side & on hands/knees
CD#14/T06 [54m] (Alan, inspired by Amherst) » play audio
On back, note which side you would roll to more easily then roll to other side. On hands/knees, back of R hand on floor, slide fingers towards L of L knee. Repeat. OS. Return to sliding R hand to L, continue so R shoulder comes towards floor. Repeat. OS. Return to R, continue to direct head under L arm to look to ceiling. Repeat. OS. Stay with R arm through, weight on shoulder, lower pelvis to floor on R, knees stay bent and pelvis doesn't go towards heels. Repeat. OS. On R side, knees/hips at 90, R forearm under R ribs, L hand in push-up, lift pelvis from floor. Come back up and repeat previous, lowering pelvis. Repeat. OS. On R side, lift/lower whole L leg, then just the L foot, lead with little toe, switch to heel leading, then outer edge of foot. Lift knee, leave feet attached. Lift/lower knee/foot alternately. Simple lift/lower whole leg to feel lightness. Arms extended in front, palms together, lift L straight arm, arcing out to side and behind, watch hand, allow head to roll, knees stay together. Leave L arm behind on floor, as L arm returns to R, lift L leg, alternating. Lift L arm/leg same time, continue so R side lifts, rolling side/side. On hands/knees, slide hand under, roll across mat and come up onto hands/knees again. Reverse direction. Coordinate group rolling. Hands/knees, slide arm under like beginning, lower pelvis to floor.
ATM Teaching #016 – Alan Questel 2007-08-21: Day 67, S07 day 7
Transposition and language exercise, sit/knee/side-lying #2
CD#14/T07 [20m] [DVD#3 0-8] » play audio
Seeing and learning 3-dimensionally. Proximal/Distal. Chin to chest—Move top of head away from shoulder blades—find more than one way of saying each movement. Right shoulder back/twist to the right/bring left shoulder forward. With Brian lying on stomach, L shoulder forward constrains movement, de-amplifies. But still informs movement. Discussion: Brian—where you are looking changes the movement. Build on unknown. Abi—move in space or internally. Language and memory.
ATM Lesson #157 – Alan Questel 2007-08-21: Day 67, S07 day 7
Headstand preparation #5, Judo roll, on hands/knees
CD#14/T08 [40m] (Amherst) » play audio
On back, push something into floor, note what lifts. On hands/knees, top of head to floor, toes for running, lift one knee, other, both. Both knees lifted, walk feet around to one side, the other. Repeat, walk feet towards self, pelvis goes higher, lift R hand from floor, lift L hand. Alternate lifting hands. Walk feet close to head, pelvis high over head, image going to tuck chin and roll out. Walk feet near head, bring elbows to knees, imagine you could roll out of it by tucking chin. Repeat, but bring L knee to R elbow. Repeat OS. Both knees on one elbow. One knee on each elbow. Hands/knees, slide R arm to L, roll on R shoulder, lift knees, feet stay, eventually roll/topple to floor. Repeat OS. Hands/knees, slide R arm through to L, bell R hand while rolling. Repeat OS. Hands/knees, head to floor, walk feet to bring knees to elbows, play with rolling out of it. Same position, lift one leg into air, return to elbow. On back, press to note what lifts. Stand, walk.
FI Exploration #068 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-21: Day 67, S07 day 7
Explore side bending, lying on side
CD#14/T09 [26m] [DVD#3 8-35] » play audio
Demo: Tres. Students suggest where to put hands and how to move to create side bending with someone lying on the side. Then practice in pairs. Side bending floor-side and air-side. Hands on ribs, pelvis, head.
ATM Lesson #158 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-21: Day 67, S07 day 7
Coming to stand on one leg #2, sitting on chair
CD#14/T10 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #150) » play audio
Sit on front of chair; interlace fingers behind head. Take R elbow to R, keeping head in middle. Add turning head to look at L elbow while taking R elbow down. Then turn head to look to R elbow. Alternate head. Alter speed of arms relative to head. Repeat OS. L ankle on R knee, hold R foot with L hand, L arm straight in front. Lengthen arm forward, trying different trajectories. Same legs; interlace fingers to make hoop with arms in front. Take hoop forward and back. Both feet on floor, lengthen hoop forward, up, and to right; then to left. L ankle on R knee, hold L foot w/ R hand. Slide L hand down leg, exploring different angles. Switch hands. Switch hands back to original. Switch legs to explore OS. Repeat original side. L foot on R knee, make hoop, lengthen forward/up/side to side. Same legs; slide L hand down R leg. Repeat OS, with additional exploration of other hand sliding down leg, exploring floor. Both feet on floor, both arms straight in front as if holding stick; take stick forward/up. Stay with stick up, take R tip toward ceiling towards being vertical. R foot on L knee, slide R hand down leg. Return to both feet on floor, take stick forward/up. Repeat stick sequence OS (without sliding hand down leg). Take stick to vertical with R tip up, move stick side to side. R ankle on L knee, slide hands down; repeat OS. L foot on R knee, both hands hold foot, take torso forward; repeat OS. L foot on R knee, hook L elbow under L leg; take torso down and lift pelvis; OS. R foot on L knee, R arm to floor; OS. Interlace fingers behind head, slide elbows side to side; add head looking to up-elbow; look to down-elbow. Take only R elbow down and towards front. R foot on L knee; take R elbow down and into space between legs, looking up at L elbow. Repeat sequence OS. L foot on R knee, explore L hand on floor; OS. Fingers interlaced behind head, alternate sliding elbows down, look to down-elbow; look to up-elbow.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 68 Wednesday August 22, 2007.
Discussion #092 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
How Alan came to Feldenkrais
CD#14/T11 [8m] » play audio
Alan's story about getting into Feldenkrais.
ATM Lesson #159 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
Headstand preparation #6, head on wall
CD#14/T12 [35m] (Alan) » play audio
Stand at wall, top of head on wall, reach arm across front. Bring arm out to side. While arm is at side, bring back behind. Continue, note head spins in place when arm comes behind. Do with each arm. Return to reaching arm across front, feel for ease. Take one arm back, other across front, turning on head. Continue with arms, lift one foot. Leave arms turned to one side, alternate lifting feet. Turn both arms to R and take R foot to L of L foot. Repeat OS. Continue spinning so whole body turn, you end up facing ceiling, continue around to facing down again. On hands/knees, top of head to floor, note differences. Tuck toes, lift pelvis, walk feet around, play with bringing elbows to knees, feet different.
Discussion #093 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
What happens in ATM?
CD#14/T13 [50m] » play audio
Groups of 5 come up with a list of what happens in a lesson. Reporting in, Alan breaking them into 3 categories: strategies ATM teachers use; meta themes; kinds of ATM. Sensing rate is much slower than thinking, speaking and reading. Skeletal awareness. Configuration/patterns of action appeals to the brain. Handout with lists for the 3 categories.
ATM Lesson #160 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
Turning on vertical axis with imaginary hand, on back & hands/knees
CD#14/T14 [44m] (Alan) » play audio
Stand, think of spine and turn around axis. Side bend, hand down to floor. Look up/down. On back, imagine hand holding spine from front of chest, imagine hand turns spine L/R. Have hand side bend you, then flex/extend, sensing movement coming from hand on front of spine. Lower imaginary hand two hand lengths down and repeat 3 directions of movement with spine. Move hand above original location and repeat, then up to cervical spine. On hands/knees, head against wall, repeat image of hand repeat all directions and positions of hand on spine. Imagine hand circles the spine. Turn spine to R, allow R arm to lift out to side and behind. Repeat OS. On back, arms along sides sliding while side bending, lengthening/shortening arms. Arms out in front, flex/extend in spine allowing arms to move up/down. Stand, turn around self, side bend, look up/down. Stand at wall, top of head on wall, think of spine turning and compare to morning ATM.
Discussion #094 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
State dependent learning
CD#14/T15 [10m] » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #069 – Alan Questel 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
Side bending, rotating from front to side to back
CD#14/T16 [12m] [DVD#3 35-41] » play audio
Partners: Watch person side bend in standing, have them lie on front, note which side head is turned, accentuate the way they are side bending. Have them switch to side lying, continue. Have them switch to back and continue.
ATM Lesson #161 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-22: Day 68, S07 day 8
Bending, holding foot, standing at chair
CD#14/T17 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #258) » play audio
Stand, hands on seat of chair, bend knees to squat; heels together, squat, take knees to floor. Stand, hands on backrest of chair, feet spread, toes out, squat. Stand, bend a little in all joints, everything together. L hand on chair, hold sole of L foot with R hand, straighten L leg; add bending a little in all joints. Repeat OS. L hand on chair, hold L foot, lengthen leg and stay, then bend/unbend everything else. Add letting R heel come off floor as bend, head maintains place in space. Repeat OS. L hand on chair, hold foot; as leg extends bend everything else, come back up. Repeat OS. L hand on chair; bend/straighten, letting heel come up. Stay down and let heel come off floor and drop; faster. Repeat OS. Both hands on backrest, let everything bend/lengthen. Bend all, let both heels come off floor and lower. Same, lift/lower only L heel. Again both heels. R heel. Alternate. Same with legs together, both heels. L hand on seat of chair, hold L foot, bend all joints and extend L leg; add heel lifting/lowering. Stay down, lift/lower heel. Repeat OS. L hand on chair, hold foot, go down as far as can without lifting R heel. Make arc with L foot. Repeat OS. Both hands on front of chair, feet spread, bend to take pelvis toward floor without heels coming up. Same, stay down, open/close knees. Same, only flap L knee. R knee. Alternate. Flap both knees in/out, explore head. L hand on backrest, hold L foot, extend L leg as all else softens. Repeat OS. Both hands on backrest; bend/lengthen all. Continue lowering keeping heels down, look down; as rise, look to horizon. Lower/rise, keep eyes/head to horizon.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 69 Thursday August 23, 2007.
Discussion #095 – Alan Questel 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Development of language
CD#14/T18 [11m] » play audio
Early form of writing (boustrophedon) included writing in reverse. Story of Moshé meeting Yemeni man on train who was reading a book upside down and realizing he was the “idiot.” Development of language/words. The language we're born into dictates our physiology, thinking, etc. Traveling stories.
ATM Lesson #162 – Alan Questel 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Headstand preparation #7, falling out
CD#14/T19 [52m] (Amherst inspired) » play audio
LOB, swing bottom into air to go up onto shoulders. Sit; bell hand intro; bell and swim. Stand on knees, bell, add backstroke. Kneeling, toes for running, reach R hand to R heel; let pelvis move forward and head move back; L hand to L heel. One heel, then other; take pelvis forward. LOB, interlace fingers behind head, bring elbows/knees toward each other. Sit, swing legs overhead; hold pelvis, lower one foot to floor; other foot, both feet same time, make it light, keep pelvis forward. Swing legs in air, land feet with pelvis up-carping. LOB, move around point on spine. Hands/knees, head to floor, walk feet around. Bring each knee onto elbow. Imagine lifting legs into air and carping. On all 5s, challenge balance, let self fall or roll out. Swing legs and carp; lower legs slowly. Go into headstand, fall out. Go into headstand, knees on elbows, lift both legs, stay? Stand, walk.
ATM Teaching #017 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Teaching each other from AY notes
CD#14/T20 [24m] (Alexander Yanai #259) » play audio
Groups of 5, put 5 chairs in circle. Pass around written instructions, read and work them out.
Discussion: What is the back of the pelvis? What's the lesson moving towards, languaging? Pelvis moving “back.” Brian: the lesson was tailored to a group, canonical? Issues in transcribing—edit or total. Learning to tell when Moshé was talking to one person. Robert S: doing lesson becomes transcription. Space for interpretation. Approximations. Folding and rounding to make extension easier? Process of learning. Barb: became undulation of both. The bell spine.
Discussion #096 – Alan Questel 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Massage laws and Guild
CD#14/T21 [7m] » play audio
Massage, etc., board laws. Base on how many emails and phone calls—decisions are based on constituency. What we can do: show up at meetings, send emails, etc.
ATM Teaching #018 – Alan Questel 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Transposition and language exercise, sit/knee/side-lying #3
CD#14/T22 [15m] (Alexander Yanai #259) » play audio
Demos: Michael, Kristen, Leanore: side bending with different directions.
- Speak a direction that works for all three.
- Give other directions that can evoke pattern. Try to generalize.
- Go back to first direction. Then rotate positions with original direction until each person back where started—how does working in different relationships to gravity affect original.
ATM Lesson #163 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-23: Day 69, S07 day 9
Bending down at chair, standing
CD#14/T23 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #260) » play audio
Stand behind chair, both hands on backrest, legs spread, bend all joints equally, come up. Go lower, let heels lift, to squatting. Look forward to begin coming up. Go down to squat, keep knees wide, bring knees/pelvis forward (knees towards floor). Take R knee down to floor, towards middle. Take R knee to floor, continue taking R knee up. Turn head and torso with pelvis/knees; as turn to R, bring R heel to floor, v.v. Both hands on seat of chair, heels touching, go down, let heels come off floor; take knees wide to floor and away. Keep head hanging forward, lift/lower knees. Lift chest, hang head back, take knees to floor. Head back; lift/lower one knee. Other knee. Heels touching, take both knees to floor, then heels to floor; do with head hanging forward, then back. Behind chair, L hand on chair, hold L foot with R hand, lengthen leg; go as low as can, bring L foot onto R knee. L hand on seat of chair, hold L foot, foot on R thigh, lower pelvis to floor. As lower, turn to R, lift heel from floor. As lower, lift L leg away from knee and lengthen. Repeat OS. Both hands front of chair, legs spread, squat, lift/lower knees. Turn to R, stay (w/ L knee down), lift/lower R heel. OS. (Continues from here without notes. T-shirt arrival/excitement interrupted note taking.) Repeat squatting holding one leg in front, lift/lower heel. Ends with beginning bending.
S07 – Alan Questel. Day 70 Friday August 24, 2007.
ATM Lesson #164 – Alan Questel 2007-08-24: Day 70, S07 day 10
Sliding arms across self to overhead, on back
CD#14/T24 [45m] (Amherst—Take off sweater) » play audio
On back, arms near sides, slide L hand along floor and onto pelvis, front across to R hip, continue around to R side and up to shoulder, continue to head/face, floor overhead. Whole way is soft, gentle, slow, pausing between each step of increase. Repeat same with L arm. Do both arms same time, note which arm is on top and switch to other. Bend knees, feet stand, repeat arms sliding overhead, note when makes sense to lift pelvis. Kneel on knees, repeat arm movement trajectory. Stand, repeat.
FI Exploration #070 – Alan Questel 2007-08-24: Day 70, S07 day 10
Flexion in several positions
CD#24/T25 [27m] [DVD#4 0-51, DVD#5 0-10] » play audio
Partners, one lying in any position. Explore flexion in any way, with a sense of having the person in your hands.
Discussion: Cheryl: without talking more exploratory and informative. Laura: receiving. Kim: how knew when something wasn't working. Shira: felt partner's skeleton working with her skeleton. Tres: his experience same time. Talking is often a way to contend with internal anxiety; something else happens when we're quiet.
ATM Lesson #165 – Diana Razumny 2007-08-24: Day 70, S07 day 10
Pelvis moving back, standing at chair
CD#24/T26 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #262) [DVD#5 10-13] » play audio
Stand behind chair, take pelvis back, arms/legs straight. Belly/low back forward/back. Head up/down, quickly. Same position but R arm behind back, take pelvis back/R; turn head R, look at pelvis to R. Repeat all except L arm is behind. Return to R arm behind. Repeat series on OS. Both hands on backrest, original position, belly/low back forward/back, flex/extend. More weight on one hand, then other. In front of seat, hands on seat, repeat pelvis goes back, knees bend, tail back/up. Repeat pelvis going to one side; then other; then alternate. Behind backrest; tilt chair so front legs come up, hold back of chair near seat, slide chair away on floor, take sit bones to floor, slide chair in again as you stand.
ATM Teaching #019 – Alan Questel 2007-08-24: Day 70, S07 day 10
Constructing series for target populations
CD#24/T27 [57m] [DVD #5 14-end, #6 0-8] » play audio
What are populations could construct series of lessons for: athletes, dancers, golfers, actors, elderly, kids, musicians, massage therapists, potters, skiers, soccer moms, dentists, office workers, librarians, hairstylists. General public, kids, back pain. Difference between “athlete” (wanting to improve something” and “back pain” (wanting to get away from it, so attach self to it). Groups of 5, come up with series 6 ATM lessons for one of the populations, decide order.
Discussion: Dancers, Cheryl: pelvic clock, frog legs on back, hooking toe on back/sitting, dead bird, bending spine sitting, standing at chair squatting on one leg. Will the lesson call people back. Teaching from frame of reference. In FI, reframing to where can person move, where can't. Diana: taking function out of lesson, otherwise easy to slip into habits; could use as a reference but then take it out. Be careful about assumptions about groups. Hairstylists, Laura: dead bird, flexion on back, something for hands folding, shoulder/ribs rotating, pelvic clock, hand to foot. Golfers, Pam: standing rotation, coordination flexors/extensors, spinal chain, spiral sitting to standing, Errol Flynn arms, foot circles standing against wall. Dentists, Robert S: sitting bending spine, pelvic clock, carriage of head, tongue/jaw, sawing arms, first lesson again. What if someone misses a class? Engaging a population with what are your other interests? Skiers, Marge: pelvic clock, shoulders/eyes, squatting lesson, breathing, reaching arms forward, seated moving arms.
ATM Lesson #166 – Alan Questel 2007-08-24: Day 70, S07 day 10
Rolling from opposite hip, on back
CD#24/T28 [36m] (Alan, Amherst inspired) » play audio
Lie on L side. Lift whole R leg into air; keep knees touching, lift only foot; add leading with heel; lead with toes; keep parallel. Keep feet touching, lift knee. Alternate knee/foot. Lift knee, begin lifting foot as knee comes down, etc. Arms straight in front, lift R arm towards ceiling and behind; as return arm, lift leg; alternate. Lift arm into air and leg. Roll side to side. On L side, lift R leg. R arm in air, attend to L shoulder. Move R arm by opening/closing L shoulder. Same with legs. Same with arm and leg simultaneously; think of R shoulder/hip closing to roll onto R side. Side to side, snapping open/shut. On L side, do prior way of rolling. Sing like music box when open. Go back to snapping. On L side, lift L leg into air. Stand, walk. Turn to look behind as if someone called name, take step. As turn back, feel standing hip opening.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 71 Monday November 5, 2007.
Discussion #097 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-05: Day 71, S08 day 1
What makes a lesson a lesson?
CD#15/T01 [80m] » play audio
Abi: what makes a lesson a lesson. Dennis: small progressions, positions; reducing what we are looking at; giving an instruction and getting 30 different responses; dynamic perspective like headstand; setting up the big picture; non-competitive message; taking care of yourself; different idea of care or self; find a way to proceed and a path that enables you to check that; convey a different attitude towards self, mindset, or sense of self. Abi: the FM view, setting up room and attitude, movement patterns and finding relationships with self at the service. Dennis: use lessons as ways into a primitive process or global meaning, a-historical self. Listen to and work from self. Reeducation of the vestibular system is embedded in everything Moshé does. Brian: physical construction of lesson, by the end of the lesson, people look more similar, which allows us to then individuate. Reference movements and metamoves and people applying their own ideas. Dennis: reference movement is controversial. Reference is when more in more scientific bias, but could also be more artistic. When we hear an instruction we are mostly compelled to act. “I want to do this right.” We can be good at acting but not in being in the process. There is something besides doing. Expect it from your group, that being part rather than the doing. Recognizing a part of our self. When we are very controlled, the reward is the control. Tres: teaching long lesson and getting uncomfortable feedback. Dennis: people sometimes come to groups to be anonymous. Some people like the individual attention. Milton Erickson, “Keep doubts on the other side of the table.” Can break a lesson earlier when the group can't get to the “end.” Pelvic clock—get the cardinal directions clear, the breath independent, connection to head. Dennis: making the student fit the lesson or the lesson fit the student. Barb: discomfort in teaching. Dennis: change the emphasis to the light shining in them. Teach the lesson you know really well and feel it. Marge: asking for feedback from a new person is tricky. Michael: David Bersin's ATM checklist. Dennis: list's shortcomings—not segregated by awareness. Michael: How much set-up do you do in the beginning, like directions. Dennis: orientation is very important to make explicit during/throughout lesson. Dennis: example of Yvan talking a lot during a lesson, it's viable. Experience of teaching the San Francisco material and Moshé talking a lot during first lesson. Five weeks later gave the same lesson beautifully. Dennis' experience of teaching in Austria and “just” taught the lesson. Distinction of Dennis/Yvan styles. Giving my experience of the instruction. As teachers we depersonalize the instruction so people can personalize it for themselves. Abi: back to knowing what makes a lesson. Dennis: you can just read a lesson and not even be able to do it or understand it. Abi: FI? Dennis: story of working with girl born with pieces of her brain missing who had been working with Nancy MacAllister: you don't have to know ahead of time what you're doing.
ATM Lesson #167 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-05: Day 71, S08 day 1
Four points #1
CD#15/T02 [29m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Stand, hands on floor, pelvis high, head hanging, lift R hand, note weight shift. Repeat with L hands. Lift both hands same time. Lift one foot, the other then both. Alternate lifting hands, then feet. Lift diagonal foot/hand at same time on each side. Alternate lifting diagonal hand/foot. Lift R hand/foot, lift L hand/foot. Lift all fours at once, hopping, hop L, R, forward, back.
Discussion #098 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-05: Day 71, S08 day 1
Four points lessons
CD#15/T03 [58m] » play audio
Small groups then 2 larger groups, Dennis present in one of the groups, Diana with the other. Then full group.
Editor's notes: Vladimir Putin holds the judo rank of 6th dan; Putin's organization relative to that of George W. Bush; apparent to one trained to see organization is a way of holding the shoulders to “show” or affect strength versus the organization of someone actually strong. The approaches of Socrates, Aristotle, and modern cognitive scientists to akrasia. Fechner-Weber and the sense of time; procrastination. Conference Dennis attended at Esalen with a focus on different practices that can be done with an embodied perspective, organized by Don Johnson, former Rolfer; also there were Martha Herbert, who spoke on the epigenetic roots of autism; Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen of Body-Mind Centering (BMC); Emilie Conrad of Continuum; Ed Casey, phenomenologist; Ian Grant, somatic psychiatrist; others.
Milton Erickson's true story of Joe and Betty, a “defining moment” in Erickson's understanding of psychotherapy. Dennis wrote a paper on this story which he presented at an Erickson conference: Joe a young, incorrigible criminal who is in fact indomitable, decides when he meets Betty to do something different. He never does another bad deed, and indeed, eventually proves reputable. Erickson: A person doesn't need psychotherapy, they need the situation, the right thing at the right time; there is no fundamental change. Once he stepped into the community, Joe's strengths became strengths for the community. It was Joe who stood up and recommended community support for Erickson's attending college. Dennis' old Zen teacher [Jiyu-Kennett roshi] said of her monks: what I want is that person as a whole to move in the world and to embody their own depth of understanding; if they make errors, to recognize it, not to restrain themselves in anticipation of hurting feelings or of being wrong, but to be themselves and recognize the consequences. Dennis: That's consonant with the Feldenkrais approach, you don't want to repress or restrain these things. Moshé: any desire you have which can be repressed is not a real desire, in other words it's not deep enough; you want to provoke it, to take it deeper. ATM elicits this “coming into yourself” in a more whole way; when we work with people, we will find our own ways to do this.
ATM Lesson #168 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-05: Day 71, S08 day 1
Four points #2
CD#15/T04 [36m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Stand, hands/feet on floor, head hanging down, step forward with R hand/foot then L hand/foot. Stand, walk with one side moving forward then the other. Return to 4 points, step with diagonal hand/foot then stand and walk. Hands/feet on floor, draw line between L hand/foot such that half of leg would be to one side of the line, other half on other side of line, take R knee through gap of L foot/hand, top of R foot touches back of L heel, sit on R thigh so you end up facing to the L. L lower leg stays standing perpendicular with knee over foot. Repeat OS then alternate. Add a hop in the middle so both feet are off the floor when you switch sides. Do just to the R and come all the way back up to standing. Go side/side with sense of continuity.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 72 Tuesday November 6, 2007.
Discussion #099 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
Breaking down lessons
CD#15/T05 [32m] » play audio
Breaking lessons down into smaller parts. Lessons have beginning, middle, end and each of those parts have a beginning, middle and end. Shira: skeletal and the 4 points. Lesson. Dennis: talking skeletally does not mean anatomical in this work, it's a sense. Muscles are a nuance, they are good at taking orders. Good martial artist is a skeleton wired to the nervous system. They have no insecurity or need to defend. Doing lesson, people start getting the idea of where it's going, they lose the attention needed. So you do another lesson to refresh and come back to original lesson. Or people get relief from pain with one lesson and they try to get the same results from the same lesson all the time. We want to have 3 ways of doing something.
ATM Lesson #169 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
Judo roll #1
CD#15/T06 [42m] (Dennis version) » play audio
On hands/knees, R ear on floor, change pressure along side of head, roll up/down from jaw to top of head in comfortable range. Roll head in direction of turn head, pressure changing front to back. Then circle around on R side of face against the floor. Same position, R cheek on floor, slide R hand/arm on floor in direction between L hand/knee, add taking head through gap. Repeat OS. Add looking towards ceiling when head is under arm. Repeat, with head turned L through gap, toes tucked, lift L knee/hip so roll more onto R shoulder. Repeat, bring palms together, lift L arm up towards ceiling and lift L knee/hip.
Discussion #100 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
The lesson
CD#15/T07 [34m] » play audio
James: lengthen as result of rounding back. Dennis: length in front/back. Kristen: length while in roll. Brian: breaking down lesson. Dennis: We're interested in the how is what. Suspend their habitual way of doing things. Brian: brought in lesson during Alan's headstand. Marge: difference in Alan's, head fixed vs. mobile. Dennis: neck is in extension in the position of lesson, head on floor and go from extension to flexion. Michael: about embodiment. Dennis: directionality, like geometric shape of pelvic clock, using movement as a way not to have separation between body/mind. We don't really fee our physicality, we're feeling pressures, directions, temporalizing and specializing our experience.
ATM Lesson #170 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
Four points #3
CD#15/T08 [29m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Stand on hands/feet, lift hands/feet different combos. Take R knee through gap of L hand/foot, lowering pelvis to floor. Send straight R leg through gap, reverse. Repeat OS. Take R knee through, roll onto back, return to sit and 4 points. Let feet/legs, arms all go overhead, swing up to sit/stand. Repeat with straight R leg.
Discussion #101 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
Science and the brain
CD#15/T09 [58m] » play audio
Erich Blechschmidt, his book Wie beginnt das menschliche Leben (1973), English title The Beginnings of Human Life (1977). Charles Scott Sherrington in and out of favor. Esther Thelen. Alva Noë: perception. Use of attention. Noë and others: you don't need the brain as a “hard drive,” the world is its own hard drive; all you need are ways of using attention so you can find things.
Editor's notes: Discussion of Jeffrey M. Schwartz's book The Mind and the Brain (2002).
ATM Lesson #171 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-06: Day 72, S08 day 2
Taking knees to floor with legs crossed, on back, sitting and elbow propped
CD#15/T10 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #173) » play audio
On back, feet standing, spread, take L knee to floor near R foot, keep R knee “standing.” Note what lifts. Repeat OS. Alternate L/R. R knee to floor again, L foot on middle of R lower leg, touch floor with both knees. Extend belly forward to help L knee go towards floor to L. Repeat OS Repeat, add—lift head with interlaced hands. Remove hands, take knees to floor, note differences. Repeat OS. Same with legs, elbow/forearm propped, take knees towards floor, extend belly forward, lower back arches. Seesaw move between belly/chest. Repeat OS. Repeat but lean on hands behind. Which hand more essential? Seesaw move of chest/belly. Continue with head hanging back. Return to elbows, head hanging back, easier for knees to go to floor? Stand feet, R knee to mid, L foot on R thigh, lean on hands, belly forward, L knee to floor. Note which hand you could lift to facilitate L knee to floor. Same, lean on both hands, head hanging back, seesaw move belly/chest. On back, same leg crossing, turn head/face to R, L hand behind head, R ear, lift head. Note sides of back moving towards floor. Repeat OS R knee to middle again, L foot on lower R leg, knees to floor, lengthen arms on floor overhead, as knees go towards floor, note R arm shortening, instead lengthen it away from head as knee goes to floor. Take L knee to floor while lengthening R arm. Pause, repeat OS One knee between, other foot on lower leg as before, on elbows, head hangs back, top of head on floor. (arms overhead to help lift shoulders and come onto top of head?) Stay and lift arms from floor, seesaw belly/chest, note if knee lowers to floor. Repeat OS. Stand feet, hands behind head, lift head/knees, elbows/knees together, breathe. Stand legs, arms down, note chest, pelvis spine on floor.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 73 Wednesday November 7, 2007.
ATM Lesson #172 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-07: Day 73, S08 day 3
Arching back, coming onto knees and top of head – sitting, on back, elbow propped
CD#15/T11 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #174) » play audio
Sit, legs crossed, L leg closer to body, lie back, lengthen arms overhead, lift back, note knees/legs, knees open towards floor. Change legs, repeat, protrude belly forward with back lifting. L leg closer, stand R hand in bridge near shoulder, L hand on elbow, move side/side then push overhead, lift R lower back, R knee towards floor while elbow goes towards floor overhead. Repeat OS. Sit, L leg closer, R leg on L, lean on hands behind, lift pelvis as if to roll up onto knees. Change legs, repeat. Repeat above, leaning on elbows/forearms, change legs, repeat. On back, L leg closer, R leg on L, both hands bridged, protrude belly, slide back of head on floor, come onto top of head. Repeat with legs change. Sit, L leg closer, R on L, hands on floor in front, slide hands away, exhale, soft neck. Sit, cross legs, hands near pelvis, take head forward to floor, lean on head, lift pelvis so lean on knees. Change legs, repeat. Sit, slide hands forward, note differences. On back, legs crossed simply, arms overhead, lengthen arms, lift lower back, protrude belly. Change legs, repeat. Cross legs, R on L, on back, bridge arms, push hands, slide onto top of head, lower back lifts. Change legs, repeat. Legs long, roll legs in/out.
Discussion #102 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-07: Day 73, S08 day 3
Questions and stories
CD#15/T12 [96m] » play audio
No notes.
Editor's notes: Tres: why don't you like practicums? Paula: is it a requirement to address the psychology of a person? Dennis: no, absolutely not. Erickson's Betty and Joe: situational challenges and consequences. Moshé saw movement, its monitoring and modification, as the least defended avenue of change for most people. Wilhelm Reich: people can realize their problems and want to change but find they cannot; something must come from some other place, though it's still within our experience. Question to Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama: is karma, or conditioning, in body or mind? It's in the situation. Question to Moshé at Amherst: I did this lesson three years ago, where's the learning? You never learned it in the first place. Going through the motions and attending versus assuming authorship of our experience. Nancy Galeota-Wozny, dancer and Feldenkrais practitioner, wrote an article on the Feldenkrais Method, Alexander technique, and the Trager Approach. Moshé on Milton Trager: as good hands-on work as Moshé had experienced; realized he could reconstruct Trager work inside the Method. Diana trained also with Trager. Ida Rolf giving Moshé a ten-session series and how Moshé damaged the possibility for their future collaboration. Rolf agreed with Moshé's assertion that the Method was more fundamental than Rolfing: understanding movement, structure, and function one could construct Rolfing within it. Paula: meditation and engagement in interior processes. Dennis: the Eastern idea of precepts versus commandments is that, rather than a set of rules, they are a description of realized or awakened people. Moshé: the Method is not a transformational process; analogy of shaping one's essential nature as one shapes gold; it remains the same valuable material. Toronto training, Doron Navon; setting boundaries, nobody can handle everything. Tres: Moshé's experience, his judo training, and the fundamental and general quality of his work, compared to that of Morihei Ueshiba, founder of aikido: “Aikido is not religion, it creates and informs religion.” Moshé: there were at least one hundred people alive doing exactly what he was doing but due to circumstance or character were not widely known. Ilse Middendorf, Gerda Alexander, others were also strong presences.
Tres: I seem to have forgotten your answer about why you don't like practicums. Dennis: experience in training with chaotic ATM practicum; story of deconstruction of Coordination of the Flexor Muscles and of the Extensors lesson, demonstration with Shira. The value of socialization through contact with our peers in small groups. Abi: feedback and pedagogy. Trainers today have trained far more people than Moshé did, each is however quite different, there isn't a single way to be. Movement versus function in the Feldenkrais context, demonstration with Kristen. Developmental movement arcs are not always readily available to adults; it's not the movement itself which is important. Pedagogy in ATM includes managing one's own comfort and not depending on external authority; you listen to yourself. If a lesson has a first instruction that's “impossible” it's intentional. Or it may use a sequence of small incremental movements; the choice between these is a pedagogical choice. Dennis on planning trainings with Anat Baniel and her work translating Alexander Yanai lessons. In Hebrew, foot and leg, or hand and arm, are sometimes interchangeable; sometimes there are errors in the original recordings or the translations. The pedagogy is found in the delivery of the lesson, they can be presented in different ways.
James: Has anyone every committed suicide as a result of Feldenkrais lessons? Dennis: I don't know. The Western cultural emphasis is on doing, Moshé liked this. But we don't have a sense of rest, rest from exhaustion of neuroses or habits that have been depleting us throughout our lives. We may discover a flat affect but after a while, things take on a certain brilliance. It's valuable to have a sense of group or relationship to the trainers, and make contact, when having this kind of experience. Kyabje Gelek rinpoche feels the error in the West was in understanding the emptiness or nothingness in early presentations of Zen as nihilism. Moshé echoed Gurdjieff's idea of the formation of a vibrant and robust soul after birth. You take the Via Negativa when you say “it's not this, and it's not that.” You have to take it farther and negate the negating. William James wrote about the once and twice born in his book The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) (Wikipedia article) but some people don't need a conversion to live this way. Akrasia: when we fail ourselves and others, it is not a weakness of will but one of attention.
Consequences differ in various cultural contexts. Assume there are no secrets, that everything you do will be known, and recognize that everything has consequences. Moshé felt that if you can't deal with the consequences of an action, you should not do it, and that this is where real morality appears. “This hand can kill.” Choosing not to kill is what makes us human, to deny the capacity to kill is to deny or supress one's humanity. The video of Moshé working with Hazel Biddle shows an example of how behavior we might find uncomfortable is dependent on context; look at the instance, and the consequences; just because we can't imagine doing it doesn't make it something not to do. You can't imagine the things Erickson did or Moshé did, the time and the culture were different.
Moshé didn't originally want to do the work but would have done physics or judo. But like the stories of many creative people, he was drawn to it and it took him to the deepest place in himself.
ATM Teaching #020 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-07: Day 73, S08 day 3
Deconstructing pelvic clock
CD#15/T13 [49m] [DVD#16 Scene 1] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #173 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-07: Day 73, S08 day 3
Judo roll #2
CD#15/T14 [23m] (Dennis version) » play audio
Hands/knees, side of face on floor, move up/down along line on side of face on floor. Repeat OS. Take head along line from front to back, nose goes towards floor/ceiling, differentiate the eyes while rolling head. Repeat OS. Circle cheek on each side. Toes standing, slide R hand on floor through gap of L hand/knee, take head under, looking under arm to ceiling. Continue, lift L knee, leg straightens, pelvis lifts high, rolling on shoulder. Repeat, lift L hand/arm to ceiling, make circle with arm, each direction. Repeat OS. Stand.
ATM Lesson #174 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-07: Day 73, S08 day 3
Four points #4
CD#15/T15 [47m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Stand on hands/feet, variations of lifting hand/feet. On back, arms/legs in air with imaginary floor in front with hands/feet on floor in front. Stand, lift R hand/foot at same time. Repeat OS. Lift diagonal foot/hand. Repeat OS. Hop, all fours leave at same time. Take straight R leg through gap of L hand/foot. Repeat OS. Alternate side/side. Quickly. Do once to L, imagine 20 times, do one more, ROB. Repeat OS. Take straight R leg through to L, stay, lean on R hand, L hand on top of head, circle head feeling through spine to pelvis.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 74 Thursday November 8, 2007.
ATM Lesson #175 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
Rolling head between hands
CD#15/T16 [34m] (Amherst, key (ki?) breathing, 1st year?) » play audio
On back, L hand on forehead, R hand behind, roll head between hands. Roll head without hands, sense nose, eyes, ears, top of head. Roll head with L hand on forehead, continue, roll R leg in/out. Roll head/leg so nose/toes go same direction, then toes/nose in opposition. Roll head with R hand, roll R leg and bend knee, bring foot to stand, change to L hand rolling head without interrupting leg. Roll head with R hand slowly while R leg quickly comes/goes to standing/lengthening. Continue with leg, switch to L hand rolling head slowly. Continue with leg moving quickly, switch back/forth between R/L hand rolling head slowly. Switch, leg goes slow, head quickly. Return to easy speed of each. Return to head between hands like beginning.
Discussion #103 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
Lesson of rolling head
CD#15/T17 [29m] » play audio
Gurdjieff similarities. René Thom: autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems, prey and predators. Carl Sagan, in his book The Dragons of Eden (1977): predators dream, prey don't have the luxury. Offensive/defensive moves. Flexor/extensor. When musculature comes to neutral the autonomic system comes to neutral. Moshé was speculating, with another scientist, Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky, about the autonomic nervous system; wrote a book, transcript was lost. Whole being wiped clean in milliseconds. Ability to function in state of unbalance as a higher level of functioning. Reorganize quickly. When reorganizing it system feels chaotic. Example of kung fu teacher, making the end clear made everything previous clear.
Editor's notes: René Thom: Semio Physics; nystagmus, Jerry Karzen; Erickson.
ATM Teaching #021 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
Instructions for practicum
CD#15/T18 [4m] » play audio
Trios break one lesson into thirds, prepare to teach for Monday. Also take your third and expand it out into one lesson.
Discussion #104 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
Self-image, emotions, Erickson
CD#15/T19 [47m] » play audio
Emotional orientation. Self-image. Paul Schilder. Sensori-motor mapping. Body responds to patterns and the muscles organize to that depending on the orientation. Body position and emotion that goes together “live at the same address.” Using notes for ATM teaching. Orientation system. Abi: movement that has been learned. Ericksonian work—brief therapy. Hypnosis, trance work.
ATM Lesson #176 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
Lengthening arm, rolling to sit, on back
CD#15/T20 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #310) » play audio
On back, legs spread, lift R shoulder, track skeletal linkage, note back of head sliding down, chin lifting. Direct towards L hip. Think length along back diagonal to L hip/top of pelvis, shoulder moving in arc, first slides a little up before lifting, keeping sense of lengthening in back as shoulder arcs up towards ceiling and down towards L hip. Lift R arm/elbow in front of chest, elbow/wrist bent/limp, as if someone standing near L side of pelvis is holding you at elbow and wanted to bring you to sitting by pulling your arm in direction of L hip. Do in such a way that it's all about the skeleton moving and use least amount of muscular effort, no pressing against the floor. Allow head to hang back, only go as far as head still stays in contact with floor. Interlace fingers, form arm hoop, take hoop towards ceiling, head hangs back. Stand R foot, R arm in front, lengthen up towards L as if to come to sit without pushing R foot or anything against the floor. Chest? Repeat OS. Allow head to depart from floor. Arm hoop, think hoop connects through C7 so taking arms forward, lifts C7 part of hoop, taking it forward, head hanging back. Interlace hands behind L thigh near knee, take leg away, pulling arm hoop via leg. As leg goes away the skeletal hoop at base of neck gets pulled forward, head dangling back. Repeat OS with R leg, right before head starts to lift from floor, take R knee L/R. Stand R foot, direct R elbow forward/down, stay with head hanging back, turn head/eyes L/R. Repeat. OS, attention to breath. Arm hoop forward, towards ceiling. Repeat, add forward/L with hoop, allow to move through to pelvis/legs, knees bending little to L. Stay to L, head hanging back, turn head/eyes L/R. (Dennis? Had them lift head to side R ear/R shoulder) Repeat OS. Hands holding below knees, send knees away, back of head slides on floor, chin moves away from throat, shoulders lift. Alternate knees moving away/down, keep tension in arms, head hanging/turning. Take both away, head hangs then lifts little from floor. Repeat, take knees away, head hangs/lifted, turn head L/R, knees respond—head turns R, R knee goes little R (explore opp, intentionally take knees R/L). Return to beginning, R arm forward/down to roll up to sit towards L, allow knees to bend to L, roll up onto L elbow. Breath easy, pour self up to sit. Pause, repeat OS, alternate. How much skeleton can track while alternating side/side?
Discussion #105 – Diana Razumny & Dennis Leri 2007-11-08: Day 74, S08 day 4
About ATM Lesson
CD#15/T21 [26m] » play audio
No notes.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 75 Friday November 9, 2007.
Due to a scheduling conflict at the Denver Turnverein, there is no “Day 75.” Instead, the other days in the two weeks of training were extended to allow for a full 50 hour segment.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 76 Monday November 12, 2007.
ATM Teaching #022 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-12: Day 76, S08 day 6
Instructions for 1st practicum & discussion afterwards
CD#16/T01 [61m] [DVD#16 Scene 2] » play audio
Two trios get together, one trio teach the other, lesson broken into 3 parts, each teach a third of the lesson. Switch roles and then discuss with each other. Afterwards, the whole group join together, exploring some questions about the lessons, notes and teaching.
ATM Lesson #177 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-12: Day 76, S08 day 6
Judo roll #3
CD#16/T02 [45m] [DVD#17 Scene 1] (Dennis version) » play audio
On hands/knees, head on floor, hands clasped on floor at back of head, roll on head, toes tucked. (few variations not noted) On back, rolling head, attention to vertebra. On hands/knees/top of head, hands standing, elbows in air over hands, take one ear towards the floor then other side, head moving side/side, not turning, tilting. Hand/knees, slide back of R hand on floor through gap of L hand/knee, take head under R arm, R hand is standing. Repeat, toes tucked, when R arms is through gap, head coming under R arm, looking towards ceiling, lift L knee from floor, straightening leg, lift/lower knee. Repeat OS. Return to OS, when arm is through, weight on shoulder, use L hand on forehead to turn head, lifting L knee. Repeat OS. R arm out to R, take head under L arm, roll on R shoulder, arm turns. Repeat OS. R arm out to R again, head under L arm, rolling on R shoulder, lift one knee, lift the other, both. R arm out, head through back, knees lifted, walk feet around to L. Repeat OS.
ATM Teaching #023 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-12: Day 76, S08 day 6
Instructions for 2nd practicum
CD#16/T03 [2m] » play audio
No notes.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 77 Tuesday November 13, 2007.
ATM Lesson #178 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-13: Day 77, S08 day 7
Hands on knees, coming to sit
CD#16/T04 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #311) » play audio
On back, legs spread, prop on elbows/forearms, bring knees to chest, head hangs back, straighten/lengthen legs forward, rock on pelvis, back arches, belly forward, sit up with counter balance on sit bones, rolling up onto sit bones to sit. Come up asymmetrically, one elbow lifts before other while legs still go straight forward. Have R ear near R shoulder and repeat coming up to R/L few times each. Return to coming up in middle. On elbows, hands near opposite elbow, repeat taking legs forward, head still hangs back, lower back arches, come to sit without swinging, push with palms. Switch arm crossing, come up to one side, one elbow lifts, then to other side, other elbow. On R side, hands hold knees, lift/open L knee to L, roll to L, return R, head hangs back whole time, roll side/side. In middle, push R knee to R/forward, head hangs back, drags R, alternately L/R. In middle, knees wide, push knees forward, head hangs back. Heels go away from butt little. Hold knees, feet touch, knees spread, push forward. Reverse, knees touch feet spread, push forward. Feel which way come to sit more easily. Do one side, R knee inward, R foot out to R, push R knee. Repeat OS. On R side, hold knees, push L knee forward/up, pull so head hangs, L foot higher than knee, continue so L knee goes in front of R lower leg (not back/familiar way) Repeat OS. In middle, hold both knees, spread feet, push to sit, repeat with knees wide. In middle, hold knees, take R foot to R, push through R knee, roll to L, head hangs back, R shoulder in direction of L foot. Repeat OS. (took a break) Alternate. In middle, hold knees, knees together/apart. Alternate side/side, look to side rolling towards, opposite foot lifts high, knee inward. Lean on elbows/forearms, bend/lift legs, head hanging back, extend legs, move towards sitting, note difference. Then alternately lift one elbow, other, middle. Lean on elbows, hands near opposite elbow, lift bent legs, take heels to sides to come to sit. On back, legs bent/lifted, arms hoped forward, roll R as if to sit, take L knee forward as before, L heel lifts to side higher than knee. Repeat OS. Release arm hoop, repeat coming to sit side/side. Repeat but with chin to chest, head not hanging back.
Discussion #106 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-13: Day 77, S08 day 7
ATM teaching and morning ATM
CD#16/T05 [36m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #178 continued – Diana Razumny 2007-11-13: Day 77, S08 day 7
Hands on knees, coming to sit part 2
CD#16/T06 [25m] (Alexander Yanai #311) » play audio
Picked up lesson again to complete. See above description.
FI Exploration #071 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-13: Day 77, S08 day 7
Accessing hip joint from the knee to move the pelvis
CD#16/T07 [30m] [DVD#17 Scene 2] » play audio
Demos with Cheryl, Abi and others. Pairs: On back, feet standing, direct knees over feet, note movement through to head. Hands above one knee, direct knee in, out and middle to note difference of effect through torso/head with different directs of the knee. Repeat with both knees to middle or both knees out. Add holding the person's own hand wrapped around leg just below knee (like in ATM), leg is lifted, direct knee down/away from head, connecting into C7, like in the lesson. Similar idea on side, taking top leg with both hands, one supporting from inside of knee, other on the outside and that lower arm is under the lower leg for support, direct knee towards midline/floor while foot goes higher and lengthen out in the direction of the knee, similar to before. Can roll pelvis forward/back, through hip joint, knee opens out to side when rolling towards back, knee inward rolls towards bell.
ATM Lesson #179 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-13: Day 77, S08 day 7
Judo roll #4
CD#16/T08 [46m] (Dennis version) » play audio
Hands/knees, toes tucked, head on floor, hands interlaced above head, roll on head, feel any asymmetry in the hip joints or torso even though you keep the line of pressure straight up/down along of the head on the floor. Return to position, take R arm through gap of L knee/and, roll on R shoulder as L knee lifts and legs straightens. roll on R shoulder again but with R arm straight out to right. Repeat OS. On back, lift pelvis, legs overhead, hold pelvis with hands. Repeat, take feet to floor side/side, shifting weight on shoulders. Hold feet, roll back, feet to floor, with momentum. Hands/knees, arm out to side, other hand standing, lift knees, walk legs around. On back, roll, swing legs overhead, feet to floor, walk legs around, find bridge position for one hand then switch to other side, bringing knees to floor near head on one side then other. On hands/knees, lower forehead to floor, roll across head side/side, elbows move side/side. Hands/knees, R arm out to side, L hand standing, lift knees, walking around, rolling on shoulder. Repeat OS.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 78 Wednesday November 14, 2007.
ATM Lesson #180 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-14: Day 78, S08 day 8
Four points #5
CD#16/T09 [54m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Stand, hands/feet on floor, lift each then in combinations then hop. 4 points, bring R knee through gap of L hand/foot, the top of the R foot touches back of L heel. Repeat to OS. Alternate side/side. Add hop in middle. Change to take straight leg through gap. Do each side and then alternate. Try same thing by starting in lying. Return to simple taking the knee through. Alternate side to side, one hand lifts. Return to lifting each point then all combos. Hop.
ATM Teaching #024 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-14: Day 78, S08 day 8
Groups of 3 divide lesson into thirds
Not recorded.
No notes.
Discussion #107 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-14: Day 78, S08 day 8
ATM teaching
CD#16/T10 [59m] DVD#17 Scene 3 [2m] » play audio
Discussion of the groups that met for breaking their ATM into thirds and break the third into thirds for the next teaching. AY lessons. San Francisco evening lessons by Mia Segal & Gaby Yaron. How to pick lessons. Spatial & temporal attention is the continuous background. The design of the lesson is built on that. Fundamental ground of experience is thought, how we organize experience. Hypnosis, collapsing states of sober and drunk. Regression to age before needed glasses. Objective/subjective index/reference.
ATM Lesson #181 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-14: Day 78, S08 day 8
Diagonal rolling, arms/legs in the air, on back
CD#16/T09 [33m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
On back, reach R arm forward and a little L. Lift L leg towards ceiling, take leg up/R so feel pressure along back side on diagonal towards R shoulder. Stand R foot, lengthen L leg forward again, take L leg little to R/up towards R shoulder. Return to R arm forward, directing down/L, add lifting head. Repeat, add pressing L arm into floor, feeling elbow can participate. L leg in the air again, circle leg each direction. Repeat with R hand on L knee/calf. Repeat with L arm/R leg. Both arms in front, hands as if holding dowel, take arms forward towards L hip, head/shoulders come away from the floor, repeat OS then alternate. Both feet to ceiling, repeat same ideas with legs as did with arms. As legs go towards L shoulder, L shoulder lifts. Repeat OS. L leg in air, hold L ankle with R hand, circle leg. Repeat OS. Rock on diagonal while holding ankle. Hold opposite ankles, rock on diagonals, circle middle back. Arms forward, holding dowel, lift R shoulder/head then both shoulders to come to sit on diagonal, repeat OS. Continue, use arm/elbow to help come to sit over one hip/other.
ATM Lesson #182 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-14: Day 78, S08 day 8
Swivel to stand
CD#16/T06 [45m] (Alexander Yanai #312) » play audio
On back, hold knees open, push knees, head hangs back, Push knees alternately R/L. Push R knee to R, take R heel more to R, head hangs/rolls R. Alternate L/R. Head hangs, lifts and turns to side of pushing knee. Lie on R side, hold knees, push L leg forward/down in front of lower R leg, head hangs behind, come to sitting, straightening leg. Play with weight shift to sit. Continue, R hand on floor near R knee, bring L foot to stand on floor below lower R leg as come to sit and end up kneeling on R knee/toes. Continue, keep moving pelvis in direction it's going (in arc) as you come up. Repeat OS. Return to R side, spiral all the way up to standing on both feet, pelvis high, R hand still on floor, end facing direction where head was lying. Repeat OS. Continue this, smoothing it out, swinging legs up in air when going back down on side, gradually warm up to swinging up to stand, swiveling around to face opposite wall. Return, to other side, alternate side/side.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 79 Thursday November 15, 2007.
ATM Lesson #183 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-15: Day 79, S08 day 9
Diagonal rolling, arms/legs in the air, on back #2
CD#16/T13 [23m] (Dennis version) » play audio
On back, L leg straight forward, hold L ankle with R hand, roll along diagonal from hip to shoulder. Add L hand behind head. Repeat OS. Hold both legs at ankles, roll along diagonals. Both legs in the air without hands, take legs in direction of rolling on one diagonal, towards one shoulder, then other. Take both legs in direction of knees coming to floor to one side of head, then other side. Legs long, arms forward, take both arms in direction to roll along one diagonal then other. R arm forward and down a little towards L hip, rolling up over L elbow. Repeat OS. Bring legs in air, direction knees to floor near head on one side, the other side. Swing legs overhead, arms forward, roll up to sit, swinging arms/legs, then back, feet/hands overhead. Note rolling along back, down middle or off to side.
ATM Teaching #025 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-15: Day 79, S08 day 9
2nd practicum
Not recorded.
Two trios get together, one trio teach the other, third of lesson broken into 3 parts, each teach a third of the lesson. Switch roles and then discuss with each other.
Discussion #108 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-15: Day 79, S08 day 9
ATM teaching
CD#16/T14 [44m] » play audio
No notes.
Editor's notes: Reference to Moshé's ancestor, the Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz, who was a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidic Judaism. Books referenced: Life with Picasso (1964) by Françoise Gilot, and Making connections: Hasidic Roots and Resonance in the Teachings of Moshé Feldenkrais (2007) by David Kaetz.
ATM Lesson #184 – Diana Razumny 2007-11-15: Day 79, S08 day 9
Roll up to sit holding legs/feet, on back
CD#16/T15 [64m] (Alexander Yanai #315) » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #185 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-15: Day 79, S08 day 9
Judo roll #5
CD#16/T16 [18m] (Dennis version) » play audio
Hands/knees, slide one arm through, then other side. On back, L hand in bridge by head, legs in the air, direct knees to R side of head, roll across the diagonal, can come to sit, the R arm is straight out to side and your roll over the R shoulder. On hands/knees, bring L arm through, rolling across L shoulder. Try with L arm out to side, pushing through toes to bring pelvis high, roll across diagonal. Repeat OS.
S08 – Dennis Leri. Day 80 Friday November 16, 2007.
ATM Teaching #026 – Efrem Razumny 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
Review ATM lessons
CD#16/T17 [2m] » play audio
Groups of 4. Recall pieces of ATMs from this segment that you would like to review with the group. One person demonstrates movement.
Discussion #109 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
ATM teaching, Moshé stories
CD#16/T18 [55m] » play audio
About ATM Teaching process. Story of Moshé in Boulder. Feelings and emotions in the Method. Feelings come up, sometimes there is content and sometimes no content in the expression. Question from Shira: When student in class emotes, how to support and fold back into the lesson. Question from Abi about rest, space in ATM lesson. In ATM you ask for things that student can fill in.
ATM Lesson #186 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
Extended scan
CD#16/T19 [21m] (unattributed) » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #187 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
Judo roll #6
CD#16/T20 [25m] [DVD#17 Scene 4] (unattributed) » play audio
No notes.
Discussion #110 – Staff 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
Presentation of ATM Certificates
CD#16/T21 [10m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #188 – Dennis Leri 2007-11-16: Day 80, S08 day 10
Pushing through knees to come to sit
CD#16/T22 [47m] [DVD#17 Scene 5] (Alexander Yanai #316) » play audio
No notes.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 81 Monday February 11, 2008.
ATM Lesson #189 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-11: Day 81, S09 day 1
Twisting #1, taking arm from front to back, on side
CD#17/T01 [37m] (Dennis generic) » play audio
On R side, knees/hips bent at 90, L palm on R, lift L arm towards ceiling, out to side, hand in direction of ceiling, take arm back towards floor behind, eyes follow hand. Repeat OS. On R side, same position, L arm goes back, roll head R, towards floor. Repeat OS. L arm to ceiling again, lengthen/shorten, hand gets closer to ceiling then closer to floor, shoulder blade slides towards/away from spine, head/eyes looking towards L hand. Add turning arm around axis clockwise/counter clockwise. Repeat OS. On R side, roll head, face to ceiling, L arm wrapped around head, lift head to see L hip. L arm resting on floor behind, R hand under head, lift head. Interlace both hands behind head, elbows forward, lift head. Palms together, take L arm back, head/eyes follow hand. Take arm half way and make that the beginning point. Repeat OS.
Discussion #111 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-11: Day 81, S09 day 1
Gaby's video working with Nancy Lamb Part 1
CD#17/T02 [53m] [DVD#1 0-51] » play audio
Getting the broad brush stroke of a lesson and not get hung up on technique. Watch the first part of a lesson of Gaby Yaron with Nancy. Small groups make up a story about what Gaby was thinking/seeing. Discussion afterwards. Watch same again and groups of three work with each other from the point of view of starting a lesson. Discussion afterwards.
Editor's notes: Some early Israeli practitioners: Mia Segal, Yochanan Rywerant, Chava Shelhav, Ruthy Alon, Myriam Pfeiffer; story of Dennis living in New York in 1979 giving lessons in the Hasidic Jewish community.
Discussion #112 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-11: Day 81, S09 day 1
Gaby video working with Nancy Lamb Part 2
CD#17/T03 [47m] [DVD#2 0-end] » play audio
Watch few more minutes of Gaby Yaron with Nancy on table. Discussion about video and then general discussion comparing effectiveness of other modalities with Feldenkrais.
FI Exploration #072 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-11: Day 81, S09 day 1
Organizing by pushing through the leg in dyads
CD#17/T04 [3m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #190 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-11: Day 81, S09 day 1
Twisting #2, circling arms, on side
CD#17/T05 [38m] (San Francisco Training, year 2) » play audio
On R side, arms straight out in front, palms together, slide L hand on floor overhead, around to behind. Hand may need to lift from floor at some point. Stay twisted back with L arm on floor behind, circle R arm around overhead, across chest. Repeat OS. Circle both arms at same time. Repeat OS. Stay twisted with “top” arm back behind at shoulder height, top knee can be lifted a little if necessary, start taking top knee/hip forward, feeling through to the point that effects head. Note the spiraling movement through the spine to the head. Switch legs to other side, repeat. On R side, L knee on floor in front of L, L arm behind, not touching floor, lift knee a little so arm comes to floor behind, lower knee to lift arm from floor, back of head on floor, face to ceiling, do amount of seesaw move of arm/leg so head doesn't move. Change level of knee/arm, knee a little more up, arm a little down so change the point around which you are pivoting/teeter-tottering. Explore different levels of arm/leg to feel different areas of the spine being asked to twist. Repeat OS.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 82 Tuesday February 12, 2008.
Discussion #113 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-12: Day 82, S09 day 2
Gaby video working with Nancy Lamb Part 3
CD#17/T06 [31m] [DVD#3 0-45] » play audio
Watched next section of Gaby Yaron with Linda. Linda on her side, top leg in front; top leg in back; taking shoulder forward/back, connecting head to pelvis, visa versa, assisting ribs/torso in conjunction with pelvis creating side bending. Small groups make story about what they saw. Replayed same section.
ATM Lesson #191 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-12: Day 82, S09 day 2
Twisting #3, arm/head variations, on side
CD#17/T07 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #413) » play audio
On L side, knees stacked, slide R hand on floor around from front to overhead, little behind to where comfortable, return. Palms together, lift R arm, fingers point to ceiling, head rolls so back of head is resting on floor, face to ceiling, take arm a little more to R, head rolls little to L, return both to beginning (facing forward relative to chest). Return to sliding R hand on floor towards overhead and behind, head moves along with arm. Repeat OS. On R side, thighs straight down under pelvis, knees bent so feet are behind, take L arm to ceiling, look at hand, imagine ray of lights from eyes to hand so connected, take L arm back towards floor, head/eyes/hand connected, moving as one, return. Repeat, going to the point of comfort, feel for what's stopping you, let it go so hand comes to floor behind, L knee can lift, return. Stay with arm behind, knee “naturally” lifted a little, as you take the knee to touch the other again, arm lifts a little. Repeat OS. On L side, R arm out to side to ceiling, take arm little farther behind, head rolls forward, return to beginning. On L side, knees bent, legs behind, take R arm towards ceiling, wrap it over top of head holding L temple, slide head/arm down to R. Repeat, add top hip moving forward when head/arm slides. On side, take top arm to ceiling, head/eyes follow, stay with arm back behind, slide knees forward like in beginning, slide hand along floor overhead, like beginning, circling over top of head, eyes/head follow whole time.
Discussion #114 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-12: Day 82, S09 day 2
Gaby video working with Nancy Lamb Part 4
CD#17/T08 [5m] [DVD#3 45-end; DVD#4 0-5] » play audio
Repeat showing of middle of the lesson.
FI Exploration #073 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-12: Day 82, S09 day 2
Pushing through torso from sit bone, on side
CD#17/T09 [24m] [DVD#4 5-28] » play audio
Demo with Si (visitor), lying on side, noting line up of bent knees, rolling pelvis holding in front/below top knee, other hand on pelvis. Then pushing from sit bone at different angles to see how force moves through torso to head.
ATM Lesson #192 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-12: Day 82, S09 day 2
Twisting #4, lifting head and bottom leg, on side
CD#17/T10 [39m] (Alexander Yanai #415) » play audio
On R side, L bent knee on floor in front of R leg, palms together, lift L arm, take back little, head rolls to face ceiling, stay, lift head, combine with lengthening R leg. Repeat, arm behind resting, lengthen, lift straight R leg with head lifting. Add L hand holding head to help the head lifting. Lift top arm towards ceiling again, take back behind only to comfort, stay twisted and do seesaw move of chest/belly. Repeat with arm a little farther back if comfortable. Return to lifting head/leg, arm helping head. Stay twisted, create hoop with arms in front, lift head/leg. Lift just head/shoulders, without leg, then add leg again. Top arm to ceiling, bottom arm holding head, lift head/leg. Roll head between to hands while leg is lifted. Top arm wrapped over top of head (still in twisted position), slide head/arm, face to ceiling, do seesaw move of chest/belly, push belly out as head/arm slides. Return to arm to ceiling, bottom arm holding head, lift head/shoulders and straight bottom leg. Get up, walk around, return to floor, do short hand version on other side.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 83 Wednesday February 13, 2008.
Discussion #115 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-13: Day 83, S09 day 3
Gaby video working with Nancy Lamb Part 5
CD#17/T11 [16m] [DVD#4 28-56] » play audio
Showed end of lesson. Little discussion. Repeat showing of beginning of the lesson.
ATM Lesson #193 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-13: Day 83, S09 day 3
Bending backwards, touching heels, standing
CD#17/T12 [51m] (Alexander Yanai #437) » play audio
Stand, feet slightly spread, take pelvis forward, allow knees to bend when happens, take chin from chest, eyes look up. Repeat small/quickly. Repeat with face to L, look to L heel, lift R heel, note shoulders turning. ROB. Repeat OS. Return to original, looking up, lift both heels. Stay with head back, pelvis forward, lift R heel, quickly. Repeat OS, then lifting both heels. Attention to no pressure on toes. Both hands to L, pelvis forward, look to L heel, think hands to L heel, lift R heel, lift L heel. Lift L heel quickly many times. ROB. Return to original movement. Stay back, lift R heel many times, then L heel, then both. Both hands to R, repeat from OS. ROB. Stand, arms out to sides, shoulder height, repeat pelvis forward, looking up, several times. Stay looking up, lift one heel, other, both. ROB. Stand, both hands to L heel, lift L heel. Repeat to R. Alternate. Kneel on R knee/L foot, L hand on L knee, R hand on R heel, bring pelvis forward, add L arm to ceiling, turn head, look to R/L hand alternately. Repeat OS.
FI Exploration #074 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-13: Day 83, S09 day 3
Compression through C7, on side
CD#17/T13 [16m] [DVD#5 0-18] » play audio
Demos with Michael and skeleton.
FI Exploration #075 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-13: Day 83, S09 day 3
Moving shoulder, holding elbow, on side
CD#17/T14 [48m] [DVD#5 18-end] » play audio
Demo with skeleton and then with Barb D. Sitting at head, person on side, hold upper arm from elbow and shoulder, move shoulder forward/back, relative to elbow. Move up/down, relative to elbow. Move elbow/shoulder in opposite directions. Discussion about proximal/distal, flexion/extension, mature behavior. Demo with Cheryl.
Editor's notes: Don Johnson of the California Institute of Integral Studies attempted to develop a meta language for describing somatic systems, difficult to do without a relation to practice.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 84 Thursday February 14, 2008.
FI Exploration #075 continued – Dennis Leri 2008-02-14: Day 84, S09 day 4
Moving shoulder, holding elbow, on side
CD#17/T15 [1m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #194 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-14: Day 84, S09 day 4
Twisting #5, reaching for heels behind, on side
CD#16/T16 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #427) » play audio
On back, feet standing, seesaw breathing. Lie on R side, knees bent, feet behind, hips are open in front, take L arm behind on floor, leave there, roll head R and back to face ceiling. Repeat OS. Same position, on R side, R arm little overhead on floor, L arm wrapped over top of head, slide head down/back, feel belly moves forward. Repeat OS. Repeat position on R side, lift/lower L knee while head/arm stays down to side. Same side/position, sliding head/arm down to R, take L hip forward. (Break in note taking.) On L side, take R arm/hand down back towards heels behind; add lifting R leg and bringing ankle to meet the hand, hand to ankle. Repeat OS. On R side, (twisted as usual), hands behind head, lift head, bring L hip forward. On L side, twisted, reach R hand to L heel/ankle behind, lift head to reach.
Discussion #116 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-14: Day 84, S09 day 4
Proximal/distal, flexion/extension
CD#17/T17 [19m] [DVD#6 0-18] » play audio
Demo with Cheryl.
FI Exploration #076 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-14: Day 84, S09 day 4
Push/pull through arm to C7, on back
CD#17/T18 [16m] [DVD#6 18-32] » play audio
Demos with Robert S.
ATM Lesson #195 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-14: Day 84, S09 day 4
Twisting #6, seesaw moves while twisted, on side
CD#17/T19 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #430) » play audio
On R side, extend arms in front, palms together, L knee on floor forward of R leg, R leg straightened a bit, lift straight L arm, follow hand with eyes/head. What stops hand from going to floor behind? Allow L knee to lift. Continue, allow L hand to come towards floor in back, knee lifted then start returning knee to floor, hand will come a little away from floor. Take arm to floor behind again, allow knee to lift, stay there, expand chest, pull in belly, visa versa. Do “seesaw” movement small/quick. Lower knee to floor, note if hands stays closer to floor. Repeat-other side. On R side, L knee on floor, turn face to ceiling, L hand on forehead, turn head L, eyes follow elbow. Stay with head rolled L, lift L knee until elbow touches floor, lower knee so elbow lifts, moving from pelvis. Remain with elbow on floor, knee lifted, do “seesaw” movement of chest/belly. Pause, take knee to floor, elbow lifts and repeat “seesaw.” Repeat-other side. On back, arms out at shoulder height, palms to ceiling, R leg in air to ceiling, R leg to floor on L. Follow foot with eyes. As foot comes near floor, extend through heel, allow R shoulder to lift. Remain with R leg to L, do “seesaw” moves. Same position, stay with R foot on floor to L, hold over top of head with R hand, slide head/arm down to R, face stays towards ceiling, allow shoulders/chest to turn R. Stay with head to side, do “seesaw”, quickly. Repeat-other side. On front, arms out at shoulder height, bend knees, L ear on floor, join knees, take heels to butt, bend toes up, then extend legs/feet/toes. Repeat with just R leg then L. On front, legs touching, knees bent, separate feet. Stay with feet apart, knees touching, move pelvis R/L. Repeat with face to L.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 85 Friday February 15, 2008.
FI Exploration #076 continued – Dennis Leri 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Push/pull through arm to C7, on back
Not recorded.
Switch roles.
Discussion #117 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Learning how to learn
CD#17/T20 [18m] » play audio
Discussion about FI exploration. Content and process.
ATM Lesson #196 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Twisting #7, foot through gap, twiddling toes, on back
CD#17/T21 [41m] (Alexander Yanai #431) » play audio
On back, stand L foot, open R knee to side, slide R foot through gap of L foot/pelvis. Stay with foot through gap, slide L arm/hand towards L heel. Add, L arm over top of head, slide head/shoulders down/L. Pause down to side, reach R big toe with L hand, fold big toe towards sole of foot. Stay with R foot through gap, bring outside of L ankle to rest on R thigh, hold and fold the L big toe. Add holding R big toe with L hand so holding both feet with both hands, turning the feet, soles towards ceiling so the knees go towards the floor. Foot through gap, bend each toe. Repeat OS. Have both feet in hands, legs cross (like before), hold feet, take knees away/down, slide onto top of head. Switch legs, repeat. Arms/legs long, push belly forward, slide back of head to come onto top of head. L foot through gap, bend toes, bring L leg out and place outside of L ankle on R thigh, R foot still standing, bending toes, slowly straighten R leg, continue bending toes. Hold both feet, legs crossed, take knees towards floor, slide onto top of head. Hold both feet, legs crossed, swing legs overhead and roll up to sit. Repeat several times then switch leg crossing and hand hold while legs/feet are overhead.
Discussion #118 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Gaby lesson with Linda F.
CD#17/T22 [21m] [DVD#6 31-end, DVD#7 0-10] » play audio
Watched video and then short discussion. Some of video was audible this time so those parts were recorded.
Discussion #119 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Awake, awareness & altered states
CD#17/T23 [62m] [DVD#7 10-end] » play audio
All kinds of good stuff in this one. Worth the listen.
Editor's notes: Tres: in order to form a clear intention, is it necessary to clarify the image of what you would like to do? Dennis: in a lesson, you can give someone something they need; or a present, something completely novel. Clear intention relates to Karl Pribram's “image of achievement.” When we act we have some sense of where we're heading and its completion. In FI or ATM, we can engage in organic learning where there's no image of achievement; kids also don't have this sort of image of action. Tres: relating how we find the idiosyncratic way a person moves in FI to the natural process of variation from formal technique when learning aikido. Dennis: aikido has a unique emphasis on the principle of continuing the action; engaging an action and continuing it, remaining engaged, and exhausting it. In the Method, we use our idea of upright posture and the availability of movement in six directions as a sort of lens to see what people do optimally, then graft onto that something they can make larger, or different, etc. It's really a felt sense; all of our technique grows out of the dynamic we set up; there's an endless proliferation of technique.
Cross-motivation, parasitic action and the work of Émile Coué: when people want to do something, but really want to not do something else. Moshé said that this is when accidents happen and we don't succeed. Moshé had been insistent his work was not suggestion or hypnosis based on his exposure to Coué. On meeting Milton Erickson, he realized Erickson used naturalistic trance. Erickson's idea of the value of trance was not to put people into it, but to bring them out of the daily entrancements we all have. Any trance is necessarily regression, this is the source of its effectiveness; it's already embedded in a world of action. Dennis: story of watching Moshé work with a woman in Israel shortly after Dennis had visited Erickson; Moshé demonstrating how the Method could be used as a trance induction tool; then engaging the person differently, with a sense of sounding out possibilities (as in sonar, where Moshé had expertise) in order to find a sense of valency, of potency. This aspect of the Method is very ambitious, looking beyond simply reducing neurosis to evoking a thirst for direction. Tres: learning in FI: “Oh, so that's how I do that.” Dennis: yes, or, “Oh, that's how one does that,” it's almost impersonal. This sort of learning may be useful in any situation; this is in fact where Moshé wanted to go. Action arises out of a sensitivity to the environment, internal and external; if only internal it's not really related to the world around oneself. Moshé had great aspirations for his work. Contrasting genius and talent: developing something versus finding applications for it.
Kim: options, resilience, and Moshé's definition of health. Dennis: story of two boys, “archetypal nerds,” chemicals, and rockets, burning his hand, and being in shock until the moment the nurse inserted the needle for a shot, when his whole life appeared in an instant; people can have similar experiences of their temporo-spatial orientation collapsing into an incredibly expansive moment in lessons. Dennis on Peter Levine's approach to traumatic experience: “I agree with his premise but not his methodology.” David Grove, creator of Clean Language, has an Ericksonian approach to trauma. There is consonance between the Method and this approach, with a regression to earlier states of organization; then going through the traumatic event symbolically, not actually, with the skills and strengths you need to survive it rather than going through it weak, again and again.
Conversation with James: “spiritual warfare” and altered states of consciousness. Moshé said: give me a definition of consciousness, and I'll tell you if it's altered. Cheryl: as we become more aware, isn't that an altered state of consciousness? Dennis: Awareness is something very different; awareness and consciousness are apples and oranges. In ATM, we may mistakenly assume that awareness is the result of some action. Rather, we quiet or give up a sense of grasping and shortsightedness, and uncover our innate nature; the human capacity for awareness of this kind is likely unique. The hard part is to bring it back into the world. Accepting the consequences of your actions: assume you will be found out and, if you can't accept the consequences of an action, don't do it; topical example in the behavior of Ted Haggard. Moshé's example of the difference between being awake and aware: being awake in the morning but not knowing where you are. Moshé used the relationship between speed, velocity, acceleration, and jerk as a metaphor for the relationship between being awake or conscious, and being aware. Real awareness is extremely vital; that's the challenge, to live it.
ATM Lesson #197 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-15: Day 85, S09 day 5
Lowering heel, taking hip back, standing at chair
CD#17/T24 [37m] (Alexander Yanai #443) » play audio
Stand behind chair, hands on back of chair, bend R knee, lift heel. Repeat with R foot half step back. Note hip joint moving forward/back. Repeat OS. Lean on R forearm on back of chair, repeat movement. Repeat OS. Walk backwards, heel touches lightly, feel erecting with each step. Walk in circles backwards to R/L.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 86 Monday February 18, 2008.
ATM Lesson #198 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-18: Day 86, S09 day 6
Edges of the feet lifting/lowering, on back
CD#18/T01 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #433) » play audio
On back, bend knees, stand feet, lift inside edges of feet. Quickly. Lift outside edges. Quickly. Alternate inside/outside.
Stand R foot, bend L knee out to side, slide L foot between R foot/butt, lift outside edge of R foot without moving R knee. Repeat with legs switched. Stand R foot on L foot, L knee on floor, lift inside/outside edge of R foot alternately.
Same position, add: L hand on forehead, roll head R/L while lifting inside edge of R foot. Ease of head each direction?
Same, roll head L/middle only and lift inside edge. Repeat rolling head R/middle only. Roll head R/L, lift inside edge.
Stand R foot on L, lift outside edge of R, R hand on head, roll L/middle. Roll head R. Roll R/L. Lift inside/outside. Note timing/coordination. Vary: Roll L/lift outer, roll L/lift inner while still alternating R/L roll and in/out lift.
Repeat 3-6 with L foot standing on R. Try each hand rolling. Stand R foot on inside of lower L leg near L knee, lift R/L edges. Let R knee open to side so outer edge rests on L leg, same movement of ankle when lifting edges of foot. Mimic movement with L foot that's on floor. Move feet same time. Repeat with L leg on top, knees open sides. Sit, open knees, one leg on other, hands on floor behind, lift pelvis, knees come towards standing. Change over top leg. On back, soles together, press inner edges together then outer. Soles a little apart, same movement of ankles.
Discussion #120 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-18: Day 86, S09 day 6
Edges of the feet ATM
CD#18/T02 [24m] » play audio
Judith, Brian, Laura & Michael shared impact of “edges of feet” lesson. Marge asked Brian about how to fake a move. Dennis—reverse engineer the lesson, deconstruct. You could start with sitting in lotus position and look at the involvement of the legs. Japanese feet. Shoes, wear all sorts. Orthotics.
FI Exploration #077 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-18: Day 86, S09 day 6
Feel along the spine
CD#18/T03 [10m] [DVD#8 0-9] » play audio
Person on side, other feel along spine, sensing for differences side to side and above and below.
FI Exploration #077 continued – Dennis Leri 2008-02-18: Day 86, S09 day 6
Feel along the spine
CD#18/T04 [2m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #199 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-18: Day 86, S09 day 6
Lift/lower front of foot, straightening knee, touching big toe, standing
CD#18/T05 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #444) » play audio
Stand, feet little spread, bend head/back, folding, arms hang; add bending knees; add lifting R heel, R knee floats forward, R side of pelvis comes forward, note turning so head is going to L as R hip comes forward. Walk, stop, repeat OS. Repeat original bending, alternate lifting R/L heels. Note head goes opposite lifting heel. Add, hands on knees. Attention: no pressure on toes. Walk. Bend, hands on knees, when bending R knee more, lifting R heel, also slide R hand down lower R leg (outside), hand sliding down coordinated with heel lifting. Erect slowly. Repeat OS. Walk. Bend/fold, arms hanging, lift both heels. Attention: no pressure on toes. Walk. Hands on knees, alternate lifting heels. Add sliding R hand down inside of lower L leg. Walk, repeat OS, L hand down R leg. Walk. Bend both knees, lift both heels, slide both hands down outsides of respective legs. Starting with hands at knees, lifting heels/hands sliding are simultaneous. While hands are near floor/heels, alternately lift heels, quickly. Lift both heels same time, faster. Walk. ROB. Stand, bend/fold, arms hanging forward. Pause, lift front of R foot, heel stays on floor, R knee straightens, pelvis turns, L side of pelvis comes forward/R backwards. Add, R hand slides down inside of lower L leg, as R foot lifts. Pause, repeat OS. Walk. Return to lifting R foot, L hand slides down inside R lower leg, reach for R big toes. Pause, walk, repeat OS. Bend/fold, lifting fronts of both feet. Add hands coming towards big toes, R to R, L to L. As fronts of feet lift, knees straighten, hands/toes come together. Pause, walk. Bend/fold, hands sliding down outside of lower legs while heels lift. Alternate, think of holding heel as hand approaches. Walk. Bend, lift toes of R foot, both hands slide down R lower leg. Straighten knee, heel to floor, pelvis to L. Repeat with L leg.
Both hands to both feet, lift feet, hold big toes, straightening knees. Walk. Stand, fold, arms hanging forward, note hands near floor.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 87 Tuesday February 19, 2008.
ATM Lesson #200 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
Twisting #8, arm/leg in opposition, on side
CD#18/T06 [36m] (Alexander Yanai #434) » play audio
On R side, roll head/shoulders to face ceiling, stay, roll head with L palm on forehead. Repeat OS. R side, L palm on forehead, when elbow is pointing towards ceiling, L knee lowers, as elbow moves forward (to R) with head roll, L knee lifts. Repeat OS. On R side, L palm on forehead, take elbow/knee in direction of ceiling, move elbow/knee small moves in opposite directions. Repeat. OS. On L side, straighten R leg forward, arms straight out to sides at shoulder height, lift straight R leg and straight R arm so both (hand&foot) end up pointed to ceiling, return. Repeat position, bring hand/foot little from floor, lift/lower arm/leg at same time, staying lifted from floor whole time. Stay with arm/leg just off floor and teeter totter lifting/lowering hand/foot alternately. Leave arm/leg towards ceiling and move in opposite directions. Repeat OS. On L side, same position, straight arm/leg moving opp, stay with arm/leg close/parallel with floor, take arm/leg upward towards head and then both down in direction of feet. Repeat OS. On L side, roll head with R hand, slide R knee/leg forward as head/elbow goes back to R. Repeat OS. Stand, take hip/shoulder in opposition directions.
FI Exploration #078 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
Head compression, on back
CD#18/T07 [14m] [DVD#8 9-23] » play audio
Start by finding neutral with the head, place pads, roll head, push through C7, push/pull from pelvis/legs, return to head, press through top of head 3 times or less, not looking for movement, just feeling through the spine to pelvis. Discussion: Dennis' suggestion to practice between segments. Only practice with head supported by pads at neutral level, rather than trying to hold head with one hand, compressing with other.
Discussion #121 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
About FI Exploration and questions
CD#18/T08 [38m] » play audio
Story about Moshé putting his head against the wall, get 80% of effect of headstand just standing at the wall. Abi: not needing to see it and just having an impulse to push and don't. Tres: the ATM lessons not relating to the FI practice. James: ratio between ATM & FI with clients? Dennis: starting with ATM can give them the idea of what we feel is important to pay attention to. In ATM people are taking more responsibility. Story of working with paralyzed woman. Only need 5% of nerve going through spine if spine is isn't totally severed so can create function from the growth of dendrites. Visualizing previous movements, the brain grows and organizes to get function back. Pam: people's self image as disabled.
Discussion #122 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
Gaby video with Nancy MacAllister
CD#18/T09 [20m] [DVD#8 23-59] » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #079 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
Pushing through sitbone and top side of spine, sidelying
CD#18/T10 [7m] [DVD#9 0-7] » play audio
ATM Lesson #201 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-19: Day 87, S09 day 7
Taking tail back #1, bending ankles, knees, hip, on back & standing
CD#18/T11 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #449) » play audio
On back, legs joined, bend ankles/feet up/down. Allow knees to bend forward when feet bend up. Inhale as feet come up towards face, exhale as bend down/away. Add lift head when feet bend down. Switch, lift head with feet bent up. Quickly. Stand, take tail back, bend R knee forward, lift heel, lift, step forward with R foot, as weight comes onto foot, let tail drop in direction of floor. Repeat OS, alternate. Add, when knee lift, bring opposite shoulder towards knee. On back, feet stand, lift hip, lift diagonal shoulder, do each quickly, combine lifting, then quick. Stand, take tail back, lift knee, opposite shoulder forward, alternately side/side. On back, stand feet lift hip, quick, slow. Lift opp shoulder, quick, slow. Stand feet, take tail back/down to floor, quick. Arms/legs long, lift shoulder, quick. Stand feet, alternate lifting hips with opposite shoulder, quick. Stand, take tail back, R knee forward, lift R leg, L shoulder towards R knee, shift weight. Walk.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 88 Wednesday February 20, 2008.
ATM Lesson #202 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-20: Day 88, S09 day 8
Twisting #9, organizing details, on side
CD#18/T12 [52m] (Alexander Yanai #440) » play audio
Long scan, R/L from heels to head. Attention to breath, hold on inhale/exhale. Five lines. Bend big toes up towards top of feet. Switch to big toes bending towards soles of feet. Do 5 bends up, 5 down. Sense length of legs. Hands interlaced behind head, lift head. Lie on L side, arms straight out in front on floor, knees bent, slide bent legs back so feet are behind, lift R arm to ceiling, face follows hand, go only as far as the R knee doesn't lift. Take R arm back until feel the R knee starts to lift, play back/forth little in that range. Repeat, R arm back, R knee lifted, rock a little between lifting hand/knee. Repeat, use pushing R knee forward to draw R hand/arm away form floor behind. Repeat OS. On L side, same position, roll face to ceiling, R arm over top of head, slide back of head on floor down to R, feel torso doing the move. Repeat OS. Return to OS, repeat, scanning through self. Stay twisted, hand interlace behind head, lift head, add pushing top knee forward. Repeat OS. On back, feet stand, hands behind head, lift head/legs, elbows to knees on exhale, inhale as you lower.
Discussion #123 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-20: Day 88, S09 day 8
Omniscience, predictions, indexes & self-image as hired hand
CD#18/T13 [64m] » play audio
Laura's experience. Brian/Tres on FI/ATM connection. We manipulate the self-image, whatever it is. Cheryl FI/ATM connection. Sometimes we're feeling relationships through the skeleton, sometimes it's a person's pattern we're working with. Story of Russell Delman working with musician who didn't look at people. Michael about curiosity vs. agenda. People's uniqueness. Michael again. Dennis: finding that sense of one elegant movement where you feel, from your toe to your head, one thing. Negative hallucinations and how we rationalize our behavior in relation to them. Dynamical systems in relation to FM & Carl Ginsburg's new book. False sense of omniscience: “I'm still alive, therefore my predictions must be at least somewhat accurate.” Feeling is an immediate prediction about how to be viable. Gregory Bateson said it's the survival of the “fit.” Thoughts, feelings, and actions we predicate are based upon either a known or unknown sense of omniscience, which is false, because you can't know what's going to happen. You keep repeating the prediction until you find a situation that matches. Neurosis of holding onto a lesson causes a disconnect rather than the desired reconnect. In his book Body Consciousness (2008), philosopher and Feldenkrais practitioner Richard Shusterman talks about temporal process of ATM, spatial and temporal, R/L or beginning/end, and a sense of moving through. Dennis doesn't agree but interesting thinking in terms of history. Shusterman doesn't feel we can have a sense of singularity. Dennis feels the 5 lines is to the service of just that. Abi question about sense of singularity. Fleshy components of self can change vs. the body schema. ATM has meaning for a person, how does that happen? Cognitive science, language, George Lakoff, ways we make meaning. Metaphor bridges two things. Metonymy: metonymic operations are contiguous or part for whole. Metonymic operations relate more to felt sense of ourself and generated out of our somatic architecture. Aphasia: lose one or the other, lose the name or lose the parts. Oliver Sacks' book The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat (1985, 1998). Heinz von Foerster said, the man didn't mistake his wife for a hat; his wife was a hat. Metonymical operations are indexible, “this foot is heavy, this foot is light”; the difference doesn't exist in either foot, it's in the relationship. Erickson didn't use metaphor. He gave out a piece of information which begged for interpretation; when that started to happen, that's when his therapy began. In ATM, over the lesson we create indexes, creating a sense of self. Lessons create changes in these indexes, so the sense of self changes. The indexes in FM bring in earlier developmental pieces that make up the trunk and roots of our experience. There is a felt sense to the whole experience. It comes together as one experience. The self-image as a [metonymical] “hired hand” for a greater whole. Mature behavior is an ability to reassemble self for new situation. Language doesn't mean words; Francisco Varela: language is the coordination of coordination of action.
Editor's notes: Moshé on mature behavior: “Thinking means a new means for action.” Dennis on Erickson's Joe and Betty: there's no psychotherapy, the situation arises in the world. Joe sizes up Betty, Betty sizes up Joe... a good fit; survival of the fit. Not the fittest, but the fit.
FI Exploration #080 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-20: Day 88, S09 day 8
Combining previous practice on side
CD#18/T14 [12m] [DVD#9 7-21] » play audio
Demo with Kristen.
Discussion #124 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-20: Day 88, S09 day 8
Gaby video with Nancy MacAllister continued
CD#18/T15 [10m] [DVD#9 21-48] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #203 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-20: Day 88, S09 day 8
Taking tail back #2, bending ankle, knee, hip, on side
CD#18/T16 [42m] (Alexander Yanai #456) » play audio
On R side, L hip back, take tail back, chin lifts from throat, head back. Add bend R foot up with hip/tail going back. Add heel comes to butt when lower back arches to take tail back. Repeat with L leg lifted. Ankle, knee, hip all fold as tail goes back. Quick. Include head/chin. Repeat. OS. On back, feet stand, tail to floor, add front of foot lifted, lean on heels. Alternate legs. Return to both legs. On R side, bend feet up/down, add tail/hip back, feel up to head/chin, quick. Repeat OS. Stand, join legs, take tail/head back, knees/ankles/hips bend, chin forward/up.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 89 Thursday February 21, 2008.
Discussion #125 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-21: Day 89, S09 day 9
Linguistics and levels of function
CD#18/T17 [48m] » play audio
Linguistic universals: work of cognitive scientist George Lakoff, based on the work of anthropologist and psychologist Eleanor Rosch. Groupings, e.g., chair/furniture. Classifying ATMs, positions, primary movements. Moshé didn't classify but the students did. Large ideas like lying on the side, twisting back, shaping in that way. People talk about function but it can be different scales. Different trainers speak at different scales. Example, being twisted with leg/arm in opposition and teeter totter between so you address vertebrae like series we're doing. Small groups discuss and share. Tres: difference between process and function and reversibility. Unlearning? Unhealth? Is function reversible. Function, action to service of intention and cardinal functions of Alan's description. Kristen: in lesson from Moshé's book The Master Moves (1984), chapter Twisting to Floor, pp. 39–40: coming to stand from sitting using thumb in non-functional way may inhibit the larger action; the parts of a larger function as function. Reversibility: Moshé said that, reversing, going down to floor, is more important than coming to stand. Brian: distinctions between levels of function: moving one vertebra, moving whole spine, walking/running/breathing as next level. Dennis defines vertebra level as only functional if it's in relation to transmission of force. When the tissue is dampening the transmission of force then it's like the skeleton doesn't exist, functionally. When it gets clear it registers as an image, kinetic or whatever. It forms out of the foreground/background and emerges as a form. Shira: clarity and fluidity give sense of self to move in the world. Integration comes out of differentiation. Abi: we're functioning already at some level, within that the question of what is/isn't function is relative. Optimal/ideal, all or nothing? The organic process of our self-image grows for more ability and our unavowed dreams. You can withstand shock and you have a sense of destiny or dream. James: learn/unlearn, slipping into an old/bad habit under certain conditions. Dennis: Alan Fogel wrote a book on development without using the word “learning.” James: moving with scoliosis, viable? Dennis: reference to book by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, The Mind and the Brain: Free will, or free won't? Choice implies a menu of something you know. Eugene Gendlin's work, Focusing. Something, felt sense emerging. Learn to discern the shapes of the movements people make and the meaning; shaping through time and structure.
Editor's notes: Dennis, et al: Interview with Moshé (1977) on martial arts; can new learning or organization be lost in new situations? Yes, and this is positive, as it shows there is more to develop; what is optimal at this time may be only provisionally optimal, something else may be more viable or optimal later.
[Dennis' interview with Moshé also includes the story of Moshé's meeting Kanō Jigorō and beginning judo training; mentions Mikinosuke Kawaishi; describes Gunji Koizumi doing the “five winds” movement; and offers Moshé's views on ki (Japanese, Chinese (chi or qi), 氣). Alan Fogel's staff page at the University of Utah states his influences include the work of Jean Piaget, and J. J. Gibson's “ecological psychology.” His bio at Psychology Today states he is also a licensed massage therapist and a Rosen Method bodywork practitioner.]
ATM Lesson #204 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-21: Day 89, S09 day 9
Twisting #10, reaching for foot behind, on side
CD#18/T18 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #441) » play audio
Scan, all places making contact and not, shaping of breathing, lower belly/back. On R side, bend knees, take down under hips so feet are behind, slide bent legs back behind, head back, whole body back. On R side, knees/lower legs bent back, head/shoulders rotated back to L, reach for L heel, L hand towards L heel. L palm facing forward towards ceiling, reaching down, head/shoulders slide L, face stays to ceiling. Continue, add sliding L hand to foot. Repeat OS. On R side, repeat first move of extending whole self, stay twisted to L, L hand down in direction of L foot, slide foot towards hand, reach to hold foot, thumb with fingers, several times. Reach for foot, hold/lift foot. Repeat OS. On R side, L knee on floor in front, L hand stand in front, slide R bent leg back, pause, twist to bring L arm/hand behind, slide L hand in direction of R foot. Pause, continue, reach hand to foot. Repeat OS. Repeat, reach to hold “top” foot with hand, lift/lower foot. On back, hands lift head, stand feet, lift head/leg, knees/elbow together.
FI Exploration #081 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-21: Day 89, S09 day 9
Push from C7 & pelvis, on side
CD#18/T19 [6m] [DVD#9 48-59] » play audio
ATM Lesson #205 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-21: Day 89, S09 day 9
Taking tail back #3, bending ankle, knee, hip, on side
CD#18/T20 [64m] (Alexander Yanai #457) » play audio
On R side, take L hip back, quick. Attention: L shoulder forward, chin/jaw. ROB. R side, take L shoulder forward, relation to chin/jaw, head moves backwards. Just the shoulder without head/chin, pause, now just chin/jaw without shoulder. Put together again, add L hip back, feel ribs/armpit against floor, sternum forward/up. ROB. On R side, bend L ankle, foot towards face, quick. Pause, continue add bring heel to buttock. Add L hip moves back, bend foot/knee/hip, knee to face, quick. Add in the chin, quick. ROB, note sides, stand, walk. Repeat on L side. On back, bend knees, roll tail to floor, note head/chin, quick. Stand feet, repeat tail back, lift front of feet, lean on heels, quick. On R side, bend both feet to head; bend/extend, quickly, sensing small toes, edges of feet form of feet together. Just L foot, just R foot, both. Take heels to butt, knees to chest, hip back, shoulder/chin forward, quick. ROB. Repeat OS. Stand, join feet/knees, take hips back, hip/knees/ankles bend, chin up/head back, most pressure on heels. Take one hip back, knee forward, heel lift, shoulder back. Repeat OS. Alternate.
Short discussion at end.
S09 – Dennis Leri. Day 90 Friday February 22, 2008.
ATM Lesson #206 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-22: Day 90, S09 day 10
Twisting #11, on side
CD#18/T21 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #447) » play audio
On R side, knees bent down under, roll head/shoulders to ceiling, roll head L/center quickly. Lift/lower L shoulder, quickly. Reach L hand, palm down, to feet. L arm behind head, lift, quick. Repeat OS. On back, legs joined, bend ankles, either heels fixed or slide, without bending knees, coordinated with breath. Repeat, one ankle at a time, with breath, quickly, then both same time, quickly. Legs joined, bend both ankles/feet up, inhaling, exhaling as bend away. Add interlaced hands lifting head when feet bend up, inhaling, exhale when lowering head. Join legs, bend knees, stand feet, lift front of foot, balance on heels, press heels, tilting pelvis, head moves. Repeat quickly. On L side, L arm under head, knees bent down under, R hand standing on floor in front, lift lower R foot, quickly, not shoulder. Leave foot down, do movement of torso/shoulder. Return to lift R foot. Leave foot, take pelvis forward/back, quick. Start in same position then take R leg back behind L, turn head/shoulder to R, R palm down, slide hand towards R foot, quickly. Same position, L hand behind head, lift head, R hand on chest/ribs, indicating softening when lifting head. Repeat OS. On back, join legs, bend ankles/feet up/down with breath. Bend knees, join legs, lift foot to lean on heels, interlaced hands lift head while front of feet stay lifted, push heels into floor, rolling pelvis. Repeat with head resting on floor. Add lifting head again, quickly. Legs long, spread, arms crossing chest, hands hug opposite shoulder, roll side/side, head goes along with arms, pause, take head opposite arms. Repeat with arms other crossing.
ATM Lesson #207 – Diana Razumny 2008-02-22: Day 90, S09 day 10
Taking tail back #2, dragging heels, on back & side
CD#18/T22 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #458) » play audio
On back, bend R knee, drag R heel on floor toward pelvis, quick. Repeat OS. R leg in air, knee bent, knee to face. Stand foot, note breath. Lift bent leg, bring knee to chest, quick without effort in chest. Repeat OS. Note if roll R/L. Drag heels on floor again, quickly without holding breath. Join legs, bend feet towards face, big toes together, quickly. Repeat, bending knees, quickly. Legs apart, bend knees, lift feet from floor, knees to belly, bend feet without holding breath/chest. Pause, do 5 movements, pause, do 10 moves. Extend legs, lift R leg in air, sole to ceiling, pull straight leg to face, help with R hand behind knee, quickly. Pause, lift R leg without help of hands. Pause, use L hand to help R leg, quickly. Repeat OS. Lift both legs spread, legs towards head without lifting pelvis or bending knees. Do 3 quick move, pause, 3 more. Repeat with legs joined together. Legs long, lift/lower lumbar, tail back. Legs spread little, , take tail back, bend feet/knees u, heels on floor, bely forward, tail backward, quickly. Repeat one leg at a time then both legs joined together, quickly. Bend feet/knees, drag heels on floor, belly forward, tail backwards. Legs spread, think R heel to pelvis, quickly. Repeat OS. Repeat both legs, drag heels, tail back, repeat with legs joined together. On R side, L leg on floor behind R, bend both feet up, continue, add spreading bent legs away from each other. Repeat OS. Quickly, attention to tail going back as knees/legs spread apart. On back, lift legs, hold below knees, pull legs towards belly, quickly. Repeat with legs joined together, 5 times fast. Stand, walk.
Video 2008-02-22: Day 90, S09 day 10
Gaby video with Nancy Lamb
Not recorded.
Discussion #127 – Dennis Leri 2008-02-22: Day 90, S09 day 10
General, ATM teaching
CD#18/T23 [26m] » play audio
Shira: How did Moshé create ATMs? Chunking down a movement into parts. AY lessons were recorded and re-recorded. Brian: temporal/spatial question. Tres: ATM teaching, students wanting notes to remember the lesson.
ATM Lesson #208 – Moshé Feldenkrais 2008-02-22: Day 90, S09 day 10
Sitting rotation
CD#18/T2 [53m] (Amherst, June 17, 1980 AM) » play audio
No notes.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 91 Monday May 12, 2008.
FI Exploration #082 – Alan Questel 2008-05-12: Day 91, S10 day 1
First 3 FI moves, then 3 obscure moves
CD#19/T01 [78m] DVD#10-1 Scene 1 [158m] » play audio
Introductory comments by Bear. Alan: Learning to like yourself. Original title of advanced training with this material: Coalescing a lesson. “I gave a great lesson, how come you don't you feel anything?” or “I have no idea what I'm doing, how come you feel so good?”
Five things that help make a great lesson:
- Proximal distribution of effort or movement
- Mobilizing the hip joints
- Freeing the lower abdomen
- Connecting the head to torso for orientation
- Bringing in function
Side lying—what are the first things you do as a habit? Create lists: Take hip/shoulder forward/back, same time and opposition/alternately. Bring shoulder/pelvis together/apart. Move just pelvis up/down. Lift head for sidebending. Feel along spine. Push through sitbone, add palpating along spine. Push through C7. Lift ribs from below. Stand top hand, hold elbow/shoulder, take forward/back. Lift from ankle, internally rotating hip. First things with person lying on back. Lift leg, roll from trochanter. Lift pelvis, tilt pelvis up/down, side/side. Lifting bent leg. Lift shoulders. Lifting head forward and down. Translate ribs side/side. Hand to face. Move C7 forward, translating. On front: lift lower leg, roll leg. Lift chest. Roll pelvis. Lift bent leg—take to side. Lift shoulders. Lift head. Lift shoulders, translate ribs. Partners: Receiver chooses position, practitioner do three things over and over. No talking. Discussion afterwards.
After break with same partner do three obscure or unfamiliar moves from handout. Repeat as before. Then switch. Large group discussion.
ATM Lesson #209 – Alan Questel 2008-05-12: Day 91, S10 day 1
Pressing/lifting ribs, on side
CD#19/T02 [57m] DVD#10-1 Scene 2 [59m] (Alan) » play audio
On back, scan. On side of choice, press ribs into floor. Press middle of ribs, how is it different than first time? Lift same ribs. Press/lift same ribs. ROB. Return to same side, sense ribs opposite ribs were pressing, imagine hand, push ribs into hand. Alternate pressing/pulling away ribs from imaginary hand. ROB. Same side, lift middle ribs away from floor, pause, push opposite ribs into imaginary hand, note differences. Pause. Press middle ribs into floor, pause, pull opposite ribs away from imaginary hand. Repeat sequence with lower ribs. Repeat full sequence with upper ribs. Bring “top” shoulder/hip together, pause, think of “bottom” hip/shoulder move apart. Reverse to bringing “bottom” hip/shoulder together, “top” side separating. Think both activities at same time, top apart, bottom together. Return to middle ribs pressing/lifting, note differences from beginning.
FI Exploration #083 – Alan Questel 2008-05-12: Day 91, S10 day 1
Proximal distribution, on side
CD#19/T03 [18m] DVD#10-1 Scene 3 [53m] » play audio
Working with proximal distribution. Demo: Brian lying on side, moving shoulder forward/back; pelvis forward/back. Think of all ways to inform person to move more evenly distributed through torso only touching from bottom of pelvis to top of shoulder, no more. Move ribs forward/back; lift along spine; bring pelvis/ribs together/apart; lift ribs by scooping up under table side of ribs. When practicing, think of other side, i.e. moving top shoulder, think about bottom one against the table.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 92 Tuesday May 13, 2008.
Discussion #128 – Alan Questel 2008-05-13: Day 92, S10 day 2
Lessons and recipes
CD#19/T04 [16m] DVD#10-2 Scene 1 [18m] » play audio
Shira question. Abi about how much pressure. Recipe. First lessons were just by positions. Gradually putting dots on paper, eventually a rabbit in hat when lines drawn. Emergent quality in lessons. Creative process—rare to arrive where you think. Back pain and co-contraction. Holding belly tight.
ATM Lesson #210 – Alan Questel 2008-05-13: Day 92, S10 day 2
Sacral Clock
CD#19/T05 [48m] DVD#10-2 Scene 2 [48m] (Alan) » play audio
On back, imaginary small clock on back of sacrum. Go between 6/12, 3/9, then circle each direction. Cross right ankle on left thigh, sacral clock again. Note how you adjust to keep clock round. Repeat with left ankle crossed on right thigh, repeat. Legs long, sacral circle. Cross right ankle on left thigh again, circle keeping it a true circle then allowing circle to be distorted. Repeat on other side. On hands and knees, flex/extend. Repeat but imagine eyes on sit bones, looking up/down. Repeat with attention on top of pubic bone directing it towards and away from floor. On hands and knees, imagine eyes in crease of hip joints and the eyes open/close with the previous movement. Alternate between eyes in different places then just do the movement. On back, hold pubic bone, lifting it up, while holding it up, move 12/6. Repeat but while pushing down on pubic bone. Return to straight legs, sacral clock.
FI Exploration #084 – Alan Questel 2008-05-13: Day 92, S10 day 2
Proximal distribution, on side continued
CD#19/T06 [43m] DVD#10-2 Scene 3 [118m] » play audio
Demo with Kristen. Repeat from previous practice. Add lifting pelvis, “folding” pelvis, lifting belly and lower slowly.
Discussion #129 – Alan Questel 2008-05-13: Day 92, S10 day 2
Interview questions and request
CD#19/T07 [29m] DVD#10-2 Scene 4 [40m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #211 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-13: Day 92, S10 day 2
Sitting on the heels #1
CD#19/T08 [52m] DVD#10-2 Scene 5 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #190) » play audio
Kneel, lean L hand on L heel, toes extended. Stand R foot, lean on L heel, hold/move heel side/side.
Sit, legs forward, bend L leg back without using hands. L hand on L heel, roll heel in/out. Same position, pull each toe individually and then as group. Return to heel in/out. Kneel, L knee, R foot, lean on L heel, take L/R. On back, stand R foot, rest outside of L ankle on R thigh, slide fingers between big/2nd toe, wrap fingers around top of 4 toes, thumb on bottom of foot, twist toes/foot so L knee goes away, sole of foot towards face. Continue with R leg straightened down on floor. Kneel, R foot standing, L hand on L heel, roll heel R/L. Think peg between space of big/2nd toes, turning around peg with heel moving L/R. Kneeling, R foot standing, hands on floor, lower pelvis to heel, alternate R/L. Move heel with buttock moving R/L. ROB, note difference in feeling of feet/legs. Stand, walk, pause, go up/down on toes of R foot then L. On back, remember what was done. Kneel with L foot standing, R hand on R heel, take R/L. Sit with R leg back, L leg extended, move R heel L/R. Fold toes. On back, R ankle on L thigh, L foot standing, wrap fingers around top of toes, between big/2nd, bend toes, twist foot, sole towards face, knee moves away/down, heel turns, lower leg bones move in knee. Kneel, L foot standing, R hand on R heel, take R/L. Hands on floor, lower pelvis to heel, then R/L of heel. ROB.
On back, bring R foot near R of pelvis, bend toes, twist foot, turn foot so heel comes up, slide toes. Can roll L to help bring R leg bent back. Palm presses on bottom of heel, take heel R/L. Repeat OS. Stand feet, toes turned in, heels wider, R hand to R ankle from outside, pull foot under pelvis pulling toes so only little toe is touching floor, bend foot toward buttock, L hand on toes, R on ankle. Stay and extend L leg, roll pelvis L/R. Rest, repeat with L leg.
Stand feet, hold both feet with both hands, pull feet under pelvis, big toes close to each other in middle, between buttocks. Stay, lift pelvis, feet roll on outer edge. Lift pelvis, alternate taking feet under pelvis. Stand, walk.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 93 Wednesday May 14, 2008.
Discussion #130 – Alan Questel 2008-05-14: Day 93, S10 day 3
Structure and Function
CD#19/T09 [41m] DVD#10-3 Scene 1 [42m] » play audio
How are we different? How we look, half full. We're skilled at observing and look more neutrally. How do we create evaluation that is more proactive than judgment. Identify coffee mug and different functions. Different shapes. Different functions, advantages/disadvantages. Metaphor for looking at people. Practice looking for the advantages with something that normally is judged as bad.
ATM Lesson #212 – Alan Questel 2008-05-14: Day 93, S10 day 3
Lift/lower foot/knee, on side
CD#19/T10 [49m] DVD#10-3 Scene 2 [50m] (Alan, based on “mobility of hip”/Amherst) » play audio
All fours, lift each hand/foot, all combos. On R side, lift/lower L leg. Lift/lower just L foot. Repeat, lead the lifting with little toe, return/lower leading with the big toe. Lift/lower L foot with attention to inside edges of feet in contact and breaking contact evenly and returning evenly. Leave foot down, lift L knee. Alternate lifting L knee/foot. Leave leg lifted while alternate knee/foot touching opposite knee/foot. Arms straight out in front, palms together, lift L straight arm, take arm behind, return to palms together. Leave arm behind, as return arm, lift leg, alternate. Lift arm/leg at same time, eventually continue so the R arm/leg start coming away from floor and roll all the way to L side, return. Stay on R side and lift just L leg, compare to beginning. Lift L arm, think about R shoulder joint opening/closing. Lift/lower L leg, think of R hip joint opening/closing. Lift/lower L arm/leg, thinking of R hip/shoulder. Go all the way to L side, thinking L arm/leg are bringing R arm/leg to L, alternate side/side. Go quickly side/side. Stay on R side, go slowly to other side. On hands/knee, lift L hand thinking of front of R shoulder to help. Same idea with L leg. Then lift L arm/R leg, thinking of opp diagonal hip/shoulder. Lift L arm/leg, using R hip/shoulder to stabilize. Repeat OS. Compare to beginning.
FI Exploration #085 – Alan Questel 2008-05-14: Day 93, S10 day 3
Proximal distribution, on side continued
CD#19/T11 [25m] DVD#10-3 Scene 3&4 [59 & 43] » play audio
Demo with Cheryl. Repeat from previous practice. Add pulling/pushing arm, student resists in variety of ways.
ATM Lesson #213 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-14: Day 93, S10 day 3
Sitting on the heels #2
CD#19/T12 [56m] DVD#10-3 Scene 4 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #192) » play audio
Kneel, R foot standing, stand L toes, L hand on L heel, take side/side. Pause. Still kneeling, hands on floor to sides of R foot, lift L knee from floor, think of sending L heel back towards floor. Direction of heel? Pressure on toes? Between big/2nd toe. Stay with knee lifted a little, move it up/down so ankle bends/unbends. Rest on back, note diff in feet standing.
Repeat above on OS. ROB. Stand feet, lift pelvis high, R hand to R ankle, pull foot under pelvis, foot standing on the toes, pelvis against heel, push on toes to drive knee forward then return. Ankle straightens/bends, hands holding foot to help. Note pressure between big/2nd toes. Other leg helps relieve pressure of pelvis on foot. ROB. Repeat OS. Return to R heel under pelvis, weight between big/2nd toe, hands help arrange toes then take heel R/L then circle heel. Note R knee circles. Reverse. ROB, repeat OS. L heel moves L of L buttock then to R (middle of cheeks) Kneel, stand toes, lean on heels with both hands (L on L, R on R), push pelvis/belly forward. Stay lifted, move heels away from each other/apart, note pressure between big/2nd toes. No need to lean whole weight on heels. Lighten weight by pushing belly forward. On back, stand feel, lift pelvis, pull R heel under pelvis, toes standing, lift/move pelvis to outside/inside of heel. Note knee goes towards floor as pelvis lifts. R heel between buttocks, both hands holding foot, take knee forward towards floor to touch. Elbows on floor for help, lift shoulders if need be, lean on head. Pause. Repeat OS. Kneel, stand toes, bring heels together/touch, spread knees, hands on floor in front, lift knees, take heels to floor, hands stay on floor whole time. When on toes, heels are touching. Head lowers when heels go to floor, arms/hands between legs. Continue, take knees together towards floor and separate knees when lifted. Start to circle knees, sitting on heels whole time as much as possible. Change direction of circles. ROB. Stand feet near pelvis, catch ankles, bring closer to pelvis, heels touching, lift shoulders, lean on elbows, open knees, start circling. Pressure stays between big/2nd toes. Reverse direction. Pause, slide onto head, pull on ankles to slide so knees go towards floor. Go up/down. Heels touching go down less, up more. Get up, walk.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 94 Thursday May 15, 2008.
Discussion #131 – Alan Questel 2008-05-15: Day 94, S10 day 4
Levels of attention in Functional Integration
CD#19/T13 [75m] DVD#10-4 Scene 1 [76m] » play audio
Kristen: on the edge. How do you look for what you don't know? Disperse attention. What is an FI? Where do we begin? Listening to self/other in context of contact/connection. Feel quality of tonus. Comfort. Ray: movement of “energy.” Michael: drawn to something. Feeling quality. Feel seen/heard. Aspects of movement? Range, ease, starts/stops, weight, effort, connectedness, location/relation of parts to whole, transmission of force, what doesn't move/isn't included, trajectory, a/symmetry, breathing, awareness, rate/speed/pacing, agonist/antagonist, theme, planes of action, fundamental moves of spine, bend/reach/turn/lift/push/press (3D in environment). Story of Moshé falling asleep when rolling head. Stop thinking without falling asleep, out of language into sensation. Functions—walking, dancing, standing, sitting, running, golf (intention). Connected to life, curiosity. What people ask for in realm of attitudes/emotions: rid pain, more vitality, confidence, independent, taking care of self, self-image. Family system.
Editor's notes: Alan: “If you used the word ‘energy’ with Moshé, you were in for it.” Mia Segal's story of Moshé and Haruchika Noguchi [founder of seitai].
ATM Lesson #214 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-15: Day 94, S10 day 4
Sitting on the heels #3
CD#19/T14 [55m] DVD#10-4 Scene 2 [86m (includes lunch time by mistake)] (Alexander Yanai #193) » play audio
Kneel, R foot standing, stand L toes, L hand on L heel, take side/side. Pause. R hand on R knee, L hand on L heel, push L heel back/down towards floor, lean R hand on R knee and take L knee from floor. More weight on R hand/knee, direct L heel with L hand, weight on ball of foot. ROB. Repeat OS. Kneel on both knees, hands on heels, lean and lift one knee at a time. Pelvis is far forward, hand pushes heels back towards floor alternately. ROB. On back, stand fee, lift pelvis, hold R ankle with hands, stand on toes, heel R/L. Whole back moves R/L of heel. ROB. Repeat OS. Kneel, toes flat, R hand lean on R heel, take heel L/R, peg between big/2nd toes. Repeat OS. ROB. On knees, toes flat, both hands to heels, lean, belly forward head up, heels together/apart. Sit back, come up. Explore head up then hang back. ROB. On back, stand fee, lift pelvis, R hand pull R foot under pelvis, stand on toes then same with L, heels touching, toes apart, lift shoulders, push knees forward, pull ankles, head slides on floor. Return several times. ROB. Stand feet close to pelvis, lift high, reach hands from inside to hold ankle, pull under pelvis, send weight to outer edge/small toes, drive knees forward/down. Heels end up outside hips, pelvis between, move pelvis R/L, pelvis moves in relation to shoulders staying still. ROB. Kneel, stand toes, hands on heels, belly forward, lift/lower one knee then other. Pelvis high, head hanging back, lower pelvis to sit, lift lower knee. Kneel, lean on heels belly forward, head back, lift/lower each knee, push heel back to lower heel to floor. ROB. On back, stand fee, lift pelvis, pull feet under, hold from outside of ankles, heels touch, pull heels to floor then drive knees forward, alternately. Come onto head. Heels touch whole time. While knees are forward, shift all weight to R foot/leg, lift L foot in air, switch sides. ROB. Return, only with R leg, when knee is forward, lift L leg straight up towards ceiling. Repeat OS. Both feet under pelvis, heels together, knees forward, on top of head, pelvis on heels. Stay on head, lower heels to floor. Kneel, toes flat, lean on heels, sit pelvis back few times, gradually sit between heels. Pause, return to sitting between heels, turn heels in when sitting between, turn our when lift pelvis. Repeat leaning on toes, lift knee, alternate. (sit/squat?) Hands between knees on floor, knees wide, heels together, lift knees, sit on heels. Rock forward/back.
FI Exploration #086 – Alan Questel 2008-05-15: Day 94, S10 day 4
Proximal distribution, on side continued
CD#19/T15 [32m] DVD#10-4 Scene 3 [99m] » play audio
Demo with Ashley. Repeat from previous practice. Add rolling torso back with arm connected to chest and head, take shoulder/arm back, pull shoulder blade away from ribs, compress shoulder with opposite ribs in front, keep compressed between hands and roll forward/back, roll back, let go of shoulder to roll farther back. At head, connect in to spine with little compression from top of head, roll back.
FI Exploration #087 – Alan Questel 2008-05-15: Day 94, S10 day 4
FI movement into activities
CD#19/T16 [13m] DVD#10-4 Scene 4 [31m] » play audio
Demo with Ray. Simple bringing elbow and knee together while on belly and relate it to activities of daily life. Partners work with each other sliding leg up while having different activities in mind. Person receiving guesses which activity they are thinking of.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 95 Friday May 16, 2008.
ATM Lesson #215 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-16: Day 95, S10 day 5
Sitting on the heels #4
CD#19/T17 [60m] DVD#10-5 Scene 1 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #194) » play audio
On back, feet standing, pull ankles with hands to bring heels under pelvis, toes standing, heels together/toes apart, pull with hands to slide along floor, directing knees to floor then reverse, gradually come onto head. When return, think of heels going towards floor. Return to being arched, knees towards floor, leaning on head, knees are wide apart, make circles with knees, 2-3 in one direction, reverse. On back, R foot standing, both hands on R ankle, pull foot under pelvis, R heel under R buttock, pull so R knee goes towards floor. Stay, lift L leg in air, foot to ceiling, turn leg in/out (not circles). Repeat OS.
Kneel, stand toes, heels touch, spread knees, hands on floor (close together) between knees, lift knees, pelvis sits on heels, lower head. Lift/lower knees, weight between big/2nd toes. On back, R leg up towards ceiling, ankle circles—note toes/heel makes circle. Opp dir. Quickly, each dir. Repeat OS. On knees, knees wide, hands tog on floor between knees, stand on toes, lift/lower knees. This time head is up when knees are up. Instead of leaning on hands, if necessary use finger tips. Drive pelvis/knees forward/back staying upright. Return to same move except alternate knees going to floor, back is turning.
Sit on heels, hands on knees, take knees forward/back while staying upright with torso/head. On back, legs straight up in air, hold behind legs with both hands, feet/knees touching, circle at ankles, track toes/heels. Each direction. Quickly. Stand, feet little apart, bend knees, hands on knees, go down to sit on heels, heels lift from floor. Alternate knees to floor. Knee comes to floor in middle. Then past middle. Stand, heels together, bend down, hands on knees, sit on heels, take knees to floor alternately. Light/quick. Extend arms forward/shoulder height, repeat. Turn pelvis, not shoulders. Repeat, arms forward, lift/lower both knees same time. On back, heels under pelvis, hold ankles, drive knees to floor, return. Alternate knees going to floor, towards middle.
Discussion #132 – Alan Questel 2008-05-16: Day 95, S10 day 5
When to go to other modalities
CD#19/T18 [11m] DVD#10-5 Scene 2 [12m] » play audio
About Alan's foot stress fracture and when to decide to go to the doctor.
FI Exploration #088 – Alan Questel 2008-05-16: Day 95, S10 day 5
Three familiar/unfamiliar moves starting with interview
CD#19/T19 [19m] DVD#10-5 Scene 3 & 4 [102m & 8m] » play audio
Work with original partner from Monday. Three questions: Pain? Is there an activity you enjoy doing? Is there anything you would like to be better at? Short answers. Shuttle between 3 familiar things. What is it like now after exploring during the week. (hip joints, lower abdomen, proximal distribution) 20 minutes of the same 3 familiar moves, person in same position. Then unfamiliar moves.
FI Exploration #089 – Alan Questel 2008-05-16: Day 95, S10 day 5
Give 45 minute lesson including interview
CD#19/T20 [19m] DVD#10-5 Scene 5 [111m] » play audio
Demo with Michael, reviewing side lying FI moves from the week. Partners (new) exchange 45 minutes lessons that include interview and having the person stand/walk at end.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 96 Monday May 19, 2008.
Discussion #133 – Alan Questel 2008-05-19: Day 96, S10 day 6
Q & A – last week's FI, nervous system, good posture
CD#20/T01 [23m] DVD#10-6 Scene 1 [22m] » play audio
Kim: question about last week's FI. Abi: about nervous system. Alan: lengthening, How long do I do something, where do I go next, The more accurately I feel something the more I know what to do. What does self-organization mean? Less resistance to gravity, move without effort, no part of you interferes with what you want to do. How do you this? When I'm working, is my pelvis free? If pelvis free, I'm mobile. Organizing around larger muscles in my body. Free in hip joints and hands can be free. James: Moshé said good posture is being able to move in any direction without preparation.
ATM Lesson #216 – Alan Questel 2008-05-19: Day 96, S10 day 6
Mobilizing the hip joint
CD#20/T02 [49m] DVD#10-6 Scene 2 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #241) » play audio
Sit, legs spread, roll pelvis, arching back. On back, stand feet, arch back, roll pelvis towards tailbone. Interlace hands around R knee, bring knee towards you. Same position, arch back, allow knee to move away. Repeat, bringing knee towards you while you arch back. Roll pelvis/arch back without bringing knee towards you, just hold it in place. Repeat OS with non-habitual finger interlacing around L knee. Explore initiating from the movement variations to movement in the hip joint. Combine the variations. Continue with the L knee and R leg lengthened. Sit, legs straight/wide, roll pelvis/arch back, note difference. On back, hold R knee, arch back, pause, bring knee towards you, then both at same time. Cross R ankle on L thigh, hold front of ankle with L hand and front of shin below knee with R hand, arch back, add pulling R leg towards you. Return to hands interlaced below R knee, roll pelvis/pull knee, compare to beg. Sit with legs spread, roll pelvis/arch back. On back, repeat leg moves with L leg. Feet standing, arch back. Sit, legs long/wide, arch back, add arms out at shoulder height. Hold pant leg on R, arch back, lift R leg, lengthening out the R heel so knee doesn't bend. Repeat with L leg. Arch back without holding legs. On back, stand feet, hold R knee, pull towards while arching back. Repeat OS, compare. Hold each leg, knees wide, pull legs towards while arching back.
FI Exploration #090 – Alan Questel 2008-05-19: Day 96, S10 day 6
Review sidelying
CD#20/T03 [16m] DVD#10-8 Scene 3 [67m] » play audio
Demo with Shira.
FI Exploration #091 – Alan Questel 2008-05-19: Day 96, S10 day 6
Leaning over the table, kneeling #1
CD#20/T04 [42m] DVD#10-6 Scene 4 [77m] » play audio
Demo of setup with Michael and skeleton plus palpating spine, pelvis, trochanter, sit bones.
ATM Lesson #217 – Alan Questel 2008-05-19: Day 96, S10 day 6
Flipping pelvis front/back, on back and hands/knees #1
CD#20/T05 [39m] DVD#10-6 Scene 5 [41m] (Alan's puzzle lesson) » play audio
On back, feet standing, lift pelvis, feel up spine. On hands/knees, slide back of R hand on floor towards L of L knee, bring shoulder towards floor. Repeat OS. Alternate. On back, stand feet, lift pelvis shifting pressure along the L side of the back to go up and down the R side of the back to come down. Rvs circling direction. Hands/knees, slide one arm/hand under to bring shoulder to floor, repeat OS. Repeat, lift knee near hand. Lift both knees? Circle around placing/lifting knees. On back, lift pelvis, stay high, lift one foot, other, quicker like running in place. With pelvis lifted, cross one leg over the other bringing foot towards floor. Hands/knees, toes tucked, bring shoulder to floor, lift both knees, lift diagonal foot and cross it to the other side of other leg. Repeat OS. Repeat, lift leg and reach behind to floor to reverse from belly facing floor to facing ceiling. On back, stand feet, cross leg over, reach foot towards floor as if to rotate and turn. Lift pelvis and note ease.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 97 Tuesday May 20, 2008.
ATM Lesson #218 – Alan Questel 2008-05-20: Day 97, S10 day 7
Flipping pelvis front/back, on back and hands/knees #2
CD#20/T06 [45m] DVD#10-7 Scene 1 [49m] (Alan's puzzle lesson) » play audio
On back, press/lift. Stand feet, lift pelvis, note pressure under feet, areas of back. Lift pelvis, pressure going up L side of back and down R side as you lower it. Reverse. On hands/knees, slide back of R hand towards L knee. Repeat OS. Continue taking arm farther, taking weight on shoulder, lifting knee. On back, feet standing, lift pelvis high, pressure on upper back, write name across back. Leave pelvis in the air, lift one foot, the other, press to lift. Alternate quickly, running in place. Pelvis lifted, bring L foot across towards floor on the R. Repeat OS, alternate. On hands/knees, R arm under, on R shoulder, toes standing, press L toes, lift L knee, alternate R/L knee, then both knees. Repeat OS. Take R arm under, lift L leg, bring it over to the R of the R foot. Repeat OS. On back, stand feet, lift pelvis, flip pelvis so front turns from ceiling to facing the floor. Pelvis down, slide L arm along floor overhead, R arm slides down to pelvis, L hand slides over to stand on R side. Continue to other side, alternate. Lift pelvis again and continue with arms and find the time to flip the pelvis over to face the floor. Hands/knees, favorite shoulder to floor, toes for running, lift knee, take foot behind to stand. Repeat OS. On back, stand feet, lift pelvis, turn to side, imagine someone holding belt in back to lift/turn, reverse. Repeat OS. On back, lift/lower pelvis, compare to beginning.
FI Exploration #092 – Alan Questel 2008-05-20: Day 97, S10 day 7
Leaning over the table, kneeling #2
CD#20/T07 [26m] DVD#10-7 Scene 2 [77m] » play audio
Demo of setup with Linda—review yesterday's plus moving pelvis side/side with hands on trochanter/sit bones, extending along spine, flex pelvis with fists on back of pelvis, extend with fists on sitbone, side bend with hands on lower ribs and arms at trochanters, flex by lifting under lower ribs.
FI Exploration #093 – Alan Questel 2008-05-20: Day 97, S10 day 7
Leaning over the table, kneeling #3
CD#20/T08 [44m] DVD#10-7 Scene 3 [88m] » play audio
Demo with Pam.
ATM Lesson #219 – Alan Questel 2008-05-20: Day 97, S10 day 7
Sit to stand with different placement of feet, sitting on chair
CD#20/T09 [33m] DVD#10-7 Scene 4 [35m] (Alan) » play audio
Sit on table, feet on floor, come to stand, feel how you adjust your feet/legs before you stand. Put feet farther away from you and come to stand. Lean elbows on knees, flex/extend back. Come to stand, compare. Take feet farther away and come to stand. Keep taking feet rather away. Lean R elbow on L knee and L elbow on R arm, flex/extend. Pause with feet where they are, repeat OS. Come to standing. L arm lightly fisted extended straight down towards floor, L arm fisted extended straight up to ceiling, rotate arm around them selves, flex/extend. Repeat OS. Come to stand, put feet farther away, elbows to knees, eyes on sitbones, lift pelvis to see someone behind you. Pause, elbows on knees, take arms back, palms to ceiling, look at horizon and swing up to stand. Hands on head, thumbs at jaw bone, fingers wrapped around back of head, pull on head as come to stand.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 98 Wednesday May 21, 2008.
Discussion #134 – Alan Questel 2008-05-21: Day 98, S10 day 8
Art, structure and the unknown
CD#20/T10 [19m] DVD#10-8 Scene 1 [23m] » play audio
Difference between experienced practitioners and inexperienced. Actors as example of artists. Unknown—associated feelings—fear/excitement/curiosity. Feelings/emotions in FI. Neutral, able to move in any direction. Feeling of being neutral is uncomfortable. Feeling like you don't know what to do in FI is good in relation to being open to something emerging. Confusion precedes learning, sometimes.
ATM Lesson #220 – Alan Questel 2008-05-21: Day 98, S10 day 8
Sliding hands forward, side sitting
CD#20/T11 [53m] DVD#10-8 Scene 2 [54m] (Moshé?) » play audio
Side sit, L leg in front, hands on floor in front of L lower leg, slide R hand out in front, stay little forward, look up/down, round/arch back. Return to sliding R hand away, note change. Slide R hand comfortable distance, turn head to look L, stay there, look up/down. Return to sliding R hand forward, note change. On back, stand feet, L ankle on R thigh near knee, take L knee away. Make very small then extreme. Same position, lift R foot from floor so legs come towards head. Interlace hands behind head, lift head/foot same time, bring L elbow towards L knee. Repeat, bring L elbow to L knee and R to R. Side sit, L leg in front, interlace hands behind head, take elbows towards knees, continue, when elbows are down, take them forward/out/up. Side sit, kiss L knee, knee stays down, continue, kiss along leg towards foot. Return to sliding R arm out in front, stay with hand far as comfortable, look up/down. Side sit, lean on both hands in front, slide R as far as comfortable, turn head R, round/arch like before. Return to sliding R hand out, note change. Note comfortable in side sitting, switch legs to other side, note comfort. Side sit with R leg in front, hands in front, slide L hand away. Repeat OS in imagination.
FI Exploration #094 – Alan Questel 2008-05-21: Day 98, S10 day 8
CD#20/T12 [32m] DVD#10-8 Scene 3 [57m] » play audio
Interview with Abi & Brian. Groups of 3: 1 interviews other while 1 watches. Observer say if anything interviewer says is offensive. Interviewee can also say if they feel self-conscious by what was said.
FI Exploration #095 – Alan Questel 2008-05-21: Day 98, S10 day 8
Leaning over the table, kneeling #4, lifting knee onto table
CD#20/T13 [36m] DVD#10-8 Scene 4 [67m] » play audio
Demo with Michael. Review with pelvis and shoulders. Added lifting knee up onto table. Direct person to look under bridging hand on same side as knee comes up. Three variations: nose, chin, forehead directed towards knee coming up.
ATM Lesson #221 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-21: Day 98, S10 day 8
Sitting on the heels #5
CD#20/T14 [56m] DVD#10-8 Scene 5 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #195) » play audio
On back, stand feet, use hands to pull front of R ankle to slide heel under pelvis, stand on toes, take R knee down towards floor, direct weight between big/2nd toes. Rock forward/back, taking knee towards floor then heel towards floor. Angle in front of ankle increase/decreases. Repeat OS. Repeat with both heels under pelvis, as knees go to floor slide onto top of head. Heel touching, knees spread wide. Stay on head, moving only from feet/ankles, rocking on head. Kneel, heels together, knees spread, hands on floor between knees, rock back onto heels, knees lift, lower head. Move forward/back just from the feet. Alternate. R/L knees going to floor in the middle. (knee between hands) Other knee goes to side. Take both knees to floor in middle, arms straight out in front, lift one knee, replace, lift other knee. Lift both knees at the same time. Kneel, knees wide, extend toes, R hand on R heel, slide toes to middle so foot is right ankle to leg and lying on outside edge. Repeat with L foot standing. Place hands on floor, sit on heel, take pelvis side/side to move foot as before. Feel lower leg bones/knee. Repeat without leaning on hands. Repeat with L foot. Kneel, knees spread wide, big toes touching, heels spread to sides, lean sit on heels. Lift eyes while lowering head. Kneel, bend R foot at right angle, place L foot on R, sit on heels, lean on R hand behind, fingers pointing forward, lower onto elbow, reverse. Up/down several times. Add L arm in air to help come up. Switch feet, repeat. On back, feet standing, pull under pelvis, lean on toes, heels touching, take knees to floor, lean on head. Alternate knees going to floor then take both to floor.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 99 Thursday May 22, 2008.
Discussion #135 – Staff 2008-05-22: Day 99, S10 day 9
Circle meeting
CD#20/T15 [64m] DVD#10-9 Scene 1 [65m] » play audio
No notes.
Editor's notes: Reading by Alan on competence in the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition, from paper The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment (1996) by Hubert Dreyfus:
Stage 3: Competence
[13] With more experience, the number of potentially relevant elements of a real-world situation that the learner is able to recognize becomes overwhelming. At this point, since a sense of what is important in any particular situation is missing, performance becomes nerve-wracking and exhausting, and the student might wonder how anybody ever masters the skill.
ATM Lesson #222 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-22: Day 99, S10 day 9
Sitting on the heels #6
CD#20/T16 [42m] DVD#10-9 Scene 2 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #196) » play audio
On back, spread legs, lift L arm/head/shoulders, roll R come up to sitting, leaning on R elbow, return, repeat OS. Alternate. Head low, smooth/round movement. Sit, L foot behind, ankle extended, R leg straight in front, L hand on L heel, roll heel L/R, move toes to middle, ankle at right angle. Lean on R hand behind, take L elbow to floor, return to sitting. Bring R elbow to floor, return. L hand stays on L heel, alternately going down on R/L elbows. Repeat OS. On back, feet standing, L hand pulls L ankle/heel under pelvis, R hand helps, toes turned to R/mid, extend R leg, arms to sides, lift L arm, roll R coming onto R elbow, return, switch arms, alternate. Repeat OS. On back, legs long/spread, lift one arm, roll over other elbow to come up to sit, return, repeat OS, alternate. On back, stand feet, hands hold L ankle under pelvis, extend R leg, lift head, alternate turning face R/L with lifting, include lifting shoulder to roll L/R with head lift. Repeat OS. Kneel, knees wide, turn R toes inward, place top of L foot on R sole, start with hands on floor in front, sit pelvis between heels, take hands to floor behind, start going down on elbows, one at a time. Gradually start to pass from one elbow to the next, head hanging back, continually moving. Kneel, L foot with toes turned in, ankle at right angle, place R foot on R sole, lower pelvis between heels, weight of pelvis widens heels, gradually hands to floor behind. Tilt head R, go down on R elbow, return, repeat OS. Eventually go from elbow to elbow. On back, legs spread, lift arm, roll across other elbow up to sitting, return, come up other side, alternate. Kneel, R foot on L, knees together, hands on knees, round back backwards, head hangs forward, sitting back and then erect, bringing head up and lower back forward. Change feet, repeat. Quicker. Lower back rounds/arches, belly back/forward.
ATM Lesson #223 – Alan Questel 2008-05-22: Day 99, S10 day 9
Sitting with one cheek off chair with variations through feet
CD#20/T17 [52m] DVD#10-9 Scene 3 [53m] (Alexander Yanai variation?) » play audio
Sit on chair/table, note which sit bone sitting more clearly on, lift/lower each side, note ease. Sit with L buttock off chair, lift/lower buttock, turn head to look L, look up/down, add lift/lower L buttock, looking up when pelvis drops down, visa versa. L cheek off edge, turn to R, look up/down, lift/lower L buttock. Turn L, look up/down, note pelvis lift/lowers differently on this side. L cheek off, L arm over top of head, bend head side/side, lift/lower pelvis. Sit with L cheek off, arms behind head, pull L wrist with R hand, let head turn with arms, try variations, head turning with/against arm sliding. Leave head facing forward, slide arms behind head again, tilt head so ear comes towards arm that is coming towards head. L hand on top of head, lift lower elbow, imagine pencil coming out end of elbow, drawing a line up/down and then circle. Repeat OS. Sit with both cheeks on, note difference from beginning, lift/lower cheeks alternately, push heel into floor on side lifting. Take R cheek off, lift/lower use R heel to push to lift. Explore R foot being more L/R, front/back. Push off with different parts of the foot, in a circular way. Sit with both cheeks on, push with feet in relation to lift/lower sit bones. Lean elbows on knees, lift/lower pelvis from seat, take pelvis L/R, lifting/lowering. Take arms forward, come onto feet. Sit/stand.
FI Exploration #096 – Alan Questel 2008-05-22: Day 99, S10 day 9
Leaning over the table, kneeling #5, review
CD#20/T18 [26m] DVD#10-9 Scene 4 [84m] » play audio
Demo with Abi.
S10 – Alan Questel. Day 100 Friday May 23, 2008.
ATM Lesson #224 – Diana Razumny 2008-05-23: Day 100, S10 day 10
Sitting on the heels #7
CD#20/T19 [56m] DVD#10-10 Scene 1 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #197) » play audio
Kneel, knees wide, heels together, toes standing, hands on floor between knees, lower head, lift knees, move pelvis back to sit on heels. Go forward/back with head hanging. Note: ankle angle increase/decrease. Lumbar arch/rounds. On back, legs spread, roll up over one elbow to sit, go down on other elbow to lie down. Head/shoulder lifts and goes to side to come up. Go up/down, alternate side/side. On back, feet standing, pull R ankle with R hand, lift pelvis, L hand helps bring toes to L, top of foot on floor, lower pelvis to sole of foot, R heel is to R of R hip, extend L leg long, arms to sides, roll up over R elbow. Go up/down on R then L side. Repeat OS. On back, feet standing, pull feet under pelvis with hands, toes standing, heels joined, direct knees to floor, lean on elbows/head. Also just leaning on shoulders with head down. Alternate taking R/L knee to floor. Without knees to floor, heels together, lift pelvis high off heels and transfer pelvis L/R. Kneel, knees wide, L foot inside R, sit on feet, heels open to side, buttocks between heels, hands on floor behind, go down on R elbow, come up, repeat few times. Repeat OS. Explore opposite arm in air. Repeat, come up over R elbow, head hanging, swing head in arc in front and go down on L elbow, swing R arm around overhead, hang head back, bring R arm/elbow to floor, roll R, bring L arm around overhead and forward to roll onto R elbow, continue around, reverse. Arms windmill around overhead and across to opposite side, circling in front and then place elbow. Switch feet/direction. Kneel, knees wide, toes standing, heels together, hands on floor between knees, lift knees, sit on heels, hands on knees, lift head, straighten back, extend R arm/hand/knee forward to floor, return. L knee moves to L. Alternate side/side. Pelvis moves forward/back as knee goes to/away from floor. Note ankle angle. Take both knees to floor same time. Lift/lower knees, hands on knees. Help with belly going forward/back to balance. Return to alternating knees if both is difficult. Lift one, the other, reverse. Kneel, stand toes, sit on heels, sit erect but head hanging, arms forward at shoulder height, alternately taking knees to floor in middle, belly/lumbar move forward/back. Gradually try both at same time. Both knees on floor, start to lean back, lift both knees. If not possible, lift one first then other. Arms/chest free so pelvis can move. On back, feet standing, pull R foot under pelvis with R hand, bring L foot under, heels wide, big toes close, roll up over R elbow, then L, gradually come to sit. Kneel, knees/feet apart, hands on heels directing them open to sides, lower pelvis between heels, lift pelvis, push belly forward, hang head back, return pelvis to floor between heels. Continue, keep hands on heels, lower R elbow to floor to lean, come up, go down on L elbow, come up. Continue, from sitting, lower R elbow to floor to lean, come up, go down on L elbow, come up, head moves in arc in front. Then go from elbow to elbow with head hanging back, making arc side to side behind. Eventually lean on both elbows, head hangs back to floor. Sit on heels, heels wide, hands on knees, alternate R/L hand back to floor, eventually, go hand/hand without coming forward, head hanging back.
Discussion #136 – Alan Questel 2008-05-23: Day 100, S10 day 10
Transfer of learning in Functional Integration
CD#20/T20 [19m] DVD#10-10 Scene 2 [20m] » play audio
Brian: transfer of learning. Barb: her experience. Ashley: ATM & FI together. Cheryl. Michael: Practice in order to sense.
FI Exploration #097 – Alan Questel 2008-05-23: Day 100, S10 day 10
Folding over hip joints in sitting
CD#20/T21 [13m] DVD#10-10 Scene 3 [?m] » play audio
Demo with Marge. Groups of 4, 2 sitting on table, other 2 working with one person. Student lean on knees with elbows, arch/round back. Practitioner slide fingers into crease in front of hip joints, let them feel the folding and unfolding over hip joints. Come up to sitting while folded over hips. If person extends too much in the neck, have fingers at base of skull to keep neck long. Can be homework or a way to end a lesson.
FI Exploration #098 – Alan Questel 2008-05-23: Day 100, S10 day 10
Giving a full lesson with interview
CD#20/T22 [4m] DVD#10-10 Scene 4 [97m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #225 – Alan Questel 2008-05-23: Day 100, S10 day 10
Press and roll
CD#20/T23 [45m] DVD#10-10 Scene 5 [46m] (Alan) » play audio
Roll side/side. On R side, take L shoulder forward, rolling forward/back, take L side of pelvis little forward/back, lift L knee, roll a little. Press R shoulder to roll, press head to roll, press to lift L knee, press to lift L foot. Roll L shoulder forward back by pressing in different places. Repeat with lifting L knee. Roll to back/R side, note quality, press to roll. On back, lift L shoulder by pressing something. Roll head with pressing. On front, L knee drawn up, R arm down, lift L shoulder, lift L hip, lift L knee, roll head. Repeat by pressing, rotating through places, then lift all at once. Roll to R, roll to back. Repeat OS.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 101 Monday August 11, 2008.
ATM Lesson #226 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-11: Day 101, S11 day 1
Circle/roll pelvis, sitting with soles together
CD#21/T01 [51m] DVD#S11-1 Scene 1 [51m] (Alexander Yanai) » play audio
Sit, soles together, lean on hands, lower self back. Sit open/close knees. Circle around R sit bone. Repeat quick/easy. Repeat with R knee/thigh on floor, pause, quick/easy. Repeat OS. Sit, soles together, hand on floor far behind, lean, lift/lower each knee, alternate, circle around sit bones. Repeat with hands near pelvis. Hands in comfortable place, circle pelvis over each sit bone [then in infinity/figure 8]. Sit with fingers forward, pull belly in/out, head up/down, roll pelvis forward/back, note chest, shoulders. Repeat with change hands, fingers pointing back. Sit, roll pelvis forward/back on sit bones while holding belly in, then belly pushed forward, then free belly. Repeat: Fix chin to chest. Repeat with keeping upper torso still. Repeat with keeping lower torso still. Return to all moving together. On back, soles together, roll pelvis up/down, variations: hold belly in, hold out, then allow belly to facilitate. Keep face parallel with ceiling while rolling pelvis. Quick oscillation of pelvis. Sit, roll pelvis forward/back. Repeat with head hanging back, to one side/other. Lean on elbows/forearms, soles together, circle around each sit bone, note movement through whole. Return to rolling pelvis in middle, note movement through whole. Lean on hands, soles together, R thigh to floor, move forward/back through center. Repeat with L leg on floor. Return to symmetrical rolling forward/back, feel front/back shorten/lengthen from head to tail.
Discussion #137 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-11: Day 101, S11 day 1
Learning Functional Integration
CD#21/T02 [62m] DVD#S11-1 Scene 2 [64m] » play audio
People learn differently. Difference between algebra and geometry, lumpers and stringers. Teaching moves and overall approach. Sense of transmission of force through skeleton is basic. Trainers have very different ideas about training pedagogy. Awareness Through Movement “rules” by David Bersin or Stephen Rosenholtz. Every trainer has some of their own rules they make for themselves in doing FI. There are different ways to look at how to get into an FI with someone. Example of looking at shoe soles. People build their practice around little shticks. Tres: Alan's rules. Brian: Runner workshop. Feldenkrais recognizes biomechanical ideals but that's second to the person's experience to learning. Demonstrates with Cheryl. Avoid “right way” ideas, yet there are optimal ways depending on the intention or desired outcome. When someone experiences support in one area, it can generalize through out so person looks for that support in other configurations. You can use the biomechanical to zero in to particular people's ability. Socratic learning is self-reflective. Aristotelian approach is more abstract, academic. Abi: How to get started from here? People's complaints give you an orientation. Can have someone do a movement and see how use themselves.
FI Exploration #099 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-11: Day 101, S11 day 1
Palpating for tonus in standing
CD#21/T03 [6m] DVD#S11-1 Scene 3 [93m] » play audio
Demo with Ashley. Trios: One person standing, other two feel for tonus along spine, shift weight over one leg/other and note if extensor tone changes. Feel tonus in legs, note how standing on feet, hold head and shift weight over each leg, hand on chest/other on spine feeling each side of spine.
ATM Lesson #227 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-11: Day 101, S11 day 1
Standing oscillations #1
CD#21/T04 [36m] DVD#S11-1 Scene 4 [45m] (San Francisco Training, July 24, 1975) » play audio
Stand, move forward/back from ankles, scanning throughout, walk, ROB. Stand, feet together, move forward/back, scan through whole, walk, ROB. Stand, feet apart, move side/side from ankles. Repeat with feet together, walk, ROB. Stand, feet together, eyes open, circle, reverse direction, note breath, walking pause, ROB. Stand, feet apart, circle. Stand, feet apart, tilt forward/back, keep eyes in middle of socket so as tilt back, eyes go up a little, down when moving forward, then switch to keeping eyes fixed on horizon so as tilt forward/back there is relative movement in neck. (FI practice, help each other hold head to keep head/face parallel.) Return to exploring alone.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 102 Tuesday August 12, 2008.
ATM Lesson #228 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Nose and head clocks, sitting
CD#21/T05 [48m] DVD#S11-2 Scene 1 [48m] (Alexander Yanai #98) » play audio
Sit cross leg, hand on legs, tilt forward, side/side, circle. Circle tip of nose around clock, pushing hands of clock.
Continue, eyes closed. Think point at top of head circling. Where is “head point” when nose at 6? Track “head point” when nose arcs 6/9 (ROB) Imagine clock overhead (ceiling/hovering). Switch to circling “head point” around clock. When head arcs 12/3, where nose arcing? Arc nose 3/6, note head arc—alternate attention, then same time. Arc nose 6/9, note head, nose/head at 6 at same time. head forward/nose down. Arc head 6/9, note nose arc. Arc head 6/3, note nose-Switch to nose. Alternate, then both at same time. Continue with nose circle. Switch attention to head, note how nose change. Change direction—track head/nose—front/down. Track nose, finger on top of head—3/12. Shift between head/nose then both. Relevant to space, floor, self, walls. Sit, tilt forward, compare to beg, easier sitting, plumb? Tilt R/L, make circles, both directions. On back, circle nose clockwise. Note top of head circle in relation to floor. Arc nose ½ circle 12/6, track head circle. Clockwise circles with head.
Switch directions, note nose. Circle nose around L side of clock, 12/6 through 9. Note head, 6/12, near/away from floor. Sit, tilt pelvis forward. Note: ease/range, weight on sit bones.
Discussion #138 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Differences in style
CD#21/T06 [13m] DVD#S11-2 Scene 2 [15m] » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #100 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Head and jaw connection
CD#21/T07 [11m] DVD#S11-2 Scene 3 [47m] » play audio
Demo with Barbara D. Nod head up/down, open/close jaw. Take head/face forward/back, take jaw forward/back. Take head side/side, jaw side/side.
Discussion #139 – Students 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Feldenkrais Annual Conference reports
CD#21/T08 [56m] DVD#S11-2 Scene 5 [57m] » play audio
No notes.
FI Exploration #100 continued – Dennis Leri 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Head and jaw connection
[No audio] DVD#S11-2 Scene 4 [36m]
ATM Lesson #229 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-12: Day 102, S11 day 2
Standing oscillations #2
CD#21/T09 [16m] DVD#S11-2 Scene 6 [16m] (San Francisco Training, year 1) » play audio
Stand, tilt forward from the ankles. Repeat with feet together. Feet apart, tilt/sway side/side, repeat with feet together. Feet apart, circle whole body from ankles. Feet together, change directions. ROB. Stand, R foot half step forward, oscillate forward/back. Repeat OS. Return symmetrical.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 103 Wednesday August 13, 2008.
ATM Lesson #230 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-13: Day 103, S11 day 3
Moving C7, sitting and on head/knees
CD#21/T10 [59m] DVD#S11-3 Scene 1 [59m] (San Francisco Training, year 1) » play audio
Cross leg sit, tilt forward from hip joints. Repeat with hand on head. Continue but head stays and come forward with C7. Switch hands. Interlace hands on head, tilt forward with whole then from C7. Switch legs/finger interlacing, continue. On back, take C7 forward/back. Sit, take C7 forward/back. Hands/knees, head on floor, hands interlaced cupping head, take C7 to/away from floor. Pause sitting, C7 forward/back. Hands/knees, head down, take C7 forward/back by taking shoulder blades together/apart. Pause, return, hands on C7, take forward/back little, pelvis moves little up/down. Sit, one hand on head, other on C7, take C7 forward/back. On back, feet standing, lift/lower lumbar, note C7, when does it go back/for. Leave lumbar lifted, seesaw breathe, note C7 towards/away from floor. On knees/head, hands under knees, take shoulder blades together/apart, C7 forward/back. Sit, take C7 forward/back. Roll head between hands, pause, take C7 forward/back, switch hands, roll head. On knees/knees, hands under knees, roll on head between 6/12; 3/9, noting C7. ROB. On head/knees, hands stand to sides of head, elbows in air, roll across top of head, note C7, ears towards floor alternately, continue with hands behind back. Sit, C7 forward/back, note how eyes involve, if sense dominant eye effecting C7. Lean on L hand, R hand on top of head, circle top of head. Switch arms/legs, continue. On head/knees, hands under knees, toes for running, lift knees little, 3 small circles each direction on top of head.
ATM Lesson #231 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-13: Day 103, S11 day 3
Taking hip back, jaw forward part 1, sitting
CD#21/T11 [55m] DVD#S11-3 Scene 2 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #335) » play audio
Sit, soles facing, not touching, R hand on top of R hip/iliac crest, take hip back small amount, sense through whole torso. Quiet/small quality with a lot of attention to self throughout. Pause, continue, feel legs involved, R knee lengthens tiny bit, L knee shortens. ROB. Repeat with attention along vertebrae, imagine someone touching each vertebra, one at a time. Repeat, face comes forward, which vertebra does it correlate to. ROB. Repeat, sense sternum/breath. Rest/repeat, sense space/gap of R arm changing if looking from front. Repeat, sense clavicle, ribs, sit bones, pelvis on R side. Rest/repeat, think of board on top of head, board inclines forward when taking hip back. Return, thinking of plane of face lining up with which vertebra. Return, think of each vertebra to have participate. Stand, bow forward, note sides of hips. Return to taking hip back, smile when going back few times, smile when erecting. On back, explore going from smiling to bringing jaw forward. Switch combo of jaw forward with hip back. Take jaw forward/back during the movement of taking hip back. Sit, lift/hold both arms out in front of you, do with elbows soft, stay until arms fatigue. Lift R arm, support under forearm with L hand, allow R elbow/wrist soft/supported. Arms down, lift R arm, lift both, compare.
Discussion #140 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-13: Day 103, S11 day 3
About pushing hip back ATM
CD#21/T12 [26m] DVD#S11-3 Scene 3 [26m] » play audio
Brian: type of ATM, position, movement, constraints. Abi: dynamic between mobility/stability. Dennis answered with analogy about brain has activity in order to fix something like held shoulder. James: reflecting on Dennis' earlier statement that “you can't do two things at the same time.” Dennis: opposites can't be done at same time. Tied together with eliminating activities that aren't necessary in a movement of a lesson, like the taking hip back. One simple movement with a lot of attending. Story of Jack Heggie standing on his head.
FI Exploration #101 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-13: Day 103, S11 day 3
Explore many moves, noting C7
CD#21/T13 [3m] DVD#S11-3 Scene 4 [56m] » play audio
Start in standing, moving them from C7. Have person on back and explore many moves with the idea of feeling how that movement can effect or move C7.
ATM Lesson #232 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-13: Day 103, S11 day 3
Rocking on diagonals, on back
CD#21/T14 [49m] DVD#S11-3 Scene 5 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #114) » play audio
On back, spread legs. Lift/direct R to L hip, R shoulder lifts, feel clavicle. Lift L leg in direction of R shoulder, lifts L hip. Shorten distance between L hip/R shoulder. Return to R arm to L hip. R hand on L hip, lengthen arm, add head lifting. Slide hand on outside L hip/leg. Lift L leg, take in direction of R shoulder. R shoulder, circle L heel. Repeat holding L knee with R hand. Change direction, few moves without hand. Repeat OS, Hands towards L hip, head lifts, R shoulder lifts, hands constant distance apart. Repeat OS. Lift legs, in air, direct L leg up/R to shoulder, repeat OS. Move arms/head towards R hip/L hip. Pass from R to L, without going down, lengthen arms passing through middle. Arms on floor, spread/lift legs, distance stays constant, direct R leg to L shoulder then L leg to R shoulder. Pass legs side/side without bringing pelvis down in a continuous move. Lift legs/pelvis, direct legs to R shoulder/L shoulder alternately, then pass through middle. L leg in the air, R leg long, hold L ankle with R hand, head lifted, rock from L hip to R shoulder. Repeat OS. Hold both ankles, head lifted, round back, move line of pressure on back in a circle in middle of the back. Pause, repeat circle in opposite direction.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 104 Thursday August 14, 2008.
ATM Lesson #233 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-14: Day 104, S11 day 4
Taking hip back, jaw forward part 2, sitting
CD#21/T15 [53m] DVD#S11-4 Scene 1 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #336) » play audio
Sit, soles facing, R hand on R hip, take hip back, sensing hip joints, spine. Repeat, add alternately exposing teeth and pursing lips, coordinate with folding/unfolding. Time so teeth are exposed when folded and unfolded, coming to neutral in transition. Repeat OS. Next variation: take jaw forward with teeth exposure. Next variation: when unfold, expose teeth, jaw forward, mouth opens. On back, palms to floor, elbows wider than hands, jaw forward, teeth show, mouth opens, pause observe exhale, time so exhale with mouth opening with puff of exhale at end, close mouth, breathe through nose. Sit, hands on hips, folding, repeat last version of jaw/breath. Sit, hands on hips, fold, imagine someone painting/drawing along from C7 to elbow. Continue, add down lower arm down little finger, feeling chest organize to force out exhale. Repeat OS. Variation: draw line from L little finger up arm, through C7 down R arm to R little finger. Add drawling line along clavicles, add back in drawling across back through C7 so both present. Repeat, add sudden burst of exhale at end (on back with sitting fold). Sit, hands on ribs in front, repeat folding move, elbows come forward, wrists bending, jaw forward. Sit, draw midline from C7 in back, over top of head, down face to sternal notch in front while folding, hands on ribs. On back, imagine same line. Sit, L hand on lower ribs, same move, add thinking of line along occiput from ear to ear, continue along jaw. Return to simple folding, hands on hips. Sit with legs crossed.
Discussion #141 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-14: Day 104, S11 day 4
About pushing hip back ATM
CD#21/T16 [7m] DVD#S11-4 Scene 2 [8m] » play audio
Pam: so many things to attend at same time. Dennis: function of face, jaw, sternum, lengthening front/back.
ATM Lesson #234 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-14: Day 104, S11 day 4
Bridging #1, on back
CD#21/T17 [42m] DVD#S11-4 Scene 3 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #438) » play audio
On back, stand L foot, press foot, lift L hip, pelvis rolls R. Knee to R? Pointing forward towards ceiling? Hip joint? Faster, smaller, easier. Repeat OS. Note head, chin, transference of force through spine. Press head to floor. Lift spine between shoulders a bit, leaning on elbows, back of head to slides down, eventually onto crown. Remain on crown few seconds. Stand L foot, L arm long above head, lift L hip. L shoulder slides down then whole L side lifts. Turn face/eyes R with lifting of L hip. Faster, note L hand slides. Stand R foot, R arm above head, lift R hip, turn face/eyes L, look to R hand. Faster, smaller, easier. Stand feet, lift pelvis slowly, return slowly, eyes look down as pelvis lifts up. Note chin towards throat, back of neck straightens, head pushes upward. Smaller movement, just beginning, pubic bone lifts, eyes look toward pubic bone, then return. Legs extended, arms along sides, lift spine between shoulders, pressing elbows, head slides, see wall behind. Note ease Quick/easy. Stand feet, lean on elbows, lift spine between shoulders, back of head presses, remain there, move knees away from head, pelvis lift a little. Smaller/faster. Stand feet, lift pelvis a bit higher, press elbows, lean on head, remain few seconds. Repeat., start with pelvis down, lean on elbows, lift shoulders, slide head towards crown, lift/lower pelvis. Repeat, move knees away from head over feet. Stand feet, interlace hands behind head, lift head /knees, roll R/L.
Discussion #142 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-14: Day 104, S11 day 4
Framing a lesson, showing off
CD#21/T18 [62m] DVD#S11-4 Scene 4 [63m] » play audio
Abi: Lucia Schuette-Ginsburg taught at conference rolling from back to side. Observing group doing the lesson and people's pattern. Dennis: pedagogy of that particular lesson. Moshé was going to call his work “pattern integration” but then thought it was too static. Moshé's idea of development came from Jean Piaget and his wife's profession with children. Esther Thelen's idea, children develop differently. Example of Esther's research of baby reaching for something and helping them. Related it to giving FI. Story of bringing a man to Moshé that had knee problems. Danger in thinking you know how to work with knees. Having success early is unfortunate. Abi: Anastasi Siota's workshop Framing The Lesson. Si & Ashley comments. Brian: Donald Van Howten workshop The Ties That Bind, every FI is different even if pattern is the same. Dennis: Elizabeth Beringer story of Gaby Yaron bringing people to sit from side lying. Framing depends on your stance in relation to the person. If concerned about who person is or who you are in relation to being a practitioner. We have what/how we do and then who we are when we do a lesson. What is the person coming for? Pain related to job? Address the pain or whether they want to be doing that job. That's the problem with staying with the frame of an activity. Reflective or not? Larry Goldfarb “teaches movement, not awareness.” Story of Frank Wildman & Larry Goldfarb's approach to selling the Method. Shira shares about experience at Frank Wildman's workshop. Marge: Mischul Brownstone's workshop. Dennis: Aristotle on pleasure: doing activity for pleasure is hedonistic, doing activity well has byproduct of pleasure. Learning is the most ecstatic activity.
FI Exploration #102 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-14: Day 104, S11 day 4
Connecting ribs and spine
CD#21/T19 [25m] DVD#S11-4 Scene 5 [72m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton & Michael.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 105 Friday August 15, 2008.
ATM Lesson #235 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-15: Day 105, S11 day 5
Sensing C7 with crossed arms, on back & front
CD#21/T20 [37m] DVD#S11-5 Scene 1 [37m] (San Francisco, 1976) » play audio
On back, L hand to R shoulder, R arm crossed under to L shoulder, slide hands to back of neck, lift R/L shoulder. Switch arms, repeat. Hands on shoulder, bring shoulders forward, note C7/neck, continue with abdomen expanded. Switch arms, seesaw belly/chest, note C7/shoulders. Bring elbows forward. On front arms crossed, on elbows, rock L/R. Repeat with elbows farther apart. Repeat position, equal pressure on elbows, take C7 forward/back, look up/down. Return to rocking elbow/elbow. ROB. On back, cross arms, roll onto front, slide one leg up to side, take/leave one ear to shoulder, rock elbow/elbow. Repeat OS. On front, cross arms with elbows lower, under chest more, rock L/R. On front, arms crossed, fingers interlaced behind neck, rock pelvis L/R; leave pelvis quiet, look up/down with eyes; pause, rock on elbows L/R. On back, cross arms, hands behind shoulder/neck, lift one shoulder/other, note C7. Arms crossed, take elbows/abdomen forward. On front, arms crossed, take backs of hands to floor, roll side/side. ROB. Stand, walk, walk backwards. Walk forward, move arms twice as fast as legs, then legs twice as fast as arms, then arms/legs same.
FI Exploration #103 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-15: Day 105, S11 day 5
Side bending and spine
CD#21/T21 [19m] DVD#S11-5 Scene 2 [95m] » play audio
Demo with Si. On side, note side bending and rolling with top leg on floor in front or behind bottom leg compared to on top of leg. Shortening side by lifting ribs from bottom.
ATM Lesson #236 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-15: Day 105, S11 day 5
Bridging #2, on back
CD#21/T22 [48m] DVD#S11-5 Scene 3 [48m] (Alexander Yanai #439, first ½) » play audio
Stand R foot, R arm overhead on floor, lift R hip, turn eyes/head L, look towards R hand. Repeat OS.
Stand R foot, L arm overhead on floor, slide R hand to R foot. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, R arm extended above, roll L, bring R palm to stand near head/shoulder for bridge. Push floor with hand to roll L. Bring fingers to point foot ward, near shoulder. Keep hand standing when roll to lie on back and extend leg. Turn head L when hand presses floor. Repeat OS.
Stand feet, R hand extend up, L arm alongside, slide L hand to L foot. Repeat, add lifting L hip, hold ankle with L hand. Repeat OS. Press back of head, slide down to see overhead, press elbows to assist. Bridge arms, legs long, press hands, press back of head, slide to look overhead. Press hands to lift head to see feet.
Discussion #143 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-15: Day 105, S11 day 5
ATM as life threatening event
CD#21/T23 [23m] DVD#S11-5 Scene 4 [23m] » play audio
Tres: reference to Michael's demo yesterday of squeezing side of waist, and Mark Reese talk from The Feldenkrais Journal No. 20, Fall 2007, Transcription of a talk by Mark Reese, June 28, 2005: eliciting vital response. Dennis: “a lesson should be a life threatening experience.” Reference to being in Israel with Mark Reese and Moshé, then coming to Boulder to see Ruthy Alon in 1979 and not as interesting as before. FM died with Feldenkrais but then it lasted.
ATM Lesson #237 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-15: Day 105, S11 day 5
Five winds kata, finding neutral for head, standing & sitting
CD#21/T24 [25m] DVD#S11-5 Scene 5 [25m] (San Francisco, 1976) » play audio
Stand, tilt whole body forward from ankles. Take head forward/back to create sway forward/back, find neutral and then look up/down to find neutral in that plane, keeping neutral relation with the head, move forward/back. ROB. Sit cross legged, lean on hands, fingers forward, keep head in neutral to environment, start going down on R elbow. Change legs, go down on L elbow. Alternate going down on R/L elbows, which elbow is easier in relation to which leg is in front. Roll back/for on pelvis, head neutral/eyes on horizon. Lean on R hand only, repeat, add L hand, note bias. Lean on both hands, go back/for, elbows bend, not using arms to come up, use middle/belly/low back. Lean on R hand, L hand at throat to feel no tonus change as go back/for, note which leg wants to come forward/be in front. Repeat OS. Lean on both hands, go back/for, no weight on hands, face stays vertical. On back, roll up over elbow, head/eyes to horizon, come to stand, tilt forward/back, top of head stays parallel to ceiling. Walk, head on horizon. Image of large cat or bird of prey, head stays focused to feed the food tube.
Editor's notes: kata (Japanese, 型 or 形): literally, “form.” Detailed, choreographed patterns of movements. [The “five winds” movement derives from a particular movement of rising after falling found early in judo's itsutsu-no-kata (Japanese, 五の形, “forms of five”).]
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 106 Monday August 18, 2008.
FI Exploration #104 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Head, shoulders, pelvis, arms & legs, on back
CD#22/T01 [27m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 1 [103m] » play audio
Demo with Linda. Feel for space behind back and knees. Finding neutral for head. Lifting shoulders, noting sternum, ribs. Roll pelvis up/down, note transmission of force to head, through chest. Legs/feet, push through to head, noting pelvis, ribs. Arms, straight forward, lifting/lengthening, noting shoulder, sternum, ribs. Return to head. Sitting, lift sit bones one at a time, Dennis' hand on opposite side of C7 from lifting side of pelvis. Alternate lifting sides.
ATM Lesson #238 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Bridging #3, on back
CD#22/T02 [45m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 2 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #439, second ½) » play audio
On back, press head, elbows, sacrum, gently explore sliding onto top of head. Stand R foot, R arm long overhead. Roll L, stand R hand by head, return to back. Use L hand to direct R elbow/press R hand. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, slide R hand to R ankle. Hold R ankle with R hand, lift/lower R hip. Stand L hand near head, arch onto top of head. Repeat OS. Stand hands near head/shoulders. Slide onto crown of head. Stand feet, lift pelvis, hands to ankles. Lift/lower pelvis, direct knees over feet.
Shoulders slide towards feet. Press head, slide onto crown. Stand feet/hands, Slide onto crown of head pressing hands. Repeat, add lift/lower pelvis. Direct knees over/away from feet. Create rolling on top of head. Stand feet, arms along side. Press head/elbows to slide onto crown. Stay on crown, lift pelvis. Stand feet, hold ankles, Pull ankles to bring pelvis/feet close. Knees go forward/down over feet. Slide onto crown. Interlace hands behind head, lift. Repeat with feet standing. Lift pelvis/head. Head/pelvis remain lifted, rock up/down head to tail. Hold below knee caps, push knees into hands, pull onto crown. Hold/lift head, lift bent knees, elbows/knees together, hold. Stand—Walk.
Discussion #144 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Approaches to Functional Integration
CD#22/T03 [27m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 3 [27m] » play audio
David Bersin's approach, disprove his impressions. Moshé, finding the “Archimedean point” for the person was what made his lessons different than his assistants. Kristen: unique quality. Brian. Dennis on fractals and Yvan's interest in them. Story of Moshé and woman entering trance, similarity and differences between our learning model and that of Milton Erickson. Shira: Nancy Lamb video with Gaby. Gaby like a 3 ring circus, folding in within her creative way of working. Shira: quote from Dennis “let the ATM lesson organize you.” How does that fit into FI? You don't make the person fit your idea.
FI Exploration #105 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Work from head to feel whole person in standing
CD#22/T04 [2m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 4 [16m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #239 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Standing oscillation #3 (short)
CD#22/T05 [12m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 5 [12m] (San Francisco, year 1) » play audio
Stand, forward/back from ankles. Repeat with legs together, then spread little wider. Feet together, sway L/R, turn into circling. Arms extended forward, fingers interlaced, circle again, hands make same circle as head. Repeat with one foot half step forward.
ATM Lesson #240 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-18: Day 106, S11 day 6
Knees and elbows towards each other, on back
CD#22/T06 [46m] DVD#S11-6 Scene 6 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #364) » play audio
On back, stand feet, hands behind head, lift head, scan throughout. Repeat with feet/knees lifted. Return to feet on the floor, lifting head. R foot standing, L leg long, hands behind head, lift/lower R leg. Repeat OS. Return to both bent legs lifting. Legs long, lift head, direct R elbow to L knee. Change interlace, L elbow/towards R knee. L hand behind head, stand R leg, head turned R, R knee to L elbow, foot flexed. Foot stays on floor, L elbow towards R knee. Repeat OS. Hold behind knees, hands crossed, knees to shoulders, feet flexed. Push legs into hands, roll to sit, feet on floor, bring shoulders between legs few times, then reverse to lie on back again. Repeat. On back, feet stand, hands lift head, R elbow to L knee, L elbow/R knee, L knee to R elbow, R knee to L elbow, R elbow to L knee, extend legs, come to sit, go down, repeat OS. Come up on diagonal, L/R. Come up through middle. Feet stand, L hand behind head turned R, come over R elbow, legs lengthen, come to sit, reverse, repeat OS. On elbows/forearms, feet stand, reach R arm up/for, straighten L leg, come up to sit, L arm straightens. Repeat OS. From elbows, straighten legs, come to sit. Hands lift head, knees bent, straighten to sit. On back, lift legs, R arm behind legs, knees to chest, extend legs, come to sit over elbow. Repeat OS. Stand feet, elbows/knees, one, other, both.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 107 Tuesday August 19, 2008.
ATM Lesson #241 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-19: Day 107, S11 day 7
Five winds kata, back twisted from side
CD#22/T07 [42m] DVD#S11-7 Scene 1 [43m] (San Francisco, year 2) » play audio
On R side, twist back so shoulders are lying on back, arms down along sides, lift/lower L shoulder, lowers wrist to floor, repeat with R shoulder, alternately then both same time. Repeat OS. On R side, lift/lower shoulders, slide onto top of head. Repeat OS. On back, elbows wide, slide onto crown of head, tail goes back/down towards floor. Lift/lower shoulders/lower back. Slide onto crown, roll pelvis down, come to sit with head hanging back. Sit, legs crossed, lean on hands, fingers forward, head on horizon, lower onto R elbow. Repeat OS. Go down on both elbows same time, round back backwards going down, arch to come up, keep head on horizon. Sit, R leg long, L bent, R arm straight forward, lean on L hand, fingers forward, lower towards L elbow, come up, eyes open. Repeat OS. Repeat, with hand (one that was shoulder height) on throat to feel for tonus as go back. Repeat with hand at back of neck. Arms in front, legs in front, go back, face horizon, arch in back.
FI Exploration #106 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-19: Day 107, S11 day 7
Speaking to Archimedean point, side lying
CD#22/T08 [14m] DVD#S11-7 Scene 2 & 3 [92m] » play audio
Demo with Abi. Full lesson On side. Find point along spine, relate to it from knee/hip, leg, arm, pelvis, ribs, head/neck.
Discussion #145 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-19: Day 107, S11 day 7
Conditions & surgery
CD#22/T09 [35m] DVD#S11-7 Scene 4 [36m] » play audio
Barbara D.: Question about spinal stenosis. Neck fusions, cutting tendons, hip replacements. Tres: quote from The Feldenkrais Journal No. 4, 1988, Mark Reese in a letter to the editor:
In our San Francisco training Moshé described the third “approximation” as being able to express the learning process in words. This is what the journal is all about. Through the power of the word the journal contributes substantially to the entrance of our maturing profession in the society at large.
Talking about the work. Gaby's thinking/articulating. Yochanan can talk about it, analogy of poem turns into propaganda then advertising. “California” tai chi chuan or aikido, lacks subtly or nuances of what is implicit in each movement or position. Mark talked of implying several things within one thing. Moshé had groups of “profound friends” around the world. Story of the son of friends from Switzerland, who had seizures, and who were very protective of him. James: conditions/diagnosis; form follows function. Barb B.: Rheumatoid arthritis and being active.
Editor's notes: Dennis: One stream of thinking is that, if you understand the work, you should be able to express it, to talk about it. On the other hand, you don't have to be able to verbalize it, you have to be able to do it. We can apply the David Bersin litmus test: if your mother needs a lesson, who are you going to call? Gaby Yaron wasn't particularly articulate about the work but she was a genius doing Functional Integration. Moshé said, there's no one else who can do what she can do. By current criteria, she would never have become a trainer; or she might have become a trainer and it might have helped her to learn how to express it, too.
ATM Lesson #242 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-19: Day 107, S11 day 7
Butt hopping
CD#22/T10 [43m] DVD#S11-7 Scene 5 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #13) » play audio
Sit, legs forward, knees soft, hands on knees, contract buttocks, Quickly. On back, legs long, spread, contract buttocks. Only R side/L side/both, quickly. Note knees/foot. On belly, hands on buttocks, contract both. Note heels/knees. Do one, other, both and hold. ROB. Stand on knees, feet close, toes extended, hands on buttocks, contract/hold both. Quickly.
On R foot/L knee, hands on, contract both. Change legs, repeat. On both knees together, hands on, contract both quickly. ROB. On knees, spread, big toes together, hands on, contract both, hold, release. Note pelvis, lumbar, pubic bone, navel, belly. Which knee takes more weight? Contract both quickly. Stand on R leg/foot, L leg big toe touches for balance, contract R. Note knee turns out, arch lifts, weight to heel/outer border. Lift arch intentionally. Quickly. Repeat OS. Stand, toes pointing out, legs spread, contract buttocks, feel weight shift to outer edge of feet. Knees turn outward. Lift arches so weight shifts to outer edges. Lift belly, pubic bone forward, contract and lift arches. Knees straighten. ROB. Sit, feet together, hands on feet, contact both buttocks, note body lifting. Both hands on floor behind, spread legs, bend knees out to sides, contract buttocks. R only. Quickly. Contract/hold. L only. Sit, hands on floor behind, knees bent to sides, both legs in air, balance on butt. Shift onto R butt, step forward with L. Repeat OS. Walk forward/back. Repeat. ROB. Sit, lean on R hand, shift to R, lift L leg, move L hip forward/back while in air. Quickly. Lengthening through heel. Repeat OS. Lean on hands, walk forward/back, switch hands to shoulder height, lift both legs, butt walk. Sit, contract butt to hop. Stand on knees, wide, big toes together, contract both. Quickly. Stand on feet, legs spread, contract both, lift arches. Walk.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 108 Wednesday August 20, 2008.
ATM Lesson #243 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-20: Day 108, S11 day 8
Taking head/tail back, on side
CD#22/T11 [45m] DVD#S11-8 Scene 1 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #524) » play audio
On R side, stand L hand, Take head back, quickly. Feel through whole self. Take L hip back with leg lifted a bit, add ankle flexed. Repeat, think tail back, note differences. Repeat, OS. On R side, L hand on floor, L leg on floor behind R. Take head back, note tail, back, middle forward. Take L hip back, knee lifted little, foot in place. Note move through spine to head. Add taking head back. Repeat OS. (talk on limits) On R side, hug self, R hand under armpit, then L, L knee behind. Take head/tail back. Change legs, L leg in front on floor, continue. Change arm crossing. Repeat OS, add knees/face moving together/apart. On back, bent knees lifted, hands behind head. Head lifted, lift/lower each leg separately, then both.
FI Exploration #107 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-20: Day 108, S11 day 8
Compression from front of top ribs
CD#22/T12 [11m] DVD#S11-8 Scene 2 [91m] » play audio
Demo with Si & Robert. Pressing on ribs just below clavicles down through towards pelvis and then up towards head. Press from pelvis up through to head, then down towards feet.
Discussion #146 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-20: Day 108, S11 day 8
Kata, Archimedean point, no narrative in lesson
CD#22/T13 [58m] DVD#S11-8 Scene 3 [59m] » play audio
Demo with Brian. What he does on each side when drawing up the leg, noting ribs, supported ribs in way they move on easy side, then replicate on easy side what difficult side did. Supported difficult side in doing what easy side did. Then had Brian lift head, noting what did with chest, grew into kata. Archimedean point (master control/nexus) is where the person goes as a preparatory move/position. When working with that point, others emerge. After lesson, disorientation result of no familiar address. Give new address, may/may not accept. Lesson has no narrative, person fills in the blanks. Analogy to Milton Erickson.
Editor's notes: Gunji Koizumi doing the kata movement: it's not what people expect. Dennis: Charlotte Selver's Sensory Awareness: really great work, but there's no functional component to it; different from ATM.
ATM Lesson #244 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-20: Day 108, S11 day 8
Five winds kata, twisted, on side, back, front
CD#22/T14 [45m] DVD#S11-8 Scene 4 [45m] (San Francisco, year 2) » play audio
On R side, L knee behind R then forward in front of R, L arm on floor behind, lift L shoulder, lift head with shoulder, feel neck with R hand, help head lift with R hand behind. Repeat OS. On front, legs spread, arms by head, lift head/arms, look side/side, rolling side to side as if rolling to back, keeping head/eyes on horizon. Return to original positing, lift chin/head forward, lift head/pelvis, top leg in front then back, switch to lifting legs. Repeat OS. On back, legs straight, crossed at ankles, think taking feet from floor, then lift, note lower back, allow lower back to lift a little. Allow back of head to slide, chest to lift. Repeat, add lifting head/torso to come to sit, continue, come to stand, walk, carriage of head. On R side, L leg in front, shoulder/head rolled back, L arm on floor behind, lift pelvis, feet on floor, leave feet/pelvis down, bring shoulder/sternum forward, sliding onto top of head. Repeat OS. Return same idea, top leg in front, lift feet, lift shoulders, repeat with leg behind, lift legs. Repeat OS. Legs to R, top leg forward, lift chest/sternum, note breath, pause, take chin forward, use arms on sides, come up towards sitting, chin to chest. Repeat OS. On front, hands pushup, elbows in air, lift head, look L/R, rolling pelvis. Hands in pushup, forehead on floor, chin to chest, lift shoulders/torso keeping chin to chest. Extend arms long overhead, elbows wide, forehead on floor, lift elbows. Cross arms in front, lean on two elbows, hands holding shoulders, rock side/side, pause in middle, lift/lower head, tail lifts with head. Toes tucked to push on floor, hands standing, push towards head, knees lifted, head/pelvis lifted, rock up/down. Repeat last move with L toes stand, R ankle crossed on L Repeat with legs switched. Repeat with feet uncrossed, knees/pelvis lifted, rock up/down, eyes forward. Sit, legs in front, comfortably bent, hands behind head, elbows forward, folding, elbows wide, arch back, come forward, rock back with small fold, the arch to come up. Smaller, lighter, quicker.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 109 Thursday August 21, 2008.
FI Exploration #108 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-21: Day 109, S11 day 9
Explore any FI move in several positions
CD#22/T15 [2m] DVD#S11-9 Scene 1 [69m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #245 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-21: Day 109, S11 day 9
Five winds kata, sitting, going back
CD#22/T16 [42m] DVD#S11-9 Scene 2 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #365) » play audio
Sit, feet standing, arms hanging, tilt back without flex or extend, eyes on horizon. Sit with legs long in front, hug self, rock forward/back on sit bones without flexing/extending. Repeat while hold opposite elbows behind back. Repeat with L foot standing, R leg long, go back, direct one elbow then other to floor behind. Continue, think of R elbow coming to floor first, transfer to L elbow, come up. If don't reach floor, imagine. Repeat OS. Circling with head on horizon. Sit, both feet on floor, hands interlaced behind head, go back, lift feet from floor, return. Repeat with hands on hips, elbows pointing back, back arched, legs in front, direct one elbow to floor. Repeat, stand feet, feel counter balance of feet coming from floor. Repeat, arms up, elbows point to ceiling, hand cross behind neck, head in front of arms, legs in front. Stand on knees, same arm position, tilt back, hips stay extended as take pelvis back while extending in back. Repeat with arms forward shoulder height. Sit, feet on floor in front, hands behind head again, elbows pointing to ceiling, tilt back, feet lift, eyes on horizon. Repeat, hand interlaced behind head, go back circling. Holding elbows behind back, tilt back down middle, come all the way to floor and reverse, coming up from back with arms behind.
Discussion #147 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-21: Day 109, S11 day 9
Language, competency, quantum and trauma
CD#22/T17 [74m] DVD#S11-9 Scene 3 [87m] » play audio
Online studies through e-group. Use of language in talking about the Method. Francisco Varela & Oscar Aguado story of the futility of using pseudoscientific language with scientists. Use of language in ATM teaching by students. Artist Josef Albers using colored boxes and relationships to create something different. Psychologists to study perception from magicians. Marge: lifting legs in lesson; Dennis: it's not a matter of lifting your legs, it's a matter of bringing all of you into that movement. Michael: about letting go vs. integration. How to describe FM? Kristen: Alan's reading during previous segment on competency, from paper The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment (1996) by Hubert Dreyfus. Varela demolished the idea the brain is like a computer; story about his feelings about quantum mechanics. Student's language in and out of training. Having the experience and conveying understanding. Marge: exploring in FI and not creating what you thought. Kristen: Eleanor Duckworth article Twenty-four, Forty-two, and I Love You: Keeping It Complex (1991): simply having answer doesn't ensure learning, doesn't express the complexity of your experience. Rhetoric in ancient Greece, philosophy in the gymnasium. Debate as a game. Brian: does person need to understand what happened? Marge: FI practice of transposing. Dennis: each position has relationship to gravity and development. Paula: about transferring learning from lesson into life. Dennis: Stories of hypnosis and trauma. A. D. Speransky [see Dennis' article, Mental Furniture #12: Speransky: A Basis for the Theory of Medicine], no definition of health or pathology. Speransky's research on morphine and shock. Moshé's definition of health: recovery from shock, and living one's avowed, or unavowed dreams. Gurdjieff's use of shock. (Note: video only: off mic for 10 minutes about complainers.)
Editor's notes: Epistemology and phronesis; Ludwig Wittgenstein's concept of the language-game (German, Sprachspiel); Barbara Miles paper, Talking the Language of the Hands to the Hands (2003); Jean Harlow as Kitty Packard in the movie Dinner at Eight (1933), “Don't get me a book. I already got a book.”; Umesh Vazirani on quantum computing; Debra Hawhee's concept of phusiopoiesis [Greek, φύσις, phusis or physis, “nature,” plus ποιέω, poiesis, “to make”; thus, “production of one's nature”] and comments on her book Bodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece (2004); Stephen Gilligan and the flawed notion of “recovered” memories; David Grove, physiological regression and trauma; Leslie Bandler on NLP and people oriented to the past in contrast to the present or future.
[See also Discussion #135 with Alan Questel for a reference to, and excerpt from, the Dreyfus paper mentioned here.]
ATM Lesson #246 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-21: Day 109, S11 day 9
Lifting head and eyes, on front
CD#22/T18 [47m] DVD#S11-9 Scene 4 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #525) » play audio
On front, stand hands, elbows up, close eyes, forehead on floor, Look up with eyes. Lift head little, look down with eyes, lower head, look up. Forehead on floor, eyes up/down quickly. Repeat with head lifted. On front, stand hands, draw R knee up to side, stay. Lift head to look at R knee, push with R hand. Slide knee down/up, look with head/eyes as knee slides up. Stay with head towards knee, eyes closed, look L/R, quick. Repeat OS. Knee slides little away/towards as head looks to knee. Legs straight, arms behind back, holding wrists/elbows. Lift R leg, bent or straight. Repeat, head turned L, look towards R heel. Whole body turns, lean on R hip. Stay up, take head/eyes R/L, eyes closed then open. Repeat OS. Lifting/looking at L leg. Slide R knee up to side, continue. Head stays up, eyes L/R fast. Hands standing. Lift head, eyes open, look down, lower head, lift eyes.
Head lifted, take eyes up/down quickly. Forehead on floor, eyes L/R. Think of lifting both legs, toes extended. Imagine belly presses floor, lift head/eyes slowly. ROB, note lower back. On back, stand feet, hands behind head, lift head.
Think R elbow to L knee, L elbow to R knee, elbows to both knees. Hold knees open with hands, push knees into hands, feet come towards floor. Push once with R leg, once with L, alternate. On front, hands behind back, hold elbows, lift head/shoulders.
Look around L to see R heel. Repeat OS, alternate L/R, legs help, body rolls. Stand hands, think lifting knees. Lift head, turn R to see heel, then L. Lift knees alternately, elbows move side/side, straight/bend. Straighten legs, repeat move with head side/side, eyes direct move. Lift head, look down with eyes, lower head, look up, quick. Turn head to L, R ear on floor, take head/chin forward towards R shoulder, back of head to L shoulder. (hen pecking) Quick/easy, note jaw forward/back. Repeat OS. Bend knees, feet in air, turn head R/L, look over each shoulder at heels. Think of lifting knees from floor, lift head/eyes. Leave head up, look up/down with eyes, quick, then L/R quick. Roll/tilt both legs to R when head looks over L shoulder. Alternate L/R.
Push with hands to come up to stand.
S11 – Dennis Leri. Day 110 Friday August 22, 2008.
ATM Lesson #247 – Diana Razumny 2008-08-22: Day 110, S11 day 10
Lifting pubic bone, on front
CD#22/T19 [56m] DVD#S11-10 Scene 1 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #549) » play audio
On front, legs spread, toes extended, Contract buttocks, note legs turn. Note: what presses, public bone, spine lengthens, head upward. L hand on R, R cheek on back of L hand. Lift head/arm small amount. Take head/arm little R/L. Back soft, spine/chest move with head, inhale or exhale, legs? Repeat with R hand on L. Return to contract buttocks. What presses floor? Contract so that legs come lift from floor. L hand on R, lift head/arm, lift one leg without contracting butt, press pubic bone, lift head/leg small amount. Continue, lift other leg. Note lengthening of spine while pressing. Lift both legs, belly between pub bone/belly button. Note inhale/exhale? ROB. On front, head to R, on R hand, legs spread little. Lift R hand/head. Think it, add thinking R leg lifts with head. Note lengthening, front pressing. Do move small amount, check what presses, note breath. Exhale as think the move. Inhale as you think it. Press lower belly, note inhale/exhale. Lift head small amount, press belly, inhale or exhale. Add lifting legs. Lift head, take L/R. Note ribs press. Continue, direct head more R, Note L arm, elbow lifts. Note legs, L lifts more, roll to R. Switch to moving L. ROB. On front, forehead on hands, press lower belly, exhale. Lift head, elbows, legs. Elbows crawl, legs lengthen. Inhale, press lower belly, elbows/legs/head/knees lift. No effort in neck. Continue so only belly touches floor. Stay lifted, rock R/L, up/down. Repeat with exhaling. Press all but legs, legs lift. Lower legs, lift whole back. Lift everything. Back of hands on floor, down along sides, press hands/belly, lift both legs. Same position, lift L leg/head. Leave L leg lifted high as possible, lift R leg to meet L. Come to stand, walk.
FI Exploration #109 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-22: Day 110, S11 day 10
Exploring the face
CD#22/T20 [4m] DVD#S11-10 Scene 2 [71m] » play audio
Demo with Barb D. Exaggerate one side of face. Very light touch. Can include ear and neck.
Discussion #148 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-22: Day 110, S11 day 10
About face exploration
CD#22/T21 [21m] DVD#S11-10 Scene 3 [21m] » play audio
Students shared experiences of working with face. Paul Ekman studied facial expression and wrote an introduction, afterword, and commentaries for the 1999 third edition of Charles Darwin's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872, 2009) (Wikipedia article). Tres: John Gottman, man who can determine if a couple will stay together. Paula: artist Bill Viola, slows down interaction. Five human emotions in slow motion.
ATM Lesson #248 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-22: Day 110, S11 day 10
Pressing/lifting shoulders/hips, on back (short)
CD#22/T22 [19m] DVD#S11-10 Scene 4 [19m] (Dennis) » play audio
On back, R shoulder towards L hip. L shoulder to R hip. R hip to R shoulder going forward. R hip alternately to L/R shoulders. L hip to R shoulder, L hip to R shoulder. Variety of combos lifting/pressing hips/shoulders. Pressing back, imagine crossing of diagonal lines. Circle around 4 points, pressing, then circling with lifting of shoulders/hips.
ATM Lesson #249 – Dennis Leri 2008-08-22: Day 110, S11 day 10
Five winds kata, coming to sit from back
CD#22/T23 [54m] DVD#S11-10 Scene 5 [54m] (Alexander Yanai #366) » play audio
On back, slide onto top of head legs wide, press elbows, hands, come to sit. Repeat, coming more onto one elbow. Arched, come up to sit. Sit, lift legs, lean on hands, go onto elbows. Repeat keeping head on horizon, legs wide/lifted, counter balancing. Go down on one elbow, come up, other, Go all the way to back, come up/down middle. Legs together, arms forward at shoulder height, lengthen arms forward, slide onto top of head. Sit, legs spread, arms forward, belly forward, arch back, chin to throat but towards hanging back, eyes on horizon. One arm forward, one back, teeter on butt, arched back, face to horizon. Repeat OS. Both hands/arms back, repeat going back. Go up/down back to sitting, arched back, add arms long overhead on floor, arch to come up, keeping arms overhead. On forearms, lift legs, lower legs, come to sit, staying folded this time, rocking up/down. Sit, folding back, arms wide to side, not really used. On back, arms forward, arch onto head, reach with R arm forward/down, coming onto R hip. Sit, hold opposite elbows behind back, arched, go back towards floor, going down to one elbow, other, middle. Repeat, going down on one elbow, use shoulder forward to come up. Interlace hands behind head, arch, legs wide, arch towards sitting, lifting legs, lower legs to come to sit. Sit, hands behind head, arched, go back, use legs to come up. Repeat hands behind neck, go back. On knees, forehead, arms extend overhead, come up to knees arched. Sit, arms forward, go back, return. On back, arms crossed behind neck, legs up, roll to sit arched. Simple/small go back, arms forward, arch to come forward. On back, arms for, arch to sit. Stand, roll back, return. On back, legs up, 1 straight/1 bent, roll up.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 111 Monday November 10, 2008.
ATM Lesson #250 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-10: Day 111, S12 day 1
Five Winds kata take 2 #1
CD#23/T01 [71m] DVD#S12-1 Scene 1 [73m] (San Francisco inspired) » play audio
Sit, legs crossed in front, hands on floor near pelvis, go back as if to lie on back. Sit, R leg crossed in front, hands to sides of pelvis, fingers oriented forward, go back, gaze to horizon, top of head parallel to ceiling, go towards lying on back without contracting belly, keep feeling of length. Continue, lengthening R leg forward as go back. Switch legs, repeat. Go back without lengthening legs. Sit, L leg in front, R hand on floor, L hand on front of throat, monitor muscle tone of neck while going back. Talk about effort. Movements we do in ATM is useless, learning how to learn. Sit, hands on floor, go back, sense any contracting and stop/reverse, continue. One leg in front, other hand on floor, go back, lift free arm forward when feel any contractions. Repeat with both arms forward, add both legs extending. On back, legs long, slight lift of R heel from floor, not lengthening/shortening. Imagine leg is Velcro-ed to floor so when imagine lifting leg, trunk would come to leg. Repeat with L leg. Then both legs. Sit, hands to sides, go back as if to lie on back.
Marco Iacoboni's book: Mirroring People (2008).
Discussion #149 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-10: Day 111, S12 day 1
Kata origins, Culture of Chairs, Yvan's Request
CD#23/T02 [26m] DVD#S12-1 Scene 2 [26m] » play audio
About the kata lesson. History of the series, rooted in judo. Michael: Teaching kata to public. Yvan: sitting on floor is challenging for many. If support pelvis to be more comfortable, also support hands at same level of sitbones. Historically chairs are relatively new. Culture of chairs effect much, birth, digestion, defecation. Laura: realization in first 5 min. of lesson. Surprises and frustrations. Yvan: It's the experience of our life, not the life we have. Michael: interest in psychology. Yvan: request people write what they would like from the segment, personal, professionally, whatever.
ATM Lesson #251 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-10: Day 111, S12 day 1
Press/lift shoulders/hips, on back
CD#23/T03 [22m] DVD#S12-1 Scene 3 [23m] (Amherst inspired) » play audio
On back, sense shoulder blades, take shoulders back/pressing floor. Press/release shoulders. Arms straight forward, lift/press shoulders, one at a time, both at same time, alternately. Press/release hip joints, one at a time, both. Diagonal hip/shoulder press/release. Both shoulders press, both hips press, all 4 press, note knees/elbows. Imagine coming to sit from this.
Discussion #150 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-10: Day 111, S12 day 1
How do you know what you are doing in FI?
CD#23/T04 [51m] DVD#S12-1 Scene 4 [52m] » play audio
Yvan: What have you been doing with FI? Being able to explain what you do as a practitioner. Analogy of dancing tango. Improve. Thinking is not the same as explaining. Think with whole person. Technique isn't enough. Developing a vocabulary.
Many students share. Kim: Finishing an ATM lesson. Yvan: overall sketch.
ATM Lesson #252 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-10: Day 111, S12 day 1
Rolling interlaced hands #1, on back
CD#23/T05 [67m] DVD#S12-1 Scene 5 [71m] (San Francisco inspired, kata series) » play audio
On back, interlaced hands on chest, elbows lifted, roll hands, move hands up/down as roll. Continue, hands overhead, extend arms, hands away from head. Stand feet, hands interlaced overhead, lift pelvis, add alternating head/pelvis. Alternate arms lifting with head or staying on floor. Legs long, lengthen arms overhead, look up/down. Sit, legs long/spread, interlaced hands on floor between legs, bend straighten one arm, shift weight. Sit, legs crossed, interlaced hands on floor in front, bend/straighten arms. On knees, interlace hands overhead to ceiling, bend/straighten, look at hands as straighten, switch to look down. Similar on belly, arms extending overhead, head look up or down, add toes standing, lifting knees/pelvis/head.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 112 Tuesday November 11, 2008.
ATM Lesson #253 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-11: Day 112, S12 day 2
Rolling interlaced hands #2
CD#23/T06 [65m] DVD#S12-2 Scene 1 [66m] (San Francisco inspired, kata series) » play audio
On back, hands interlaced, roll in/out, arms extended in front towards ceiling. Continue, start bringing arms overhead, turn palms away when arms are overhead. Feet standing, arms by sides, roll pelvis up/down, notice chest. Keep feet standing, pelvis rolling, add rolling interlaced hands, moving arms overhead, note when palms are turned away overhead, which way is pelvis rolled. Soles touching, knees wide, roll pelvis up/down, note knees open/close. Repeat, add arms extended overhead, hands interlaced, palms away, note when arms extend more easily relative to rolling pelvis. Leave knees open without rolling pelvis and feel effect on knees opening/closing of the arms extending, palms away from head. Stand feet, non-habitual interlacing of hands, lengthen arm overhead, palms away, move arms little to R while extending, note which arm extends more easily, switch to L, compare; alternate L/R with arms, add tilting legs, opposite direction of legs, then same side, compare. Stand feet, cross one leg over the other, tilt knees towards top leg, with interlaced hands overhead, take extended arms to opposite side of legs tilting.
FI Exploration #110 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-11: Day 112, S12 day 2
Arms extended overhead with tilting legs
CD#23/T07 [36m] DVD#S12-2 Scene 2 [36m] » play audio
Students share about lesson position of interlaced hands. Demo with skeleton, interlace fingers, show difference in palms away vs. palms towards top of head. Shows little Budai statue of holding up sky with position of hands. Close up of shoulder joint, clavicle, shoulder blade and effects on sternum and chest. Legs bent/crossed, tilt, note pelvis turning, vertebral bodies turning inside chest with sternum. Abi: belly, diaphragm. Yvan: emotional also. Yet, FM focuses more on process and skeleton. Our focus on skeleton. Skeleton doesn't have feelings. Gerda Alexander said Moshé stole from her. They both agree contacting the skeleton was towards spirituality. Moshé studied acupuncture, Alfred Adler's psychology, yoga, Zen, Gurdjieff. Tres: clarification of clavicle's connection and weight bearing. Michael: difficulty doing the extended arms lesson. Yvan: Talk of skeletal movement without history, emotions, content.
FI Exploration #111 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-11: Day 112, S12 day 2
Standing leg
CD#23/T08 [38m] DVD#S12-2 Scene 3 [105m] » play audio
Demo with Laura. Looking for which leg she prefers for standing. One that doesn't roll out as much, feels more solid, closer to the midline, more tone. Standing her leg by holding foot and knee, standing the foot in place for stability. Lifting with a “horseshoe” shape of hands, the web between thumb and index, against the lower leg just below the knee. Looking for how the foot lands on table. Talk of dance training. Worked with one leg, “standing” first then brought other up as well, compared and then lengthened the first. With both feet standing, palpating in one hip. Taking knees together, tilting. Finished with rolling head a little. Sitting up, feet on floor, playing from the foot, lifting and turning knee in with awareness of lower back relationship. Come to stand with legs crossed, hands on table to side, rotate coming up. Worked with feet in standing.
ATM Lesson #254 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-11: Day 112, S12 day 2
Looking up, on front
CD#23/T09 [48m] DVD#S12-2 Scene 4 [49m] (San Francisco inspired, kata series) » play audio
On front, hands overlapped, forehead on back of hands, lift head to look up overhead. Forehead on hands, lift one elbow, other both, note shoulder blades. Lift head and both elbows. Tuck toes, push to lift knees, pelvis. Add lifting head. Keep knees lifted, lift/lower head/pelvis alternately to rock on front. Hands separated on floor near head, face to R, stand R toes, push to lift R knee and head, add pelvis lifting. Repeat OS. Return to forehead on back of hands, toes tucked, push from toes to lift knees, lift/lower pelvis/head alternately. ROB. On front, hands on floor near overhead, arms framing head, forehead on floor, lift pelvis. Face to R, lift only R side of pelvis, allow R knee to bend. Repeat OS. Alternate side/side. ROB. On front, hands near head, heels turned in, lift pelvis, tail to ceiling, add lifting head with pelvis. Continue, stand hands for pushup, lift head/pelvis alternately, push with hands to lift head. Hands overlapped on floor just above head, lift head/elbows. Stand hands, elbows up, lift head/chest, using hands. ROB. Bend knees, hold knees with hands, rock side/side gently. Sit, legs crossed, hands on floor near pelvis, start to go back as if to lie down. On back, imagine coming up to sit rolling pelvis so belly comes forward, etc., following kata movement.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 113 Wed November 12, 2008.
ATM Lesson #255 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-12: Day 113, S12 day 3
Feet and hands with spinal flexion/extension, sitting on table
CD#23/T10 [69m] DVD#S12-3 Scene 1 [69m] (Gaby Yaron inspired) » play audio
Sitting on table, noting height of table, placement of feet, knees over feet. Knees in/out. Lift/lower heels, take in/out, note lower back. Lift/lower one foot, other. Sense if ready to stand without preparation. Stand few times, then go down and just touch bottom to table without weight. ROB. Sit, roll pelvis forward/back, add head looking up/down.
Roll back, lower head forward and bring knees together; look up to sky and note how whole spine moves and separate your knees. Repeat. Note relationship to breathing. Note sternum moving away from the vertebral bodies. Notice efforting and see how you can distribute movement. Interlace hands behind head, lower head, elbows together, roll pelvis back, knees together, include eyes, then unfold in opposite direction. Prepare to stand without preparation. Stand with intention to walk. ROB on someone else's mat. Return to sitting on table, hands on table next to pelvis, turn/pivot/spin R hand, note effect through whole of self. Repeat with L hand then do both. First both in/out then one in while other goes out. ROB. Turn both hands in/out, allow for spinal and head move to follow, allow knees/feet to resonate the pattern of in/out to follow the hands and then to go opposite the hands. ROB. Sit, lift leg by grabbing pants above the knee, take knee in/out, foot hanging, lower foot to floor, note differences. Repeat OS.
FI Exploration #112 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-12: Day 113, S12 day 3
Use of self, working with legs
CD#23/T11 [38m] DVD#S12-3 Scene 2 [46m], Scene 3 [43m] » play audio
Demo with Leanore, legs standing near end of table, hand under knee, ready to lift foot from table and Yvan is in position ready to stand if need be, without preparation. Had Leanore roll head while he took knee in/out with or against movement of head. Several variations of internal/external rotation of legs. Sitting, feet on floor, replicated some of same from knees. Looking for place of no anticipation or resisting. Went from legs to arms, got into giving a lesson rather than showing something specific to practice. Had goal of moving knee internally connected to low back rounding back. Talk afterwards. Practice in dyads.
FI Exploration #112 continued – Yvan Joly 2008-11-12: Day 113, S12 day 3
Use of self, working with legs continued
CD#23/T12 [29m] DVD#S12-3 Scene 4 [30m], Scene 5 [34m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton on back with feet standing. Keeping bones lined up so forces don't shear in knee or ankle. Skeleton sitting at end of table. Swing leg to place on floor. Standing up by leaning forward over legs. Practice in dyads.
ATM Lesson #256 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-12: Day 113, S12 day 3
Five Winds kata take 2 #2
CD#23/T13 [31m] DVD#S12-3 Scene 6 [30m] (San Francisco inspired) » play audio
Sit, L leg crossed in front, R hand on floor to R of pelvis, go back towards taking R elbow to floor, top of head parallel with ceiling, add L arm forward, L leg lengthening as you go back. Rather than taking L arm/leg forward, think getting taller. Repeat OS. Return to L leg in front, lean on R hand, go back to lean on R elbow, lengthen L arm towards ceiling, then a little behind, watching hand. Repeat with L foot standing and tilt L knee to R as you reach towards ceiling. Repeat with L leg vertical. Repeat OS. Both hands on floor, go back, allow both leg to extend forward for counter balance as you go back. Then do without extending legs. L leg in front of R, hands to R, lift pelvis to come to standing.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 114 Thursday November 13, 2008.
ATM Lesson #257 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-13: Day 114, S12 day 4
Lifting inner/outer edges of feet, on back
CD#23/T14 [54m] DVD#S12-4 Scene 1 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #433) » play audio
On back, bend knees, stand feet, lift inside edges of feet. Quickly. Lift outside edges. Quickly. Alternate inside/outside.
Stand R foot, bend L knee out to side, slide L foot between R foot/butt, lift outside edge of R foot without moving R knee. Repeat with legs switched. Stand R foot on L foot, L knee on floor, lift inside/outside edge of R foot alternately. Same position, add: L hand on forehead, roll head R/L while lifting inside edge of R foot. Ease of head each direction? Same, roll head L/middle only and lift inside edge. Repeat rolling head R/middle only. Roll head R/L, lift inside edge. Stand R foot on L, lift outside edge of R, R hand on head, roll L/middle. Roll head R. Roll R/L. Lift inside/outside. Note timing/coordination. Vary: Roll L/lift outer, roll L/lift inner while still alternating R/L roll and in/out lift. Repeat 3-6 with L foot standing on R. Try each hand rolling. Stand R foot on inside of lower L leg near L knee, lift R/L edges. Let R knee open to side so outer edge rests on L leg, same movement of ankle when lifting edges of foot. Mimic movement with L foot that's on floor. Move feet same time. Repeat with L leg on top, knees open sides. Sit, open knees, one leg on other, hands on floor behind, lift pelvis, knees come towards standing. Change over top leg. On back, soles together, press inner edges together then outer. Soles a little apart, same movement of ankles.
FI Exploration #113 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-13: Day 114, S12 day 4
Bones of the foot, explore lifting inner/outer edges of feet with head rolling
CD#23/T15 [29m] DVD#S12-4 Scene 2 [80m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton. Study of bones of foot. Practice: roll head, push through foot, stand leg, eversion and inversion while student rolls head to one side or the other, roll head at end.
FI Exploration #113 continued – Diana Razumny 2008-11-13: Day 114, S12 day 4
Bring foot to stand, lifting edges of feet
CD#23/T16 [24m] DVD#S12-4 Scene 3 [64m] » play audio
Demo with Kristen.
ATM Lesson #258 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-13: Day 114, S12 day 4
Coming up to sit with a twist #1, from back
CD#23/T17 [69m] DVD#S12-4 Scene 4 [69m] (San Francisco, kata series) » play audio
On back, feet standing, one hand on belly, one on chest, feel movement of breath. Moving hands so locate 4 different areas of torso from lower belly to upper chest, feeling for the volumes in those areas. Feel breathing volumes in each area. Change position, Lower body/legs lying on R side, shoulders/head lying on back, arms along side, slide L foot back along the floor, noting belly/spine as L leg moves back, think of belly forward to the R, note head. Same position, take L leg back then forward beyond the lower/R leg. As L leg comes more forward, upper back on back, as L leg goes back behind to L, roll more towards R side. Come up onto R elbow and repeat same movement. Add coming up to sidesit, pushing from R elbow/arm, belly forward, back arched. Notice use of back, L arm. Imagine someone pulling on your L arm to help bring you up to sitting. On back, head rolled to L, imagine come to L, leaning on L elbow and coming up to sidesit like you did on other side. Actually come up on L side. Repeat few times then continue by coming down on R side, flipping knees in sitting then change direction of circling, add staying in extension coming up and going down. Sit, legs crossed, go back kata style, going onto elbows, then go one elbow at a time, keeping eyes/head on horizon rather than arching. From back, come forward, onto elbows, continue up to squatting, standing, or imagine it. On belly, push up onto knees then feet. Stand, oscillate forward/back from the ankles.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 115 Friday November 14, 2008.
ATM Lesson #259 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-14: Day 115, S12 day 5
Seesaw breathing with 4 volumes in 3D, lying/sitting
CD#23/T18 [55m] DVD#S12-5 Scene 1 [57m] (Yvan) » play audio
Breathing in lower belly. Expand lower belly then upper belly alternately. Disconnect the movement of expanding upper/lower belly from the breath. Breathe in expanding upper belly, out expanding lower belly. Inhale, move volumes up/down without exhaling. Breathe moving upper chest. Expand upper chest and lower belly alternately. Then upper belly and upper chest. Inhale, shift expansion to the 4 volumes. Sit on table, repeat breathing volumes. Oscillate forward/back on sit bones without changing volume. Oscillate side/side. Circle. Forward, up to stand. Oscillate in standing.
Short talk at end about functional criteria for FI:
- Moving, for example standing, without preparation.
- Dynamically maintaining all four volumes in three dimensions.
- Dynamically maintaining length.
FI Exploration #114– Yvan Joly 2008-11-14: Day 115, S12 day 5
Attention to use of self with head moves, on back
CD#23/T19 [46m] DVD#S12-5 Scene 2 [75m] » play audio
Demo with Cheryl. Sitting at head, holding head, moving in direction of yes, no, maybe. Talk of planes of movement and what axis is fixed with each movement. Then there is translation, forward/back, side/side, up/down. Practice 3 planes with attention to self use. Practice, rotating partners. Demo of Pam with Tres: use of self; translation. Demo with Tres: type of chair or stool; use of self and placement of hands on head; placement of standing legs of practitioner.
FI Exploration #114 continued – Yvan Joly 2008-11-14: Day 115, S12 day 5
Attention to use of self with head moves, on back continued
CD#23/T20 [21m] DVD#S12-5 Scene 3 [?m] » play audio
Demo with James. Do we know what we are doing? Why questions are really impossible to answer. Care in lifting head to not choke. Translating head forward and back to find neutral. If I take care of myself, then usually something happens beneficial I the relationship. Translate head side to side. Review with new partner “yes, no, maybe” as movement of reference, and then practice translation movements. We always know what we are doing as a concrete question of what we are really doing.
FI Exploration #115 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-14: Day 115, S12 day 5
Attention to use of self with head moves, on back continued
CD#23/T20 [23m] DVD#S12-5 Scene 4 [?m] » play audio
Demo with Barb B. Finding neutral in relation to folds in neck and swallowing. Lifting neck with jaw movements. Rolling of the head is a basic reference movement. The head fixes the muscle tone. Demo with skeleton looking into nose cavities, location of diaphragm and organs. Diaphragm massages organs, involved in digestion, breathing. Involved in posture with psoas muscles.
ATM Lesson #260 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-14: Day 115, S12 day 5
Coming up to sit with a twist #2, from back
CD#23/T21 [40m] DVD#S12-5 Scene 5 [?m] (San Francisco, kata series) » play audio
Sit with feet to L, lean on R elbow, take L bent leg back and come off elbow, bring leg forward, go down on elbow, eventually go all the way down to shoulder rather than elbow. Lie on back, with lower body twisted to R, interlace hands behind head, lift head. On back, lift legs in front, rock side/side, rock to R, come up to sit, taking L leg back behind. Continue, when sitting, flip knees to L, go down on L, reverse. Hands/knees, sink spine between shoulder blades towards floor, reverse. On knees/elbows, forehead on floor, hands cupping, repeat spine move. On front, stand toes, hands at shoulders, elbows up, forehead on floor, rock from toes, arms flop. On back, elbow propped, legs long, lift/lower head, spine sinking between shoulder blades and then rise out. Return to coming to sit with legs to side, coming up on elbow. Continue and come to squat.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 116 Monday November 17, 2008.
ATM Lesson #261 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-17: Day 116, S12 day 6
Scissor legs, on back
CD#24/T01 [57m] DVD#S12-6 Scene 1 [58m] (Amherst) » play audio
On back, roll R leg in, L out, slide legs apart.
On back, move left leg to left, right heel to the right, bend the right knee so inside of right foot is on the floor. Legs are split like for hurdling, symmetrical to body. Turn to your left only as much as you need to have legs split. On back, legs straight, roll pelvis left, split legs as if leaping to left. Bring legs a little together/apart. Note direction face. Legs split, take left hand to left ankle without bending left leg, head/arm/shoulders slide towards left foot, hands stay on floor. Same position, bring right ankle and right hand towards each other. Note direction head looks. Palms stay on the floor. Alternate left/right, left hand to left ankle, right to right. Same position, head to the right, straighten right leg down then take straight right leg towards right hand. Move heel/hand towards/away from each other, straight leg turned so heel is to right/back. Arms out at shoulder height, toes/feet pointed left, legs together/apart. Keep legs open, slide head/shoulders/arms and left hand to left ankle, back to middle. Repeat to right, hand to right ankle. Alternate right/left. Stop with head/arms in middle and return to open/close legs. Rest on back. Stand and walk. Same position, legs together/apart. Think of touching the ankles with the respective hand. Arms out to sides, palms to floor, open legs, slide left to touch left hand to left ankle. Then right hand to right ankle. Open legs when sliding to side, close when return to middle. Put right leg over the left and open/close legs, sliding feet along the floor. Arms out to sides, alternate taking hands towards feet. Legs close when arms/torso/head returns to middle. Feel hip joints, the spine, the chest. Stop, feel change in chest, the inaccessible parts of ourselves. Return to previous position, right leg back to right, left leg to left, open/close legs and feel if it's easier. Repeat the arm/torso move so hands come towards the foot on same side. Don't touch. Take right leg over the left again like before, arms out, do the same thing, opening/closing the leg as you take the hand to each foot alternately. Left arm/hand towards right leg, lift head/chest, stick out the belly. Open legs, lift head on side as it is and feel what you do with the chest, breathing, abdomen. Push belly out when you lift the head. Then draw it in when you lift the head to feel difference. Same position, lift left hand to ceiling, reach to lift shoulder blade from floor. Add lifting head. Alternate lifting head/shoulder, add pressing into floor when not lifting. Repeat with looking to left, pressing left temple to floor when shoulder blade lifts. Switch to do with the right arm. Lift both arms to ceiling, reaching with arms alternately, lifting head with each arm, head is turned to look to the left. Try different breathing, breathe in, breathe out, hold breath all on same movement. Join hands, arms in hoop, take hoop right and left. When arm/elbow touch floor lift head. When you touch with the right elbow take the right leg back. Touch left elbow, take left leg back. Touch right elbow to floor on right and take right leg forward with foot on floor. Don't do it if you can't. Rest on back, feel differences in sides, pelvis, shoulder blades, head.
FI Exploration #116 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-17: Day 116, S12 day 6
Lifting head with hands behind head, from back
CD#24/T02 [39m] DVD#S12-6 Scene 2 [77m] & Scene 3 [32m] » play audio
Demo with Michael. Lifting head without hands and then with hands interlaced behind head, hooking onto elbows.
Discussion #151 – Yvan Joly & Diana Razumny 2008-11-17: Day 116, S12 day 6
Creating ATM series for classes and workshops
CD#24/T03 [50m] DVD#S12-6 Scene 4 [77m] » play audio
Groups of 4 discuss how you would approach developing a series for ATM classes or a workshop.
ATM Lesson #262 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-17: Day 116, S12 day 6
Five Winds kata take 2 #3
CD#24/T04 [22m] DVD#S12-6 Scene 5 [22m] (Yvan) » play audio
On back, feet standing, fingers on sternum, move fingers from bottom to top of sternum, feel movement of breath. Feel area above sternum and clavicles. Lift one shoulder, other, both, feel movement at clavicles, note throat. Sit, hands next to pelvis, face forward, go back as if to start to lie back, note area of clavicles/sternum, throat. Remove hands from floor, continue. On back, move top part of sternum forward/up. Repeat with held breath. Breathe in and lift sternum as exhale.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 117 Tuesday November 18, 2008.
ATM Lesson #263 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-18: Day 117, S12 day 7
Heel and feet circles
CD#24/T05 [58m] DVD#S12-7 Scene 1 [59m] (Alexander Yanai #425) » play audio
On front, bend knees, soles to ceiling, bend/straighten ankles, heels towards buttocks, then front of foot (toes) towards floor. On back, feet stand, lift pelvis, fists under pelvis, feet in air, soles to ceiling, bend/straighten ankles. Quickly. On front, knees bent, bend/straighten one ankle, other ankle opposite direction. Turn to look while moving, note/compare feet. On back, fist under pelvis, repeat movement of ankles in opposite direction. Attention to not bend in knee, just ankles. Same position, leg together, bend both ankles, both heels up/down, think only of the heel movement, not front of foot. Then attention to both heels/feet. Then alternate directions of two feet/heels, thinking of heels. On front, bend legs, heels up/down. Switch attention to feet. Then attention to feet/heels same time. Same position, take only R heel out to R. Feel muscles of lower leg. Stand, take R heel out, attention to not taking foot in or inverting. The front of foot, little/big, toe slide in relation to heel. On front, bend knees, take both heels out, think of keeping big toes where they are in space. Switch/compare to taking front of foot inward. Then think turning heels out. Do only R leg/heel out. Moshé says ability to move lower leg and foot allows neck to be free and pains of neck/arms disappear. Continue, add R hand to R heel to feel what doing, feel if front of foot is making the move or can the heel move on it's own. Repeat OS. ROB. On front, bend legs, take heels out same time. Compare to moving feet inward. Attention to heels/feet same time as heels go out, feet go in. Then switch direction, heels in/feet out. Alternate touching heels/bit toes, soles to ceiling, ankle bent. Hold heels together, open/close big toes. Reverse, hold big toes together, open/close heels. On back, fists under pelvis, feet in the air, circle R heel, small. Switch to front of R foot circling, listen to heel circle while foot circles. Eyes close, think clearly of 4 points in circle. Track heel while foot moves. Open eyes, close eyes. Stand, compare legs. On front, bend knees, take R heel R/L, front of foot opposite. Pause, take L heel up/down. R heel R/L, alternately then same time. Start one, add other. On back, fists under pelvis repeat L/R, up/down movements of heels. Pause, legs together, circle both heels together, same direction. Whole leg involved, heels to L, knees R. Rvs direction. On front, legs together, knees bent, circle both heels, attention between heels/front of foot. Quickly, slowly, tracking heel and front of foot. Alternate attention between feet/heels. Stand, walk, note shoulders, face, head, breath, pelvis.
FI Exploration #117 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-18: Day 117, S12 day 7
Heel movement in relation to knee
CD#24/T06 [29m] DVD#S12-7 Scene 2 [65m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton. Partners practice moving heel in/out, connecting to head of fibula. Repeat same idea in 4 orientations/positions: sitting with feet flat on floor under knees; on back with foot standing; on side with hip/knee at 90; on front, knee bent 90, foot in air, holding foot as if standing. Push through long leg while on back to suggest standing.
FI Exploration #117 continued – Diana Razumny 2008-11-18: Day 117, S12 day 7
Heel movement in relation to knee
CD#24/T07 [25m] DVD#S12-7 Scene 3 [69m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton. Yvan demo with Shira.
ATM Lesson #264 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-18: Day 117, S12 day 7
Rolling interlaced hands overhead #3 with cross-leg tilt, on back
CD#24/T08 [66m] DVD#S12-7 Scene 4 [66m] (Yvan) » play audio
Stand, interlace hands, roll arms, extend hands overhead, palms away from head, towards ceiling, look up at back of hands. Keep hands overhead, take head forward/down, note effect on arms. On back, repeat movement with arms, keep arms overhead, lift head to see feet. Stand feet, cross R over L, extend interlaced hands overhead again, tilt legs R while extending arms, note which arm gets longer. Continue and lift head to see L hip joint. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, slide L foot through gap of R heel/hip, add interlaced hands extended overhead, coordinate sliding foot, extending arms, note which arm lengthens more, belly extended. Repeat OS. Sit, legs crossed in front, interlace hands, turn palms to floor in space between legs/pelvis, bend/straighten elbows. Note wrists, chest, head lowers with bent elbows, look forward when arms straighten. Alternate bending elbows, leaning bent arm on inside of leg. Extend both arms, look forward. ROB. Return to tilt crossed leg, arms extend away overhead, this time tilting legs each direction. L leg long, bend R knee to R, rest outside of R ankle on top of L thigh above knee, roll long L leg L/R, note R knee goes more R/open to R then lifts a little and moves to L. Add interlaced hands overhead, extending arms when rolling L leg R/L, note when arms get longer. Again, R ankle crossed on L thigh, continue rolling L long leg, add bending L knee as leg rolls L/R. Repeat OS. Stand feet, cross L leg over R, hold L wrist with R hand, tilt knees L, pull L arm long with help of R hand. Pause, hand on upper chest, feel top of sternum move forward/up. Sit, hands on floor next to pelvis, face to horizon, go back towards lying. Cross R leg in front, go back on L elbow, R arm/leg extended forward, use belly forward to return to sitting. Switch arms/legs, repeat. Think of chest/upper spine to move under/behind head. Come up pushing belly forward. Stand, interlace hands, extend arms overhead, palm to ceiling, Budai belly.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 118 Wednesday November 19, 2008.
ATM Lesson #265 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-19: Day 118, S12 day 8
Circling arms, on side and back
CD#24/T09 [70m] DVD#S12-8 Scene 1 [71m] (Yvan) » play audio
Lie on side, arms straight in front, palms together, slide top arm/hand along floor over top of head and behind, top shoulder rolls towards lying on back. Leave arm behind in line with other arm, both palms forward to ceiling, start bringing “other” arm around overhead towards arm that has been circled behind, once hands are together, bring both arms back around to “front” so lying on original side again. Start, hands together, take both hands together around over top of head towards behind, hands begin to separate as back arm goes back to shoulder height. Start at side again, hands together, circle top arm down, around and behind at shoulder height, stay with top arm behind, circle other arm down, around in front towards arm/hand behind. Stay with arms straight out at shoulder height to sides, look at hand in “front” where knees are, start circling that hand down, around across front towards other arm, reverse. Take both arms in that pathway, starting on side and continue around overhead, returning to starting point. Sit, go back kata style. On back, arms/legs spread in “X” position, arms overhead, start taking L hand/arm along floor overhead across to R hand, allow torso and legs to lazily follow, legs turn. Repeat with L ankle crossed over R. Allow belly to come forward. Repeat OS. From back, think of coming up to sit kata style, coming onto top of head, belly forward, legs open. In “X” position, take long leg across other to roll to belly, reverse.
FI Exploration #118 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-19: Day 118, S12 day 8
Taking head side to side with hands behind head
CD#24/T10 [11m] DVD#S12-8 Scene 2 [44m] » play audio
Demo with Marge. Lift head forward/down, then bend side to side. Add hands interlaced behind head to lift with elbows forward and then elbows to sides to bend side to side.
Discussion #152 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-19: Day 118, S12 day 8
Fractals & DVD of Mandelbrot
CD#24/T11 [70m] DVD#S12-8 Scene 3 [71m] » play audio
No notes.
Editor's notes: Euclidean geometry and fractal geometry. Yvan's hero: Benoît Mandelbrot. Fractal characteristic of self-similarity, also found in human behavior; Yvan: “The patterns by which we generate all of our behavior is the way we move.” “[Moshé] was proposing this as an alternative to psychoanalysis. Moshé was very far from ‘new age’... to him it's just a concreteness. He wanted to have that recognition, that the observer is part of the equation of the observed.” Chaos theory, non-linear, dynamical systems, Lorenz attractors. What's the difference between awareness and self-consciousness?
FI Exploration #119 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-19: Day 118, S12 day 8
Sit to stand from table at end of lesson
CD#24/T12 [15m] DVD#S12-8 Scene 4 (FI #118c) [49m] » play audio
First students switch from FI #118 and practice. Then new material: Demo with Marge. From sitting on table to standing. Placement of hands on occiput and/or skull to guide head forward to lead person up to standing.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 119 Thursday November 20, 2008.
FI Exploration #119 continued – Yvan Joly 2008-11-20: Day 119, S12 day 9
Sit to stand from table with variations in sitting
CD#24/T13 [31m] DVD#S12-9 Scene 1 [77m] » play audio
Demo with Kim. Sitting on table to bring to standing. Where to stand between sitting person's legs. Hand on head, side bending; variety of holds/moves to explore sitting. Going down on one elbow, lengthening other for side bending. Holding head while she walks sit bones back/forward all the way to stand. Repeat by holding under armpits from behind.
Demo with Linda. Start with head flex/extend and through to pelvis. Demo with Brian, showing how to go with a small characteristic. Kristen demo. Si demo.
ATM Lesson #266 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-20: Day 119, S12 day 9
Sit to stand, “Good posture” Book lesson #1
CD#24/T14 [62m] DVD#S12-9 Scene 2 [62m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #1 inspired) » play audio
Reading from first lesson in book Awareness Through Movement.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #1: What Is Good Posture?
FI Exploration #120 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-20: Day 119, S12 day 9
Sit to stand taking knees back
CD#24/T15 [27m] DVD#S12-9 Scene 3 [62m] » play audio
Demo with skeleton. Demo with Michael sitting on roller.
ATM Lesson #267 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-20: Day 119, S12 day 9
Extending arms overhead, on back
CD#24/T16 [62m] DVD#S12-9 Scene 4 [63m] (San Francisco, kata series) » play audio
On back, extend interlaced hands overhead, stand R foot, bent L knee out to side, lift R hip, extend arms. Repeat with R foot standing on L foot then ankle, then lower leg then around L knee on floor. Last position, take arms/head to R while lifting R hip. Repeat OS. Arms extended overhead, legs long, lift head to look down at feet. Arms straightforward, hands separate, crawl headward with shoulder then return. Interlace hands extended overhead on floor, crawl again. Hold R wrist with L hand, pull R arm to L, lift head to place head on arm. Repeat OS. Sit, lift bent legs, hands on floor to sides of pelvis, walk back/forward. Sit, extend interlaced hands overhead, belly out, look up keeping arms in place. Keep arms up without hands interlaced, look up. Stand, repeat moves of head/arms. On back, arms long overhead, legs spread, slide R hand along floor over to L hand, continue and roll to belly, reverse. Repeat idea using R leg crossing to the L. Partners roll each other from arm or leg to replicate movement of lesson. Talk. Little bit of kata sitting from lying.
S12 – Yvan Joly. Day 120 Friday November 21, 2008.
Discussion #153 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Questions & Answers
CD#24/T17 [39m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 1 [40m] » play audio
Laura: Styles of receiving FI. Yvan: large variety in response to different people's styles of being. Observing signs of responses. Creating variety of attending/engaging person. Michael: Had difficulty with all FI practice. Tres: FI skeletal transmission of force, neutrality and other domains like coordination of flexors/extensors, eyes etc. Yvan: skeleton is always in background. All the other can seem abstract, yet always relates skeletally. Story about Moshé lesson of using pocket knife removing dead skin on foot. Not teaching techniques in training but about the process and how to engage to engage with others in a process. Can have a receipt or formula but you still need to personalize any technique or formula. Find something interesting, distribute it through the whole person, exaggerate or spread it through them, vary it a bit and then bring it to sitting and standing. Leanore: support to back. Yvan, can have person sit with back support if they stay a long time in sitting.
FI Exploration #121 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Give full lesson using this segment's explorations
CD#24/T18 [4m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 2 [51m] » play audio
Yvan: Work with partner and create a 50-minute lesson, start in sitting, check out some of the things from this segment and create a lesson for the person.
Discussion #154 – Diana Razumny 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Knee anatomy homework for next segment
CD#24/T19 [7m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 3 [11m] » play audio
Study pages of anatomy of knee from David Gorman's book The Body Moveable (1981, 2002) with partner and make a report for next segment.
FI Exploration #121 continued – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Give full lesson using this segment's explorations
[No audio] DVD#S12-10 Scene 4 [48m]
Switch roles.
ATM Lesson #268 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Sit to stand with hand/heel circles, on table
CD#24/T20 [31m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 5 [32m] (unattributed) » play audio
Sit at edge of seat/table, supported by sit bones, look where feet are placed. Hands on table next to pelvis, pivot so fingers point out then forward, note effect on chest/head. Pause with fingers pointing forward and pivot on heels similar to what you did pivoting around base of hand/wrist, note lower back/pelvis round/roll. Pause, do both at same time. Reverse hand direction and note if back follows movement of arms or legs. Come to stand without knees going forward. Walk. Attention to R foot, imagine peg between big/2nd toe, move heel in/out, not weight shift, turning of torso/head. As heel turns out, turn forefoot in. Lift/drop R foot, L foot. Note foot placement. Slide heel out, keep going, turning heel out, continue to make circle with heel/foot. Repeat with hands interlaced on top of head, track head/heel circles. Lift drop each foot. Sit, imagine sensation on R transferring to L. Walk. Sit, circle heels, together/apart, then switch to both going same direction, continue with feet/knees together.
FI Exploration #122 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Foot on board on roller or ball, on back
CD#24/T21 [19m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 6 [19m] » play audio
Demo with Marge. On back, feet standing, foot on clipboard rocking over rolled towel. Towel along length of foot or perpendicular, exploring movement in ankle and relation to knee. Switch towel with ball for rolling board around on ball so ankle has to adjust to many ankles/directions.
ATM Lesson #269 – Yvan Joly 2008-11-21: Day 120, S12 day 10
Five winds kata take 2 #4, synthesis
CD#24/T22 [50m] DVD#S12-10 Scene 7 [50m] (San Francisco, kata series) » play audio
On R side, L leg bent behind R, L hand on forehead, roll head L. Add R hand on L hand, continue to roll head. Twisted position, have both palms on floor next to torso, lift chin forward; lift L shoulder; lift R shoulder, roll top/L side of pelvis up towards head; lower L shoulder towards floor, add lowering L knee to floor; lift chin while lowering L knee to floor. Repeat OS. On back, knees over chest, roll R, send L bent leg back, come up to sitting, sending belly forward, extension of head/shoulders. Repeat on OS. On back, shoulders back, slide back of head down, slide onto top of head, push belly forward, bend knees open to sides with idea of coming to sit. Sit, hands on floor, go back towards lying down by taking shoulders to floor first.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 121 Monday February 9, 2009.
Discussion #155 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Introduction to the Segment
CD#25/T01 [10m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 1 [11m] » play audio
Overview: Exploring doorways into FI lessons. State of not knowing & questioning. Tools for observing and assessing. Every day giving full FI based on familiar ATMs. Each day new partner. Entering FI boot camp. Name drawing for small element of surprise, as with clients from public. Each morning plan on coming 10 min. early to pick up handouts for the day and draw your partner. Series from Alexander Yanai on walking. Using artificial structures to lead you into how to begin an FI. Lenses to put on to view what is going on with a client.
FI Exploration #123 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Squatting Observation
CD#25/T02 [9m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 2 [31m] » play audio
Look at handout for squatting observation. Work in trios, remember your trio so we can check in on the last day with the same people. The main function of the handout will be for outside of class when you want to practice. You'll have half hour to view 3 people. Split your time up accordingly.
Squatting Handout: This list is provided as an exercise to stimulate and hone your observation skills for watching a person in the process of squatting. At first, you may want to go through the whole list a few times. After some practice, you can switch to picking out a few things to notice or notice a few things that catch your attention when observing. Take note of it before and after either an ATM or FI lesson.
Slideshow of squatting.
FI Exploration #124 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Walking Observation #1
CD#25/T03 [4m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 3 [7m] » play audio
Look over handout for walking observation. Don't actually need to read but can take notes on your experience of observing. Today concentrate on head movement. We'll work with the handout throughout the two weeks. Its main function is for you to have it afterwards, if you find it useful. And, to take notes as we go when other things get added. Work with your partner of the day. Check their head movement during walking for movements that suggest yes/no/maybe. Once finished, lie on mat.
Walking Handout: soft focus then zero in on specifics.
ATM Lesson #270 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Tilting bent legs, on front
CD#25/T04 [36m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 4 [37m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #7) » play audio
- LOF, hands on top of each other, forehead on hands, feet apart hip width, knees bent, tilt legs R, L foot slides along R leg. Legs back to middle, feet touch, slide foot along leg. Observe elbows, turning through spine. Rest.
- L hand on top of R, face L, R ear on hands, knees bent and tilt them R and to middle. Observe ribs on floor, vertebra and how far legs go. Different with the head turned? ROB. Roll head, note R/L. Twisting evenly?
- LOF, L hand on R, face R, L ear on hand and continue tilting bent legs R. The L foot slides along R leg again. Observe degree of twist in spine with head turned R. Inhale or exhale during tilting. Track vertebrae. ROB.
- LOF, face L, R ear on floor and interlace fingers on top of L ear, elbows on the floor. Knees together and bent, tilt R, keeping knees and ankles tied together. L knee and thigh leave the floor. Note exhale with leg movement, twist in spine, chest, elbow. ROB.
- LOF, face R, L cheek on floor, interlace fingers non-habitual way, hands on R ear, knees bent together and tilt R as before. ROS (or stand and walk noticing differences) head, eyes, torso, legs, pelvis.
- LOF, forehead on hands, tilt bent legs R to compare to beginning. Pause.
Recall the movements then do the same taking the legs to the L. Actually do the movements a few times and compare the ease of going both directions, then get together with partners and observe.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #7: The Carriage of the Head Affects the State of the Musculature.
FI Exploration #125 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Explore possible FI moves from ATM tilting bent legs
CD#25/T05 [11m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 5 [43m] » play audio
Partners on floor, heads together; alternate giving instructions on OS. Person giving instructions, also doing. Both think of possible hands-on while doing. Say out loud/share what you are thinking with your partner. Alternate, go through as many steps in time given. Based on experience of lesson—what are you sensing while doing it and how could you highlight that experience for them?
Discussion #156 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Knee presentations by students #1
CD#25/T06 [30m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 6 [31m] » play audio
p. 58 by Barbara D., Barb B. & Shira. pp. 59 & 60 by Pam & Michael.
Barb B.: Knee has heavy burden for locomotion. Two of the longest bones of the body join. Joint needs to have wide range of motion. Shortener/lengthener, propeller along with ankle. For a quadruped knee is a simple track-bound hinge. Knee requires stability in extension, and mobility after a certain amount of flexion. Because of ligaments, knee joint is one of the strongest of the body. Traumatic dislocation of the knee is rare.
Pam: Femur and tibia. Femur 19″ long, 1″ diameter—can support up to 30 times weight of adult. Tibia: males: Vertical to ground, parallel to other tibia. Females, angled laterally and downward. Femur/tibia both get wider as they approach the knee—for weight bearing. Femur is convex, tibia is concave.
Michael: construction of joint limits hyperextension of the knee joint. Flexion of knee joint is greater when the hip is also flexed. Axial rotation—a small amount is possible.
FI Exploration #126 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Intake form
CD#25/T07 [6m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 7 [25m] » play audio
With your partner of the day—Exercise asking questions to help you enter into their world. Limit your self to 10 minutes and see how much you can find out. Have a kind of soft focus to allow images/impressions to come up in relation to giving them an FI. Listen beyond what they are saying. Another question; What would you like to do better? Hobbies?
Intake Form Handout: List questions for interview.
FI Exploration #127 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-09: Day 121, S13 day 1
Full FI of 40 minutes based on leg tilt ATM #1
CD#25/T08 [7m] DVD#S13-1 Scene 8 [89m] » play audio
You have interviewed and watched them walk. You have the ideas from the ATM lesson. Roll head first/last. Then while on front, observe them tilting their legs, use that as a reference a few times during the lesson. Leave some time at the end to do something in sitting and standing. 40 min. practice for when we have clients and may have to schedule on the hour. Roll head first and last, tilt bent legs, pick 3 or 4 moves to explore, touch head/pelvis/feet, if time: ribs and spine. Finish in sit and stand.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 122 Tuesday February 10, 2009.
ATM Lesson #271 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-10: Day 122, S13 day 2
Walking #1
CD#25/T09 [44m] DVD#S13-2 Scene 1 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #501) » play audio
With partner of the day, watch walking, notice relationship of head movement with shoulders. Nose/plane of face in relation to forward/back or up/down of shoulders. Ear to shoulder?
Walk (walking on back exploration) Same side arm/leg forward; Imagine arm pulls leg; Attention to hip coming forward with arm/leg; Add heel out/toe in; Add shoulders turning with arm/leg; Attention to back arm.
Stand, fingers at hip joints, float knee forward, hip back; Shift weight to L leg, float R knee forward, R hip back, L shoulder forward, R shoulder back. Walk, Note arm swing, height of knee/foot; Return to hip comes forward, drags leg along, toes in/heel out. Alternate 2 steps with hip forward, two with hip going back. Return to hip going back, attention to arms, walk normal note arms. Walk, chin forward with each step; Add hip back. Walk, take R ear to R shoulder then back to center; Note when head tilts; Which leg/foot is taking weight when head tilts. Stand on R leg when tilting ear to shoulder. Bring R hip forward with R leg forward, ear to shoulder on R leg? Take chin forward then arc to R. Return to partner, observing head/shoulders in walking.
Discussion #157 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-10: Day 122, S13 day 2
Watching videos
CD#25/T10 [10m] DVD#S13-2 Scene 2 [12m] » play audio
Videos: camel, Eadweard Muybridge, Monty Python: “Ministry of Silly Walks”
FI Exploration #128 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-10: Day 122, S13 day 2
Share discoveries & refining yesterday's FI on front
CD#25/T11 [39m] DVD#S13-2 Scene 3 [54m] » play audio
With partner of the day, share a move or discovery in yesterday's exploration. Something you really liked and something that didn't go so well. In large group, discuss yesterday's learning plus clarify about getting comfortable on front side. Head/neck relief through lifting shoulder (towel support) and having one arm down along side. Having something under chest can allow neck to be long. Use of towels. Relieving low back by supporting ankles (towel high enough that toes don't touch). Soft support under pelvis can relieve low back. More extreme solution, lying on a soft roller parallel with spine. Question about stability: If roller soft, they sink into it and become stable.
One leg drawn up to side, show twist with head to same side/opposite. Arm position, hand under head on “face side.” Arm down along side on back side of head. Hand position for lifting head/elbow for twist—back of hand under head more comfortable. Demo: Sliding leg up to side. Connecting the dots between two hands. Examples: tilt one bent leg while lifting hip on that side, listen them into listening to themselves. One hand on pelvis, one on spine, connecting dots (2 hands), spine hand moving with twist or holding to feel rolling pelvis causing twist at individual vertebra. One hand on knee, other on spine. Remember to listen through the whole skeleton with everything you do. Drop the literal translation, go for the essence of the lesson. Think proximal. Go with preference. Engage them at times. When have an idea/image of something to do, instruct them first and ride along (informs you about the person). Feedback. Slower, smaller. Successive approximations: towel under face, head on both hands, figuring out how much twist is good for them. Changing position of arm: keep arm close to table.
Demos: With regular and baby skeletons. Looking at ATM lesson. Head to other side creates more of a twist.
Handout: Bare and barest bones notes of Moshé's London version.
Discussion #158 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-10: Day 122, S13 day 2
Knee presentations by students #2
CD#25/T12 [29m] DVD#S13-2 Scene 4 [29m] » play audio
Tres: pp. 61–62. Views. This is like a map. Moshé had a lecture where we have different maps: moving, thinking, sensing, feeling.
Si: Anatomy. Columns. All columns are somehow eccentrically weighted. Bones are curved depending on whether top and bottom are free or fixed.
Kristen: p. 63: trochanter is pointing backwards. The angle of the foot and the trochanter are at somewhat a right angle to each other. Relationships with foot/leg angle in walking.
Brian: Is bone shaped by how it is used, or used by how it is shaped? Differences between quadruped/biped bones.
Editor's notes: Paper Tres references: Moshé's Self-Image lecture, from Alexander Yanai #303.
FI Exploration #129 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-10: Day 122, S13 day 2
Full FI based on leg tilt ATM #2, emphasizing preferences
CD#25/T13 [36m] DVD#S13-2 Scene 5 [81m] & Scene 6 [43m] » play audio
Start with intake form, practice asking questions in under 10 minutes. (have already watched walk). Making it personal. Find their rotational preference of head, shoulders, hips, legs (“Could you turn to look behind yourself?”). Roll head, lift shoulders alternately, note head response, feel shoulder preference. Lift shoulder with arm across chest. Roll pelvis, note preference. Notice angle of legs, feet. Which way do feet/legs roll easily? Have them roll to front, create comfort, find a way to stay congruent with preferences, using ideas from morning demo and experience from yesterday.
Discussion: more feedback today. Diana: seemed like there was more “FI” in the room today. Abi: it felt useful to be working with someone in the container of having a theme, in addition to their specific issues. Diana: this is a useful practice of working—to force you to think differently than your habitual way; to come up with movements and handholds to grow you. Discussion about preference—is the direction they seemed oriented from sitting/rolling, etc., the direction they chose to put their head when lying on stomach?
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 123 Wednesday February 11, 2009.
ATM Lesson #272 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Tilting crossed legs & triangle arms, on back
CD#25/T14 [48m] DVD#S13-3 Scene 1 [48m] (Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #5) » play audio
1. Scan. Bend knees and stand feet. R leg over left. Tilt to R back to center. Note breathing, pelvis, lower back, shoulder, ribs, head. Exhale as legs tilt R, inhale when legs return to neutral. Rest, note difference in pelvis. 2. Bend knees, stand feet, knees in/out to test legs for stability, raise arms above eyes, palms together, triangle, lift R shoulder to tilt triangle L, pelvis stays. Exhale when tilting L. Note how far triangle tilts before head rolls L. Rest, note shoulders. 3. Knees up, R over L, legs to the R. Farther? Switch legs, L over R, tilt L. Note how far/easily legs tilt L. 4. Stand feet, triangle arms tilt R. Rest, note shoulders. L leg crossed over R, tilt L, note changes. 5. R leg over L, legs tilted R, stay, interlace fingers behind head, raise head forward with exhale. Note ribs, spine, pelvis, rest, note trunk. Rest. 6. L leg over R, legs tilted L, interlace fingers non-habitual way, lift head on exhale. 7. Feet standing, interlace fingers behind head, lift head on exhale. 8. Stand feet, R hand under L armpit towards L shoulder blade, L hand under R armpit, rock/roll side/side with help of hand on shoulder that's lifting, pelvis stays quiet. Pause, change over arms, repeat. Increase speed. 9. Repeat with eyes fixed on spot on ceiling, keep head in middle as shoulders roll side/side. Pause, repeat, allow head to roll, then once again fix eyes/head in middle. 10. Repeat hugging/rolling shoulders, add having head/eyes go opposite direction of shoulders. Reverse which arm is on top, repeat. Pause, roll shoulders/head/eyes all together, note differences. Rest, note spine, shoulders. 11. Stand, walk, note carriage of head, shoulders, breathing and uprightness.
Think about possible FI moves or movements as you do this familiar lesson. Have paper and pencil to make notes while doing ATM if any thoughts come.
Handout: Bare bones notes of Awareness Through Movement Book Lesson #5 and Esalen version.
Editor's notes: From Moshé's book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Lesson #5: Coordination of the Flexor Muscles and of the Extensors.
Discussion #159 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Knee presentations by students #3
CD#25/T15 [26m] DVD#S13-3 Scene 2 [27m] » play audio
Ashley & Cheryl: Relationship between condyles of tibia and fibula has axial rotation in extension—a series of spirals. The first 15-20 degrees of flexion/extension is rolling and then the condyles will slide. The unevenness of the condyles is made up for by the meniscus.
Marge & Kim: axial rotation is movement of long bone along its axis. Neutral position of knee is with knee in flexion. Lateral/medial rotation. Movement in condyles. If you're feeling rotation with knee in extension, it comes from hip or ankle, not from knee. Fibrous capsule of knee is made up of ligamental sheet, ligaments (connect bone to bone), tendons (connect muscle to bone), bursa, meniscus. Muscles attach into the knee capsule. Some attach to the meniscus.
FI Exploration #130 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Walking observation #2, hips and shoulders
CD#25/T16 [16m] DVD#S13-3 Scene 3 [21m] » play audio
First watch YouTube video of two walking animations: Normal Walk Cycle and Medical animation of walking skeleton. With partner of the day—observe walking, noting hip/shoulder coming forward/back in opposition, creating twist.
ATM Lesson #273 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Walking #2
CD#25/T17 [32m] DVD#S13 – Scene 4 [32m] (Alexander Yanai #502) » play audio
Walk: Slowly, note arms; Exaggerate diagonal arm/leg coming forward; Switch to same side arm/leg coming forward, note direction feet/toes. Crawl on hands/knees: Note arm/leg relationship; Diagonal arm/leg come forward at same time. Stand/Walk: Diagonal arm/leg forward; Same side arm/leg forward, think string to big toe from arm pulls leg forward. Hands/knees crawl; Same side arm/leg forward. On belly, elbow propped crawl: Note knee coming up on side in relation to elbows; Diagonal elbow/knee going forward. ROB. Stand walk: Note crawl pattern in walk. Belly, elbow prop, crawl. Hands/knees, crawl. Stand walk, feel crawl pattern, ROB. On back, think of crawling on back; note coordination of hip/shoulder, arm/leg. Belly, elbow propped, crawl: Same side elbow/knee forward; Note head goes side/side, body rolls. Hands/knees: Same side hand/knee come forward. Stand Walk. Same side arm/leg forward: Think of arm pushing water back: Stand, bent over, Walk like monkey. Same side arm/leg forward; Diagonal arm/leg forward. Stand, walk. Chin forward with each step: Make it like natural walk; Note arm/leg relationship; Back bending or not? Steps longer/shorter? Hands/knees, face to floor, crawl: Take chin forward to floor with each step; Note arm/leg relation, diagonal or same side? Stand, walk. Pecking movement, note arm/leg relation. Walk simply, note hips: Bring R hip forward, knee straight; Take hip back when leg comes forward. Walk simply, note sides. Hands/knees: Crawl, note sides. On belly: Creep, feel sides: Take both elbows forward at same time, pull body. Stand, walk.
Discussion #160 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Handouts Review
CD#25/T18 [8m] DVD#S13-3 Scene 5 [9m] » play audio
Flexion, extension and gait handouts. Available for reference. Squatting and walking handouts. Plus two versions of carriage of the head ATM. Two versions of tilting crossed legs ATM.
FI Exploration #131 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-11: Day 123, S13 day 3
Full FI based on ATM, tilting crossed legs and triangle arms #1
CD#25/T19 [20m] DVD#S13-3 Scene 6 [65m] & Scene 7 [54m] » play audio
Emphasis on listening skills. So split attention on what you are doing and listening as much as possible. Think of reference move/s to revisit during lesson. Actual time on table about 35-40 minutes. For the most part have them on their back but you can also position them in other configurations. Start with interview, watch walking for diagonals (if not already), have lie on roller, check diagonals, compare to walking. Use ATM structure to guide FI.
Discussion: What worked, what did you learn, how to pretend to be a practitioner.
Switch Roles.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 124 Thursday February 12, 2009.
ATM Lesson #274 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
Walking #3
CD#25/T20 [38m] DVD#S13-4 Scene 1 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #503) » play audio
Stand, walk. Note arm/leg relation. Walk slowly. Walk without moving arms, then move them together, allow to move normal. Walk, same-side arm/leg together. Note R/L differences of pelvis/leg/step. First without shoulders moving then add same-side shoulder coming forward with leg/arm. Walk slowly as above, change to diagonal shoulder/hip relation. Exaggerate hip forward, shoulder back. (dance it) Walk without shoulder movement. Add head turning to side of leg coming forward. Note arms. Continue without arms moving. Note breath. Allow arms to move. Walk, head look to side of leg coming forward. Add taking opposite shoulder back. R leg forward, head turns R, L shoulder back. Add eyes look opposite head. Note weight is over leg; where is head? ROB. Stand with legs spread wide, arms straight out at shoulder height, bring R leg to L and lower arms, reverse, bring R leg to side and bring arms up. Switch, arms out, legs together, visa versa. Repeat with L leg moving to/away from R leg. Continue above but hop to open/close legs. Arms/legs go wide, hopping to change leg position. Then other variation of arms down /legs wide, hopping to open/close legs. Walk. Stand, walk sideways to R, add arms lifting as R leg goes R. Switch arms to lift when legs come together. Repeat OS. Take one step R, lift arms, return R leg to middle, arms down. Repeat OS then alternate side/side. Switch arm pattern to down when leg steps to side, out when legs are together. Walk, hold R ear to R shoulder. Add bending forward, imagine R hand rolling ball or hoop. Note relation of pushing the hoop to leg coming forward. Continue as above, add attention to heel/toe in/out. Step with R toes pointed out to R, imagine rolling heavy ball with R hand, R ear to R shoulder. Switch to toes pointing in, compare. Add touching floor each time (with R hand). Switch to rolling ball with L hand. Walk simply. Bend knees/hips, bend forward, head (hanging) forward. Imagine rolling a ball alternately with hands/arms, touching floor each time. Note L/R difference. Stand, hop open/close legs, arms up/down. Compare R/L arm. Arms wide, legs together, visa versa. Walk. Step one leg to side, arms open, return, other leg to side, arms open. Alternate. Do opposite arm moves.
Reference: book Your Inner Fish (2008) by Neil Shubin.
Discussion #161 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
FI practice yesterday & feedback
CD#25/T21 [49m] DVD#S13-4 Scene 2 [52m] » play audio
Watched animated videos of people walking entitled “Walkerine” (watercolor nude). Where along the spine would the two twists meet?
New partners share high/low points first together then in large group. Share in larger group. Feedback for distinctions of pressure, speed, degree, direction. Person working ask for feedback on each and say thank you when get the response.
Working on animals. Might be nice to have more time between the back-to-back FIs. Becoming more FI-like rather than exercise. Learning is happening. Different working with classmates as opposed to working with public. Finding arc in the lesson. Diana: The “let's correct them mode” goes on forever. Both lack of confidence and over confidence are in the room. Feedback is vital. We think we're just fine—we're right in the middle—because we have organized everything to make that orientation to be neutral. Feedback: Different than “put your hands here and do this” (instructional). Not recommending this feedback exercise to the public. “I'm feeling you more than I'm feeling myself.” Something to look for.
FI Exploration #132 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
Observing while lying on rollers
CD#25/T22 [7m] DVD#S13-4 Scene 3 [26m] » play audio
Where along the spine that they twist around? Observe walking. Demonstration of lying on roller to observe response to alternate reaching of arms to ceiling and arms crossed on chest. Lifting one foot at a time to note how torso responds to asymmetrical support of legs. Look for point around which upper/lower twist happens while lying on roller and walking. Look for similarities with the two assessment tools.
FI Exploration #133 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
Full FI based on ATM, tilting crossed legs and triangle arms #2, attention to twist point
CD#25/T23 [6m] DVD#S13-4 Scene 4 [53m] » play audio
Use “twisting” ATM of yesterday, this time thinking that everything you do you are addressing, sending transmission of force through or addressing in some way the point around which they twisted in walking and lying on roller assessment.
Consider observation of point of twist in walking and roller lying; Feel along spine in sit or stand.
Choose lying on side or back. Work through skeleton to touch point with every movement. Ask for feedback 3 or 4 times during session. Think of distinctions: speed, range, degree, pressure. Have in background: are they feeling themselves, or me?
Switch roles after presentations.
Discussion #162 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
Knee presentation by students #4
CD#25/T24 [43m] DVD#S13-4 Scene 6 [26m] & Scene 7 [17m] » play audio
Abi: Joint capsule. Capsule and ligaments are crucial to maintaining stability. Fluid and space in the joint enable movement. Aging is a drying process. Movement produces the synovial fluid in the joint capsule. The capsule encases the condyles, the meniscus, the bursa, the fatty pad.
Linda: Meniscus. Fibro-cartilaginous disks, attach to the femoral condyles. Very smooth. Upper part is concave to condyles can move in it. Lower part is flatter because the tibial surface is flatter. They mold themselves according to movement.
Paula: movement of meniscus in axial rotation, patella. Often described as cushion/pillows. Like gel packs at room temperature. Do respond to cold and heat. Have elasticity. When we look at it microscopically, cells make a gradual transition from bone to ligament, etc. Menisci most firmly attached to tibial plateau. Because they are attached to the femur it tracks well with it. In lateral rotation the meniscus moves forward.
Laura: collateral ligaments. Two collateral ligaments (medial and lateral); one on either side of the knee joint. Guide extension/flexion.
FI Exploration #133 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-02-12: Day 124, S13 day 4
Full FI based on ATM, tilting crossed legs and triangle arms #2, attention to twist point
[No audio] DVD#S13-4 Scene 5 [44m]
Switch roles.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 125 Friday February 13, 2009.
ATM Lesson #275 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-13: Day 125, S13 day 5
Walking #4
CD#25/T25 [37m] DVD#S13-5 Scene 1 [37m] (Alexander Yanai #504) » play audio
Stand, walk slowly. Bend forward, lower head, walk, arms hang/move however. Larger steps, arms move. Add roll/push ball on R side with each step, exhale with roll/push of ball. Imagine ball smaller so hand almost touches floor. Slowly straighten up, walking then repeat OS. Straighten up, walk, hands hold elbows behind back, note walk changes. With each R step, take arms back, away from back, still holding elbows. Take arms away when weight is on R leg. Continue but take arms to R and head L. Note walking isn't straight anymore. Bring L leg over to R or in front of R leg. Switch so when arms go R, step with L leg. Which leg takes more weight? What part of foot takes weight? When do you breath? Return to stepping forward with R leg, elbows to R. Walk simply, allow arms to move opposite leg, then same side as leg. Bend forward, push/roll ball with L hand on L. Note if hand is closer to floor. Push ball backwards, watch ball moving. Take both hands to ball on L and push it (like cycle), looking at ball. Walk simply. ROB, roll head, note side differences. Stand, hold arms behind as before, switch the crossing, take elbows L, head R, L leg steps forward. Switch to R leg forward. Note exhale with arm move, belly expands. Walk, roll wheel forward on R side. R hand then both hands, then roll wheel backwards. (Leg forward or back on R side when rolling?) Leave it, walk simply. Take R arm/leg forward to walk. Change so when R leg is forward take R hip backwards. Continue, attention to neck, face, tongue, breath, shoulder width. While R hip goes back, think L hip forward. Attention to parasitic arm/face moves. Note emphasis on L shoulder. Continue with same walk, roll wheel backwards on R side. Attention tailbone back with R hip. Both hands roll wheel backwards, feel L knee can drop towards floor. Walk simply. Repeat on OS—Take L arm/leg forward. Switch to L hip backward, add R shoulder comes forward. Continue walk, but take hands to roll wheel, few forward, few backward. Rolling wheel backwards, R knee can go towards floor. Walk simply then repeat. Stand, hop, open/close legs. Let arms open with legs. Smaller hopping, switch arms to open when legs close. Change arms to asymmetrical, R arm lifts with open legs, L arm lifts with legs closed. Return to both arms open/close with legs open/close. Walk simply. Note arms.
Discussion #163 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-13: Day 125, S13 day 5
Handouts – Assessment tools & guidelines
CD#25/T26 [32m] DVD#S13-5 Scene 2 [33m] » play audio
New handout—Assessment tools and guidelines. Revisit spinal moves handouts. Combining side bending with flexion and extension, creating rotation towards/away from side of bending. Relate spinal moves to walking.
Idea of this segment is to give you enough tools to get you started so you can practice between segments. Handles to kick-start you. Visual interview. ATM move—maybe choose a particular ATM move and have everyone you work with do the move and watch them. Use as inspiration for your lesson. For example: lie on back, one foot standing, push through foot and see what happens in terms of side bending, rotation, extension. Primal Spinal Moves: side bend, flexion, extension, rotation, lengthening. In ATMs this week (the twisting ones on front or back), even with rotation lessons, there's extension or flexion. Facets of spine are set up so that if you side bend and extend, you add twisting (side bend to left, add extension, you look up to the right). Different people's orientation (neutral is more flexed or extended—because of history or habitual use, or different ideas—when you do this, this is supposed to happen) will affect how they do these movements. Brian: Fryette's Laws, side bending plus flexion or extension. If we don't impose something on them, what happens? Fryette's is more about the architecture of the skeleton. Sitting—you can create these movements in sitting and see how do they do. Seeing something can get you excited about what you do next: let's see what happens when you get them on their back or side—exaggerate the shortening, etc. Marge: when you have them in a position, you don't say “flex” or “extend” but “look up”, etc. Ideas to remember: serving self-image, looking towards how can they have as much accessibility to the environment as they want. Things that contribute to that are:
- Freedom of head/neck in all movement. Example: rolling head between hands while you come up to standing. Rewiring how they use their head in another function.
- Lengthening—getting taller while moving. Something also to look at in yourself while working with someone else. Having length in yourself, you can communicate it to them.
- Even distribution throughout the system—all parts doing their part.
- Full reliance on the skeleton.
The E's of movement and embodiment.
FI Exploration #134 Diana Razumny 2009-02-13: Day 125, S13 day 5
Demo with Linda
CD#25/T27 [52m] DVD#S13-5 Scene 3 [54m] » play audio
Feel along spine. Reference: looking down, how far do you see? What point? On back, note angle of face, use pads to make more parallel to rest of self. Went higher because we learn by comparison, then took one out. Michael: why did you choose more rather than less? Diana: because she was already less. I have a movement from an ATM in mind. The pads won't work for what I'm going to do, before I take them out, roll head—check for freedom of head/neck. Lift head to look down, like in sitting. Going slowly we both can feel what is going on. Each time I go forward, it's the going back I want her to pay attention to: getting longer. Pads are in the way when lifting head but replace them when I pause. Take out each time I lift head. Spinal chain move with and without pads. Linda's hands behind head—think of taking elbows in an arc towards pelvis. Connect skeletally. Thinking “where am I and could I stand up if I needed to.” I want to feel her whole spine in my hands. Right now, I feel the neck and not much further. Rather than pushing, I want to do something that makes it even more available. Raise pelvis, when putting down, lift elbows. We came in the back door. She could feel the continuity off the spine. Hands and knees on table. Move arms so hands are more underneath—Linda is protecting wrists, so pad. Look up/down. Put fingers on spine and ask to press backwards into the fingers. I'm being the floor for her right now. You could do the whole lesson on this, refining the areas of the spine. Bring my other hand under to sternum so she has reference in front and back to orient towards. Knowing what is anatomically possible will give you an idea of what is possible for them. What we are looking for is to even up the work that is going on where the upper spine is doing what it wanted and lower spine was doing what it wanted. On knees/elbows—head on table. Sit at head, fingers on upper thoracic and have her push into fingers (rolling towards top of head a little). And then away. Let lower back round. Could have started off by putting hands underneath upper back and see how much room, then lift up and down—a conversation listening to what she can do. There are two ways to hang head off table—back or front. Linda prefers on back. Head off table, supported on stool and pads. Lift head with hands/elbows, remove stool and then hold her head, playing with height, playing along cervical spine, looking for an even arc. Lift/lower head. Working microscopically—can I feel her tailbone? Bring to sitting—have look up/down mostly from mid-thoracic.
FI Exploration #135 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-13: Day 125, S13 day 5
FI exchange, demo with Linda/spinal chain
CD#25/T28 [2m] DVD#S13-5 Scene 4 [60m] » play audio
1 hour. ½ hour each or go back and forth, practice from demo or this week, your choice.
ATM Lesson #276 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-13: Day 125, S13 day 5
Spinal Chain, variation on hands/knees
CD#25/T29 [47m] DVD#S13-5 Scene 5 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #177) » play audio
On back, feet standing, lift pelvis, each vertebra. Interlace hands behind head, lift head, each vertebrae. Stay with head lifted, lift pelvis, alternate lifting head/pelvis while back stays in arc. On hands/knees, head hanging, draw in belly, back arches backwards towards ceiling. Let belly hang towards floor so spine sinks towards floor. Alternate spine sinking/arching, note which vertebrae move. Repeat spinal move, when arching backwards let head hang, when spine sinks to floor lift head. Rest on back. On front, extend arms overhead on floor, arms/legs spread. Lift head to look up, push out belly. Note vertebrae.
Repeat, when lowering head, look down/under. Lift shoulders to look under towards belly, pull belly in. Note vertebrae.
Lift head, look up, push belly out, note vertebrae. Lower head, look under pull belly in. Note if can slide forehead along floor while looking under. If not, come on elbows a bit so forehead can slide along floor. On back, stick belly out, lower back lifts, back of head slides down along floor. Continue so top of head comes to lean on floor and tailbone gets planted to floor as belly protrudes, shoulders lift, whole back gets lifted from floor. On knees, interlace fingers, place hands on floor and head on floor so hands cup head, forehead against floor, roll body forward so back of head comes more into hands. Note vertebrae. Chin comes towards throat as roll towards top of head, pull belly in and exhale. Rest on back. On knees, elbows and forearms, palms to floor, pull belly in, look down under with head looking between legs. Reverse, lift head, push belly out/down, eyes look up. Note vertebrae. Rest on back. On back, stand feet, lift pelvis like beginning, note vertebrae. Interlace hands behind head, lift head. Keep the pelvis lifted until the lifting of head takes pelvis to floor. Alternate head/pelvis lifting. Arms/legs long, note spine.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 126 Monday February 16, 2009.
FI Exploration #136 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Walking observation #3 – fingers on sternum/pubic bone – flex/extend
CD#26/T01 [7m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 1 [8m] » play audio
With partners, observe walking with them having fingers at base of sternum/pubic bone. Look for flexion/extension by noting fingers coming together/apart.
ATM Lesson #277 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Walking #5, stand, hands behind head, elbows open
CD#26/T02 [44m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 2 [45m] (Alexander Yanai #506) » play audio
Stand, feet together, take hip joints back, slide hands on thighs, back stays straight, legs stay straight. Add lifting front of one foot, then other foot. Walk. Stand, interlace hands behind head, open elbows, looking straight ahead, do small moves of elbow opening back/return. Note back with elbow moves. Add taking hip joints back with elbows moving back. Continue, add lifting front of L foot, note a little lowering of R elbow and slight turn. Try lowering L elbow instead, compare. Return to allowing R elbow to lower. Pause, switch finger interlacing and repeat OS—lifting front of R foot. Alternate R/L foot lifting. Return to simply taking elbows back, note change. Add taking hip joints back. Add lifting front of both feet. Walk.
Stand, legs together, backs of both hands on back of pelvis (separated, not overlapped), take hip joints back, keep back and legs straight. Only go as far as easy for backs of legs. Continue, alternate lifting front of feet. Stand, hands behind as before, take elbows back a little, take hips back, lift both feet from floor. ROB, note any place that feels worked.
Stand, slide hands down thighs, slowly erect, take hips back, hands slide on thighs, compare to beginning of lesson. Alternate lifting front of feet, then both feet. Walk. Stand, legs parallel but open, hands on thighs, take hips back. Continue, alternate lifting front of feet then both. Hands behind back again, take hips back, lift front of R foot, turn on heel so toes go out to right, return foot facing forward. Just the R leg turns out, torso stays forward as before. Repeat OS, then with both feet. Walk. Stand, legs together, R hand on R shoulder blade, L on L, lift elbow up/back/open. Continue, touch head with upper arms while taking elbows back. Hold head between arms/elbows, take elbows backward, note back, chest, belly, hip joints. Stay with head between arms/elbows, take hip joints backward. Continue, add a little movement of elbows back as you tilt forward, hips going backward. Add alternately lifting front of feet then both feet, rocking on heels. Arms down, simply take hip joints backward, hands slide on thighs, take hands towards floor. Note anything different. Repeat with legs a bit spread.
Discussion #164 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
About ATM – video of elderly gait pattern
CD#26/T03 [5m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 3 [5m] » play audio
Brian—how brilliant Moshé was. Analysis of gait; these pieces, develop into lesson.
Diana—as people age, they go towards flexion. This lesson highlights extension.
Video: gait analysis in the elderly set to music.
FI Exploration #137 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Demo with Marge using Alexander Yanai #217 for inspiration
CD#26/T04 [29m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 4 [28m] & Scene 5 [53m] » play audio
How was ATM for you? Marge: Hardly noticed flexion and extension when first started walking. More at end. Look up/Down. Turn around to see behind you. Which side easier? Right. I know ATM/FI has to do with turning. For you, this is like starting a lesson—interview assessment. Comfortable lying on left side? Props: for head lower in this lesson is better than higher. With pads removed, turn head to look at table, over left shoulder. Could have started on back and turned head, lifted shoulders. Didn't in interest of time. Support under head, her R.H. on forehead, turn to look over left. Touch spine to say hello. Check rotation of hip/shoulder. Questioning—what is easy? Stand R arm/hand on other arm. Connect dots between elbow and shoulder. Rolling shoulder forward from top. Where in spine is most twist happening? Hand on bottom of spine, moving elbow with R hand. Twist arm to lock elbow (palm/elbow is up), direct straight arm perpendicular to spine—direct backwards, listening to ribs/spine. Pull forward. At what point does pelvis get involved? Bring upper leg more perpendicular to spine—move pelvis from leg. Prop knee up on roller. Latch on to fibula head as handle on femur, roll pelvis. From below, bring fingers to table side of spine, plant fingers under one of the spinous process, take knee back, feel connection between two hands, listening for movement in spinous process as knee comes back. Sitting near head, forearm on head, use arm on head to roll, connect to ribs with other hand. Put roller behind back, rest R arm behind. Play with ribs, ribs in relationship with sternum. Push from sit bone—side bending in twist. From above, can reach to spine, connect with other hand on sternum—lifting spinous process from bottom side. Could define each vertebra in relationship to twisting. Put hand on forehead and have look over left shoulder—goes further, easier. Sitting: look over each shoulder, up/down. More movement in each direction. FI Exploration using Marge demo for inspiration.
Discussion #165 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
About FI Exploration
CD#26/T05 [16m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 6 [16m] » play audio
Kim wishes she had these tools last week when the request was rotation. Brian felt like he was doing too much. Barb concurred. Diana: one of the issues is how to keep a sense of connection between the head and the spine in that position. Part of what you are doing is, can I find that connection. Pam: could slow down—micro movements. Diana; what if I reduce it down to really tiny. How little can I do? With public you won't know until you start touching them. There's such a range in terms of what you think you're going to feel and what is actually true for them. People will have more sensitivity than you. They will start talking about connections they feel that you can't. Brian: is it necessary for people to consciously be aware of what they are feeling? Diana: it's up to you as a teacher: conscious/implicit. Have full range available to you. If they sleep all the time, maybe put them on a roller on their back. They'll stay awake. As usual, it depends. Abi: I learn from giving feedback. Tres: lost track of time—went quickly. How much padding, how make comfortable—this is a time to explore and get feedback. How does it look, how does it feel? Ashley: difference between what she felt on table and what in sitting. Felt new connection is sitting—places involved in twisting that were new.
FI Exploration #137 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Switch roles
Not recorded.
Discussion #166 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Knee presentation by students #5
CD#26/T06 [22m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 7 [21m] » play audio
Ashley/Cheryl: Cruciate ligaments, also called collateral ligaments [the medial and lateral collateral ligaments are in fact different ligaments than the cruciates]. Posterior on the tibia/anterior on the tibia. Anterior connected on the lateral part. Function of the ligaments is to prevent extreme hyperextension, extreme flexion limited by the thigh banging into the ass.
Marge: Condyles. Rolling, gliding and pulling—movement of the femoral condyles on the tibial plateau.
Kim: cruciates in axial rotation.
ATM Lesson #278 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-16: Day 126, S13 day 6
Sliding sternum, twisted back, from side
CD#26/T07 [41m] DVD#S13-6 Scene 8 [41m] (Alexander Yanai #217) » play audio
On back, scan shape of ribs, looking from top down with x-ray vision. Make twisting distinctions: roll head side/side; roll pelvis hands on iliac crest; roll rib cage sliding sternum to side. Twist consistent? On R side, knees bent, R arm straight forward, L hand standing near chest, lift head, turn head/eyes to look to R shoulder. Repeat, OS. On R side, L knee on floor in front/above R, L hand on floor near chest, turn to look along floor to R. Compare to knees together. OS. On R side, knees bent one on other, arms straight out in front, palms together, slide L palm along arm/chest, bringing L arm to lie behind on floor to L, eyes/head look L, without lifting knee. Repeat sliding L arm, leave arm resting behind. Bring R forearm under head, wrapped R fingers around L side of head/ear, lift head with arm. While head/arm are lifted, look L as if to see L hand. Feel changing shape of ribs and direction of sternum. Resting on back, bring fingertips to top of sternum, slide onto first set of ribs. Continue down finding each of the 9 sets of ribs connecting to sternum. Slide sternum side/side, feeling changing shape of ribs. On R side, slide L arm back to rest on floor behind, stay twisted, bring finger tips to bottom of sternum, at set of ribs, push sternum L. Press at each set of ribs to slide sternum L. ROB. Repeat, OS.
On R side, L hand on floor, (reference movement) look along floor to R and behind, note change. Slide L arm behind to bring L shoulder to floor. Bring L palm to forehead, roll L. Repeat rolling head L few times then roll head pass middle to R, continue until fingertips come to floor and twist to look to floor and then over R shoulder and behind. Pause, repeat L palm holding forehead, roll head with L hand to look more to R/behind. Repeat, OS. On R side, turn shoulders L, fingers on sets of ribs at sternum, press down, flattening chest from all 9 sets of ribs, exhaling, softening chest. Change legs to other side, continue. Then while lying on back. On R side, L hand on floor, R arm straight out in front, look along floor to R/behind. Put L palm on forehead when looking down to floor, take head to look more to R and lift head, belly out, feel shape of ribs. Repeat, OS.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 127 Tuesday February 17, 2009.
FI Exploration #138 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
Walking observation #4 – fist at sides of waist – side bending
CD#26/T08 [7m] DVD#S13-7 Scene 1 [19m] » play audio
With partners, observe walking with them having fists at sides of waist. Look for side bending, fists up/down. Partners join another pair to observe 2-3 people with side-bending lens. Use scarf around waist.
ATM Lesson #279 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
Walking #6, hands behind head and crawl with a limp
CD#26/T09 [47m] DVD#S13-7 Scene 2 [47m] (Alexander Yanai #510) » play audio
Stand, hands behind neck, walk. Same-side leg/elbow forward. Opp elbow/leg forward. Bent forward, look at floor.
Look at horizon. Attention: shoulder forward with elbow. Walking on heels: Looking at floor; Looking at horizon, knees bent.
Without moving elbows. Walk simply. Note differences. ROB. Stand, non-habitual interlace behind neck, elbows wide, walk.
Note nose moving in space (lower/higher), which foot forward? R elbow/leg forward at same time. Eyes with head & elbows few times then opposite. Eyes with head, walking on heels. Attention: looking at floor with one foot coming forward. Lower arms, walk. All fours, slow crawl: R slips back, hip to floor. In place, slowly come up, note how, weight shift. R elbow comes to floor (L leg bends up ready). Crawl slowly, each time R leg slips back, note timing, R elbow, L knee. Switch to L elbow/R hip. Return to R elbow/hip. Faster crawl? Stand, walk. ROB. On all fours, walk, Repeat slipping crawl with L leg. In place, note bent elbow. Slow crawl with same-side hand/knee forward. L leg slips back. In place. ROB. On elbows/knees, slip R/L knee alternately. Stand, interlace fingers, extend arms, overhead, walk on tips of toes. Note looking down/forward relation to each leg. Change interlacing, palms together, walk on heels. Lower arms, walk normal. Change interlacing, arms extend up, henpecking with each step. Switch interlacing, continue pecking quickly. Lick something in front with tongue. Walk normal, then quickly. Get back into groups and watch each other walk.
Discussion #167 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
What do you need to do FI?
CD#26/T10 [41m] DVD#S13-7 Scene 3 [41m] » play audio
Discussion of ATM: More rotation, more primal spinal moves, less swinging, more direction, more integration. How many feel you skill in seeing isn't that great? From first day.... Maybe developing your skill? On the street watching people more.
Video: Basilisk lizard walking on water.
Enlightenment during ATM as to what could do in FI? During these 6 FIs given, what do you feel you are missing (besides experience) in order to proceed? What are you learning about yourself? Or, are you surprised by some aspect of FI now that you are looking at it as a complete lesson?
Ability to form clear intention. More room for awareness of self. Specificity. Brian: notion of observation. Where these ATMs come from. Observation isn't the same as conclusion. If this person twists to the right and we clarify that, to what end? How to create a lesson out of that? Observation not same as understanding. Tres: Forming clear intention, means not sure where I'm going. Go where? Muddling about in middle. Brian: not just knowing where I'm going, but what I'm looking for. Michael: What draws your attention? In that uncertainty it's like listening in a dialog. You listen and see what comes up. Abi: Imagining transmission of force. That feels rusty when working with someone. Different when someone working with me. Diana: more accurate to say that it's still growing (rusty is something that was there that hasn't been used). Level of self by self is different than when touching someone else. Marge: need work on connection with bones (as giver and receiver). What is going to happen? Do something with head and something will happen in spine and pelvis. Diana: Contact: clothes, tissue, bone, transmit/move. Make more explicit for yourself as an exercise. Then it can become more automatic. Don't try to transmit something until you feel bone. Back off as an exercise. Can I feel clothing, tissue, bone—pause—then begin to move. Marge: people are afraid to touch, do too much. Diana: When you start to transmit force through skeleton, nervous system has reaction. If you go too fast or strong, they have time to adjust. Go slow enough and they can give you feedback. Public will think that you're the expert. They may not be able (or feel that it's OK) to give you feedback. Ashley: you can move someone too much and you/they won't know it until the next day when they're sore. Abi: A very light touch can move the skeleton. What is my level of perception? The first thing is that we are in contact with the person, before clothes, etc. Diana: Connect with self before you touch—biomechanically (use self well, clear intention, awareness/presence). Notice internal dialog before contact. Two extremes: I don't know what I'm doing vs. I know what this person needs. As much as you can come from that not-knowing place, empty place and trusting that something will emerge. Follow your interest, like Michael was saying. Then you get to that questioning mode, that listening place. Many experienced practitioners can tell you in retrospect what they were doing, but couldn't have done so at the time. Always a dance between the two. Even saying that this is a professional training creates an expectation of what you're going to get here. What if we were just for our self—in spirit of how Moshé taught himself—just here for our own experience and pleasure. Shifts the whole mind set. It's up to you. Taking responsibility for own learning. Tres: if you're going to go for my skeleton, I'm going to guard my nervous system. I'm going to protect myself. Marge: I'm talking about are we really connecting with skeleton. Diana: wouldn't it be great if we really had a practice skeleton. We have to use each other instead. Marge: are we clear that we're working on lateral rotation, does it go into flexion/extension. How does skeletal transmission go into movement. Diana: through whole person with each movement. We're connecting nervous systems. There's a whole world inside them that we don't know. Think I have the whole person in my hands. Think through the whole of them—from hands to the rest of them. Open your field to take in more than you could cognitively put into words. Another way to take in the whole of them. Easy to get caught up in your thinking and ignore the whole person. Have them sense you sensing them. Can they feel not you, but sense themselves. Brian: don't be afraid to make mistakes. We should be making mistakes. What I remember from the past two weeks are the mistakes that I have made. I now know what is to take someone too far. Pam: helpful to work with people here as opposed to the public. Quality: picking up/putting down. Think through whole person with each move. Proximal/distal. Spinal focus.
FI Exploration #139 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
Demo with Barb D. using Alexander Yanai #217 for inspiration, side bend emphasis
CD#26/T11 [43m] DVD#S13-7 Scene 4 [41m] & Scene 5 [44m] » play audio
What was experience doing the ATM yesterday that was the same as the FI that you were practicing? Kim: chose other side and it was like a continuation of the FI. Michael: would have explored lifting head and looking towards hip in FI had he done ATM first.
Points to be made: Progression in making contact, skin, tissue, bone then transmit force or move person. Keep same quality of awareness and contact while picking up and putting down someone. Contact with self before touching them, biomechanical use or awareness/presence. Awareness of having “whole” person with each hold/move. Working proximal to distal or other way around.
Demo with Barb D. Start lying on roller, reach arms overhead. One then other. Close an eye and do same thing. Does that change? One eye, then other. Slither off roller. Sitting: Can you feel where you have bony contact with the table? Which side has more contact? Can you lift the other side and come back. Lie on R. Side (the long side, which is where we bear weight). What are some things you know about side bending in side lying: lift foot, pushing through sit bones, pelvis/shoulder together. The more we roll legs away from 90 degrees. The more lifting leg will cause rotation. Push through sit bone, not straight through, but giving upper vector to be consistent with side bending. Go between proximal and distal. Spine: come to top side—feel curve of spine as push through sit bones. Make it small and listen. Shortening the muscles on top side of spine. Bring top leg forward and up to rest on table. Sitting at top of table, put fingers in grooves of ribs—define the groove. Go with what is happening. Following ribs and see where they want to go. Bring ribs towards pelvis. accentuate curve of spine. Go to C7. Her arm under head: see if we can increase the side bending idea. It's legal to work with tissue, but in service of the bone. Rotate top leg for side bending. Come to sitting, check side bending.
45 minutes lesson with partners.
Discussion #168 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
Knee presentation by students #6
CD#26/T12 [21m] DVD#S13-7 Scene 6 [21m] » play audio
Shira: Louis XIV, muscle: gastrocnemius = calves—most superficial of lower leg muscles, the calf muscle. Crosses knee joint and joint of the heel. Joins to Achilles tendon (strongest in body). Rotates knee medially. Major job is to create plantar flexion of the heel. Most taught in dorsiflexion (upright). Soleus does not cross the knee.
Barb D.: Hamstrings. Word: from England, hanging pigs in stall by tendons. 3 muscles in posterior thigh. Necessary to bend knee. Bi-articular muscle between knee and hip. Primary knee flexor and hip extender. All initiate at sits bone.
FI Exploration #139 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-02-17: Day 127, S13 day 7
Switch roles
[No audio] DVD#S13-7 Scene 7 [36m]
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 128 Wednesday February 18, 2009.
FI Exploration #140 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-18: Day 128, S13 day 8
Walking observation #5 – identify spinal moves
CD#26/T13 [3m] DVD#S13-8 Scene 1 [13m] » play audio
Partners join another pair to observe 2-3 people, looking for spinal moves of flexion, extension, side bending, twisting.
ATM Lesson #280 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-18: Day 128, S13 day 8
Walking #7, crawling
CD#26/T14 [52m] DVD#S13-8 Scene 2 [53m] (Alexander Yanai #512) » play audio
On front, L arm down along side, R arm up by head, bend/straighten L knee like crawling. Leave L leg bent up, turn head to face L. Stand R elbow over hand, circle L arm under belly, chest, head. Back of hand on floor. Both arms near head, bend/straighten L leg. Leave L leg bent up to side, circle L arm again, other direction. L leg bent up to side, reach L arm long overhead, pull along floor as for crawling. Crawl on L side only. ROB, stand, walk note R/L. On belly, repeat all above OS. ROB. On front, on elbows/forearms, alternate crawling movement of legs. Quickly, note head turns L/R. Slowly, attention to head/spine turning. Repeat but with hands/elbows standing. Quickly. On front, R hand/arm by head, face to L, L arm down, bend/straighten L leg. Alternate bending legs. Bend legs equal amounts, smaller, quicker. Now only R leg, quickly. Then only L leg, quickly. Alternate again. Switch arms/head, repeat OS. Stand hands, crawl legs, quickly. On elbows/forearms, repeat. Try once with elbows standing, once with elbows down, compare speed/ease. On back, knees bent up over belly, arms in air overhead, bring elbows towards knees, have knees move away so hips/knee straighten a little. Think if you were on belly you would be crawling. On front, crawl like you were on your back. Crawl two times forward/backward. Try on back again. Stand, walk.
In groups, observe each other walking.
Discussion #169 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-18: Day 128, S13 day 8
Knee presentation by students #7
CD#26/T15 [20m] DVD#S13-8 Scene 3 [20m] » play audio
Si: quadriceps. 4 heads, strong extensor of the knee. Attach below neck of femur. Patella protects ligaments, gives more leverage.
Tres: Rectus femoris, one muscle doesn't attach to femur. Attaches to ASIS. Crosses to joint. Hip flexion. Where muscle is longest it is its most effective. Draw knee up, also flexes pelvis. Relationship between hamstrings and quadriceps. Parallel shift (concurrent use): flexing on one side and extending on the other. Top of pelvis goes forward, head of femur goes backward. Diana: a lot of people don't get this relationship in ATM walking.
Discussion #170 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-18: Day 128, S13 day 8
Discussion of Thursday Practicum
CD#26/T16 [25m] DVD#S13-8 Scene 4 [26m] » play audio
From yesterday, what do you need to do in FI? Trusting the intelligence of the nervous system. What does that mean to you all? Tres: if you provide someone with information, they will make use of what they are able to do—it's a self-correcting system. Diana: Through our history, there is a sculpting of ourselves through environmental, social relationships, physical insults or support. We sculpt ourselves through time. It is the intelligence of the nervous system to do what is necessary to survive in the moment. Martial arts influenced Moshé's work. What they present is the most intelligent thing that they could be presenting in the moment. This is the perfect manifestation and expression of what this human could be in this person at this time given their history. If you have that in the background, gives you the chance to say “yes” to what is when working with them. With Barb yesterday, I put her on her long side to take the weight. It is what she was doing anyway. For you it is a good idea. If I believe it, then why should I tell you no and put you on the other side. I suggest that you hold this in mind when you meet your person. They are perfect the way are, use your observation skills to see what you see. If you don't see anything, that's perfect too. Start with a few questions to get to know them. Injuries? Requests? Do reference movement—walking, sitting. Around theme of side bending, bending forward/backward. Skills are there if they feel appropriate to use with the person tomorrow. As a way to make it easy for you: don't try to do too much. It's an easy trap to fall into. Settle in with a few things. Return to your beginning at the end. Fill in the middle with a few things that relate to that. Maybe repeat a few of those things. See what comes out of it. Trust that the intelligence of their nervous system will pick up whatever it needs at the time. You don't have to be responsible for how they get it. If you stay within the mode of listening you will do OK. They will feel themselves being listened to so they can listen to them selves. That is the greatest gift you can give them. Create an environment within which they can listen to themselves. Barb B.: the person coming tomorrow is someone I've worked with a lot and I want to be able to see her fresh. You will choose a partner who will be supportive. They will sit in on the interview process. They will know the history. They will then recede into the background. You will have talked to partner earlier and decide how much and what kind of support you need. Witness, timekeeper, available if you feel stuck. You will have an hour, but that means that they are out the door in an hour. We don't want them to hang around, you will debrief with your partner afterwards.
FI Exploration #141 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-18: Day 128, S13 day 8
FI demo, kneeling, leaning over table, use crawl theme
CD#26/T17 [43m] DVD#S13-8 Scene 5 [108m] » play audio
Demo with Moti Nativ. Interview: asked Moti for history, problems. Not pain now but old problems in back. Spent quite a bit of time setting up Moti to lean over the table comfortably with pads under his knees and his hip join about table height. Plus lying on front with a shoulder problem, using towels to make his head, neck and shoulders comfortable. Then moving pelvis side to side with very small movements to determine easier side. Then moving foot to outside to see at what point does the movement pick up movement in pelvis. Moving pelvis but thinking of moving all of Moti. Moving spine to increase connection between pelvis and head. Then connection spine to head through ribs. Creating a little side bending. Making connection between point on spine and corresponding rib.
Practice with partner for 40 minutes. Switch roles.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 129 Thursday February 19, 2009.
Discussion #171 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
Preparation for Practicum
CD#26/T18 [13m] DVD#S13-9 Scene 1 [19m] » play audio
Not going to announce at first. Greet them and introduce what we are doing. No reconvening as large group after FI—meet with your partner. Partners discuss how/what kind of support you want from each other.
ATM Lesson #281 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
Lifting hip, lengthening diagonal arm, on back #1
CD#26/T19 [46m] DVD#S13-9 Scene 2 [46m] (San Francisco, #11, August 15, 1977, Gaby Yaron) » play audio
Scan on back, roll head. Note breath through nostrils, space in mouth. Stand R foot, L arm long overhead on floor.
Lift R hip, roll pelvis L, lengthen L arm. Add rolling head L, looking at L hand. Switch to rolling head R, back of R hand on floor. Lengthen R arm towards R heel. Note breath R/L lung. Repeat OS. Repeat, leave hip lifted, roll head R/L, lengthening arm looking towards. ROB, note breath, lungs, nostrils. Roll head. Leave hip lifted, roll head R, lengthen R arm, R hand under heel, lift/lower hip holding heel. Hip lifted, lift/lower toes, quick/slow. Lower hip, lift/lower, compare.
Lift/lower hip, hip lifted, lift toes then front of foot, heel in hand. Lift/lower hip, compare ease. ROB, compare sides.
Repeat OS. Return to lift/lower R hip, lengthen L arm overhead, R hand to heel. Slide R hand under arch, hip lifted, repeat lifting toes then toes/foot. Lift/lower hip, note ease. Repeat OS. R hand holding R arch, lift/lower R hip. L hand under head, lift head towards R knee. Add lifting foot/leg with R hand, knee/head together/apart. Return to reference movement, L arm lengthens overhead with R hip lift. ROB, note breath, lungs, nostrils, space in mouth, tongue.
FI Practicum #001 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
First Public Practicum at noon
Not recorded.
First FI Practicum, session 1.
Discussion #172 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
Process First Practicum #1
CD#26/T20 [8m] DVD#S13-9 Scene 3 [8m] » play audio
How did it go? Interview. Orient to 45-minute lesson. Time is important as to how to say goodbye, how to finish something and other issues. Make sure you have props. Partners have communicated how they want to be helped.
FI Practicum #002 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
First Public Practicum at 3 PM
Not recorded.
First FI Practicum, session 2.
Discussion #173 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
Process First Practicum #2
CD#26/T21 [27m] DVD#S13-9 Scene 4 [27m] » play audio
How did it go? Pam: was observer first, was helpful to observe, Leanore was buddy and both observed same things with the clients. Different to do this in a formal setting. Client had a lot of pain, spent much of time addressing his comfort. Couldn't follow through on anything she had expected to do. There was a big difference at the end. Diana: organizing towards finding comfort was the lesson. Had results. Leanore: his whole gait changed completely. Client comments: “My whole body feels heard. My body is whispering and you're listening.” Michael: worked on two people, switched from being practitioner to observer. Client was tense; started verbal dialog to develop trust. Results: more relaxed, gait changed. She was surprised at results that came from very little movement. Marge: client said, that wasn't like anything else they had done. Abi: worked on giving them something to take home. Diana: educational process. Having them look up/down, feel from here; all good so that they can see that it is educational. Tres: working with legs and client asked if Tres could tell which knee had been replaced. Michael: had gone through interview process with current clients. Interesting to see how much info he could get in this interview. Brian: playing with “not knowing” as it relates to what differentiates FM from other modalities; recently re-read Dennis' article Know Thyself: The Risk of Serious Inquiry. Client was large and overweight with no bony landmarks. Like Yvan said, I make it look easy because I do easy things. Tres: nice to work with someone he hadn't met. Paula: client had a leg injury. Wouldn't drop leg, finally realized I couldn't change it. Marge: client had issue with left hip, then she forgot about it, at end of session he said left hip was much looser. Diana talked to Dennis last night, would you like to do this again? Yes. Marge: whole thing seemed like an assessment. Diana: that's all it is. Better that you don't say “now I know what to do.” You are where you are. It grows itself.
FI Exploration #142 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-19: Day 129, S13 day 9
Process First Practicum
CD#26/T22 [21m] DVD#S13-9 Scene 5 [22m] » play audio
Demo with James. Why put roller behind knees? Pressure off low back, make comfortable. Pelvis not pulled by weight of low legs. How do we decide how much to put under? Try different size rollers behind knees, small one under ankles. One behind ankles makes it more like standing. There are opportunities to use all rollers, but you need to know which more appropriate. Can put their leg on yours and take hip into full flexion (without roller). You can have person bend their knees, you don't have to lift them yourself. Pushing through foot—different ways. One hand around outside with condyles, other hand wrapped around—bringing foot to standing. If you want to talk to them about standing, you need to orient foot/leg into more of a standing position. Have to take into consideration the relation of foot/knee/hip. Force through long bones. Use of self: many of you were bending over. In bringing foot to standing, same as in ATM, start standing where you want to end up. Bring foot to side, slide up, weight is on table. Spiraling up the leg. Lifting leg from standing, put web between thumb/forefinger at knee to lift up. When you're working don't be shy to ask the person to move towards you. Cheryl: how lift man's head to not put pressure on Adam's apple. Tomorrow you won't need table/props, but mats.
S13 – Diana Razumny. Day 130 Friday February 20, 2009.
ATM Lesson #282 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-20: Day 130, S13 day 10
Walking #8, crawling
CD#26/T23 [35m] DVD#S13-10 Scene 1 [36m] (Alexander Yanai #513) » play audio
Alternate crawl legs, head side/side. Head on hands, bend both legs up middle, pelvis lifts. Repeat with legs together, touching. Hands/arms on floor in order to pull body, pelvis lifts a little, pull/drag body to hands. Add lifting head/shoulders, don't lift pelvis like before. Arms extend then bend to pull body. Repeat pulling body with arm, helping with feet. Push with toes without bending knees or lifting pelvis. Side sit, hands on floor forward, pull body forward, arms straight, change knee in front. Pull forward. Stop, walk. ROB. Lecture, piece on side sitting to show how legs differentiate. Pull with arms and bend knees under body. Lecture, goes into crawl like reptile. Crawl on belly with R arm/leg then L arm/leg like lizard, head in middle. ROB. Hands/knees, crawl with same side hand/knee exactly same time. Feel timing changes to arm starts first. Lecture. Hands/knees, R arm/L leg. Try exactly same time. Notice lag tendency. Both arms forward, drag both knees. Now with knees spread coming to sides of knees. Go back to knees between hands. Stand, walk, note relation of arms/legs.
Handouts: Articles by Mark Reese. This was supposed to be his segment, and he's the reason that Diana is here.
Discussion #174 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-20: Day 130, S13 day 10
Walking – watch video of people walking, how to develop walking FI
CD#26/T24 [26m] DVD#S13-10 Scene 2 [29m] » play audio
Watching video of people walking. Woman swinging arm backwards. In walking FI, swing arm further backwards. With man with arm lower than other, have him lower if further. Exaggerate what you see. If pattern R. Shoulder down, could have him lift L. Shoulder. You have done a lot of unusual walking combinations in this segment's ATMs, but the possibilities are endless in which you can do. Bring in what they do, then afterwards you can go the other direction. It may start to unravel from exaggerating, you can start to introduce the opposite. You could have someone hold something in their hand. Use imagery—imagine circle your hip is making on the side (dot on side of pelvis, where would it go in space?). Imaginary dowels.
Watch video of dancers.
Discussion #175 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-20: Day 130, S13 day 10
Evaluation of Segment; balance
CD#26/T25 [41m] DVD#S13-10 Scene 3 [84m] » play audio
From first day, how successful were these topics for the segment: Theme: complete FI; Walking; Knee; Observation skills; Assessment tools.
Balance: what are the components? Vestibular system, proprioception, vision, motor reaction, orientation in space, feet, platform. Let's look at vision and how it relates to balance. Walking is like losing/gaining balance each step. Get into trios from first day where you doing squatting. Go back to squatting and observe each other squatting. A reference move for the whole 2 weeks. In trios spend 15 min. talking about what you feel you learned in this segment that you will go out and do something with. What you practice, in Feldenkrais, or other parts of life. What inspired you? What will you do as your next step in your evolution of your practice? If you want a plan, to be accountable to someone else, you can set up being a buddy with someone.
Walking FI Exploration: Join trios together. How many of you know which is your dominant eye? Put hands together and look through space in thumbs and hold in front of face and look at object. Close one eye. If object jumps, that's not your dominant eye. You have your dominant eye, pair up. Lift one foot and see how your balance is. After that, put eye patch on dominant eye and redo the balance test. Lie on roller on back with dominant eye covered. Lift one foot and then the other. Are your dominant eye and dominant leg the same side? Michael: lying on roller, if you looked towards lifting leg (with covered eye or not), balance was better. Proprioception, vestibular, visual systems are all intertwined. Proprioception: many sensors are in ankle. Cheryl: elderly people get thick shoes that mess up proprioception. Article on simulating what old age is like. When working on sitting/standing, have stand on roller and then bend down to pick up a ball. Then back to sit-stand from table and they change.
FI Exploration #143 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-20: Day 130, S13 day 10
FI demo, walking FIs
CD#26/T26 [21m] DVD#S13-10 Scene 4 [51m] » play audio
Observe in walking. Movements of shoulders, hips, side bending. Give them a walking lesson. Walk first without eye patch. Cover dominant eye with patch. Play with something, put on patch, see how they walk. Play with ball on a stick balanced on palm. Have to organize whole self around this point.
ATM Lesson #283 – Diana Razumny 2009-02-20: Day 130, S13 day 10
Lifting hip, lengthening diagonal arm, on back #2 with rolling & crawling
CD#26/T27 [54m] DVD#S13-10 Scene 5 [55m] (San Francisco #11, August 15, 1977, Gaby Yaron plus Diana) » play audio
No notes.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 131 Monday May 11, 2009.
ATM Lesson #284 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-11: Day 131, S14 day 1
Breathing #1 into upper chest, various positions
CD#27/T01 [50m] DVD#S14-1 Scene 1 [51m] (Alexander Yanai #179) » play audio
On back, stand feet, lift/lower pelvis. Leave lifted, inhale, expand chest. Repeat, expand only upper L chest. Legs long, repeat with R upper lung. Stand L foot, lift L side of pelvis, fill upper R lung. Repeat OS Legs long, sense clavicle, sternum, ribs with breath. Stand feet, lift pelvis, inhale, expand into C7. Stand L foot, interlace hands behind head, lift head, expand lower R ribs. Repeat OS. Feet standing, expand area of inside shoulder blades, down to waist. Continue with head lifted, moving expansion around, up/down, L/R. Stand L foot, R arm long overhead, roll R, hold/lift head with L arm, expand into armpit. Repeat OS. On front, arms overhead, forehead on floor, expand area of diaphragm, note asymmetry and exaggerate, move around, note lower back backwards. On front, R knee up to side, roll L, L arm extended overhead, R arm over top of head, lift head with arm, expand into upper L chest. Repeat OS. On front, R arm extended overhead, head turned L, L arm bent in front of face, push from L standing toes up to R, expand R upper chest. Repeat OS. On front, both arms overhead, expand into upper, toes of both feet stand/push. Return to back with L foot standing, R arm long overhead, L arm/hand holding head, expand into lower ribs on R side. Repeat OS. On back, feet standing, hand lift head, expand chest on exhale.
Discussion #176 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-11: Day 131, S14 day 1
Doing Functional Integration
CD#27/T02 [68m] DVD#S14-1 Scene 2 [68m] » play audio
Brian: real world is very different than here. Block of wood covered in fat. Just want to get fixed. Cheryl: opposite—working with variety of clients. Dennis: you need to have attitude of play. Different people have different expectations. PGA of America Master Professional and golf teacher Michael Hebron's forthcoming book I Want to Learn, Please Stop Teaching Me! If you want to be perfect, you can't be. If you want to play, perfect moments come. As you couple your nervous system with theirs, change will happen. How do you situate that to align with their requests. You have to start demanding more of clients: get involved—come 2–3 times/week, come to classes, do tapes. David Bersin says 2–3 sessions week and lessons. “Do you want change? I do too. This is what you have to do, or go see someone else.” He can also do 2–3 15-minute lessons in a day with someone. Command and demand respect. When people came to see Moshé in Israel, they did 3–5 sessions in a week. It's marketing, and giving yourself a shot at being successful. Pam: working with people who are like a log, no movement. Dennis: you might have to do guided ATM with them. Marge: Challenge between play and confidence of knowing what you're doing and the purpose. Dennis: self-help book The Purpose Driven Life (2003) and Moshé's idea of avowed and unavowed dreams. That's the idea you have to fight against. Need more play—they're too driven. Cheryl, working with a comatose client. Just touching—he changed, and she became curious about him. Alva Noë, philosopher, author of book Out of Our Heads (2009). People can remember when coming out of a coma. Brain studies don't necessarily show causal relationship between activity in brain and thought. Working with comatose or vegetative client, providing support, buoyancy. Reason that brains are plastic is because life demands it of us. Re-colonize our brains. Plasticity justifies our ability to learn. If client didn't have pain, what would they be doing? We're motivated towards positive benefits and away from pain. Most people are motivated away from something. The reason you are in pain is the consequence of not moving, not knowing how to move. Some people are hyper-mobile, mobility isn't the issue. Milton Erickson set up his lessons so people would realize it out in the world. Marge: working with a bicyclist, coaching on how to pedal. Working with a constantly moving 10-year-old girl. Dennis: working with animals, no psyche. If you support the old pattern, they'll give it up and try something new. Feldenkrais: “are you or aren't you your knee?” It's you, not the knee. It's what's what they can't stop doing that is the problem. It's the first step to change. You'll end up not liking the people that you're the least effective with. Dennis: reviewing literature on Fechner-Weber. At what point do you feel a difference that is psychological. How confident are you of your choice. Psychophysics. How do you measure differences of opinion. Three principles: Sensation itself (coldness, weight), discriminability (more or less), sameness or difference. The state of the person will affect their ability to discriminate, sense. Set up lessons where they can't deny a difference (one sided, face changes). Abi: playing vs. pedagogical direction. Dennis: look at structure of ATM lesson. Start on Right side, Left brain. Felt sense of the composite image. Always have your craft. There will always be an arc: beginning, middle, end. See where it is going and follow it. Induction, abduction, deduction: different ways of thinking. All necessary at different times. Within a lesson you don't want to change direction too much. Dynamic stability. What is the felt sense of the physics? There is an unknown unwillingness to move in a new way. There are fundamental patterns of movement—movement presupposes patterns. If disordered system, introduce order. If too ordered, introduce some noise. Brain is plastic because life is plastic.
FI Exploration #144 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-11: Day 131, S14 day 1
Feel for standing, move from pelvis and head
CD#27/T03 [53m] DVD#S14-1 Scene 3 [130m] » play audio
Demo with Kristen: In standing: hands on iliac crest from behind. Path of least resistance: where do they want to go? Direction? Hold it, feel breathing. Move over standing leg. Take a step or two and come back. Then turn a little bit and come back. Changed her asymmetries. Feeling through pelvis to the foot. Stand in front, hold head at neck. Feel what is being left behind. Can you move yourself so that you can convey/suggest the movement? In sitting, hands same. How organize myself so she can find the movement? A lot of times the restriction is in you, not them.
After: Some people were unsatisfied to move small or slowly. If you go slower, the little aberrations show up. When you do this an then give a lesson, you can come back to this and see what it is like after. There is no schism between what they can do and what they want to do. They move to a place that they want to. NLP founder Leslie Bandler in a prison; big inmate describes what he will do to her. She says, “you can make me do that, but can you make me want to do it?” If you find connection in lesson while lying and it then doesn't connect in standing, you can then verbalize: “Do you feel ankle, knee,” etc., and you may find the key that they weren't including. Standing is a functional activity. Soldiers' standing is dynamic. Shoes with buzzers, sub-threshold; like artificial floor. Laura: neurotic people have regimented oscillations. Dennis, natural gyroscopes. From Mark Reese's biography of Moshé, when you are concerned with craft and teaching craft you can lose experience of the person. Sometimes it's just a little difference that persists, the difference that makes a difference. To the nervous system, you (the practitioner) are the environment. Pam: What am I doing that is the limitation? Dennis: Find something. Notice, connect everything to that. There will be asymmetries of tone along the spine that reflect this no matter what the orientation. Part of it is being patient enough. The Israelis he just showed technique, no theory, little ATM. In San Francisco, he had to figure out how to work with a group. ATM and FI together. Amherst, only ATM for first two years, little FI. Israelis' mistake: because we can get movement, it is integrated. Amherst: more psychological. Looked at psychodynamics of learning. Integrate you into these patterns of working in the world. San Francisco: lots of technique and other, and they went to Amherst. Your skill level improves if you just work. You connect from the values to the technique.
With Kristen again: feel on back, how does it present itself? No judgment. What are differences and shapes. Feel on thigh, calves, notice how shoes wear. Bowing without folding.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 132 Tuesday May 12, 2009.
ATM Lesson #285 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
Breathing #2, 4 part with tapping, various positions
CD#27/T04 [43m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 1 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #180) » play audio
On back, roll L arm so hand rolls palm down/up. One cycle of rolling hand counts as one and synchronize 1 roll of hand with 4 parts of breath, inhale, hold, exhale, hold. 4 hand rolls with one complete breath. Compare breathing through nose/mouth. Stand, lift one arm/other, walk. On front, head to R, R arm/hand up by head, L hand under head, tap R index finger. Count number of taps for inhalation. Add all 4 parts of breath with equal number of taps. On back, roll hand once for each part of breath. On front, same position, tap each finger from index to little finger. Tap all 4 fingers for each part of breath. Tap each finger twice, cycle from index to little for each part of breath. Tap just index twice for each part, then 3 times. Tap all 4 fingers at same time with each part of breath. Increase to 3 taps then 4 taps. On back, tap thumb to ring, return to index of L hand, cycle with 4 parts of breath. Add R hand same time then L hand on inhale/exhale and R hand with the hold between each. Stand feet, both hands tapping from index to little finger. Repeat except start with little finger. Stand feet, roll L hand once for each part, then 4 times with each part, then both hands 4 times. Mouth open, breathe through mouth, count how long each part is.
Discussion #177 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
Counting and akrasia
CD#27/T05 [22m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 2 [22m] » play audio
About ATM. Ashley: noticing length of exhalation. Tres: relating lesson to the episode Charlie X from the television series Star Trek: organizing all these variables more than he can attend to. Michael: idea of rhythm. Using ideas with clients. Using yesterday's breathing ATM with client. Cheryl: Nervous system having something else to attend to. Brian: breaking various movements to 4 (Kim: sometimes 3). Were we all at same tempo? Dennis: counting lessons. Sub-audibilizing. Intertemporal bargaining. From Dennis' The Risk of Serious Enquiry series, article Akrasia: Two Steps Backwards. Rationalization. Tics and movements there are sub-conscious negotiations that are happening. In pain: how much am I going to feel this? Examples of intertemporal bargaining. Break the bargains because you inflate the value of some and deflate the value of other ideas. The will is the placement of that kind of negotiation. If you have a strong will (adherence to rules) it dampens spontaneity. Efficacy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), people have effective behavioral modification strategies besides abstinence. Counting gives that part of yourself which engages in intertemporal bargaining something to do. Laura: layering ways her nervous system could be. Don't make a big deal about it. Dennis: Good to start with some area where you have no problems. The consequences of that will be indirectly beneficial overall. Marge: Depth of breath was related to height of finger movement. Dennis: these are the kinds of thing that will slow everything down.
Editor's notes: Psychologist whose work Dennis describes: George Ainslie. Dennis on Ainslie: The will is that duration, and the instantiation or emplacement, of that kind of [intertemporal] negotiation in our experience. If you decide to obey certain sets of rules and you're successful at it, Ainslie said there is a sense that you are successful, but that it drains your life of spontaneity. There has to be this sense of elasticity where, if you break the rules, you have not failed at being whatever it is you want to be. Burt Reynolds movie, The End (1978), offers a humorous example of intertemporal bargaining.
FI Exploration #145 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
Think standing, pushing from foot and head, on back
CD#27/T06 [9m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 3 [59m] » play audio
With Barb B. On Back. Lift/push through L. Foot. Breathing changed. Ribs changed shape. Pull/push with turning. Roll head, notice ease of rotation. Pushing through head to same area in ribs. Barb: Feel line from head to foot. Dennis: You don't need much more than that for a lesson. A few variations. It's that clear delineations that we want to have. Michael: why start with Left side? It's that side that was less turned out. In sitting: Lift from knee, heel off floor, take top of pelvis towards Dennis. Put feet for standing. Assist standing holding head. Standing, Hold head, feel connection to foot. There's an obsession with symmetry to make everything even out. Leaving asymmetry allows to feel difference. Don't do too much. Can lose clarity of what you feel. Take a partner and clarify this, or something else.
Discussion #178 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
About FI Exploration
CD#27/T07 [23m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 4 [24m] » play audio
Barb D. wondering if I had been doing too much all this time. Ashley: liked the shortness. Michael: oriented around 1-hour sessions. Dennis: make it clear that you allow up to an hour, but actual time on the table may not fill the whole hour. Talking, etc., will take some of the some. If you do more, it may diminish the quality of the lesson. Pam: work for 1.5 hours. Dennis: way too long. Do way too much. In Israel scheduled on the ½ hour. Sessions were 22–25 min. long. Be more parsimonious about what he attempted to do. Too much for them to notice. Think about what could I do if I only had 5 minutes. If I could only touch one place. Will begin to hone your perceptions and the way you work. Pam: I feel better when I give an FI. When you start to work a lot you find that you get more organized yourself, and you have to to work that much. Brian: when I receive an FI I tend to feel like I am moving like the practitioner does. Tres: is doing ATM a way to be more confident in doing FI? Dennis: ATM as a form is very complex. It's so subtle and there are so many pedagogical strategies that they employ. Russell Delman. How to work with what is emerging. Eugene Gendlin's work, Focusing. Maurice Merleau-Ponty's classic book Phénoménologie de la perception (1945), English title Phenomenology of Perception (1962) (Wikipedia article). How to get felt sense of that shift, how to put language to that? You don't know what form it is going to take, so you don't want to be too hurried as you go through it. Gendlin's paper: “Language at the boundary” or similar [Introduction to "Thinking At the Edge" (unverified)]. Let the words, gestures come out of the situation. Felt sense.
FI Exploration #146 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
Think standing, pushing from foot and head, on back continued
CD#27/T08 [1m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 5 [32m] » play audio
Get with a different person, different position.
ATM Lesson #286 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-12: Day 132, S14 day 2
Book on foot #1, bending/straightening leg in air, on back
CD#27/T09 [51m] DVD#S14-2 Scene 6 [51m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
Scan: On back, bend knees, stand feet, sense/listen to floor contact of soles/toes, imagine tracing feet. Size/shape, fluffy/dense, hard/soft, light/dark. Lift/lower slowly, note part that returns to floor. Note ankle angle changing.
Lift L foot in air, bend/straighten leg, foot to ceiling, note orientation of sole, imagine book on bottom. Repeat with book on bottom of foot. Note contact of sole/toes/tracing, bend/straighten knee. Repeat, add R hand behind head, L behind L knee, lift head/straighten knee. Pause, switch hands, repeat. Repeat with head turned to side. Then interlace hands behind head to lift with straightening. Note direction of face/chin, back pressing, timing, when/if lengthening is easier. Leave head on floor, do few bend/straighten, note differences. Pause with feet standing, note contact of L foot with floor, note toes, heel, arch, outer edge. Book on L foot, feel for contact of toes to board. Bring toes towards board, pressing/curling so that ball of foot lifts, then reverse so ball presses, toes lift. Feet standing, repeat movement of ball/toes lifting/pressing on floor. Pause compare feet. Press/lift each toe of L foot individually. Compare feet. Book on L foot, take toes away from book then touch book with toes. Leave toes quiet, bend/straighten ankle while bend/straighten leg. Note if toes stay in contact or lift from book. Intentionally keep toes lifted while bend/straighten ankle/leg. Then repeat keeping toes on book. Leave toes quiet, bend/straighten ankle/leg. Rest with legs long, compare. Book on L foot, bend/straighten leg, note how. Add lifting/curling toes with leg bending. Which combo is easy? Do opposite. Which way is easier to straighten leg? Bend/straighten leg at different angles. Think of pushing through heel, like karate kick, as leg straightens, different angles. Rest, legs long, compare. Stand feet, compare. Stand, walk, note difference through sides. Imagine OS. Roll R/L little.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 133 Wednesday May 13, 2009.
ATM Lesson #287 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-13: Day 133, S14 day 3
Spiral sit to stand, back to sitting reversibly
CD#27/T10 [14m] DVD#S14-3 Scene 1 [14m] (Dennis) » play audio
Stand, hands to floor, spiral down to sit, up/down, switch hands in middle. On back, interlace hands behind L knee, direct foot down/away, pull through arms to roll towards sitting. Explore different angles of leg/chin/face. Switch legs, repeat. Hands behind each leg, roll to sit, return. Legs in air, lengthen down, arms along side, come forward to sit. Gradually swing legs overhead. Continue, come to sit cross-legged. Repeat, continue from cross legs to spiral to stand, reverse.
FI Exploration #147 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-13: Day 133, S14 day 3
Coming to sit from lying
CD#27/T11 [3m] DVD#S14-3 Scene 2 [54m] » play audio
Partners, have one person lie on table and come to sit. Observe how, play with making it reversible.
Discussion #179 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-13: Day 133, S14 day 3
About FI Exploration
CD#27/T12 [33m] DVD#S14-3 Scene 3 [33m] » play audio
Styles of getting up. Tres: report on paper Moving Toward a Grand Theory of Development: In Memory of Esther Thelen, John Spencer, et al. (2006). Dynamical systems approach to Piaget's A-not-B task, infant stepping, and idiosyncratic development of reaching in infants. Changing felt sense changes infant behavior. Kids don't go through a fixed or linear pattern in their development. Dennis: there's a lot of ways of coming to sitting from side lying. There is a way to find a way to walk and different ways to walk, rather than finding the way to walk. Esther Thelen's work was based on J. A. Scott Kelso's work. Dynamical systems theory. You don't need to impute cognitive functions above physical functions. There's no mind-body split. She also worked with Gerald Edelman, who won 1972 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and later developed a theory of consciousness. Debate in the autism community; cherish them the way they are, or perturb? Helen Keller had signs but not symbols. When she got language, she became hungry to be part of the world. Strange attractors. In ATM, you have a felt sense that this is a logical place to go, but it's not a fixed place. You will find people who have trouble getting in/out of bed, or a car. Tres: Thelen's work encouraging for him in doing FI; from the paper: “Esther believed that—for infants and adults alike—cognition and action are not separate. Instead, cognition is inextricably linked to perception and movement. There is no cognition in the absence of perception and action.” This is also the basis of Alva Noë's work. Francisco Varela's, Humberto Maturana's, Kelso's work: input, versus perturbations. Wave theory. There is no error, just constant variations.
Editor's notes: Reference to notes for letter from Mark Reese to Esther Thelen, The Feldenkrais Method and Dynamic System Principles. Story of a man who ran an institution for kids with atypical development: many trudged their feet; he had ladders buried in the walkways, and the kids, in addition to lifting their feet, became more generally cognizant of their environment. Story of a man who had a stroke which affected his walking: he would put kids with similar difficulties on horses backwards; kids were much more stable on dismounting. References to book The Wave Theory of Difference and Similarity (1992) by Stephen W. Link, and Link's review of the work of Gustav Fechner.
FI Exploration #148 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-13: Day 133, S14 day 3
Roller under pelvis/low back, on back
CD#27/T13 [15m] DVD#S14-3 Scene 4 [76m] » play audio
Dennis demo with Ashley. On back, feel under low back, feet standing. Roller under pelvis, perpendicular. At head, feel tonus of neck muscles, lengthen from softer side. Pull through spine to head from top of knee, directing into foot. Knee at different angles. Oscillation. At head, push through C7. Lengthen from head. Take roller out, legs long to feel changes. Stand feet, place under higher (low back), repeat, add arms lengthened overhead, push through. Add on ankle crossed on other thigh/knee, focus on hip joints. Partners, give lesson based on demo.
ATM Lesson #288 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-13: Day 133, S14 day 3
Book on foot #2, twisting arm/leg in air, on side
CD#27/T14 [62m] DVD#S14-3 Scene 5 [62m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
On back, stand feet, both legs in the air, book on one of them, straighten/bend. Repeat, roll away from leg that has book. Switch to other foot. R side, head on R arm, L arm straight out to L. Twist arm around itself, note palm starts facing forward. Change direction. Clock on ceiling reference. Repeat, twist only clockwise, return to starting point. Continue, add head movement. Pause. Twist counter, return to start point, include head. Both directions, expand, note shoulder blade towards spine/floor behind. Return to twisting clockwise, take head opposite. Return to head going with. Pause, Twist counter, head opposite. Return to going with. Arm out to side, twist clockwise/neutral. Pause, counter/neutral. Full range of twist allow head to follow, shoulder blade towards floor in back, nose to floor in front. Full range using whole self. Repeat OS. On back, book on L foot, take book to/away, gradually start to roll R. On R side, stand L hand, think of arm movement/homologous leg movement. L leg out to side, twist leg, feel rolling forward/back. Note ribs if shoulder doesn't go forward. On R side, L arm/leg out to side, twist both clockwise, roll towards front, twist other way, roll towards back. Repeat but twist arm/leg in opposite directions to each other. Just twist arm, without pelvis moving, note ribs. Switch to only leg twisting, shoulder quiet, ribs twist. Rolling forward/back. ROB, compare sides. On R side, book on L foot, bend/straighten knee, roll towards back, sense foot on book, foot in space. Roll forward/back. Repeat, roll towards front, return to side, pause, roll to back, return to side. On side, roll comfortable range. On back, feet up, book on L, take book to/away from you, start to roll R, onto side, return to back. Repeat on L side—R arm out to side, imagine twisting/rolling. Pause, leg up, imagine twist/roll. Book on foot, twist/roll.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 134 Thursday May 14, 2009.
FI Exploration #149 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-14: Day 134, S14 day 4
Lying on roller along spine, feet standing
CD#27/T15 [10m] DVD#S14-4 Scene 1 [87m] » play audio
Demo with Brian. Spine along roller. Feel feet. Have hands on either side of roller, where does he feel weight in foot? Go in mid range and just to the edge. Take it to a place to elicit a reaction—breath. When standing/walking there is often some holding in the lower abdomen that will keep hip joint from moving. Cross arms across chest—balance is more precarious. Can go on and off the roller a number of times or pad the roller if it is too much. Do movement from knees. Move from head: side to side, compress, feeling for abdomen. When person is standing, feel how they are, then in seated, then on roller, then see how it is in standing.
Discussion #180 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-14: Day 134, S14 day 4
About FI Exploration
CD#27/T16 [26m] DVD#S14-4 Scene 2 [27m] » play audio
Brian: subtle movements in a system with a lot of moving parts. You're eliciting self-preservation. Elicit it without eliciting all the fear. In FI each lesson should be life-threatening. They have to be able to monitor themselves. In Fechner-Weber, dealing with comparison—average between objects or comparison with ideal. You want to be able to make comparison and feel difference, not comparison to ideal. You want the system speaking for itself, subliminally. Pam: When would you use this, or not? You can use it anytime you think you can get away with it. Or when you're bored working in the same direction. Can be very interactive with people who come to your classes. What you're asking them to pay attention to may not be what you're working with. People really feel a difference from this. Shira: was harder for me to roll the roll than I expected. If roller doesn't move much, you can move the shoulder, legs. You are using the roller, not as an end in itself. This is the problem with demonstrating. Each person is unique. This is why I don't demo complete FI and give broad brush strokes. You have a roller, what is it doing? Marge: Head wouldn't move, roller caused more movement. Moshé's rollers were solid wood. Didn't think of cardboard tubing. Michael: Life threatening: how to challenge the system without roller? If they can't put their weight on one leg, then it's threatening to put weight on that leg. That's why it's not “bodywork.” Developing a different relationship to somato-sensory substrate. Pam: has used closet rods to lie on. You have to learn to release. Dennis cautions: can bruise spinous processes.
FI Exploration #150 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-14: Day 134, S14 day 4
Shoulder girdle & ribs, on back
CD#27/T17 [23m] DVD#S14-4 Scene 3 [95m] » play audio
With Tres. On back. Clarify clavicle. 5 lines. Clavicles join sternum in front, C7 in back. Arc forward. Heel of hand on upper ribs and take them back as if bringing shoulder forward. Moving muscle—displacing it, lengthen it both ways, but not pressing directly on it. Lengthen arm, include shoulder blade, inhibit shoulder blade and then include it. Push from top of shoulder to lengthen through fingers (and individual fingers). Have to approach other shoulder differently. Press on R. Chest with R. hand. L hand underneath can move shoulder blade different directions. Hand underneath spine, T1-2. Pull on R. arm, then both arms, standing on table. Push through feet to head. Seated. Lift arm up from armpit.
ATM Lesson #289 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-14: Day 134, S14 day 4
Breathing #3, 4 part with tapping and seesaw move, various positions
CD#27/T18 [43m] DVD#S14-4 Scene 4 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #186) » play audio
On back, tap L index finger for each of 4 parts of breath: inhale, hold, exhale, hold. Repeat, swallow during holding. Stand R foot, L arm overhead on floor, breathe into upper L lobe of lungs, imagine the changing shape/size with inhale/exhale, feel diaphragm, do the 4 part breathing. Same position, inhale/expand chest, diaphragm descends, exhale, diaphragm ascends, continue with 4 part breathing. Repeat, during holding, do seesaw movement. Repeat, do seesaw movement during all 4 parts. Stand, walk, lift each arm overhead. Same position, 4 part breathing, lengthen L arm with inhale, then lengthen L leg on exhale. Stand, make fist with one hand then other, note sense whole side. On L side, L arm long overhead, rest head on arm, stand R foot, 4 part breathing, push belly out, keep there and do 3 of the 4 part breaths; Repeat with R arm wrapped overhead and head held up. Same position, keep chest expanded during 4-part breathing. Same position, except head resting, 4 part breath, keep very still during holding, then add arm/head lifted. On back, feet standing, interlace hands behind head, bring elbows/head forward, 4 part breathing.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 135 Friday May 15, 2009.
ATM Lesson #290 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-15: Day 135, S14 day 5
Breathing #4, 4 part with tapping and seesaw move, various positions
CD#27/T19 [35m] DVD#S14-5 Scene 1 [35m] (Alexander Yanai #187) » play audio
On back, feel air through nostrils, into lungs. Stand feet, repeat, feeling lungs, 3 lobes, liver, ribs, contact with floor. Feet standing, arms overhead on floor, 4 part breathing. Continue 4 part breathing with chest expanded. Repeat with bell expanded. 4 part breath, seesaw movement chest/belly. On front, arms up on floor, 4 part breath. Sit cross leg, wrap arms around, head hangs, back rounded, tap R index finger with 4 part breath. Continue 4 part breath on front, knees spread, soles touch, hold elbows behind, lift head. Continue on back, feet stand, hands lift head, pelvis lifted little.
Discussion #181 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-15: Day 135, S14 day 5
About ATM Lesson
CD#27/T20 [34m] DVD#S14-5 Scene 2 [36m] » play audio
Linda: taps but doesn't count. Dennis: counting is part of the lesson. There are non-numerical arithmetics. Giving a number implies a different way of organizing. Includes sub-audibilizing accounting for your experience. When Moshé said, “do something 10 times”; counting is important because it involves a different part. Even if you only do it 6, you note it. He said it is important in his book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990). Cheryl: finds uncomfortable holding to same count. Not life threatening, but life annoying. In certain Taoist practices they identify other pauses in breathing. Michael: If I don't exhale fully, then not life-threatening. Dennis: there's always a pint left. Want to get a clear line of delineation. These are all uses of our intention. Discussion of focus in ATM and FI. There are so few variables in a lesson, when counting is part of a lesson, it changes something, it is important. When people come in and are focused on their pain, they are locked into a meditation on their pain. People who walk into your studio are not our peers. You have a skill set to work with other people. How you switch their attention. Marge: taking this breathing into doing FI. Finding other ways of doing things that aren't compulsive: expansion of chest doesn't have to equate to inhalation. Watch language: do people fragment themselves as parts of themselves or “at times I prefer.”
FI Exploration #151 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-15: Day 135, S14 day 5
Lying on back on 2 rollers
CD#27/T21 [5m] DVD#S14-5 Scene 3 [69m] » play audio
Demo with James. Two rollers lengthwise under spine. Rolling holding roller, feel weight in feet. Two is almost a table. Can lift under shoulders. From knees, from head, under rollers. Get them on two rollers, see what you feel.
FI Exploration – Dennis Leri 2009-05-15: Day 135, S14 day 5
Review of week
Not recorded.
Pair up and practice anything from this week, ½ hour each.
ATM Lesson #291 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-15: Day 135, S14 day 5
Book on foot #3, twisting arm/leg in air, on side
CD#27/T22 [51m] DVD#S14-5 Scene 4 [51m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
On R side, L arm out to side, twist slowly each way, gradually head rolls, increase, feel arm lengthen/shorten, from front, side, back. Pause, repeat with leg. Track knee arc through space. Arm/leg twisting opposite directions, slowly, staying on side, note between hip/shoulder. Arm twisting, head rolling on floor, feeling through, add leg. ROB. Sides? Repeat OS—L side, R arm out, twist, add leg. Twist leg a few times allowing shoulder to move then without shoulder movement. Add arm.
Add head/eyes looking up/down. R arm over top of head, hold L ear, continue movement of leg. Look at leg in front and imagine could see leg behind you as roll forward/back. On L side, book on foot, roll towards back/front. Pause, repeat with book on hand. Add leg with imaginary book. Have two books, on hand/foot, roll forward/back. Look up/down? On back, book on R foot, roll to side/back. On back, explore rolling to R and how might continue to front. On back, book on L foot, bend/straighten, roll to side. If stuck, change angle of leg, bend knee, change torso. Stay with area of comfort. Continue, go to the edge of the next transition point for you and hang out with it, figuring out what you can do to continue onto front. If you can do that already, smooth it out. Book on L foot, roll L. End with book on easy foot, roll both directions. Bring it to an easy range, smooth, no question of book falling.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 136 Monday May 18, 2009.
ATM Lesson #292 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-18: Day 136, S14 day 6
Circling foot, leaning on elbow
CD#28/T01 [58m] DVD#S14-06 Scene 1 [58m] (Alexander Yanai #247) » play audio
Sit, legs spread wide, lean on L elbow, R hand/arm over top of head, tilt head side/side. Repeat with R foot standing. Repeat OS. Lean on L elbow, R knee standing, R hand on R knee, circle R knee, each direction, smaller quicker. Repeat OS Lean on L elbow, stand R foot, hold ankle with R hand, slide foot circling, knee stays up, foot circles under, switch hand, fingers inside, thumb outside. Switch arms/legs, reach with L hand to L ankle, this time from between the legs. Play with fingers inside/outside. Lean on L elbow, stand R foot, R forearm behind back, twist/turn to look L, knee stays up, roll pelvis, belly forward, explore opposition move of head then return to looking behind. Repeat OS. Lean on L elbow, stand R foot, hold L foot with R hand, circle foot. Repeat OS. Lean on L hand, R foot standing, lift pelvis to come onto R foot, bring R hand to floor near L hand, lift pelvis higher than R knee, L leg slides, continue, slide the L leg behind R foot and sit then, reverse. Continue to swivel all the way to 4 points. From 4 points, rather than take leg through, direct bent knee through gap to come to sit. Alternate taking straight/bent leg through gap between R arm/leg. Repeat OS. Continue quicker, add hop.
FI Exploration #152 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-18: Day 136, S14 day 6
Artificial Floor #1
CD#28/T02 [11m] DVD#S14-06 Scene 2 [57m] » play audio
Demo with Linda. On back, rollers behind knees, ankles. Idea is bringing world and the floor to the foot, rather than the foot to the floor. Gentle contact. Flat of board rubbing outside of foot. Moving foot from contact with board. Support forefoot and tap heel with board. In sitting, press through knee to floor. Demo with Ashley. Arbitrary decision which side you want to worth with. It seems like a given that the ground is the ground. What standing is, we're going to bring it to the foot. Right side of the brain controls left leg. When you slip on a banana peel, it's sub cortical. Look at shape of foot, bring slight sensation to the whole sole, from the outside (but some people come from inside, some from toe that is most prominent). Slide board along small toe. It's as if the foot is sliding, want to engage the gripping reflex, slightly. Sometimes sliding on heel, sometimes whole foot, sideways. Looking for reaction of toes reaching for the floor. Once toe reaches, take board away/into it/slide. Each board will have different friction. Books: cover with brown paper for a perfect surface.
Discussion #182 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-18: Day 136, S14 day 6
About ATM Lesson 292
CD#28/T03 [17m] DVD#S14-06 Scene 3 [53m] » play audio
Barb B. Has trouble with Left/right and was laughing at her confusion. Lesson was taking a little piece of the Four Points lesson and expands on it. Now that you're practitioners you need to be thinking of the geometry and what's going on. Your feet will always be parallel or perpendicular to a side wall. The amphibious quality of the lesson. Both in the lesson and thinking analytically about the lesson, figuring it out, what's it relating to. Get in small groups and think about the lesson. What other ways are there to categorize it, what are the elements? Tres: similarity between 4 points and books on feet. Si: Eliciting subtle responses: toe grabbing or board. Dennis: Artificial Floor looks unique, but it's true in all FI: bringing the environment to the person. You have to unthink the names, “I'm working with the arms, legs, etc.” And think what is the relationship that is being afforded. How can I use this position to bring some kind of pattern to this person that they have no conscious sense of. Phylogenetically, we are set up to respond to this input (toe to board). Same thing with breathing. With ATM lesson, there's this geometry. Like pelvic clock—comparing the movement to a geometric shape. You are getting out of the physics of the situation. Circular, semi-circular, spiral movements available. How can I take this lesson to FI. With this lesson being a sub-set of 4-points, you can take this lesson and take out a few points to an FI. In standing they not only carry the weight but the force goes through the hip joint.
FI Exploration #153 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-18: Day 136, S14 day 6
Converting ATM 292 into FI
CD#28/T04 [2m] DVD#S14-06 Scene 4 [24m] » play audio
Get into groups of 3 and figure out how to improvise FI from the ATM. Go from their request and use this ATM as a template and that I what the lesson will be about.
ATM Lesson #293 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-18: Day 136, S14 day 6
Book on foot #4, books on feet, on front
CD#28/T05 [49m] DVD#S14-06 Scene 5 [51m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
On belly, arms by head, face to one side, bend lower legs, feet to ceiling, flex/extend ankle. Bend just R leg, book on R foot, flex/extend ankle without looking then look. Book on R foot again, take toes away from book several times, then to the book lifting ball of foot away. R foot again, think of big toe while extending, heel while flexing. While heel goes to ceiling, lift all toes, thinking of big toe (leading). Then second, third, fourth, fifth. On belly, without book, head to one side, knee bent, feel for foot in “standing” position. Sense then look. Outside/inside of foot towards ceiling. Sit, stand R foot, hold R knee, lift/press inside/outside of R foot. Note knee, hold knee in middle so movement is in ankle. Then allow knee to move in/out with foot.
On belly, R foot up, book on foot, lift/lower inside/outside of foot. Find way to look at foot. Bring foot to floor, keeping book on foot. ROB. Compare sides. Sit, stand R foot, slide foot forward/back, hold knee in mid, add inside/outside lifted/pressed a little. On belly, both feet up, sense for “standing” position. Lower R leg, keep L up, flex/extend ankle, imagine book. Add attention to big toe/heel, continue to each toe. Pause, return, imagine book, press/lift toes/ball of foot. Pause, press inside/outside of foot towards ceiling/imaginary book. ROB, stand feet, compare. Sit, L foot standing, hold L knee in mid, lift/lower inside/outside of foot. Slide foot away, noting pressure inside/outside of foot. On back, book on foot, roll towards side of book, roll to belly. From belly, without book, roll to back. Arms behind, legs long, lift shoulder, roll head towards, lift opposite hip. Repeat OS, switch which arm on top.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 137 Tuesday May 19, 2009.
ATM Lesson #294 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-19: Day 137, S14 day 7
Arms behind back, lifting shoulder/hip, on back
CD#28/T06 [50m] DVD#S14-07 Scene 1 [50m] (Alexander Yanai #220) » play audio
On back, hands interlaced overhead, palms towards top of head, 4 inches away, stand R foot, push through foot, feel through to elbows. Add head/eyes looking at L elbow, back of head back/down, look up at L hand. Repeat OS. Stand R foot, lift pelvis, slide R lower arm under lower back, straighten leg, bring R shoulder forward, head rolls L. Repeat OS Stand L foot, R arm behind low back, lift L hip, R shoulder forward, head rolls. Repeat OS. Both arms behind lower back, legs long, press from heel to roll pelvis R/L. Pause, switch arms, repeat, roll head with pelvis roll. Same position, roll pelvis/head in opposite. Alternate side/side. Hands interlaced above head on floor, bend R knee, lift hip, look to L elbow, extend to see L hand. Repeat OS. Arms behind back, take chin forward to lift head, repeat with arms switched. Continue, smaller/quickly. Arms/legs long, roll head side/side, then slide back of head on floor to tilt ear towards shoulder on each side, face stays forward.
FI Exploration #154 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-19: Day 137, S14 day 7
Lying on roller, along spine, head off to side
CD#28/T07 [6m] DVD#S14-07 Scene 2 [8m] » play audio
Demo with Michael. On roller. Turn roller and have him turn head. Bring head off side and turn roller. Move slightly from knees, thinking of lower sternum where protecting. Head back on roller, and then to other side.
FI Exploration #155 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-19: Day 137, S14 day 7
Lying on front, roller under knees
CD#28/T08 [10m] DVD#S14-07 Scene 3 [75m] » play audio
Demo with Cheryl. Lying on front, small roller under ankles Head turned to side. Feel along ribs at side, sensing along spine. Each person will be different as you work with them. Lift foot knee on table, rotate leg/hip. Working through feet/ankles into hip joints. Stand on table, lift legs from ankles and move roller above knees. Pull on ankles, move legs side/side. Can use larger roller, small roller with padding. Move legs side to side, thinking of movement through hips/back. From top, lifting shoulders, working with neck, top of head. On back. Sit, stand, walk.
ATM Lesson #295 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-19: Day 137, S14 day 7
Breathing #5, 4 part with tapping, crawl position
CD#28/T09 [41m] DVD#S14-07 Scene 4 [42m] (Alexander Yanai #188) » play audio
On front, draw up L knee, R arm under head, L hand standing, inhale, sense L lung, think of lung towards spine, expanding ribs. Pause, continue, adjust position for comfort, 4 part with tapping: inhale, hold, exhale, hold—equal taps. Lift L arm, bring it back without touching floor, continue measured tapping of 4 part breath. Repeat OS. L knee drawn up, L arm long behind in air, R hand behind head, lifted to look towards belly, tap on head with finger 4 parts. Repeat, thinking of both lungs. Repeat OS. On back, roll head, tilt head, feeling through spine, increase, sliding hands/arms down with palms down.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 138 Wednesday May 20, 2009.
ATM Lesson #296 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-20: Day 138, S14 day 8
Bring elbows forward, wrists bend, on back & sitting
CD#28/T10 [46m] DVD#S14-08 Scene 1 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #45) » play audio
On back, feet stand, fingers under chest, elbows on floor, lift elbows. Lift elbows with head. Just elbows. Note shoulders/chest. Lift R elbow, lift R shoulder with elbow, rolling L. Repeat on L. Feet stand, R hand behind back, lift R elbow/shoulder. Hold R elbow /L hand, pull. R hand slides behind so elbow can come forward. Repeat with L hand behind.
Feet stand, both hands behind, palms on floor, lift head/shoulders/elbows. Bring elbows together in front. Feet stand, hands behind, lift elbows, backs of hands slide onto belly, fingers pointing down. Lift head to help. Use R hand to help back of L to lie on belly so fingers point down towards feet. Reverse hands. Have backs of both hands on belly, little fingers touching. Bring elbows together/apart. Use head lifting to help. Repeat, stand R foot, L leg long, roll L so L elbow touches floor. Touch R elbow to L. Shoulders round forward. Repeat to other side. Bend head forward, elbows touch head/face, nose between arms. R foot standing, back of R hand on belly, hold R elbow with L hand, slide it up along face, forehead/nose are between elbow/hand. Hand in contact with forehead, nose enters crease of elbow. Change over hands/legs, repeat.
Feet stand, hands behind, lift elbows. Lift head, hands slide as elbows come together then return hands behind. Feet stand, R palm on belly, L index finger on wrist, lift elbow, bend wrist. Lift head to help. Same angle in wrist as when leaning on hand on floor. R hand behind back, lift elbow so wrist bent at right angle. Sit, hold hand with right angle at wrist in front of face, maintain the angle and put hand on belly. Note what needs to adjust. Repeat with L hand. Sit, both hands on belly, one on top of other, bring elbows together in front, pull in belly, sink chest, lower head. On back, fingertips of each hand close together and standing on floor near to sides. Stand feet, lean on fingers, lift elbows/head. Lean on fingers until lift legs and sit without swinging up. Sit up using only fingertips of R hand. Elbow lifts. Repeat with L hand. Return to both at same time, lift elbows, head, slowly sit up. Rest on back, note shoulders/chest, stand, note arms and use of.
Discussion #183 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-20: Day 138, S14 day 8
About ATM
CD#28/T11 [25m] DVD#S14-08 Scene 2 [25m] » play audio
Michael: struggle of one side vs. other. Challenge in thoracic area. Different parts of ribs had to move backward. Pitcher with [San Francisco] Giants [Noah Lowry], surgery for a thoracic outlet syndrome, took out a rib. A lot of modalities can treat TOS, to take out a rib is stupid. In SF training did the movement from bent wrist on floor to chest. In FI someone has a difficulty in one orientation, but easy in another orientation. Brian: being cleaver vs. being organized. Dennis: you'd want to have it so you can think it and do it, but meantime you can have strategies to approximate the organization until you get it. Marge: Breathing lessons helped her organize moving chest backwards. Dennis: what did it feel like? Shira: 3 dimensional. Tres: when stood up felt shoulders were rolled forward and comfortable. Dennis: common experience is to feel weak, not bound. More functional but feels weak, or “I'm slouching.” The structure that follows from being functionally neutral will be stronger, but may feel weaker. Marge: would you have more feeling of weakness if you were a body builder? Dennis; it's between the ears.
FI Exploration #156 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-20: Day 138, S14 day 8
Twisting thigh muscles to contact bone, on back, foot standing
CD#28/T12 [7m] DVD#S14-08 Scene 3 [63m] » play audio
Demo with Barb B. On back rollers under knees and ankles. Movement of leg, hip joint, spine, through to the head. Knee up (can have it into practitioner's chest). Feel muscles, move muscles around bone. Feel gelatinous, colloidal muscle. Clarify skeleton by moving muscles around it. Rather than massaging muscles, you're clarifying skeleton, image. Leg is different because skeleton is ore defined, tonus is less. Then push through foot to clarify skeleton, reach where you want: hip, shoulder, neck, tongue. Do one leg, then other.
FI Exploration #157 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-20: Day 138, S14 day 8
Lying on front, roller under ankles, rolling roller on thighs, calves, feet and back
CD#28/T13 [12m] DVD#S14-08 Scene 4 [66m] » play audio
Short discussion. Demo with Cheryl. Lying on front, roller under ankles. Using roller on thigh, jiggling, rolling, moving across thigh, watching for level of oscillation. Then roller on calf, rolling, moving along and across calf. Then roller on bottom of foot. Can do one leg and/or both legs. Find right pressure. Can also add rolling on back.
ATM Lesson #297 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-20: Day 138, S14 day 8
Book on foot #5, heel/toe in/out up/down, on front
CD#28/T14 [57m] DVD#S14-08 Scene 5 [58m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
On front, arms up around head, bend knees, feet to ceiling, imagine book on feet, look at feet. Legs together, feet standing position, move heels apart/together. Repeat, move only one heel away/outside. Repeat with other heel. Then both heels apart/together. Keep heels together, move front of R foot away/outside. Repeat with L foot. Alternate taking heels apart/front of foot apart. Sit, stand R foot, hand around knee, take R heel to R/return. Then R heel to inside/return. Take heel in/out. ROB, sense feet/legs. On front, arms by head, head turned to R, bend R knee, foot to ceiling, take heel outside/inside. Look, is foot for standing? Repeat movement with book on R foot, heel in/out, note front of foot. Alternate attention between heel/toes. Attention to whole foot. Book on R foot, move heel up/down, in/out, circle. Circling, attention to heel, then front of foot, then both. Change directions. Repeat with head turned other side. ROB, stand feet, compare. On front, arms by head, no book, tuck R toes, lift/lower R knee. Note heel lengthens with knee lifted. Keep lifted, take heel L/R, feel through leg to hip/pelvis. Lengthen foot, knee on floor, take heel L/R, note differences. Return to tucked toes, heel R/L, compare. Tuck R toes, knee lifted, face to R, move heel R/L. Continue, add taking inside/outside of knee to floor. ROB, compare legs. Stand, compare legs. On front, arms up by head, head turned L, L foot to ceiling, imagine book on foot, repeat above on this side: heel up/down, in/out, circle, attention to heel/front of foot; book on foot, circle heel, attention heel/front of foot; repeat, change dir; tuck toes, lift knee, heel R/L, knee in/out. Tuck 10 toes, lift knees, heels L/R, sense hips, pelvis, spine, turn head with weight shift. Heels together/apart. ROB, stand feet. On front, book on L foot, arms up by head, lift L knee. Look at book over L shoulder. Look over R shoulder at book on L foot. Book on L foot, lift L knee, slowly roll towards back, hands in push-up. Repeat OS.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 139 Thursday May 21, 2009.
FI Exploration #158 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-21: Day 139, S14 day 9
Review segment in groups of 4
CD#28/T15 [1m] DVD#S14-09 Scene 1 [54m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #298 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-21: Day 139, S14 day 9
Breathing #6, outlining right lung with light ball, various positions
CD#28/T16 [42m] DVD#S14-09 Scene 2 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #189) » play audio
Sit, head hanging a little forward, imagine pathway of air through nose to lungs. Imagine two balls of white light at nostrils, breathing them in to the center of chest and then branches off into R lung. Have the image of the R lung expanding in all directions. Continue and add tracking the light ball through R nostril, branching off on the R, drawing a line up along the spine to C7 and around to under the armpit, reverse. It's a kind of outline. Switch direction, sending the light ball from the branching off in mid chest to go down along spine, across, going behind liver and up, reverse. Return to light ball going up to C7, over along clavicle, down to waist and reverse. Repeat, continuing with light ball going the full circumference of lung in one direction then other. On back, lengthen R arm overhead on floor, L hand holds R temple, slide head/arms to L, stay, send light ball around spongy R lung lobes. Stand, walk, sit, lift R shoulder to ear, send light ball around R lung lobes. Stand on knees, R arm out at shoulder height to R, look at hand, repeat light ball around R lung. Stand, sense image of R lung, walk with it.
FI Exploration #159 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-21: Day 139, S14 day 9
Exchange full FI lessons
CD#28/T17 [1m] DVD#S14-09 Scene 3 [84m] » play audio
ATM Lesson #299 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-21: Day 139, S14 day 9
Spinal chain with sidedness.
CD#28/T18 [47m] DVD#S14-09 Scene 4 [47m] (Gaby and Dennis) » play audio
On back, stand feet, lift/lower pelvis, spinal chain, note weight on feet, sense/compare knees. Repeat with legs together. Feet standing, lift head, face forward few times, then lift by taking chin to chest. Repeat both ways of head lifting with legs long. Legs long/together, heels planted without slipping, flex/extend ankles to transmit force through spine to head, note sides. Add toes flex/ext, two different combinations of ankle/toe relation of flex/extend. Alternate feet L/R flex/ext, feeling through torso, sidedness. Flex/extend both feet, lift head when feet support it. Do when feet are towards you. Bend knees, stand feet, lift pelvis, spinal chain. Compare sidedness to beginning. Feet standing, lift head. Keep pelvis lifted, lift head, chin to chest. Lift/lower head/pelvis, keeping spine bow position. On front, toes standing, push through from toes, head to R, hands by head, alternately R/L. Repeat with head to other side. Leave pelvis in air, rock headward. Add hands behind head, lift head, chin to chest, at the end of the push from the feet. Stand feet, lift pelvis, feel sidedness lifting/lowering.
S14 – Dennis Leri. Day 140 Friday May 22, 2009.
Discussion #184 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-22: Day 140, S14 day 10
Styles and Strategies of FI
CD#28/T19 [27m] DVD#S14-10 Scene 1 [27m] » play audio
Ashley: tracking breathing in ATM/FI. Dennis: ATM is the skill set you derive your lessons from—same observations. Moshé said, don't do any kind of intentional breathing to mess up the lesson. With last segment and this we have given you a lot of brush stroke ideas to work with in FI. Leaving more strategy of how to use it for next segment. Mia Segal trained individually and trained first. Master/disciple training, and unique. Of the Israelis, the most outstanding were Gaby Yaron and Yochanan Rywerant; even the worst of the lot, you'd be happy to be that good. Moshé got lessons from Gaby. Elizabeth Beringer is direct protégé of Gaby. Dennis gave Mia lessons and learned from her. Don't believe whatever you see (in videos or ads), it is the whole Method.
Ashley: sit sideways, bend forward. Kim at tailbone, Brian at head. Coming forward in extension rather than folding, lengthening in front. Idea is to have a person have a clear intention. If you dilated this down, it would be what Gaby did. Then lift one knee and then other in flexion; eyes with and opposite head. Doing opposite to affect the other (flexion and extension). You will find that certain things you do will work with certain people, be aware of how you got there. Don't be a victim of your own success. Feldenkrais said that the lucky ones stumbled and found things that worked through trial and error.
ATM Lesson #300 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-22: Day 140, S14 day 10
Breathing #7, lengthening lung with 4 parts, on back & front
CD#28/T20 [54m] DVD#S14-10 Scene 2 [55m] (Alexander Yanai #191) » play audio
On back, note breathing, press back of head into floor, note any interference of breath, with inhale or exhale. Think of lungs lengthening/shortening. Lengthening, think lung moving up towards shoulder and downward to lower ribs. Breathe in 4 parts, not equal, short stops between inhale/exhale. Continue 4 part throughout lesson. Feel the spine lengthens with inhale & exhale. Continue, lift head little. Hold hair or sides of head, lengthening. Keeping 4 parts and lengthening of lung & lengthening of spine: press shoulder; lift/press twice; lift R shoulder when pressing L; switch shoulders; both shoulders forward; press R leg into floor; lift R leg; press R leg while lifting L; switch legs; lift both legs; press floating ribs; on R side only; then take R floating ribs away while pressing L; switch; press both sides again; then take both sides away; press L shoulder while lifting R hip; take shoulder & hip forward; press R shoulder/lift L hip; hold hair to lengthen; on front, arms overhead on floor, lift R arm; lift L; both arms away from floor; lift head; press R arm/lift L leg; lift R arm/L leg; Repeat sequence with L arm/R leg; forehead on floor, tuck toes, knees lifted, press through to head; add holding hair to lengthen with tucked toes pushing; on back, stand feet, lift head with hands, count 10 4-part breaths.
FI Exploration #160 – Dennis Leri 2009-05-22: Day 140, S14 day 10
Exchange 25 min lesson from this segments learning
CD#28/T21 [1m] DVD#S14-10 Scene 3 [56m] » play audio
Partners exchange short lesson.
ATM Lesson #301 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-22: Day 140, S14 day 10
Book on foot #6, 2 to 4 books, continuous rolling
CD#28/T22 [44m] DVD#S14-10 Scene 4 [44m] (Elizabeth Beringer) » play audio
On back, feet standing, lift L foot, imagine book, bend/straighten leg, roll R, onto front, reverse. Continue, I say “stop”, you note if compromised anywhere, strain, breath, foot/book then continue. Pause, repeat, rolling to L/front. Repeat OS. Repeat with book on R foot, rolling each way with stops. Repeat with L foot. On back, both feet with books, begin rolling one direction/other. Start bringing knees to floor, slide knee around little. Slowly onto front, pause. On front, books on both feet, lift one knee, other, slide knee L/R, other knee, slide both together/apart. Pause, imagine rolling, lifting one knee, sliding other. Continue, note where stuck, hang out there and seesaw breathe a bit. Focused on what can/can't do? Improvements. Book on one foot, roll L/R comfortable amount. Repeat with other leg. Rest, think about where you are with this and what's the next step for smoothing out. Sense whether/how much driven compulsive or curious engagement. Set up mats for continuous rolls. Choose easiest leg, book on foot, all roll to R continuous, return.
FI Exploration #161 – Diana Razumny 2009-05-22: Day 140, S14 day 10
Use book on foot ATM for exploration
CD#28/T23 [25m] DVD#S14-10 Scene 5 [73m] » play audio
Watch student doing book on foot as start for exploration inspiration.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 141 Monday August 10, 2009.
ATM Lesson #302 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
Bell hand #1
CD#29/T01 [46m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 1 [46m] (Amherst based) » play audio
Stand, bend R elbow 90 degrees so forearm is parallel with the floor, palm/inside of lower arm up, bring finger tips together. Slowly rotate hand/lower arm, let hand hang limp, note fingers open. Reverse, bring fingertips together again. Alternate palm up/down, fingers together/apart. Continue hand movement and take self down to sitting then lying on back. Pause on back, feel/compare sides. R arm out to side, back of hand on floor, palm forward towards ceiling, bring fingertips together/apart.
Continue hand move, slide R knee up to side, direct L knee over to R knee on side, pelvis rolls onto R side, head follows, bring L shoulder along, L arm/hand to floor in front of you when lying on R side. Hand continues whole time. Pause. On R side, bring R arm under head, start hand movement, continue, roll head L off arm, take L shoulder towards floor behind, keep knees bent, note when L leg begins to lift from R, continue until R leg lifts and on back. Reverse to lie on R side again. Repeat. Continue, this time roll all the way to the L, allowing R arm/hand to be brought along over head, palm/fingers turn towards floor, bend R elbow so hand is in front of face someplace. Pause, resume hand movement, note wrist lifts in order to bring fingertips together, then open fingertips, bring palm to floor, repeat. Continue with this type of bell hand, extend R arm overhead, begin to take head/R shoulder to R, R bent knee lifts, eventually L knee follows to lie on R side. Do few rolls side/side. Pause on R side to rest. Folded on R side, begin hand movement with R hand, slide L bent leg down/back, roll face to floor, L hand standing ready to help come to sitting then reverse. Continue coming to sit on the way to standing in one continuous movement. Reverse to sitting and lying back to side to sit to stand again.
Editor's notes: The lesson was followed by a viewing of Jacob Bronowski - The Ascent of Man, a YouTube video clip of Jacob Bronowski at Auschwitz, from “Knowledge or Certainty,” Episode 11 of his BBC documentary series, The Ascent of Man.
Note (2012-08-13): This clip is no longer available but the same footage can be found here: The Ascent of Man (6 of 6) Knowledge or Certainty - Jacob Bronowski.
It is said that science will dehumanize people and turn them into numbers. That is false, tragically false. Look for yourself. This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance. It was done by dogma. It was done by ignorance.
When people believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, this is how they behave. This is what men do when they aspire to the knowledge of gods. Science is a very human form of knowledge. We are always at the brink of the known, we always feel forward for what is to be hoped. Every judgment in science stands on the edge of error and is personal.
Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible. In the end, the words were said by Oliver Cromwell: “I beseech you in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.”
I owe it as a scientist to my friend Leó Szilárd. I owe it as a human being to the many members of my family who died here, to stand here as a survivor and a witness. We have to cure ourselves of the itch for absolute knowledge and power. We have to close the distance between the push-button order and the human act. We have to touch people.
FI Exploration #162 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
Quality of touch
CD#29/T02 [28m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 2 [28m] » play audio
Circle Shake: inner, outer circles face each other, shake hands, say, “how do you do” (you're finding out with the hand shake) inner circle move R, shake, move R again, shake, say hello to your partner for the next exploration.
Part 1—Partners #1&2 sit/face, #2 close eyes, hands out/open, #1 place an object in hands, #2 explore object #1 observe exploration. Objects: water bottle, head pad, towel, nail file, fruit, rubber band, ball. Part 2, eyes open, #1 place hands on floor next to legs comfortably resting, #2 pick up one of #1's hands and place it on their knee or leg someplace. Discussion: Cheryl: Didn't want to be here. When Kristen put my hand on my leg in a listening way, I was home. Kristen: same thing, mini-FI. Barb B.: FI she had in Phoenix was instructive—how it should be, not listening. Kim: There was no way I could pretend a person was an object. Shift in me wasn't comfortable. Brian: What are you considering a hand? Diana: could you be thinking of the whole person from the hand? Michael: Could not separate hand as object. Could distinguish observation from instruction. Very different right side vs. left. Diana: forgot fruit—something that was alive has different characteristic than something that wasn't. Pam: didn't feel much difference between hands in explorations, but is left-handed. Diana: should have made lesson on the dominant hand. Shira: liked playfulness. Noticed difference in Tres' face, body while he was playing with objects.
Discussion #185 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
Unique characteristics of humans and hands
CD#29/T03 [45m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 3 [45m] » play audio
Introduction: What human traits separate us from rest of animal kingdom? Tools, empathy, written language, opposable thumbs, self-awareness, right/left distinction, degree of capacity for learning, clothing (except some small dogs), reasoning, emotions, style, self-expression (individuality, vocal, speech, body language, performance, artistic: performing, music, dance, art) dexterity/manipulation, brain size: time and special awareness, hands aren't needed to walk with. Hand: make things, manipulate, gesture/talk, write, comfort/touch/heal, greet, harm, pleasure, communicate, arts, music, move, weight-bear, eat, work, explore/evaluate, learn, play, groom, survival, create, nurture. Take for granted: Facebook video of woman without hands. Hand model. Read trivia: work fingers by remote control, there are no muscles inside the fingers, muscles are located in palm and forearm. 29 major/minor bones in hand, 29 major joints, 123 named ligaments, 32 muscles, 17 in palm, 18 in forearm, 48 named nerves, 30 named arteries, thumb: 9 individual muscles, use 3 of major hand nerves, opposition: not only primate with opposing thumbs (chimps can oppose thumb to index. Hand in the brain: 1/4 of motor cortex is devoted to muscles of the hands. Definitions of hand. Quotes: painted hands & Jacob Bronowski, “The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.”
Discussion #186 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
ATM teaching
CD#29/T04 [30m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 4 [58m] » play audio
Groups of 4: share experiences of teaching. If not teaching, do you want to be and what would make a difference/make it possible, what could you do to make it happen. Those teaching, share example of notes. Those teaching, what's the next step for you in your teaching career?
Discussion: Leanore: moving very slowly is the first time she felt her skeleton—limited by her shoulder problems. Brian: different strategies for what do when people are not doing what we are saying. Some teachers don't elaborate. Diana: exercise as many ways of saying things as possible. Oral tradition. You don't always know what Moshé or other teachers meant—what was going on in the room. The instructions may not be clear. Barb: the advanced teachers may choose to be vague to let the student flounder, but we aren't there. Diana: Practice, practice, practice. If you watch Amherst, 240 people were all doing something different and Moshé was just teaching. Sometimes teaching to who was in front of him. Sometimes focus on 1-2 people and let the rest of the class go. Tomorrow doing demo with a student of Marge. Giovanni is almost 1.5 years old, was born term, but had low birth weight. Multiple disabilities, cortical visual impairment, very small for his age. No head control. On medications. Very low functioning. Starting to bat at things using his hands. Start being able to sit up. Fluctuates between being high/low tone. A lot of respiratory problems—suctioned a lot. Has a G-Tube for feeding. Diana—will talk to the Mom tonight. Asks Marge not to have initial contact with Giovanni at first. But wants him to feel comfortable. Will do lessons T, W, Th. What elements do you see in the lesson do you see that signify making contact—connecting with the child?
Discussion #187 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
Introduction of materials
CD#29/T05 [5m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 5 [6m] » play audio
Handouts: trivia, facts, etc.
ATM Lesson #303 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-10: Day 141, S15 day 1
Bell hand #2
CD#29/T06 [58m] DVD#S15-1 Scene 6 [58m] (Amherst based) » play audio
On R side, rest head on straight R arm, hand overhead, L knee/elbow on floor in front, straighten R leg, bell R hand. Start sliding L arm/leg long on floor to straighten, return, gradually increase until on belly, return elbow/knee drawn together.
Continue on, when on belly, turn head R, draw R knee/elbow together, pause there, resume bell, continue reverse to having L elbow/knee drawn up on L. Repeat, L knee/elbow drawn up, bell R hand, when on belly with arms overhead, switch to belling L hand, draw R knee/elbow together. Pause with R elbow/knee together, facing R. Alternate side/side few times. Legs long, face to L, L arm up by face, R arm down along side, begin belling both hands, switch head/arms to other side, reverse. Alternate a few times, add rolling pelvis a bit so knee starts to slide on face side. R elbow/knee together, L arm long overhead, L leg straight, lift R elbow, dragging fingertips on floor, as they lift, bring them together, lower elbow, forearm, open hand, return palm to floor. Start placing elbow a little higher each time, elbow begins straightening. Slide R knee down, L up, switch to OS, Repeat with L hand/arm. Alternate side/side. Pause with R knee drawn up, elbow bent, repeat last move except straighten elbow in one large undulatory movement and switch head/legs to other side, repeat on this side to begin a swimming move. Think of toes on same side of belling fingers then toes on opposite side of belling. Sit, interlace fingers of R hand through R toes from top of foot. Thumb around big toes. Lift/lower foot with hand, turn R sole and face towards each other to see sole. Switch so thumb between big/2nd toes. Switch to L fingers interlace with R toes from bottom of foot. Switch back to R hand, roll to side/back/reverse. Include taking R foot back behind by pelvis when sitting (to come to), roll down to side rounded, looking at foot. Come up sliding R leg/foot back behind to R. ROB. Stand, shift weight, lift each arm, feel sides, face with hand. Bring hand to R eye, walk. R hand to L eye. Note difference in sensation sides of face being touched by same hand. Note vision out of each eye. Switch to L hand.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 142 Tuesday August 11, 2009.
ATM Lesson #304 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-11: Day 142, S15 day 2
Turning arm/hand, hand on table, sitting on table
CD#29/T07 [34m] DVD#S15-2 Scene 1 [34m] (Gaby Yaron) » play audio
1. Sit on table, note sit bones, feet, hands on thighs, quality of touch of R/L hand. Flex/extend torso, sense lumbar, thoracic, cervical vertebrae. Inhale/exhale? Sit bones when moving? 2. Sit comfortably, looking forward, lift R wrist/hand, fingers hang, return palm to thigh. R hand on table beside, full contact, lean a little on R hand. Turn hand/arm so finger direction goes from front to back, turning around on palm. Note elbow, shoulder, back involvement? Head/eyes, which direction when fingers are turned in towards pelvis or back behind? Spine/torso flex/extend? Pelvis, hips, knee? Which knee goes forward/back? Palm contact changing? Rest, hands on knees, note sitting. Lift wrist, fingers hang, return palm to thigh. Initiate by elbow moving, lifting sideways. Rest.3. R palm on table beside, rotate hand, fingers forward/back, in/out. Turn more? Note when spine flex/extends. When flexing, look down/L, extend, look up/R, note direction of fingers with flex/extend. Do opposite, look up/R when fingers turn to point forward then inward, look down/L when fingers go out/back. Switch back to original, note change. Rest hands on thighs. R hand have more weight on R leg. Quality of touch different R/L? Weight? Flex/extend back. Feel R/L sides of back, neck, face? 4. Place R hand on L leg, remove. L hand on R leg. Difference? L hand on table to L, R hand under chin, lift/lower R elbow/head, look to ceiling/floor. Breath? Rest.5. L hand on L knee, R hand on table to R, note hand contact? Rotate hand, fingers inward/outward. Bigger circle? Back involvement? Rest, R hand on R leg. Compare L hand on L leg.
Normally repeat all above on other side and end with both hands under chin, both elbows up, look at ceiling. Keep elbows forward/together if possible. Note back. Take head/elbows up and R, return down in center then up to L, alternate. Note hip on side you're going. Pause, go up the center, different? Rest, hands on legs, note weight/quality difference. Stand/walk. Shoulders, arms, hands, fingers?
FI Exploration #163 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-11: Day 142, S15 day 2
ATM into FI using turning arm/hand ATM
CD#29/T08 [24m] DVD#S15-2 Scene 2 [86m] » play audio
Take ATM and work with a partner, in both ATM and FI, weaving the two.
Discussion. Instructive vs. active. What is difference between FI and ATM? Dennis said, “You want to do something they can't do for themselves.” Kristen: enjoyed blending FI/ATM. Was still feeling like she was doing the ATM while she was working with her client. Hands were really awake and curious. Tres: relationship between differentiation and integration. Brian: how oblique can I go? Go to ankle and evoke the same thing. Having to find something that was comfortable and interesting to me. Diana: Practitioner becomes the ground for the person to learn. Out of your experience of doing the ATM, there were things that you noticed that affected/guided you to what became interesting in how you worked with Marge. Brian: how to keep it interesting so it's not just a “job.” Pam: It took 10 min. to get into it, then I became very curious. Slowing down. Diana: looking around the room, no one was doing the same thing. Shira: trying to connect FI with ATM. Dennis' quoted Moshé, “I don't teach and you learn” and “trying to get them to have a clear intention.” Could I help her find initiation? Finding clear intention of the movement in ATM. Getting rid of parasitic movement. Diana: When you're doing ATM, parasitic action drops away and find clear intention in life. It's more exploratory, not about drawing conclusions about the clear intention. You can't make the parasitic go away, you find opportunity to explore and allow intelligence of nervous system to figure it out. Cheryl: working both proximal and distal.
Switch roles.
FI Demo #001 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-11: Day 142, S15 day 2
Demo #1 with Giovanni
CD#29/T09 [18m] DVD#S15-2 Scene 3 [8m] & Scene 4 [48m] » play audio
Work from legs in rolling. Side-lying—flexion and rotation. Working prone with lower body off the table. Developmental movements of rolling. Drumming with knees on floor. On front, on roller, movement of spine and head. Bring to sitting, first leaning over roller. Work with him lying across her knee. His hand on his own arm, working in head involvement in lying and sitting. His arms crossed, in sitting, working on extension in upper back. Lying over roller (front) turning head. Hand back to mother.
Discussion #188 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-11: Day 142, S15 day 2
About FI Demo
CD#29/T10 [38m] DVD#S15-2 Scene 5 [39m] » play audio
Take some piece of what you saw with Giovanni and is there a way you could apply it to a big body?
Question: How did that compare to the usual amount of time you work. Diana: I usually have a pretty good sense of how long to go and I went a little past that—I couldn't see the clock. Ashley said that his eyes seemed to be tracking more at the end. Abi: in working with a baby that is low tone. Also, Head/eye coordination—does working with eyes help? Diana: drumming knees with Giovanni, that can help raise tone. I often start with the feet. It makes sense developmentally. Tres: noticed how when working with feet that his head turned. Diana was tracking when he was ready to do it because he was ready. Pam: how do you know how long to go? Diana: It seemed like the duration was good, he's being handled all day long. Kim: startle reflex. Diana: don't let it stop you, it happens a lot. Marge: breathing got easier as lesson progressed. Tres: there were two requests—rolling and head support. Wondering if that focus changed during the lesson. Diana was trying to approximate using a 45 degree wedge that can help them get to supporting themselves. Hanging over roller can help this. Barb B.: when he was rolled to his belly his head was a little smushed and he changed position to clear his breathing. By having lower body off table, Diana had freedom to move legs and have him feel movement through torso, legs can come up as if kneeling. Shira: grateful that Marge had said, “Watch him developmentally and not chronologically.” Were you thinking about crawling? Diana: the crawling pattern emerged. It's improvisational—those movements are part of me and my own self—they just flow out. I wait and see what happens and what the response is. Barb D.: does he spend time on belly?
ATM Lesson #305 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-11: Day 142, S15 day 2
Flex/extend wrists/ankles, on back
CD#29/T11 [38m] DVD#S15-2 Scene 6 [38m] (Amherst, June 10, 1981) » play audio
On back, arms down by sides, palms turned forward towards ceiling, flex/extend wrists. Do quickly, add ankles/feet. Bend elbows, forearms perpendicular to floor, palms towards feet, flex/extend wrists, speed up a little, add feet/ankles. Note spontaneous direction of toes/fingers, coming together or apart? Same as when arms are long, palms forward? Elbows bent, palms towards feet, flex/extend wrists alternately, flex/extend both feet going together. Do hands/feet all same again then change just one foot. Return to all doing the same. Have hands do opposite to each other then add feet doing opposite from each other. Notice which hand goes with which foot. Pause, flex/extend both hands, add both feet. Hands/feet alternating, switch hand/foot relations. Stand, flex/extend wrists same time then alternately while walking.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 143 Wednesday August 12, 2009.
ATM Lesson #306 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-12: Day 143, S15 day 3
Planted hand #1
CD#29/T12 [27m] DVD#S15-3 Scene 1 [28m] (Diana Razumny, inspired by Gaby Yaron) » play audio
Reach for floor with L hand. Whole palm flat without stretching? Head, hang or up? Go down with hanging then with looking up. Leave palm on floor, look up/down, not pelvis. Pause standing, note arms, shift weight. Lift one arm then other, note weight and ease. On back, note sides, way arms/hands lie. Left palm to floor, leave there, imagine coming to stand. Safe in imagination. Note dealing with novelty. Begin moving, note use of head. Reverse few times. Rest on back. Compare sides. Come to standing. Bring hand to floor, note change. Palm on floor, look up/down. Imagine ease/comfort. Onto back, rest. Stand, reach for floor with left palm, leave it, walk around. Pause with palm on floor, come to hands/knees, crawl around left planted hand. Pause on all fours, come to lie on right side, propped on right elbow. Reverse, lie on left side, prop on left elbow. From there, come onto back. Rest. Plant left hand, bend your knees, tilt legs left, roll pelvis, reverse. Stop in middle, tilt legs/pelvis to right. Tilt legs side/side. ROB. Plant left hand, tilt bent knees to left, bring right hand /arm across chest, right hand on floor near left shoulder, head rolls, imagine bending left elbow, keeping forearm /palm on floor. Stay propped on left elbow, tilt knees up to middle, bring right elbow to floor so propped on both elbows, feet standing. In propped position, feet standing, note orientation of fingers, forearms parallel. Imagine rotating body to be belly down, arms still in same configuration, legs long behind. Find way there a few times reversing. Find position of comfort. What guides you? Where does mind go, sleep, nice images. What indicates to you that you are comfortable? Lying in comfort, where left hand? Listen first. Slide left palm to floor, come to stand. On feet, bring pelvis into air, head down switch, lower pelvis, head up. Next time in a squat, bring right hand to floor, lower knees to floor, come to all fours, shift weight to left arm/hand then right arm/hand. How do wrists respond to weight? Force into shoulders? Connection into back more on left/right hand? Leave hands where they are, walk knees between hands, lift right hand from floor, lean on left hand, straight arm, move body to circle shoulder in space above hand. Pause. Parachute/squid lifting of hand. Hand to thigh, quality? Left hand to floor to left. Move palm like screwing lid on/off. Stop, repeat w/ right hand. Feel use of self on each side. Stop. Stand, note arms, shift weight, skeletal support. On both feet, lift one arm/the other, note weight and ease. Walk. At wall, push with left hand then right, compare.
Discussion #189 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-12: Day 143, S15 day 3
Sir Charles Bell's Hand & Ramachandran's Mirror Box
CD#29/T13 [111m] DVD#S15-3 Scene 2 [112m] » play audio
Readings from books The Hand (1998) by Frank R. Wilson; The Spell of the Sensuous (1996) by David Abram; Come to Your Senses (2005, 2007) by Stanley Block; The Strange, Familiar, and Forgotten (1992) by Israel Rosenfield; and The Elusive Obvious (1981) by Moshé Feldenkrais. Videos of hands, and V.S. Ramachandran's mirror box on TED. Went over notes from yesterday handout of bare bones notes of ATMs. Discussed how to write up notes for teaching ATM lessons. Listening and doing lessons, listening while driving, reading or listening before sleep. The more different inputs the better. How to categorize lessons so you can find materials to teach. So what ATM lessons does the group think everyone needs and are basic lessons to teach to general public?
- Various sources: seesaw breathing lessons
- AY #177: Making the spine flexible and integrating it, (spinal chain)
- ATM book #6: Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock (pelvic clock)
- ATM book #1: What Is Good Posture? (sit to stand)
- Esalen 1972 #21: Pushing hip joints, sliding spine; AY #308: Skewering the spine in the chest
- AY #333, #334: Movement of opposition
- ATM book #5: Coordination of the Flexor Muscles and of the Extensors
- Various sources: simple (forward) flexion lessons
- ATM book #7: The Carriage of the Head Affects the State of the Musculature (on front, tilt bent legs)
- ATM book #10, The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body (dead bird)
- ATM book #8, Perfecting the Self-Image (rolling to sit)
Other ways to study: stick figures, taking photographs. Showed video of pictured notes of ATM lesson from Santa Fe training. Paula on teaching lessons from studying many versions and then teaching to class without notes and adapting to students. Talking about how to learn and teach the Method. Handouts.
FI Demo #002 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-12: Day 143, S15 day 3
Demo #2 with Giovanni
CD#29/T14 [3m] DVD#S15-3 Scene 3 [47m] » play audio
Discussion #190 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-12: Day 143, S15 day 3
About FI Demo
CD#29/T15 [20m] DVD#S15-3 Scene 4 [21m] » play audio
No notes.
ATM Lesson #307 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-12: Day 143, S15 day 3
Interlacing fingers & toes
CD#29/T16 [46m] DVD#S15-3 Scene 5 [47m] (Amherst, June 11, 1981) » play audio
Sit, socks off, interlace fingers of R hand over top of R foot, thumb outside. Look at bottom of foot. Hand/foot connected, explore movement. Possible to rest connected, to bring foot to mouth? R handholds R foot again, thumb between first toe/second toe, explore movement. Attend to whole self. Roll from sitting onto back, onto belly, onto back, a way to standing? Sit, L hand to the sole of R foot, different hand/same foot, thumb between big/second toe, interlacing fingers/toes, explore movement. Self attention, in space, other parts. Loop formed between L arm/R leg, things through/around that. Sit, R hand over top of R foot, thumb between first two toes now? Explore movement. Onto knee/s? L hand to sole of R foot, slowly switch hands, L fingers with R toes, come onto hands/knees? Thumb between first two toes, easier/harder? Roll onto back, rest. Stand, compare feet? Walk, ROB. Legs in air, soles together, use hands, interlace toes. Roll to sit, keeping toes together? Variations coming up to sit: rolling through side. Interlace toes non-habitually, feel face, roll up to sit, swing legs. Hands? Sit, lean on hands, onto elbows/forearms, go up/down like that. Undo feet, rest. Interlace toes habitually, hold with hands, roll up to sit, back down. Undo feet, continue rolling up/down, hold legs. Rest. Interlace toes, roll up to sit, without holding feet, hold part of leg. Sit, toes interlaced, slide R hand under R leg from inside, the R lower leg, knuckles to floor, slide it in/out. How far forward, elbow to ground, weight shift, chest? Repeat OS. Alternate arms sliding all the way. Slide both, elbows to floor? Roll onto back, undo feet, feel quality. Stand, walk, readiness?
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 144 Thursday August 13, 2009.
ATM Lesson #308 – Moshé Feldenkrais 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Prayer Hands #1
CD#29/T17 [47m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 1 [47m] (Amherst, July 24, 1980) » play audio
On back, hands together like praying, move up/down. Sit, repeat. Talk of quality when Pope moves. Again, then with R hand only, then only L hand, both again. How far up/down? Add tilting forward/back. As hands come down, when they are in front of face, bow forward, when going up, extend as hands pass in front of face. Continue, turn R/L as go up/down. Continue up/down, side/side, head/hands in opposite directions. Turn when up or down? Continue, while keeping distance between hands/head constant. (movement like licking, atlas/axis) Note how high up (zenith). Kneel on one knee/foot, continue up/down, each time move little to L. Kneel on both knees, up/down, eventually hands to floor, forehead on floor. ROB.
Discussion #191 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Praying lesson, mudras and blessings
CD#29/T18 [4m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 2 [4m] » play audio
Moshé said there's something innate in the movement that no one had to be taught. Praying hands, mudras. Marge: Doesn't that come from the fact that the skeleton hasn't changed in a very long time? Our skeleton is our home, our environment. We talk about creating an environment of learning. Handouts.
FI Exploration #164 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Explore hand to head & face
CD#29/T19 [23m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 3 [84m] » play audio
Exchange 45 minute lesson. Include bringing hand to face/head. Explore the hand, based on information you get from interview. Use connecting through hand to address whatever is going on. Include exploration of face and head with your hand and/or theirs. Include head rolling and head lifting. Intense exploration of hand on one side only.
Discussion: Marge—asymmetry. Working on side with issue or working indirectly? Most matters when there is something that is acute. But being presented with a problem in the neck and working on the thumb on that same side can often have results that cascade up. Pam: in receiving, small movement changed spine, whole side of face. Barb B.: found it difficult to work with just one side. Diana: my instructions weren't just do one side, but to have it be an emphasis. Idea is to get a sense of what they are doing. Choose one hand to work with and see if from the hand you can address the issue. Not from everywhere else to the hand. Next round: try 10-15 minutes focusing on hand and keep on one side. Can you think from hand to the issue. You don't have to get from legs to hand, but from legs through pelvis, to affect them in standing. Barb D.: Cheryl did work through hand to all my other areas. Brian, my hand was underneath her hand so I was connecting to their hand, seeing their hand and confused about whose hand was doing what. Shira: Kristen worked one-sided, but when got up, felt connection to yesterday's ATM and finding where all the pieces connected centrally.
Regarding upcoming FI with Giovanni, Moshé said, if you can walk, you can talk. When you work on these other developmental issues, then sucking and speaking can be stimulated.
FI Demo #003 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Demo #3 with Giovanni
CD#29/T20 [25m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 4 [19m] only video for discussion » play audio
Introduced Giovanni to Jude (Abi's son). Work with sitting on Diana's leg, head resting on his arms. On back/side rolling with legs and arms. Rolling. Bring elbows and knees together and tapping, tapping feet on floor. Lying on front on wedge, tapping knees on table. Rattle in fist. On front lying with legs off table. Sitting on Diana's leg, arms crossed, head on arms, working in flexion/extension.
Discussion: More smiles. Marge: natural progression—tolerate more with legs tucked under tummy. Active attempts to move on his part. Connecting dots that hadn't been connected. Proprioceptive drumming. Also speeds up the toning a little bit. Improves skeletal image. Brian: will this progress or regress? Diana: usually they keep developing, the big stuff comes later. Would expect that what we started working with won't go away. Ashley: more smiles, blinking of eyes. There seemed to be more keeping eyes in middle of head. Andrew Tarr: noticed eyes open, lights on. Noticing how persistent Diana was with the theme. The practitioner is often an antenna for the baby's state. Diana: it takes time for the subtle communication to take place. He had some intention and wanted to do something, so let's put it to work. Cheryl: watching the Mom. With his first smile, she lit up.
FI Exploration #164 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Explore hand to head & face continued
CD#29/T21 [2m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 5 [54m] » play audio
Switch roles. Explore hand, hand/head, hand/face, hand/jaw. Thinking into the request/issue. Find way to bring in the whole of them, but put a lot if emphasis on one of the hands.
ATM Lesson #308 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-13: Day 144, S15 day 4
Prayer Hands #2, sitting & kneeling
CD#29/T22 [14m] DVD#S15-4 Scene 6 [14m] (Alexander Yanai #363) » play audio
Sit, soles of feet towards each other, palms together, bend/bow, head/arms together, up/down. Exactly together. Hands in front of face, distance set, no relative movement between head/arms. Continue, eyes closed, imagine see back of L hand with L eye. Switch to R eye to R hand. L eye/hand. Both eyes/hands. (Beginning of praying #2.)
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 145 Friday August 14, 2009.
ATM Lesson #309 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-14: Day 145, S15 day 5
Prayer Hands #2, sitting & kneeling continued
CD#29/T23 [48m] DVD#S15-5 Scene 1 [48m] (Alexander Yanai #363) » play audio
Sit, soles opp, palms together, bend/bow, head/arms together, up/down. Exactly together. Hands in front of face, distance set, no relative movement between head/arms. Continue, eyes closed, imagine see back of l hand w/ L eye. Switch to R eye to R hand. L eye/hand. Both eyes/hands. Repeat, head fixed, move arms only, L eye on L hand, R on R. Switch so arms are fixed, move head only. Return to head/arms move together, eyes on hands. Lower arms so forearms parallel to floor. Turn arms/head/all to R, eyes on hands. Repeat to L. Alternate side/side, arms/head opp dir, eyes on hands. Return to head/arms same direction, note change. Bow up/down again, move from hip joints, not back. ROB. Stand on knees, spread, extend toes back, arms/hands for prayer, take pelvis back. Sm emphasis on coming up, eyes on hands. Lift arms to ceiling as come up. Light pressure between hands, note face when going down. Repeat at half speed. Return to regular speed. Sit back towards heels, hands on floor. ROB. Stand on knees, spread feet/legs, palms together, bent a bit, take pelvis R/mid. Few times then L. Alternate. ROB. Return, take head/hands L/R. When R, pelvis is L. Hands on floor, sit on heels. ROB. On knees, palms together bend/straighten, compare to beginning. Continue, take pelvis towards heels, eyes on hands, L to L, R to R. Arms go higher as come up. Stay half way, turn R/L, eyes on hands. In mid, up/down, compare. Extend ankles, hands on floor, sit back on heels. ROB. Stand on knees, toes tucked, palms together, turn R/L, note tail draws arc. Repeat with ankles ext, butt to heels. Bow up/down, stand toes when up, extend when go down. Hands to floor, extend ankles, sit on heels. ROB. Sit, soles together, palms together, bend/bow. Then arms only up/down, eyes on hands. Leave arms fix in front, bow head up/down. Arms/head together bow. Go half way, turn R/L, sense backs of hands. Head/arms opposite R/L. Stand on knees, hands on floor, sit on heels.
ATM Teaching #027 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-14: Day 145, S15 day 5
Teaching juggling and dance routine
CD#29/T24 [47m] DVD#S15-5 Scene 2 [71m] & Scene 3 [37m] » play audio
2 groups. One group watches video on how to juggle and practices at venue. Other group goes to coffee shop and creates dance routine together. Group returns and groups teach each other what they have learned.
What did you learn about teaching movement? Marge: challenge to watch what they were doing and then to do it (juggling). Shira: taught by James that was incremental, and safe. Happy to catch two balls. Peripheral vision improved. Paula: body map. Reference to book The Body Has a Mind of Its Own (2007) by Sandra Blakeslee and Matthew Blakeslee. Balls becoming a part of your body map. Dropping it on purpose. Moshé would say, “Do it badly, do it ugly.” Idea of popping it, hands out of view, peripheral vision.
FI Exploration #165 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-14: Day 145, S15 day 5
Working with the hand
CD#29/T25 [22m] DVD#S15-5 Scene 4 [94m] » play audio
Demo with Leanore. She shares what she has been learning about shoulders. Fell, fracture of tuberosity. Sling, pain continued. Frozen shoulder. Pain in arm, spasms. Frostbite from ice pack. For 5 weeks had vision problems with good eye. Diana: worked previously with the unaffected hand. Roll head. Small movements of wrist. Small movements of individual fingers. Holding wrist, small movements of forearm relative to elbow. Work with her hand on her torso, work in ribs. Roll head. Work from feet—rotation of leg. Bring to sitting.
Work in pairs with ideas from demo for 20 minutes each.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 146 Monday August 17, 2009.
ATM Lesson #310 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
Hand in honey jar, on back
CD#30/T01 [48m] DVD#S15-6 Scene 1 [48m] (Mark Reese, inspired by Moshé) » play audio
2nd side, only think through what remember from first side.
Discussion #192 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
Hand review and preview
CD#30/T02 [34m] DVD#S15-6 Scene 2 [34m] » play audio
Last week's hand explorations. Evolution & Developmental. Juggling/play to hone skills and explore cause/effect. Handouts: History of communication. Alexander Graham Bell, Helen Keller, sign language.
Kim: instruction for “hand jive” was to not teach as ATM. When Tres taught juggling, it was more like ATM—it was different—more learning took place—more variations. See if you can catch one ball and drop two. Also, it was one-on-one. Different because you introduce objects. What juggling can do for your brain? And teaching anchors your own ability. Have to pay attention in a different way than if you were just doing it. Marge: bell class. Going to try to incorporate juggling into it. Director demonstrated her hand as ‘popping’ instead of throwing. See if it improves the bell playing. Value of play from a survival point of view. Tres: one instruction on video was toss ball hand-to-hand with eyes closed. It is useful to have technical understanding when you are teaching. Was also interesting to see how easy to slip into reinforcement “good one.” Moshé did this, though, when working with kids. With Giovanni, used language to bring attention to hand, head. Tone in voice, too. “Do you want to go this way, or that way?” If the language center in brain gets knocked out, the ability to do sign language also is affected. Sign language developed differently in different cultures. Last week was more about evolution and development with hand. This week, more about expression, gesture, artistic expression. Barb B.: are there different language centers in the brain for different languages, original language? Paula: all in the same, 2nd language before 3, facility for leaning new languages is much easier. Paula: The number of cells in that region is less. Paula: Aphasia. Two areas of speech: Broca's area, Wernicke's area. One—inability to get words out, but words are correct. Other, words normal, but words make no sense. Expression/intonation is correct, words aren't. Cheryl: client with stroke, could only say one word, but had whole conversations because of expression. Handouts.
Discussion #193 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
Mark Reese audio on speech and hand movement
CD#30/T03 [33m] DVD#S15-6 Scene 3 [34m] » play audio
Mark Reese audio from Guild: Mark Reese workshop on Dynamic Systems Theory. When kids start pointing, indicates when they speak. Moving hands while talking. Feldenkrais is counter-intuitive art. Blind people move hands when talking to blind people. If people are not moving hands when speaking, it means they already know what they are going to say. Cross-cultural. Paul Ekman showed that Asians moved as much while talking, just faster so that you couldn't see it until you slowed down the video. ATM—slow things down because certain things can only be seen on certain scales. Esther Thelen's work with cellists—coupling of fingering and bowing, even with experts. Seems that the entire motor system is involved in speech. Students who sat on hands watching film had less memory of film than those who didn't sit on hands. Hand movement/cognitive processes. Dynamical Systems Theory is valuable in understanding FM, but it is not phenomenological—no subjective experience. Feldenkrais thought that math would better explain FM than language would. Mathematical elegance. One of the most important aspects of environment is friendship.
FI Exploration #166 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
Use “Honey Jar” lesson to explore hand and arm
CD#30/T04 [5m] DVD#S15-6 Scene 4 [63m] » play audio
Trade full lessons on other side from mornings ATM Lesson. Discussion—check-in between lessons.
Discussion #194 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
About FI Exploration
CD#30/T05 [19m] DVD#S15-6 Scene 5 [19m] » play audio
Ashley: it was interesting that we all chose to work on our backs. Cheryl: started in sitting, intended to stay there, and got signals to go to back. Barb B.: partner jerked while falling asleep. How do you work with that? Brian: happens when limb doesn't know where it is. Take it as nervous system resetting. Cheryl: thought she was moving Kim too fast. Kim's left triceps was twitching. Cheryl: term reflex arc comes to mind. What does this mean? FI Map. Start with a question: interview (verbally, touch/movement, visual), reference (at beginning and end). These can make up the whole lesson, something emerges that looks like a theme. Emergent theme that you follow. References can come in all along the way. Back and forth, dialog, conversation back and forth. End with something functional. Attend to self and other. Barb B.: noticed that she was comfortable at end, and she was the practitioner. Allowed herself to have variations on theme (as opposed to last week where she was constrained by her interpretation of the instructions. In order to have the lesson not be one-sided, you can do things where you cross midline. Alternate sides, cross arms, cross legs. Do something alternately with two arms in sitting or standing. Putting hand on chest could lead to sweater-removing movement.
FI Exploration #166 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-17: Day 146, S15 day 6
Use “Honey Jar” lesson to explore hand and arm continued
[No audio] DVD#S15-6 Scene 6 [49m]
Switch roles.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 147 Tuesday August 18, 2009.
ATM Lesson #311 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-18: Day 147, S15 day 7
Flying #1, on front & back
CD#30/T06 [52m] DVD#S15-7 Scene 1 [52m] (Gaby Yaron) » play audio
On back, feet standing, arms out at shoulder height, palms forward, press/release R fingernails to floor. Press each nail individually, starting with little finger. Feet standing, arms out to sides, press all 5 nails of R hand. R hand fisted, press: thumbnail, little, index, 3rd, 4th. Open palm, press all nails. Note: arm shorten/lengthen, shoulder active, breath? Repeat with L hand/nails. Repeating fisted moves. On front, L knee bent up to side, arms out at shoulder height, face L, palms forward against floor, lift each finger, think lengthening arm. Lift thumb/little finger; thumb/3rd; thumb/5th, thumb/4th, thumb/2nd. ROB, compare sides. On front, L knee bent up, arms out to sides, lift 5 fingers, then palm, wrist remains. Pause, continue, add lifting whole arm. ROB. On front, R knee bent up, face R, arms out, compare hands, lift 5 fingers of R hand, repeat lifting each in sequence then combinations with thumb. Still on front, lift fingers, palm, wrist, arm. ROB.
Discussion #195 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-18: Day 147, S15 day 7
About ATM lesson and handedness
CD#30/T07 [76m] DVD#S15-7 Scene 2 [74m] » play audio
Tres: Challenge to be on front. Flying action happens in the other arm as well. Is there any such thing as a one sided lesson? Barb B.: As a former string player, left hand fingers were more familiar to differentiate. How many musicians here? Michael: hard to be on front. Brought up memories of playing guitar and became interested in picking it up again. Brian: Trying to lift thumb and ring finger, emotionally hard. Cheryl: Tips of fingers start at my spine. Then something happened in legs and they relaxed more. Abi: different being on back and belly. Curious about back scan as opposed to front scan. People are more comfortable on back, since we are advocating comfort, this makes sense.
Who in class is left-handed? Kim: desks backwards. Was made to write in kindergarten with right hand. Advantage as a dancer. Had learned to look at right hand world and figure it out for self, then to do left side. A great skill to have as an ATM teacher. Diana became more left/right disorientated after training. What if we taught from the back of the room so orientation would be consistent? Bear: as a tool user, it's also the coordination with the dominant eye. Did any of you feel something was wrong with you? Kim: at the family dinner table, put in the corner. Bear: learned to eat right-handed because everyone else did it. Bad words: sinister, gauche, cack-handed.
What is the advantage of handedness? Brian: efficiency: more of brain can focus on complex coordination; tools; cooperative/complimentary use of hands (one helping the other); brain lateralization; strength/dexterity—some people might be left handed for power, and right handed for dexterity. One side of brain more suited to math, language, speech. Opposite hand expresses that. Abi: can keep a rhythm longer with left hand (patting baby) than right. What are the skills that the non-dominant hand has that I'm not aware of? One speculation: when women were hunters, carried baby on L. Side, baby calmed by heartbeat of mother. Baby's environment is mother, her preferences will be passed down. Monkeys—chimps and bonobos are handed. Marge: shape of hand, strength, force affects design of musical instrument. QWERTY typewriter layout designed to slow us down.
From Moshé's book The Elusive Obvious (1981), p. 55:
Without learning to know ourselves as intimately as we possibly can, we limit our choice. Life is not very sweet without freedom of choice. Change is very difficult with no alternatives in sight; we then resign ourselves to not dealing with our difficulties as if they were prescribed by heaven.
From early on, during WWII, Moshé worked on one side. Gaby Yaron always did equal sided lessons. Moshé assigned students that were having difficulties to her and she would break the lessons down into easier chunks.
Work in pairs, take paper, markers. Paper on wall. With hand used to writing, write name on paper. Write name backwards, start at RH side of paper, cursive. Letters are backwards, mirror. Take non-dominant hand, write in normal direction. Non-dominant backwards. Take pen in each hand, start in middle and make one go one way and one another. Go from last letter in middle and go other direction. Your signature is so ingrained. Stand, put hands on knees, imagine there is a paintbrush in your anus and practice writing your signature. Tres: hanging upside down, LH was difficult. Brian: Hanging upside down looked normal, but not when turned over. Leonardo da Vinci. Marge: some kids naturally write backwards, perfectly.
Editor's notes: Reading from Moshé's book The Elusive Obvious (1981), pp. 75–77, on working on one side.
[The Wikipedia article QWERTY states that the QWERTY keyboard layout was actually designed to prevent typewriter jams while typing at speed, but it may have the effect of slowing typing on modern keyboards.]
FI Demo #004 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-18: Day 147, S15 day 7
Demo #1 with Carol, piano player
CD#30/T08 [62m] DVD#S15-7 Scene 3 [62m] » play audio
Carol, pianist. Worked with Eloise Ristad, piano teacher, workshop in Boulder, part of a Feldenkrais training in Washington. Problems with right hand/arm. Has done Rolfing. Crossing legs, right over left is habitual. Try both. Cross/recross, Different placement of feet than when first started. Weight on sit-bones changed, too. Piano seems to be built for 6 foot tall men. Add pads. Sit on roller. Half roller. Cross legs. Uncross. Roll forward and back. Hands on back and sternum, round forward and back while sitting on roller. Hold her arms from front, take sternum back and down. Introduce random movement into hands so she can't track it. Feet also on half rollers (round side down). Lie on back. Rollers. Working in upper ribs, shoulders. Work with hand/arm/wrist. Foam ball in L. hand. Roll on body. Ball added in R. Hand. Work through feet. Suggest going for walk before driving. Bring to sitting. Moving knees in and out while tilting forward from hip joints.
Discussion #196 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-18: Day 147, S15 day 7
About FI Demo
CD#30/T09 [39m] DVD#S15-7 Scene 4 [39m] » play audio
Kristen. Interesting how dialog happened including that she had experienced Feldenkrais before. Kim. Velocity of lesson different than working with Giovanni. Ashley. Where did taking it easy, taking a walk after lesson. Diana. Heard in training programs of people leaving class and driving and running into a building. Whether Moshé gave that instruction, she doesn't remember. Good to not go into running, etc. to not reinforce the old patterns. Brian, she does a lot of bouncing and resetting herself. She has a staccato way of being in the world. Habits. They pull themselves back together as they know themselves. In the process of a series, Diana would suggest that less and less of this would happen. Make suggestions. Eyes closed, slow down the transition. Work on ribs. Interesting way to work with shoulders, to move ribs relative to shoulder. Could have stopped lesson sooner. Discussion of musicians/performers, stiff thoracic region, shoulder injuries, Paula: physicality of playing/physical expression, what is the proper way to play. What children are told and how they interpret those instructions. James: stabilization through movement. Acture instead of posture. Abi: maybe not change the staccato pattern—it might serve her—how to do it better. Cheryl. Dynamic stability.
ATM Lesson #311 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-18: Day 147, S15 day 7
Flying #1, on front & back continued
CD#30/T10 [25m] DVD#S15-7 Scene 5 [26m] (Gaby Yaron) » play audio
(Approximation) On front, R knee up, arms out, lift fingers/palm/arm. Pause, switch head/legs L, lift fingers/palm/arm, compare. Turn face only to R, repeat lifting L fingers/palm/arm. On front, face R, lift R fingers/hand/arm. Switch head to L, L knee up, repeat lifting R fingers/hand/arm. ROB, roll head. On front, R knee up, face R, arms out, lift R fingers/palm/arm. Ease? Turn face L, continue with R fingers/hand/arm. Pause. R knee up, face L, lift L fingers/arm. Face R, lift L fingers/arm. Face L, lift L fingers/arm. On front, L knee up, face L, arms out, lift L fingers/arm. Ease? Lift both arms. Lift head, imagine someone pulls/lengthens back. Head down, lift arms. Pause, face R, lift arms. Lift head. Lift arms. ROB, roll head. On front, R knee up, face R, lift both arms. Lift head then arms, turn head L. Repeat to OS, alternate head turn with arms lifting. Lift R arm only. Switch head/legs, lift L arm only. Pause, switch to L side, circle lifted L arm.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 148 Wednesday August 19, 2009.
Discussion #197 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
Where are you with FI?
CD#30/T11 [5m] DVD#S15-8 Scene 1 [37m] » play audio
Line up, shake hands. Groups of 4 discuss what you feel you need for moving on with your FI practice. What aspects of doing FI do you find most challenging? If you get stuck in some way, what's the nature of your stuckness? What gets you excited about practicing? Unrelated fun handout: Chisanbop (hand/finger math).
FI Exploration #167 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
Give full FI lesson using guidelines
CD#30/T12 [8m] DVD#S15-8 Scene 2 [64m] » play audio
Use map of FI—start with questions/interview—include verbal, visual, movement. Note a reference having to do with how they are sitting, speaking or moving. Choose any position except lying on the back. Include sitting/standing at beginning/end, include a reference in these two orientations. Find a way to incorporate use of eyes.
FI Demo #005 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
Demo #2 with Carol, piano player
CD#30/T13 [41m] DVD#S15-8 Scene 3 [58m] » play audio
Walked after yesterday's session—very curious. Slept a lot, was tired this morning and went back to sleep. Touched the piano today, first time this summer. Feels stuff still. Stand, lean on left hand on table, how create movement without moving hand. Lie on back. Work in upper ribs. Working distally with feet/legs. Legs crossed, feet. Work with head and neck. Work with feet/leg/hip. Hands on sides of C7, push through feet to meet. Same with hands at top of head. Coming to standing, play with legs together/apart.
Discussion #198 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
About FI demo
CD#30/T14 [6m] DVD#S15-8 Scene 4 [7m] » play audio
Discussion. Kristen—putting hands on C7 and having them push. Worked with feet and wanted her to feel what it is like to have connection through foot into head. Having them touch themselves ties it together and makes it less threatening.
FI Exploration #167 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
Give full FI lesson using guidelines continued
[No audio] DVD#S15-8 Scene 5 [40m]
Same partner, switch roles. Use map of FI—start with questions/interview—include verbal, visual, movement. Note a reference having to do with how they are sitting, speaking or moving. Choose any position except lying on the back. Include sitting/standing at beginning/end, include a reference in these two orientations.
ATM Lesson #312 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-19: Day 148, S15 day 8
Planted hand #2, various positions
CD#30/T15 [43m] DVD#S15-8 Scene 6 [44m] (Diana Razumny) » play audio
1. On back, bend L elbow, hand to ceiling, make fist, flex/extend wrist, thumb inside fist then same. Push down on back of wrist with R hand to feel opening. Plant hand on floor for duration. 2. Roll legs L then straighten. Increase so L leg slides on back of L hand. Stay on L side, knees on top of L hand, stroke L hand with L knee, slide up to elbow/down to tips. Note L shoulder open/close. 4. Slide L knee as close to head as possible, let R knee follow and take both knees over chest to lie on back. Roll L, lengthen legs, continue to roll side/side. Note L shoulder open/close, straighten legs down on R side, reverse, return to L side, straighten, making full circle of legs. 5. R hand/R foot, straighten R leg to roll R/L. R sole to L hand, stroke hand. Slide R sole up L arm to head to roll on back. 6. Lift pelvis, take R, set down, take feet R. Walk body around to 90 degrees to L arm. Roll legs L and bend up to sides then lengthen. 7. Bring knees over chest, roll side/side, Feet on floor, lift feet, straighten knees, feet to ceiling/overhead, rock on back. Roll to L side, explore head position, translating to elbow/shoulder. Roll to belly and walk whole lower body around to L, both arm overhead to rest. 8. Walk body up between elbows to support shoulders. Lift/lower spine between shoulder blades. Spread R elbow to R, head to floor, face L, R arm down by side, L knee up to elbow and down. L elbow in air, hand standing, head under gap as knee comes up. 9. Both hands in push-up, knee up, elbows straighten, look over L shoulder. Pause. Bring R knee to L elbow, straighten elbows, look over R shoulder. Alternate knees and gaze. 10. Looking L, hands symmetrical, bring both knees bent up to L. Slide knees down, turn head R and bring both knees bent up to R. Alternate a few times. Sit, bell arm, R hand on ribs. Plant hand, stand.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 149 Thursday August 20, 2009.
FI Exploration #168 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
Discuss turning ATMs into FI
CD#30/T16 [6m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 1 [48m] » play audio
Small groups of 3 go through ATM notes, discussing and figuring how to transfer positions and movement into FI explorations.
FI Demo #006 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
Demo #3 with Carol, piano player
CD#30/T17 [60m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 2 [62m] » play audio
Went to orthopedic doctor for evaluation. Loose ligaments, bursitis. He un-Feldenkrais-ed her checking mobility—it hurt. Rotator cuff. Recommended prolotherapy. Kim: most dancers have had it. They inject sugar into the ligaments to start scar tissue development again. That is supposed to be a stabilizing thing. You have to get someone who is very good who can get the injection precisely where it needs to go. There's less mobility than there was before, but also less laxity. Cheryl: did you try acupuncture?—Yes, 3 so far. Yes, doing some now; Rolfing, too. Leanore—has been through this. You have to be patient. Height at piano? Sitting more on both sides. Lie on back, knees standing. Tilt legs to left. Roll eyes to left and middle while tilting legs left. Foam ball under R. Hand. Roll hand on ball 4 times per once of tilting legs. Crossed legs to L. side, with mat to lean against. Hands under head, head forward. Roll head. Work in rib cage on L. Side. Work with L. Hand. Work with fingers of R. hand. Feet long (knees on roller), work with feet. Bring to sitting. Feel support under sit bones. Look down, soften chest. Come to standing, walk. Feet feel heavy/clunky. Upper body feels light. In standing, turning to look behind/shifting weight to that side as you turn.
Discussion #199 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
About FI demo
CD#30/T18 [36m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 3 [37m] » play audio
Barb B.: injection? Wasn't the prolotherapy, but a steroid injection. Wondering about working with someone and finding out that they have gone and gotten something—injection, surgery, etc. during your Feldenkrais work. Diana: It's complicated. Trying to navigate this person's world that we don't know very well. Talked to her after the second session, found that she was going to the doctor to find out what he would do. If doctor was going to be testing for range of motion, asking that he be considerate of the Feldenkrais work. It may have been crazy. But some practitioners have said, “I won't work with you if you do that.” Could have said, “Could you reschedule the doctor appointment?” Tres: experience with doctor, wanted to schedule surgery. Appreciated quality of Diana's use of self in working with pianist. Michael: How can we make our clients comfortable regardless of circumstances? Diana: One thing I was thinking about was how to get her mind off the conversation of doctor, etc. Having her doing something rhythmical with hand while Diana moved her legs. A fun way to bring her into the lesson. Thinking of her hip joints and how to get a sense of support through pelvis. Whatever she does with arms and hands at piano and how does she use herself in pelvis? Cheryl: noticed pianist was pressing through hands when she came up to talk to them after lesson. Tres: we tend to discriminate against Western medicine, but he has a friend who was helped immensely by a hip replacement. Cheryl: in Western medicine, have to recreate the pain so we can come to diagnosis, not just wrenching around. Marge: How do you document after seeing her three times? How do you keep track of what you do? Record keeping? Diana: an individual decision. She doesn't have a regular practice where she has to track these things. Some people feel they can remember. When she had to keep notes for an insurance company, it ruined the experience of doing the work. It made it into a language based rather than feeling placed work. Have positioned myself so I don't have to do that. Some of you are used to doing that. Yvan was good from the start about keeping notes and making plans for the next lesson. Marge keeps records now. Need evidenced-based practice. This work is very subjective. How do we make the results explicit? Diana: there are people in the community that are interested in this and making results of research available. Do you need to keep notes for insurance? Marge: also to document for prevention of lawsuit. Diana: 3 sessions too short to tell. Just for her to feel difference between “doing” and “sensing.” For her to find herself between those places. That's the major work. It hardly matters what happens if I can do that. Underneath that she can sense herself so she can make better choices. After seeing her 10 times a lot of interesting things would happen. I would trust her to come up with the discovery that would guide our work. Marge: we do our interview, but we don't diagnose. It goes into the background of what we do. We don't fix it. Cheryl: how do you document without going into physical therapy (PT)-speak? She has played with this and would be happy to play with other people around this topic. Brian: has done these notes: we all know enough to say “increase flexion” “increase “movement in ribs.” Abi: we're not looking at people as objects. “It's a shoulder issue” and then work with the shoulder. Appreciated how Diana was able to hear the description of the doctor visit without falling into the trap. There was room for it, but what else is there? How much intensity there was in her arms. The dynamic of how we divide ourselves into our good side and our bad side. In Carol, she's left-handed and it's her non-dominant side that is injured.
Discussion #200 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
Delsarte & body language
CD#30/T19 [16m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 4 [18m] » play audio
Diana: François Delsarte. Paula presents paper The Face of Physiology (2008) by Paul White. Charles Darwin. Handout: paper Two Mirrors of Movement, E. F. Menerth, Jr. (1968): Delsarte, Darwin, and Caravaggio. Marionette video of body language.
Editor's notes: Darwin's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872, 2009) (Wikipedia article).
FI Exploration #169 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
FI exchange based on morning discussion of ATMs
CD#30/T20 [3m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 5 [43m] » play audio
Groups of 3 from morning have one person lying down, other two alternately explore discoveries from morning ATM discussion.
ATM Lesson #313 – Moshé Feldenkrais 2009-08-20: Day 149, S15 day 9
Irradiating the knee, and other areas, on back
CD#30/T21 [66m] DVD#S15-9 Scene 6 [66m] (Amherst, August 5, 1981) » play audio
No notes.
S15 – Diana Razumny. Day 150 Friday August 21, 2009.
ATM Lesson #314 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
Flying #2, on front & back with 5 lines
CD#30/T22 [52m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 1 [53m] (Dennis Leri, Gaby Yaron inspired) » play audio
On back, R arm along side, palm down. Lightly press/lift R thumb to floor. Imagine line from thumb up arm, through shoulder and down to lower back. Repeat with index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger. Repeat, sequentially, starting with thumb. Think of all five lines and lift/press all 5 fingers, peel fingers off floor first and then palm. On front, face R, R arm straight out to side, R knee bent up, L arm down by side, repeat peeling fingers/hand off floor, thinking the lines. Continue and have fingers, then hand lifting initiates arm lifting, fingers are bent backwards. Same position, lift R knee from floor by rolling pelvis back. Return to fingers and five lines, lifting arm back towards ceiling. Repeat with R leg straight, L leg bent out to L side, still facing R. R arm out to R, face to L, L knee bent up to L, lift arm again with 5 lines. Repeat in same position except change legs, R knee bent up to R. Return to original position of facing R, R knee bent up, lifting R arm from fingers, sensing the 5 lines. Rest on back, sensing the 5 lines from fingers to lower back and come to stand, walk. On back, repeat on L side, press/lift fingers, create the 5 lines. Then turn to front side, face L and recreate all from the R side to the L side. Return to front side, R knee bent up to R, face R, both arms straight out to sides, imagine both sets of the 5 lines, lifting arms back, starting with the fingers. Repeat with L knee out to side. Repeat with face to L. Repeat with face L, R knee bent up. While the arms are lifting change head to other side, alternate head side to side, lifting arms. Same thing with L knee out to side. Same position, leave arms lifted, turn head L/R. Alternate lifting one arm higher as the other lowers, looking towards hand that lifts. Repeat with R knee up to side. Stand, walk sensing the connection into lower back from fingers.
Discussion #201 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
What was memorable from this segment
CD#30/T23 [12m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 2 [49m] » play audio
Groups of four go over what was memorable from this segment. Also brief report about Oliver Sacks video on the brains of musicians, link to be sent to group.
FI Exploration #170 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
Exploration on front side
CD#30/T24 [3m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 3 [47m] » play audio
Review whatever you can remember about working with person on front side.
FI Exploration #170 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
Exploration on front side continued
CD#30/T24 [13m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 4 [48m] » play audio
Demo with Barb D. to show movement of shoulder girdle and relation of ribs to spine.
FI Exploration #171 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
Explore crossed arms lift, sitting (Giovanni move)
CD#30/T25 [5m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 5 [18m] » play audio
Demo with Tres. Sitting, crossing arms in front. Practitioner lift crossed arms to feel extension and flexion. Use of self very important to be able to do effectively and safely.
ATM Lesson #315 – Diana Razumny 2009-08-21: Day 150, S15 day 10
Plane bisecting midline
CD#30/T26 [42m] DVD#S15-10 Scene 6 [42m] (Alexander Yanai #112) » play audio
On back, feet standing, image a line along midline of torso, starting at bridge of nose, go back and forth several times, tracing over sections to make clear. Come to where head/pelvis meet floor, continue line on floor between feet/overhead. Imagine plane bisecting along that line through body to floor behind, sense the line along back side where plane passes through. Roll ball around on the line. Let the ball drop inside volume between front/back line of torso, bounce ball up/down to sense depth. Create image of a transparent plane passing through midline, front to back full length of torso (inside/out) and continue down between feet/legs through floor. Widen elbows, use arms to help lift head, keeping sides exactly to sides of midline, not crossing over. Soles together, meeting on mid plane, lift R foot, imagine sliding along plane. Repeat with L leg/foot then both. Stand feet, hands in front touching imaginary plane, move hands independently like washing plane. Let hands come to where plane bisects torso, touching face, along front of torso. Soles/palms together in air in front, wash plane with feet/hands independently. Feet standing, elbows wide for leaning or arms out to sides a bit, lift head, note if different. Lean on elbows, soles together, lift legs, pelvis lifts/roles a little too. Use arms to roll up towards sitting, keeping soles/everything on plane, same going back down. Feet standing, arms spread, lift head, bring arms in for support, continue up to sitting, allowing legs to lengthen as come up, keeping sense of mid plane whole time, reverse, go back down to lying. Play with coming up to sitting, keeping mid plane, soles together or feet standing. Explore use of arms as well.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 151 Monday November 9, 2009.
FI Exploration #172 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Standing scan through palpation, bottom up
CD#31/T01 [9m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 1 [18m] » play audio
With partner, touch, feel tone of calf, feet, arches, Relationship of ankle to leg, compare two legs. Sense of tone, texture of two legs. Where weight of heel, difference between two sides. Tone of front part/back of leg. Relate tone of hamstrings, quadriceps to what you felt in the calves. Towards end of 2nd week, we'll come back to this—scan for practitioner and student. Feel extensor muscles in lower back. Flatter, tighter, more raised? Go up alongside the spine and alongside the spinous process. Differences left/right. Both sides of neck. Review what you felt, review by touching. Watch student walk away from practitioner. Don't make assumptions, just look. Walk back towards practitioner. Switch roles. Repeated after ATM.
ATM Lesson #316 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Scanning spine, emphasis on right side, on back
CD#31/T02 [19m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 2 [34m] (Dennis) » play audio
On back, look along a line on the ceiling. Look along inside/outside of that line. Scan internally from coccyx, up lumbar. Repeat, thinking along inside, then along outside. Sense effect of breathing on area as scan. Continue up to the thoracic vertebrae. Repeat, add tracing ribs at each vertebra along R side. Continue, add: expand belly with inhale, deflate on exhale. Reverse, inhale/deflate, exhale/inflate. Then expand belly & chest on inhale, sensing the cervical vertebrae. Return to partner, watch walking. FI above repeated as means of comparison.
Discussion #202 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Competence and confidence
CD#31/T03 [70m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 3 [71m] » play audio
Questions coming into this last segment? Brian: International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) Feldenkrais® Professional Competency Profile. What is competency and are we supposed to have it? You're looking for something and don't know what it is, but you do something and something happens. Is that the beginning of competency? Dennis: “You're competent to begin.” As you begin to work with people, you'll have a general practice and you may find you get certain kinds of people to work with. You find your way through. There's never a population you're dealing with, it's always individuals. You don't have to see the diagnosis, just how they're breathing, walking, coming to standing. What you need to know just shows up. At a certain point you figure it out. Difference between confidence and competence. It's a life-long learning process. Biggest resource will be colleagues, inside and outside of class (worked for him with Mark Reese, David Bersin, Elizabeth Beringer), plus DVDs, region has resources. Competency guide is an interesting document. Applies to being in a practice, not to a training. Many come to training without intention of becoming a practitioner. We never said this was a trade school. Moshé had confidence that the lesson would come to him, it would show up as he worked with someone. You don't have to accomplish something besides listening and engaging. From Dennis' The Risk of Serious Enquiry series, article Fechner Makes a Difference on Gustav Fechner. “Almost not seeing something.” When you try to check it, you apply certain habits of thoughts and it disappears. Ambiguous, but not ambivalent. You can't be a cynical therapist. The threshold of engagement. Moshé threw judo expert Trevor Leggett before he knew who he was, after he found out, couldn't throw him. You will benefit from referring people to other practitioners. Tres: Trade school experience in my past. Understood all of training, went to job and understood nothing. Dennis: you just don't know where insight or good information is going to come from. You hope people will get the intent of the lesson, rather than the content. Kristen: After reading Fechner article, difference of knowing about and knowing how.
Shira: Have more of the lessons taught in training been Alexander Yanai lessons? Why? Dennis: All trainings were site specific. San Francisco was 65–70 people, in the late 1970s; Amherst: 240, 1980–1983. Different kind of training. My experience, both those trainings were all summer long. Doesn't map well to training in segments. Segments, you want to take series, more easily found in Yanai lessons. In Dennis' current Berkeley training it is 5 days, you need to have a beginning middle and end in 5 days. Amherst is like Beethoven's last quartets, it's so advanced. Moshé would start and stop, pick it up 6 weeks later. Yanai is a huge resource. It is a lifetime supply, independent of all the other trainings and workshops. London notes, Esalen, Alexander Yanai is a complete package. San Francisco was 4 days a week, he did workshops on weekends, taught ATM at night, did FI after class. How can I bend this lesson? If I bend it, where does it break. Alexander Yanai translations are not great. In Hebrew, no word for hand or foot, it is the spoon of the arm, leg. Look at the series for clarification of the language. Like a bartender, you have to size up your client. What do you tell them about the work or the lesson? People want to avoid discomfort. The symptom is smarter than the person. I will listen to the symptom. Cheryl: How do you listen to the symptom, validate the symptom. Dennis: foreground/background. What is the effect is treated as the cause of the problem. Underlying that is something they're not connected to. Diminishment of pain is a viable goal. Maybe 20% reduction is a good goal. Any symptom is an uninterpreted part of life. Abi: interested in Dennis' workshops in California—Big Body, etc. Feldenkrais' basis for the theoretical aspect of his work came in the 1940–1950s with work of F. Matthias Alexander, Gerda Alexander (Eutony), Heinrich Jacoby (amazing pedagogy, some Feldenkrais lifts directly), Gurdjieff, Jiddu Krishnamurti lectures, influenced his formation of his work. Was looking for a context, Maurice Nicoll. Conceptual work.
Editor's notes: Dennis' and Larry Goldfarb's respective approaches to training, Larry: “I just teach movement”; Fechner's “Day View.”
ATM Lesson #317 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Spinal chain with rolling fists, on back
CD#31/T04 [20m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 4 [20m] (Amherst, July 2, 1980) » play audio
On back, stand feet, arms out at shoulder height, roll soft fists, think through arms to C7, shoulder girdle, upper chest. Pause, roll pelvis up/down, push/pull through spine, attention to symmetry of legs. Lift tail, then sacrum, little higher, not when switch from flexing to extending, only go as far as still flexing then return. Switch to asymmetrical use of legs, one side a few times then other side. Alternate to compare. Return to lifting both sides of pelvis, continue up until pressure is at base of neck. Start rolling arms up/down few times, leave neutral, roll up spine, pelvis lifted, note effect on rolling of arms up so elbows lift. Only roll fists a few times, pause, lift head to take chin to throat/chest, sternum moving down/back, add rolling fists down. Roll fists down, lift head, reverse, head down, roll fists up, lift pelvis. Roll arms up/down, feel through shoulders, girdle.
FI Exploration #173 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Standing exploration taken into being on side
CD#31/T05 [3m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 5 [67m] » play audio
Work with same person that was explored in standing and have them on their side, taking into consideration the asymmetries you felt while they were standing.
ATM Lesson #317 continued – Dennis Leri 2009-11-09: Day 151, S16 day 1
Spinal chain with rolling fists, on back continued
CD#31/T06 [23m] DVD#S16-1 Scene 6 [24m] (Amherst, July 2, 1980) » play audio
On back, feet standing, arms out to sides, roll fists, lift head/pelvis in conjunction with rolling up/down. Stay with fists rolled up, stay, lower pelvis slowly, keeping arms in same place. Repeat idea with head up, arms rolled down, stay with fists rolled down, lower head. Roll arms/fists up/down, sensing through shoulder girdle, ribs. Roll arms down, lift pelvis, roll arms up, lift head. Roll one arm up, other down, feel which leg gets involved, lifting one hip, turning head towards upward turning arm/fist. Stand on R foot/L knee, arms out at shoulder height, R arm forward in front, L in back, turn one arm up, one down, lean towards upturned arm, look towards upward turning arm. Repeat OS. Sit, arms out to sides, roll fists/arms up/down, head up/down. On R foot, L knee, R fist on floor hear R foot, L arm straight up to ceiling, roll both fists “downward” and “upward” like just done in sitting. Repeat OS. On back, feet standing, arms out, roll arms/fists up/down, feel torso facilitates. Stand.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 152 Tuesday November 10, 2009.
Discussion #203 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-10: Day 152, S16 day 2
Five lines
CD#31/T07 [33m] DVD#S16-2 Scene 1 [34m] » play audio
If you think about our skeleton, it's just an image. It's a good intermediary between you and the 5 lines. Like thinking of tubes, it's an interim thing. Abstract: length and direction. All the presumptions of embodiment, cycling around sites of motion, emotion, intellection, that we anchor ourselves—being not here is a way of being here. It has survival value or there wouldn't be so many people in denial. 5 lines are not your muscles, bones, pains pleasures. Ray: Why C7, why not T1? Dennis: There's a point where rib cage will dampen. As you're moving, you're carrying these lines along with you. You can reside in the lines and the movement will come along. The lines move to move you. Movement challenges the stability of the lines.
AY lessons 333–359, deal with self-image and are 5 lines lessons. You also find it at Esalen, San Francisco. Marge: this isn't making sense. Dennis: We notice an amputee as missing something. This is basic to a human being. Pattern trumps the muscles. Which pattern trumps all patterns? Deconstruct to the most basic level. So basic we don't even take it into consideration. Your self-image can change (feel bigger, smaller, etc.). 5 lines is home base, invariable. Feldenkrais won't make you a happy person, it will make you a person. You play with the marbles you are given. Shira: People have pain. In a lesson there becomes a possibility, pain can change. Dennis: In Israel, Moshé would never ask “what's going on,” when someone was having emotion on the table. You had no idea what they had gone through and they would be insulted if you pried. Many people when they get their back belt stop. The black belt, shodan (Japanese, 初段, the first dan rank) means “first step,” it's when you start practicing. There's a point where something shifts over. A good teacher can recognize this and change the focus of your training. True also in Feldenkrais. Value of community—taking this voyage on your own. You need to feel connected. In his book Awareness Through Movement (1972, 1990), Moshé wrote that, when you get it, you realize you're not in this world alone.
ATM Lesson #318 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-10: Day 152, S16 day 2
Five lines #1, with hooking big toes, on back & sitting
CD#31/T08 [39m] DVD#S16-2 Scene 2 [39m] (Alexander Yanai #342) » play audio
Sit, soles facing, hook big toes with index fingers, lift foot from floor. On back, imagine someone pushing from base of spine, feel direction of movement towards head. Arms at shoulder height, palms forward, think of movement outward from the spine along arms to finger tips. From lower spine through hip joints down legs to feet. Establish 5 lines. On back, hook big toes with index fingers, begin lengthening (small unbending) legs, keeping sense of the 5 lines. Recognize if strain, lose the lines. Repeat, think R leg line from spine to knee. Then from spine to heel on each side. Repeat, focus on R arm line from C7 to elbow, then L, extend R to finger/toe, then L. Clarify movement from tail to head, keeping the central line moving upward as continue to lift feet with hooked toes. Keep lines in mind as come to sit, soles facing, hook big toes, begin to lift the feet small amount until can balance on butt, lines intact. Sit, soles face, lean on L hand, hook R big toes with R index, lean back, lift foot, keeping all lines long and lengthening. Repeat OS, think line is floating up. On back, toes hooked, lengthen, keep all lines alive. Sit, toes hooked, lift feet keeping lines, switch to lifting R foot, leaning L to make easy, repeat OS. On back, hook R toes, L arm long overhead, L leg long, lengthen/unbend R leg, keeping the lines long. Repeat OS. Hook both toes, lift/lengthen little just so can interact with the lines. Sit repeat 1st movement. Stand.
FI Exploration #174 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-10: Day 152, S16 day 2
Standing exploration with 5 lines in mind/body
CD#31/T09 [4m] DVD#S16-2 Scene 3 [31m] » play audio
Galileo, gravity and objects falling through vacuum. Vacuum hadn't been invented. Thought experiment, take out all other variables. Mass in space. Everything falls at a uniform rate. There's a conceptual power to making these kinds of abstractions. With 5 lines this give you a perspective. Get a sense of your own 5 lines and everything you're touching as being in their 5 lines. In Alexander technique, everything their hands do communicates forward and up. Do same thing as yesterday in standing, about 10 minutes each.
FI Exploration #175 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-10: Day 152, S16 day 2
Pushing from the head #1, floating
CD#31/T10 [40m] DVD#S16-2 Scene 4 [89m] » play audio
Demo with Ashley: Dennis, sitting at head, feeling along sides of cervical spine, rolling head, feeling for shape of back of head, lifting head, bringing forward, finding different angles, looking for easy. Shows different hand holds for cradling/holding head. Showed use of index at occipital for nuancing direction. Ray asks, “What's the it you're looking for?” The place where head is carried so eyes would meet horizon when standing. Pad behind head, rolling side/side. Remove pads, L hand behind head at base, R hand at top of head, bring head forward that place, push through from top of head. Head on pad, both hands on head with thumbs at top to push through. Go to C7 to compress down through spine, return to top of head, thinking all the way through top pelvis. Importance of carriage of the head, changing the breath and chemistry. Teleceptors/periscope metaphor. Lengthening. Sitting with hand on back, guiding awareness. Stand, sit behind, move from pelvis feeling through to feet and to top of head. Questions: Michael: hands? Dennis: work with each other.
ATM Lesson #319 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-10: Day 152, S16 day 2
Standing #1, taking back backward
CD#31/T11 [42m] DVD#S16-2 Scene 5 [43m] (Alexander Yanai #234) » play audio
1. Stand feet, note standing and arms/hands hanging. Arms hanging, overlap hands in front, hand holding the other, head lowered. Take pelvis back, note weight on heels. Head stays lowered without relative movement, eyes are looking down. Neck soft. Clarify, note tail, whole pelvis. Note quadriceps. Arms stay hanging in front. Walk. 2. Stand, R foot/leg forward small step, repeat above, pelvis back, head hangs, knees don't bend. Chest/shoulders soften/change in order to go back. Whole of self moves back over heels. Change hands, continue. Play with breath. Change legs, repeat. Weight in heels, toes lift. 3. Stand, legs spread a bit, feet parallel (inside), hands hang/holding, take pelvis back/to R/L corner (side/side). Walk. Change? 4. Stand, feet parallel, take pelvis back, lift arms forward/shoulder height, hands overlap. Eyes on hands. Take R shoulder blade back. What stops? Weight moves over L heel. Walk. 5. Continue switch hands/shoulder. Toes don't lift or grip. Stay with L shoulder back, add taking L hip back. 6. Repeat above with R shoulder back. Walk. 7. Arms hang/hold, 1st move, pelvis back. Tuck chin, look forward, take head/neck back. Have to take lower ribs/chest back. Weight on heels, toes light, arms hang. Walk. Stay with head/neck back, take pelvis back. 8. Lift arms shoulder height, hug self, elbows up in front shoulder height, look at elbows, take whole back backwards, move to extreme R then L in arc behind. Head up, knees straight. Turn whole body R, face/front go L with pelvis back. Feel belly work, weight on heels. Change in chest/knees. Repeat OS. Walk. 9. Arms hang, feet normal, take everything back several times, take R/L in arc while back. Find extreme backward. Note arms/hands hanging. Walk.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 153 Wednesday November 11, 2009.
ATM Lesson #320 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-11: Day 153, S16 day 3
Standing #2, taking back backward
CD#31/T12 [44m] DVD#S16-3 Scene 1 [44m] (Alexander Yanai #235) » play audio
1. Stand, arms/hands hang in front, holding, think of taking different parts backward as in last lesson, parts in sequence. Start at knees, tail, top of pelvis/lumbar, upper back, between shoulder blades, back of neck. Go up/down few times. Pause, take whole pelvis back, arc L/R. Add arms lifted to ceiling, eyes forward, think lengthening. Walk. 2. Stand, R foot/toes on floor, crossed in front of L leg to the L for balance. Take whole pelvis back in arc from R to L, eyes to floor. Continue with R toes on floor little farther back to L, R leg touching L. Walk, compare legs. Repeat. OS. 3. Stand, legs spread a bit, feet parallel (inside), eyes forward, lift/drop heels. Note knees. Now only R heel, L leg on tiptoes for balance. Light/quick. (banging to head?) Repeat OS. Walk. Change? 4. Repeat, alternate L/R heel bang. Same bang to head? Continue quickly, note path of knees, line forward. Image: parallel wires, through knees back/front, knee glide on that line. Pause, lift/fall with both heels same time. Note head bang. Walk. 5. R leg/foot straight forward, tips of toes touch floor, tap L heel. Which part of foot stays planted, has most pressure? Space between big/2nd toe. Shift weight onto R foot, L toes behind for balance, tap R heel. Hands/arms spontaneously hang with palms facing back, shoulders/breath easier. Repeat OS. Walk. 6. Stand, lift toes. Leave toes lifted, lift/drop heels. Note arms, breath, area of pressure on front of foot. Walk with toes lifted. As if normal walk, note what tightens? Allow heels to more away from each other. Hands soften? Walk “regular.”
7. Stand, lift/drop both heels. Note differences in shoulders, head, chest. Pause, lift fronts of feet from floor, standing on heels. Attention to small finger, chest. Step in place, walk forward, back, L/R. Attention knees straight/bent, try both. Walk. 8. Lift R toes, lift/drop R heel with knee straight, pelvis tilts R/L. Repeat OS. Stand, note leg muscles. Walk, attention to parallel legs. 9. Walk on heels, front of foot lifted, as if normal. Knees move forward, back/pelvis move back. 10. Stand, feet parallel, lift arms, overlap hands, take whole of back backward like beginning, note all parts, if more moves back. While back, take whole of back R/L. Note head/chin. 11. Stand, cross R leg in front of L, R toes to floor L of L leg, repeat above move, use toes for balance. Move R foot back so R leg touches L, continue. Repeat OS. 12. Stand, arms up in front, taps both heels. Walk, note hands, arms, shoulders, breathing, org of chest. Note changes.
FI Exploration #176 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-11: Day 153, S16 day 3
Pushing from the head #2
CD#31/T13 [30m] DVD#S16-3 Scene 2 [78m] » play audio
Demo with Michael. Lift head, turning neck. Head on pad. Carriage of head, movements that are permissible. Lift shoulders, feel difference between sides, difference in how movement connects through ribs, affects neck. Lie on side. Feel channel of spine. Movement of hip, whichever allows more of the spine to be involved, hand on hip, sitbone, trochanter, hand on ASIS and knee taking hip back. All directions. Feel along spine, channel clearer. Using thumb moving rib in direction of spine. Hands shaped to rib cage, the shaping of the breathing. Sitting at head, working through C7 with both hands, finding connection through same spot, through it to the hip. Hand at top of head, hand on neck, feeling tone on both sides of neck, finding spot where tone softens, which is neutral. Pulling from back of head and jaw, finding neutral and pulling, finding connection through same place. Push through sit bones, finding same connection. Lie on back. Flat then with roller under knees. Lift head, find neutral. Pads under head. Feel difference in lifting shoulders. Find place where the angles of the lifted shoulders meet. Hands on either side of pelvis, roll forward, back, side to side. Referring to this morning's ATM, the hard part was the top of the pelvis coming back. Come to sit. Hands on front/back of chest. Standing holding head from side, pelvis. Hands on ribs, working with side bending, accessing same place in spine/ribs. Walk forwards/backwards, backwards on heels, feel what happens in mid-back. Position doesn't matter.
FI Exploration #176 continued – Dennis Leri 2009-11-11: Day 153, S16 day 3
Pushing from the head #2 continued
[No audio] DVD#S16-3 Scene 3 [46m]
Switch roles.
Discussion #204 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-11: Day 153, S16 day 3
Working the “edge”, going with a pattern
CD#31/T14 [7m] DVD#S16-3 Scene 4 [7m] » play audio
Question from Ray: going right to the site. Dennis: usually we don't contradict the pattern. There's a way to right into the pattern and pause right at the edge of it, wait a little and it expands. The connection is made. Tres: how do you identify the edge? The bone is closer to the nervous system than the muscles are. But you could move muscles to imply skeletal movement.
ATM Lesson #321 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-11: Day 153, S16 day 3
Five lines #2, with hooking big toes and a smile, on back & sitting
CD#31/T15 [38m] DVD#S16-3 Scene 5 [38m] (Alexander Yanai #343) » play audio
On back, sense/image 5 lines, hook big toes with index fingers, lift/lengthen both then alternately. Hold toes again in easy length, smile/let go, continue with the smile while opening/closing legs. Stop, lengthen arms/legs, sense 5 lines, sense smile. Hook toes, sense central line, smile, after while, shift to 4 limbs. R arm long overhead on floor, stand feet, hook R big toes with L index, smile, bend/straighten R knee, visit the lines, smile, ease. Recognize any critical voice and do something different. Repeat OS. Hook both toes with index, lengthen/bend legs, feel direction of central line upward, on/off smiling. Sit, soles facing, lean on L hand/arm, hook R big toe with R index, lift/lower foot, visiting the lines. Repeat OS. Sit, lean on R hand/arm behind, hook L big toe with L index, lift/lower, visit lines and smile. Switch hands, same toe. On back, hook both toes, focus on lines, smiling occasionally, movement continues in background. Slowly come to stand, staying with lines.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 154 Thursday November 12, 2009.
FI Practicum #003 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
3 students giving lessons to guests
Not recorded.
Second FI Practicum, session 1.
Discussion #205 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
Debriefing lessons
CD#31/T16 [47m] DVD#S16-4 Scene 1 [48m] » play audio
2 groups discussing lessons. One group recorded.
FI Practicum #004 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
3 students giving lessons to guests
Not recorded.
Second FI Practicum, session 2.
Discussion #206 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
Debriefing lessons
CD#31/T17 [43m] DVD#S16-4 Scene 2 [44m] » play audio
2 groups discussing lessons. One group recorded.
FI Practicum #005 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
3 students giving lessons to guests
Not recorded.
Second FI Practicum, session 3.
Discussion #207 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-12: Day 154, S16 day 4
Debriefing lessons
CD#31/T18 [25m] DVD#S16-4 Scene 3 [26m] » play audio
2 groups discussing lessons. One group recorded.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 155 Friday November 13, 2009.
FI Exploration #177 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-13: Day 155, S16 day 5
Pushing from the head #3: Refinements & foot pushing
CD#31/T19 [69m] DVD#S16-5 Scene 1 [69m] » play audio
Demo with Shira. Competency, in light of yesterday's practicum. Rolling head with full hand gives a completely different experience to the client. Rolling head with elbow braced on leg is impossible. Lifting leg while on roller—be careful not to hyperextend the knee. Thumb on the 4th toe. Ways of holding foot, into standing position. Jeff Haller is obsessed with the 4th toe (the ring toe). Limits lessons. Mark Reese. If hand was floating in water, right place to push. Point where you can get lengthening without exciting stretch reflex. And finger is a part of hand, arm, person. Rolling head, you can override. In the lesson you have expanded their (capabilities), and if you override their limits you can cause problem because the system has reorganized and lost its defenses. Find her limit and then use other hand to stop the motion and then take both hands over which gives them a sense of their boundaries. Or have them fix eyes on ceiling, then look in the direction they are going. Or take chin towards chest and then to side. From judo, 80% of game is pelvis/torso. From Alexander, 80% is head relative to torso. Feldenkrais realized you needed both. Lift head, translate to side. Lifting arm—from across them is reaching. If lifting from same side, lift forward from elbow. From condyles, crook of elbow.
Dynamic stability. Balancing roller on end, takes little energy to bring back to center within a certain range. We have a lot of craft-oriented jargon, but we're working with the dynamic stability of the system. Kazuo Chiba said to Elizabeth Beringer in Dennis' article Mental Furniture #5: Feldenkrais and Judo, “you take my balance and I have to figure how to get it back.” The support for our sense of self comes from our sensations we have in our relationship to the gravitational field and then societal. I do something to create my sense of self. Scales of descriptions. I'm here, I'm not here. Distribute the addresses of the correlations of foot to head, etc. 5 lines lessons. Feldenkrais said when you do a lesson you walk out and you forget. You haven't changed your relationship to your primary image. All your experiences (not just movement) are challenges to your primary image. Self-image is always mediated by your aversions, attractions and denials. Feldenkrais: don't get bound up in “is this a good movement?” Abi: are the 5 lines affected by experience? Watching Jude move. He already has a sense of his boundaries, when something is beyond his reach. James: when do you put support? Supports are wherever there is a gap. Mia Segal worked in Japan and uses almost no props. Ruthy Alon does the other extreme and supports, props, etc. If connection through skeleton is clear, the tone along that path cannot be dampening. Re: finger example from earlier, there's a set point like a thermostat. You're listening for that the whole system can change. A recognition of that possibility allows it. It's difficult because you have to wait and you get ambitious. James: Do you learn more about this from ATM or FI? It depends on how you learn. I got this more from FI. You become inured to your experience and it's not novel any more. So, get FIs from other practitioners. 5 lines is a more objective experience, it's fundamental. Rolling head, moving arm, you don't have to worry about doing it perfectly, but work with it in a way that makes sense. Marge: direction and length in 5 lines.
ATM Lesson #322 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-13: Day 155, S16 day 5
Standing #3, taking back backward
CD#31/T20 [39m] DVD#S16-5 Scene 2 [40m] (Alexander Yanai #236) » play audio
1. Stand, legs spread, not necessarily parallel, take parts backward, attention weight onto heels—in sequence: knees, tail, top of pelvis, lumbar, lower chest, between shoulder blades, C7. Walk. 2. Stand, feet wide, take L side pelvis back in arc to R, then alternate side/side, attention to hip joints, difference of muscles in legs R/L, knees. Return to only going to R. 3. Wide stance, arms out in front, hands overlapped/limp, take L hip back, turning around R hip joint, eyes stay to front. Walk. Repeat OS. Arms lowered, alternate R/L. Listen for asymmetrical use of muscles/movement. 4. Lift arms, take lower chest & upper pelvis back. Take that area back relative to rest. Weight in heels, arms don't lower. Walk, legs, pelvis? 5. Stand, feet wide, lift arms, eyes to hand, lift/turn R heel outside to R with straight leg, take to floor to outside. Attention to mid R side goes backward. Bring weight onto R heel. Repeat with arms down, quickly. 6. Repeat, coming onto R heel, shift body to R, take heel to floor, lift heel, pivot on front of foot quickly. Repeat OS. Attention to keeping L shoulder/hip in line while turning back to L, front turns to face R. Repeat with arms down. Bend leg at first then with straight leg. 7. Arms in front, lift R heel, turn out to R, lift L heel, L toes stay on floor, lift R heel, bring back to place, turning around R axis as one piece several times. Attention to the mid back backward. 8. Continue, add lifting L toes. Repeat, quickly, drop on heel, almost like a hop, R toes stay connected to floor. Repeat OS. Alternate side/side.
Discussion #208 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-13: Day 155, S16 day 5
A few practicalities of having an FI practice
CD#31/T21 [42m] DVD#S16-5 Scene 3 [43m] » play audio
Abi: working with injuries. How do you talk about with clients. Client might say, “You didn't work on my shoulder.” Working with people who say they don't have cartilage in their knee. Dennis: If I give you answer you might think it's the way. It's just hard. It's not just your knee, but everything else will be better. Moshé, when practitioner still had pain after a session, he gave her some of his painkillers. Ray: on process. Dennis: shift in medical profession towards candidness. Pam: do you manage their expectations? Dennis: I manage my expectations. I do what I do. David Bersin insists on a number of sessions. He tells them he wants results, just like they do. He sometimes does two short sessions a day with out of town clients. James: do lesson “right” or comfortable? Feldenkrais would say “your slow isn't slow enough. Your not enough is too much.” They're doing but they are not there. You want to shift to doing while you're there. If you know that doing it “right” helps your participation, then that's not mindless. It can improve functional relationship, if you're aware of what you're doing. Gaby and Chava did without ambition. Brian: still have same old issues after 4 years. In a day/week/training, there's a certain period that it's difficult. Marge, re: Abi's question on surgery/knees.
FI Exploration #178 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-13: Day 155, S16 day 5
Rib detail
CD#31/T22 [18m] DVD#S16-5 Scene 4 [87m] » play audio
Turn head, get a sense of freedom of it. Outline ribcage. The ribs relate to breathing. Shape of ribs, take in direction. Fingers between ribs, or use flat of hand. Instruct to breathe against my hand. Breathe out and do that. Do one side and do other. Alternate him breathing and taking it over, going against it. Not just working with ribs but the whole pattern of breathing in and breathing out.
Tres: not breathing in clients' faces. Michael: working with colleagues. In Diana's lesson, take pelvis backwards, the chest has to soften and broaden. In 5 lines lesson with plane of shoulders and plane of hips, taking arms up and movement is easier. Cheryl: echo of gluing of the lungs. Dennis: yes, and more of seesaw breathing. James: idea of what you wan to improve for your client. Dennis: if you know what you're doing, you can do what you want. If you go back to what is comfortable, now it is a choice because you know what comfortable is.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 156 Monday November 16, 2009.
ATM Lesson #323 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-16: Day 156, S16 day 6
Five lines #3 with knots & strings, on back & front
CD#32/T01 [52m] DVD#S16-6 Scene 1 [52m] (Alexander Yanai #337) » play audio
On back, 5 lines then imagine string around knee with knot, slide knot around 1/4 circle, continue, return to beginning, adding 1/4 turn until full circle of knot. Circle opposite direction. Repeat with other knee then side idea with each elbow. Repeat while lying on front side. On front, string around head at level of bridge of nose, eyes, top of ear, circling knot. On back, string around pelvis at level of pubic bone, hips. Circle knot around pelvis and head at same time. Add elbow and knee strings circling all one direction.
Discussion #209 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-16: Day 156, S16 day 6
About 5 lines ATM lesson
CD#32/T02 [61m] DVD#S16-6 Scene 2 [62m] » play audio
5 lines with knots: infinite amount of lines circling around. Cheryl: martial arts class several weeks ago, describing orbits in more than one plane. Dennis: are the lines becoming more accessible? Shira: how much holding there is especially in the center line. Clearer sense of my bones. Dennis: Would you have bones without gravitational field? Forensic science, the use of the skeleton shapes its shape. These lines are the trajectories of usage. The need to use muscles more than skeleton, the bony structure reflects. Skeleton is residue of how we use ourselves. For yourself (as opposed to the general public) this clarifies things for us. These lessons in conjunction with Diana's standing lessons—we are in gravity that minimizes our holding back from an action—we are minimizing the contact with the floor. A living sense of the effectiveness of the lines. Feldenkrais said when you do the lesson, the value of the lesson is ephemeral; it fades. If you think of the line, you can reflect on how the lesson affects us. The knot gives us dimensionality; it is orbiting around the central line. You can get transmission of force directly with the skeleton, or moving the muscle around the bone where it's tethered. You do that with the periphery and then when you come back the transmission is clearer. The head is the only insect-like/exoskeleton. The rest, is covered with soft tissue. Cars and football armor are insectoid. Our defenselessness is part of our strength. When working you have to get the sense of what works or doesn't work and proceed anyway. The pain in your body is gossiping about some part of you. The community of your neurons can't get your attention in any other way. In FI you want to have a sense of shifting things so that there is a balance of control and communication in the system. Feldenkrais says, he's always arguing for the symptom. This symptom is attached to an idiot. Definition of an idiot is one who doesn't sense. Robert's rule of disorder. California, Lafayette Morehouse school. What were the limits of sensual expression? Hour long orgasm. It wasn't about technique, it was about communication. Refined process of feedback. The two phrases they didn't allow were, “I like it,” or “I don't like it.” OK: faster, slower, more pressure, less pressure. Stay in communion and then communication based on that. Like or dislike is a rejection, a stinginess. Stephen Gilligan, Ericksonian therapist. When we have this sense of skeletal contact that is really clear, it is incredibly intimate. You have taken over their pattern, but it's already different. You can begin to introduce patterns that are novel. Feldenkrais would take a person who believed that belly breathing was correct, and put them in a position where they couldn't belly breathe. There are certain people you won't be able to work with. There were people in Israel that preferred to work with Dennis, just how he worked. People came to Feldenkrais with problems as if the problems would defeat him. He developed strategies to prevail, that resulted in movement. Getting out of your own way. The bodily sense that keeps us historically limited. This feeling/behavior is just a feeling, behavior. Demos: holding glass and tapping, dampening or ringing.
FI Exploration #179 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-16: Day 156, S16 day 6
Pushing from the head #4, head off the table
CD#32/T03 [24m] DVD#S16-6 Scene 3 [103m] » play audio
Demo with Ashley. Lying on stomach, feet on rollers. Head turned to side, one arm bent up/one down, or both up. Lifting under clavicles, feeling along spine. On the side at back of head, turning head so that nose goes towards table. Feel connection between hand on spine and hand behind. Turn head to other side. Standing at side, hands on back and feeling rotation. Come forward until head hangs over table. Hang head without chin going into table. Arms hanging down. Feeling shape of spine, feeling relationship of head to chest. Interlace fingers and lift head from forehead and take weight of head, take chin towards and away from chest, little to right and left. Feeling for length, without trying to lengthen. Lifting from side of C7, thinking of neck lengthening into thoracic. Pressing through upper back towards lower back. Lengthening through lower back. Let them back to lie on the table. Or might have a stool same height as table. Arms hanging off: lift arm/shoulder towards spine. The order of these movements isn't important, whatever is indicated. Return to lying fully on table, and then on back. On back: lifting head. Hands under upper back, lifting. Pressing through C7. Hands on side of pelvis, rolling pelvis forwards towards head. Come to sit. Hands on upper chest/back, flexion/extension.
Standing. A lot of this lesson is letting weight of head and sense of the table can do a lot of the work. Two times on and off table is probably enough.
ATM Lesson #324 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-16: Day 156, S16 day 6
Standing #4, taking back backwards
CD#32/T04 [18m] DVD#S16-6 Scene 4 [18m] (Alexander Yanai #238) » play audio
1. Stand, hands overlapped hanging in front, take whole pelvis back, weight to heels, knees straight. Change hands, continue. 2. Back of R hand behind on lower back to feel the movement backward of pelvis/lumbar. Put both hands behind, continue. Head stays in place, belly pulls in. Walk. 3. Arms straight out in front, hands limp/overlapped, take base of neck/C7 backward. Imagine hook screwed into vertebra, someone pulling back on hook. 4. Spread feet, insides parallel, take knees back, note weight to heels. Take tail back. Pause, take top of pelvis back. Include lower chest/lumbar, belly in, exhale. 5. Change hands, take C7 back. Pause, take just below head/top of spine back. Take whole back backward. Walk 6. Stand, feet parallel, overlapped hands, arms at shoulder height, take head/back of neck backward, chin tucked. From there, part by part, go down adding each part going back. Think of corresponding activity in front—chin, chest, belly. Walk (ended here). 7. Hug, elbows up in front, take R shoulder blade back, weight shifts to L heel. Stay with R shoulder back, take R hip and lower ribs back, L leg straight. Repeat. OS. Alternate R/L. 8. Feet parallel from inside, R arm extended overhead to ceiling, back of L hand on lower back, take all backward, arms fixed in space. Change arms, continue. 9. Hug, elbows in front, cross R leg in front of L, R toes touching floor, take pelvis back, both shoulder blades/back of neck, arc R/L. Walk. Repeat OS. Continue, alternate R/L. 10. Hang arms in front, take back from bottom up then top down: knees, pelvis, back, C7, neck. Pause, arms to ceiling, look up at arms then straight ahead, imagine arms being pulled, take everything back, arc R/L.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 157 Tuesday November 17, 2009.
ATM Lesson #324 continued – Diana Razumny 2009-11-17: Day 157, S16 day 7
Standing #4, taking back backwards continued
CD#32/T05 [27m] DVD#S16-7 Scene 1 [27m] (Alexander Yanai #238) » play audio
1. Stand, hands overlapped hanging in front, take whole pelvis back, weight to heels, knees straight. Change hands, continue. 2. Back of R hand behind on lower back to feel the movement backward of pelvis/lumbar. Put both hands behind, continue. Head stays in place, belly pulls in. Walk. 3. Arms straight out in front, hands limp/overlapped, take base of neck/C7 backward. Imagine hook screwed into vertebrae, someone pulling back on hook. 4. Spread feet, insides parallel, take knees back, note weight to heels. Take tail back. Pause, take top of pelvis back. Include lower chest/lumbar, belly in, exhale. 5. Change hands, take C7 back. Pause, take just below head/top of spine back. Take whole back backward. Walk 6. Stand, feet parallel, overlapped hands, arms at shoulder height, take head/back of neck backward, chin tucked. From there, part by part, go down adding each part going back. Think of corresponding activity in front—chin, chest, belly. Walk. (started here) 7. Hug, elbows up in front, take R shoulder blade back, weight shifts to L heel. Stay with R shoulder back, take R hip and lower ribs back, L leg straight. Repeat. OS. Alternate R/L. 8. Feet parallel from inside, R arm extended overhead to ceiling, back of L hand on lower back, take all backward, arms fixed in space. Change arms, continue. 9. Hug, elbows in front, cross R leg in front of L, R toes touching floor, take pelvis back, both shoulder blades/back of neck, arc R/L. Walk. Repeat OS. Continue, alternate R/L. 10. Hang arms in front, take back from bottom up then top down: knees, pelvis, back, C7, neck. Pause, arms to ceiling, look up at arms then straight ahead, imagine arms being pulled, take everything back, arc R/L.
Discussion #210 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-17: Day 157, S16 day 7
Letter from Yvan; about ATM lesson
CD#32/T06 [27m] DVD#S16-7 Scene 2 [28m] » play audio
Read Yvan's email congratulating students upon their graduation. About standing ATM lesson. Feldenkrais felt these lessons addressed a functional posture. About Alexander technique lessons and their difficulties and how to use them.
Editor's notes: Reference to Moshé's lecture at Amherst on the “the impossibility of change,” which Yvan mentions in his letter. Dennis: Moshé didn't see the Method as a transformative process, like alchemy, which aims to transform lead into gold, but rather one where you take something of inherent value and, through your own labors, shape it into something with more value.
FI Exploration #180 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-17: Day 157, S16 day 7
On all fours and top of head #1
CD#32/T07 [29m] DVD#S16-7 Scene 3 [57m] & 4 [54m] » play audio
Demo with Brian. On knees, elbows and top of head. Students recommended different possibilities of how to work with Brian. Partners explore some aspect of what was demonstrated.
ATM Lesson #325 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-17: Day 157, S16 day 7
5 lines #4 – bending leg to side, on back
CD#32/T08 [72m] DVD#S16-7 Scene 5 [9m] & 6 [63m] (Alexander Yanai #344) » play audio
Gave intro. On back, imagine lines with dots at shoulders, elbows, hands and hips, elbows, feet. Very slowly start bending R knee out to side, keeping sense of all lines staying long whole time bending then straightening leg. Bend again and lift knee to be over foot. Reverse. Repeat with L leg. Go back to R leg, stand foot slowly, tilt knee in slowly, keeping lines. Repeat with L leg. With leg bent out to side, extend opposite arm to ceiling, reaching with arm, then add lifting bent leg. Repeat on other side. At end, both arms to ceiling, extending one arm, reaching for opposite knee.
Discussion #211 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-17: Day 157, S16 day 7
About ATM lesson
CD#32/T09 [10m] DVD#S16-7 Scene 7 [11m] » play audio
Kim: finding self without effort. Story about Mr. Workshop not finding himself, not recognizing self without effort. Find that in the breathing lessons. Who is breathing when you aren't? Lines can have the same effect. Laura: minute effort. James: direction of arm. Dennis: more about the lines. Gave a simple template for an FI based on sliding leg up to standing. Shifting from sensori-motoric to the lines and back again, strategy for eliminating effort. Good/bad movement is what clarifies the lines, no shortening of the lines.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 158 Wednesday November 18, 2009.
ATM Lesson #326 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-18: Day 158, S16 day 8
5 lines #5 – Diagonal image, on back
CD#32/T10 [52m] DVD#S16-8 Scene 1 [57m] (Alexander Yanai #345) » play audio
On back, sense contact, begin bend R knee out to side, include bending R ankle, toes towards chin, flexing hip/knee/ankle same time, noting back, shoulders. Switch to L leg. Both legs same time, attention to lower ribs. R arm overhead on floor, palm forward, L arm down along side, palm back, slide R arm along floor overhead, lengthening, switch to L arm lengthening down then both at same time; add sliding back of head on floor to L, L ear to L shoulder. Repeat OS. Access 5 lines, return to bending R ankle/knee/hip, keeping all lines, add bend L ankle, lengthen L heel down along floor, both legs move then do each individually, continue with each leg but alternately. Add: R arm down, L up, slide arms as before, back of head slide R, think of stand on L heel. All along bringing in 5 lines. Switch arms, repeat arm/head move, keep legs doing same, R leg bending up, L heel extending down.
Discussion #212 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-18: Day 158, S16 day 8
About ATM lesson
CD#32/T11 [56m] DVD#S16-8 Scene 2 [56m] » play audio
Michael & Laura about lines. Marge: standing idea caused confusion. James: able to see lines? Story of tribes hunting or not. Not thinking of 5 lines all the time. Conceptual habits can shift using surrogate of the lines. Moshé was an extremely imposing presence. He said he was inherently a violent person but used his humanness not to act on that. People make a mistake to interpret the work as not including strenuous exercise. You are doing this work so you can go out and get in trouble. You can lose balance and regain. Practitioner job is to present the depth and breadth of the work. AY lessons are difficult. Work is about stability/instability. Assess where person is on continuum. No one can emulate Moshé. Russell Delman. Are we using more of ourselves? Judo: shifting grades/levels, people start losing ability after shifting grades. Not more of our historical self. Heinz von Foerster. Medieval times, making swords using chicken shit—metaphor. Michael: using 5 lines. They are a place to orient our attention. Reference to Moshé's lecture on awareness. Aristotle: causality. Materials for house doesn't make a house. Have to have someone build. Formal cause—blueprint. The purpose is to live in shelter. Science took purpose out of generations. Later people realized price paid for it. Disregarded qualities of living. Systems theory comes in with relations of relations. We can interact with that. Intellectual tradition: i.e. intention to be happy is an intellectual construct. Concepts in relation to material world, bringing in sensori-motoric aspect. Moshé's principle of no principles. Michael. Give into your weakness because therein lies your strength. Pretending we aren't cuts off who we are and the effort to cutoff is being used and taking away from. Seeing yourself, all temporal and spatial aspects we know ourselves through. We measure ourselves in this way is not our real nature, we come to accept it as if. Cognitive science now (Varela) you wouldn't be able to be in this room without ongoing reciprocity and ongoing levels of integration of parts. Abi: somatics. We're a shadow of 4 dimensions vs. animal/sensory. When you get the junk out of the way, awareness is there. When you intend to give a lesson—blueprint. You can't imagine the benefits of practice.
Editor's notes: Dennis: Moshé said, “You're only doing this work to go out and get in trouble. You aren't doing this work to go out and hide from trouble.” This is the whole idea; that's what it's about... I can lose my balance because I know I can gain it back again.
FI Exploration #181 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-18: Day 158, S16 day 8
On all fours and top of head #2, palpating spine
CD#32/T12 [15m] DVD#S16-8 Scene 3 [77m] » play audio
Demo with James. Fingers to sides of spine providing pressure for student to push against.
ATM Lesson #327 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-18: Day 158, S16 day 8
Standing #5, taking back backwards, head/shoulders in opposition
CD#32/T13 [49m] DVD#S16-8 Scene 4 [49m] (Alexander Yanai #239) » play audio
1. On back, legs spread, bend knees, lift R shoulder, simple/light. Add: turn face to L. Switch, turn face R. Turn L again, switch to R. 2. Stand, turn face to L, then R, take shoulders with head. Pause, face forward, R shoulder forward, L shoulder stays. Switch so head turns L with R shoulder coming forward. Continue with R shoulder forward, turn head/eyes R. 3. On back, feet standing, lift L shoulder. Add rolling head/face R. Switch, roll head L towards lifting shoulder. 4. Stand, repeat OS (from above). Pause, R shoulder forward, L back, head/eyes turn L. Pause, switch head/eyes go R as shoulders turn L. 5. On back, feet standing, repeat above combos with shoulders/head. 6. Stand, head/shoulders to R. Continue shoulders to R, turn head L. 7. On back, feet standing, repeat head/shoulder combo from above (standing). 8. On back, legs long/spread, R arm on floor overhead/L arm down, backs of hands on floor, lengthen arms indirection of fingers, lift L hip from floor, look up at R hand, back of head to L. Rest, compare sides/diagonals. Repeat OS. 9. R arm overhead, L down, palms towards floor, repeat above. Repeat OS. 10. Standing, turn shoulders/head to L. Shoulders L/head R. Head/shoulders to R, switch, head L opposite shoulders. 11. Hug shoulders, move head/shoulders opposite R/L. Quickly. Hand arms, swing arms, turn head/eyes to see behind, backs of hands touch back as swing behind. Lift back heel. Continue but head opposite arms/shoulders. Return to head/shoulders same dir. 12. ROB, stand feet, compare to beg. contact, shoulder lifting, head turning towards/away from shoulder.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 159 Thursday November 19, 2009.
ATM Lesson #328 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-19: Day 159, S16 day 9
Standing #6, taking back backwards, rotate around axis
CD#32/T14 [75m] DVD#S16-9 Scene 1 [75m] (Alexander Yanai #242) » play audio
1. Stand, legs spread little, hands to ceiling, take back backward, turn whole back L/R. 2. Arms up in front, take only pelvis R, L hip moves back, lower chest with it. Repeat OS. Alternate L/R. 3. Arms in front, take L hip back. Add turn head L with hip. Pause, take head R when L hip goes back. Alternate, head once R/L when L hip goes back. Walk. Repeat OS. 4. Arms in front, R shoulder back/L forward, only shoulders turn to R. Add head turns L. 5. Continue above, add L hip moves back. Pause, only shoulders R. Pause, only L hip back. Combine, L hip back/shoulders to R. 6. Continue, add head turns L. Then head R, then alternate head R/L, going once with shoulder, once with hip. Walk. Repeat OS. Take everything back, turn L/R. ROB. 7. Stand on R leg, L toes for balance behind, lift/lower R arm, switch legs, continue with R arm. 8. Stand, take L leg back, lift R arm, lengthen back, weight over R heel, bring weight back onto L heel, alternate R/L heel, finding that place of really standing over each leg. 9. Stand, lift R arm to ceiling, L toes behind, take L hip back, add L shoulder, L hip/shoulder go back, turning around R axis of R arm/leg. Pause, same position, take L shoulder forward/back, R arm/shoulder stays in place, leave L shoulder back, bring L hip to meet L shoulder, then together, L shoulder/hip return then move back, rotating around R axis. 10. Same position, switch arms, L lifted, take L hip/shoulder back, rotate around R axis. Lift both arms, turn chest/arms L/R. Walk. 11. R leg back, L arm up, repeat above variations on this side. 12. Stand, legs spread little, arms up, whole back backward, take L/R. 13. Lift R arm, turn around R axis of arm/leg, L shoulder/hip go back, stay over the R hip joint, R shoulder stays in place. Repeat OS. Walk. 14. Standing, turn R heel out, bring weight over the R hip/heel, L leg free, head forward/up. Hop, heel outside/return, L leg free/lifted, whole self turns. Repeat. OS. Lift both arms, alternately hopping on one heel then other.
FI Exploration #182 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-19: Day 159, S16 day 9
Knee bent to side, on back
CD#32/T15 [6m] DVD#S16-9 Scene 2 [79m] » play audio
Demo with Marge. Start sliding one knee out to side. Compare sides, note initiation. Prop up bent knee to side, work in this position. Start in standing, taking pelvis back over each leg. Partners: explore ½ hour each.
Discussion #213 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-19: Day 159, S16 day 9
About FI practice
CD#32/T16 [7m] DVD#S16-9 Scene 3 [8m] » play audio
Brian. Marge. James: gravity.
ATM Lesson #329 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-19: Day 159, S16 day 9
5 Lines #6 – Strings and knots around knees and crotch with smile, on back
CD#32/T17 [56m] DVD#S16-9 Scene 4 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #346) » play audio
On back, cross bent legs, tilt side/side. Change crossing, repeat. Stand feet, interlace fingers, create hoop with arms, take arms/head to one side and back to middle. Repeat to other side. Take head/arms opposite directions. Arms on floor resting, slide one leg up/down, bending out to side but not completely then leave the leg standing, imagine strings and knots, one above, one below the R knee, slide the knots a quarter turn to R and back to middle. Pause, smile showing teeth, add knots sliding around to R. Have the centerline and R leg line, slide the knots and smile. Circle knots half way around, return, add smiling and central and leg line. Continue on to 3/4 turn of knots. Then full circle of knots. Slide both legs up/down to compare. Leave legs standing, tie string around top of leg, have the knot start between anus and genitals, slide knot forward to front, continue adding the 1/4 turns until full circle. Have the smiling and the central and leg line. With knot circling, smile and lines start lengthening L leg and bring it back. Both legs standing, have L thigh string in place, the two strings around R knee and slide both legs down to straighten. Legs straight, start with string at upper end of R thigh/crotch and two strings on L knee, repeat circling strings, smiling, slide legs up with knots circling. Continue with the strings, smiling, leg lines, come to stand. Stand and have all knots circling and walk.
S16 – Dennis Leri. Day 160 Friday November 20, 2009.
ATM Lesson #330 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
5 lines #7 – Lengths and fist, on back
CD#32/T18 [40m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 1 [39m] & Scene 2 [1m] (Alexander Yanai #347) » play audio
On L side, knees bent, R leg forward of L, L arm overhead, head resting on L arm, R arm forward. Take straight R arm up then back following with head/eyes. Fist R hand. Both arms forward, fist hands, alternate fisting stronger, take R arm back keeping fists. On back, think through other side then do. Think of lines. On L side, fist hands equally, take R arm back. On back, L arm overhead, R arm forward, roll L keeping R arm relation to torso ending up on L side with R leg behind, R arm out in front, head on L arm. Lengthen R leg down through heel, flexing ankle, R arm bent in front, bring elbow/knee towards each other in front then lengthen away. On L side, R knee forward of L, L arm forward, R arm to ceiling, fists strong with smile. R arm forward, fisted... and so on. Please check AY from.
ATM Lesson #331 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
5 lines #8 – Holding knee with diagonal hand, rolling, on back
CD#32/T19 [56m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 3 [56m] (Alexander Yanai #348) » play audio
On back, knees open, soles facing, 8 inches apart, R hand to L knee, roll L/R very small amount, straight arm. Pause, think of central line, hold knee again, tiny shift R/L. Switch to other diagonal. Return to R hand to L knee, L arm long overhead on floor, fist L hand, think of arm lines. Arms/legs down, think of leg lines, return to same on other side. Other side again, keep R knee still so that the rolling of pelvis/torso L/R is very small so that the movement is in the hip joint. Pause, return to same and allow knee to move this time. After few moves, stop knee from moving. Go back and forth a few times between keeping knee still or moving. Repeat on other side. Return to other side, L arm overhead, holding L knee with R hand, think all lines lengthening with a tiny roll of torso R/L. Straighten L leg, leave R bent, R arm overhead, fisted hand, tiny roll to R, think R arm/leg length, then L lines lengthening when rolling tiny bit to L. Bend both knees, stand both feet keeping length of all lines come to stand.
Discussion #214 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
About lesson plus questions
CD#32/T20 [43m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 4 [44m] » play audio
Barbara's Moshé's Mountain Munch candy bar. Barb B.: Maxwell's demon. Dennis: Expend energy to measure it. Always perturbing the experiment. When you add everything in to prepping for a lesson, you get about $7/hour. Abi: curious about language in last ATM, “thinking the line”, vs. “Imagining the line.” “Sense that, feel that.” Dennis: “imagine” people hear “visualize” and some people don't visualize (or think they don't). We mean imagine in tactile, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic senses. Putting foot on floor: When playing Go, the masters know when you're any good by how you place the piece. Dennis doesn't use word “imagine” very often, unless he knows they will get it. Feldenkrais said, “Thinking means a new means for action.” Not cerebration or masturbation, where it doesn't connect. Gravity to Isaac Newton was a new thought. Feldenkrais said we have very few original thoughts in our lives. You can start small. Putting foot down is thinking with whole self. It implies it all. The cognitive scientists (António Damásio) say, if purely logical, people really can't think, without some felt sense of rightness, with the emotional tone. The bright line between thought and action gets clearer and closer. Pelvic clock, clarity of the numbers. Peirce: organization of thought. When we think, we have a skeleton of thought. Thinking organizes into sets of relations, default structures, either culturally or familially organized. Gus Solomon (mathematician and Feldenkrais practitioner, voice teacher), Reed-Solomon codes. Every CD, MP3 uses the codes for digital/analog conversions. Most efficient message of information/noise ratio. Neural networks to simulate human nervous system. Matrix algebra. Take a raw network, send something through, it sets the weighting of the relationships of the network, which becomes the memory. Push it back through a few times and it clarifies. Used for character recognition. Network needs a certain robustness. Gus, through Feldenkrais, found that there's a certain thing I do to come to neutrality before moving. What is it? Developed new algorithms. Gus would have you record you speaking or singing and record after lesson, and have you compare the quality. Wrote book on breathing, which he felt was comparable to Reed-Solomon codes. Some people can't visualize, but can sense other ways. Senses are all kinesthetic. In Feldenkrais, how can you get a quick change when there's no explanation for it? When pattern emerges, the materiality can jump to that level—a change of state. French Jewish philosopher and Talmudic scholar, Emmanuel Lévinas; his storytelling is complex: the pathology of Western thought is wanting to know before we act; the early covenant of God with humanity was, “Trust me.” We're always in action. Ways of modifying ourselves in acting. This is the laboratory that you answer those questions for yourself. Movie El Topo (1970).
FI Exploration #183 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
Coming to stand on roller
CD#32/T21 [12m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 5 [12m] » play audio
With person sitting, one foot then both feet on roller, or two rollers. Rollers perpendicular or parallel with foot. Coming to stand on rollers. Safer on rug rather than hardwood floor. Story of wire walking. Practice for yourself at the wall with both hands on wall. Abi: how does this compare to artificial floor? Cheryl: half balls for same person as roller. Story about guy with soccer ball.
ATM Lesson #332 – Diana Razumny 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
Standing #7, walking
CD#32/T22 [46m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 6 [46m] (Alexander Yanai #243) » play audio
1. Stand, legs/feet together/touch. Feel balance. Spread feet/legs a little, keep parallel, lift R heel very slowly. Stand only on L leg, R leg has no weight at all, “like a limp rope.” Pelvis doesn't move. Walk. Repeat OS. Then alternate. R/L. No rocking necessary. 2. Stand on L leg, soften R knee, small step forward with R foot, just touch toes lightly, return to place, no weight transfer. Walk Repeat OS. Alternate. Whole foot to floor same time, directly forward. 3. Stand, legs parallel, soften R knee, bring forward, limp leg, whole foot in contact, then transfer weight. L leg becomes limp, reverse. No up/down movement, no straightening knee back. Repeat OS, alternately slowly, walking, feet parallel. Never time when on both legs, only one at a time. 4. Imagine rope on floor, walk on rope, each moment of bringing weight onto leg, other has no weight. Arms out to sides. 5. Repeat, rope walk forward/back, head forward/up. Walk. 6. Stand, parallel legs/feet, slight spread, step in same manner sideways, one step/reverse. Attention to R heel moves out to R to keep foot parallel. Just L heel lifts few times, then all but L toes lifted. Same to L. Good bye.
FI Exploration #184 – Dennis Leri 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
First thoracic ring
CD#32/T23 [6m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 7 [35m] » play audio
First thoracic ring. Similar to last ATM. Pelvic area shifting side to side, and thoracic ring lead with hands on head. Lying down, seated, standing, walking.
Discussion #215 – Staff 2009-11-20: Day 160, S16 day 10
CD#32/T24 [10m] DVD#S16-10 Scene 8 [11m] » play audio
No notes.